Sage Emperor

Chapter 707: Big Movements

“Lord Long Aotian, did you really come to the Dragon Elder God? That momentum, I fear, is only the seven or eight heavens of the powerful. ”

“Yeah, this is really your Dragon Nation aura, not from a huge world, but from eight celestial fairy realms? ”

“Eight Heavenly Immortals, has anyone trained all eight of them? Just now, Lord Long Aotian, you erupted, is the elder of the clan refined Fu Lu. ” ………..

Things settled down.

Yang Ding, the two prime elders of Yang Hong, for the image of Yang Qi, radically changed, you should know that they hold themselves to be the mythical realm broken character, for Yang Qi, the “little generation” that has not yet been promoted to the mythical realm, basically do not care much, in the attitude of using.

But now there's been a dramatic change, and they're actually seeing the enormous hidden strength behind Yankee, not bragging.

The powerful momentum simulated by the disk fragments of civilization created panic deep in their hearts.

At the same time, they were also very ashamed, did not protect Yang Qi well, almost led to his capture. Thinking about this, what if Yang Qi was captured, eight dragon elders of the heavenly realm came down and held them accountable for the Jiuyang Divinity? Isn't the Nine Yang God going to be exterminated?

You know, eight heavenly realms, but like Tudor Heaven, it's the 33rd level fairy realm, and eight heavenly realms seem to be stronger, and the fighting power is more fierce, because it's not humans that live in it, it's Tianlong! Each Dragon Nation has the power of the Unsurrendered Demon, is a god, second only to the great race of the gods.

“Not bad, what just broke out was the legacy of the elders of our clan, and I don't know if anyone has practiced into eight kamikazes.” Yankee is naturally half speaking and displaying herself as a mystery.

“Now we will definitely protect the safety of our son. Rest assured, this will never happen again. We will immediately report to the Elder Wang and severely sanction the actions of the Immortal Sect! ”

These two Supreme Elders Lian said: "Somebody, please enter the main temple of our Jiuyang god. When you are young, the Elder King will come down to receive you. I see who dares to be rude in front of the Elder King! ”

In a moment, after experiencing this wind wave, Yang Qi's status quickly improved. He was invited to the inside of the Jiuyang Divine Sect. In a huge position, this face is sturdy and very, seemingly an invincible artifact, countless powerful minds and forbidden laws, wandering outside. This time, the Immortal Sect's people want to come in, it is not so convenient.

Indeed, not long after, an elder of fairy wind, called Yang Hang Tian, is a six-piece heaven, the dry god of the realm of the superior strength, one of the ancient antiques of the Jiuyang god, he is the elder king, representing the true high echelons of the Jiuyang god, came to receive Yang Qi.

A conversation, very pleasant, Yang Qi deliberately and unintentionally said some things about the Dragon Nation in the fragments of civilization, plus the invincible and intense Dragon Nation smell on his body, this powerful man in the realm of the dry gods, immediately believed that Yang Qi was a distinguished figure of the Dragon Nation.

You know, ancient scientific and technological civilization, to study life genetic systems, powerful dragons, is an insurmountable threshold. The genes of the Dragon Nation are the most mysterious and closest to the gods.

After this conversation, Jiuyang Shinto opened a medical hall for Yang Qi, and cured those who came to seek medical attention and were severely eroded by biochemical poison. At short notice, many masters came to the door. After Yang Qi cured them, they immediately became ill. Those biochemical beasts were transformed into immortals. Sometimes, it was not important to be invaded by biochemical beasts, and even their energy could not be lost.

Most of these people who come to see a doctor are powerful people.

Because some of the bad ones, after poisoning, were killed directly, where else would they be locked up? Know that biochemical beasts are very dangerous, good at using light and dark water fires, all kinds of energy, once the seal is broken, more people will become infected.

Precisely because all those seeking medical treatment are some big characters, so the reward is also rich. The Jiuyang Divine Sect now dispatches many master disciples, they all follow Yang Qi and want to learn his secret methods. However, no one has learned, but Yang Qi's strength in the Jiuyang Divine Sect is increasing, and the obtained treasures, wealth, various forms of treasures, are also piled up in mountains. Take these treasures, wealth, Yang Qi hid half of the secrets into the flying disc, let his own people practice, and some of them are out to buy the hearts.

Almost half a year ago, he was in the whole of the Ecclesiastical Alliance, his fame grew, he saved a lot of wealth, not to mention, everyone knew that Jiuyang Divine and Dragon leaders had a deal, came out a teenager called Dragon Pride, it was very useful to treat biochemical poison.

As a result, more people are coming to the door for medical advice.

Continuous, almost treading the threshold.

Yang Qi himself is practicing, spying on the movement of "Young Master Ye”, a huge plan, slowly unfolding. In this six-month period, countless people of Xianzong Xianzong were injured, received biological and chemical poison, some also came to seek medical treatment, but Yang Qi forcibly abducted him with the people of Xianzong, to threaten his life, so anyone who refuses to accept Xianzong, to be cured, must return to the zoning, and swear, forever, to draw a line with Xianzong.

As a result, many people withdrew from the Immortal Sect.

Many people in the Immortal Sect hate the root itch, but nothing can be done about Yang Qi. Now Yang Qi is not able to leave the house inside the Jiuyang Divine Sect. Even if the Immortal Sect is a great means, it is not possible to forcibly break into it, kill and rob people.

You know, inside the Nine Yang Divine Sect, many of the best people sit in town.

Rumor has it that the ungodly lord of the Jiuyang Divine Sect is stunning. He is a powerful man in the realm of the Hongmeng God. He is enlightened by the Hongmeng Path. This is also the greatest figure in the world of pioneering fairies.

It's Yankee, the means to lure the snake out of the hole.

The war between the Patriarchate League and the future world is getting stronger. The future world is now killing off the fence. Everyone is poisoned every day. In the future, Yankee business will grow bigger and bigger, and so will the beggars. And the Immortal Sect will be isolated because of his presence.

And, as everyone knows, Yankee was forcibly abducted by the Immortal Sect and made a slave of him. Every time a patient comes to the door, Yankee asks if the patient has anything to do with Xianzheng, he doesn't cure the disease!

Moreover, this is the rudeness of the Immortal Sect before. Everyone knows that the Immortal Sect is too overbearing to rob people directly from the door. It also searches the human body for all its treasures and makes money for the Immortal Sect as a slave. This is unbearable to anyone.

As such, Yang Qi, step by step, is damaging the reputation and dignity of the Immortal Sect.

“Damn, it failed again! ”


A biochemical beast exploded, screaming and bleeding, but then the bear burned and refined, an ancient teenager in green, with a gloomy face, standing beside him, several teenagers, one of them, the one who robbed Yankee's unsuccessful eagle sight ape to listen to the teenager.

Saw the green clothes ancestors to save the life and chemical beast did not succeed, the biological and chemical beast exploded, the teenager hurriedly knelt down: “The green merchant ancestor made atonement because of me, failed to catch the dragon's arrogance, so now we are passive of the Immortal Sect, our people have suffered a heavy loss. Unable to go to Jiuyang Shenzhen to cure the disease. ”

“No problem!” This is called the young ancestor of the green merchant, exactly one of the seventy-two brothers, is the younger brother of Ye. He emits an aura of arrogance. It is a special physique "madman”, deep in the heavens and the earth, chaotic secret madman's gene, once it erupts, is like a madman, it can extinguish everything, kill everything, suddenly increase the power tens of times.

His eyes, in a flash, flashed out a powerful storm: "These disciples who have won the biological and chemical beast will need more or less. Even if they die, it is not worth damaging the face of our immortal sect to save them! Besides, Young Master Ye and I, 72 brothers came to the Patriarchate Alliance, brought nothing. In just a few years, we started the foundation of the Immortal Sect. What are you afraid of? That kid named Long Ao Tian will not survive this year. Anyone who resists our Immortal Sect deserves to die! ”

“Yes, yes...” The eagle-eyed ape listened to the young man's cold heart, but did not dare to resist the madman's green merchant ancestor. Instead, he said: "These disciples are naturally not worthy of our attention, but it is not possible to let the outside heart chill. If we cannot save the disciple, no one has even joined us for a long time. ”

“Humph! Now, Ye Xiao has been practicing without divinity, closed training. Our seventy-one ancestors managed the affairs of Xianzheng, and a boy appeared, even the mythical realm did not arrive? Don't you dare yell at us. If this kid doesn't get rid of it, won't he laugh? Kill him! Do something. Kill this kid.” Green, stand up fiercely, "but first, catch him alive, you keep an eye on him closely, you must find a way to get this boy out so we can surround him, what can be done to lure him out? I can't believe he's been hiding in there? He's going to be promoted to the mythical realm, and he can't possibly not come out to practice! ”

“Yes, yes, Major Green said that we have already sent someone to closely monitor Xianzong. As soon as this person comes out, we will go and kill him!” The young man with whom the eagle saw the ape said fiercely: “However, there are dragon masters left behind on this man. He is afraid it will be difficult to kill, and any one of the seventy-two untouched ancestors will kill him, at least Young Green himself. ”

“I already know the strength of this person, rest assured that as soon as this person comes out, I will immediately break the coming of nothingness and kill him with a thunder less than my ear! ”

Green nodded: “What can the old antiques of the Dragon Clan do to us? ”

“Without a mentor, our disciple, a few more were severely poisoned by biochemistry and turned into biochemistry beasts, one of them, only half biochemistry, with hope of salvation. ”

At this time, several disciples brought in a disciple, a strong disciple in the realm of purification, whose upper body has been beastified, whose Qi Kung is still dead and supported.

“Waste! Save me! Die! ”

Less Green swept past, and this disciple immediately turned to ashes. Cruelty has given rise to chills among many disciples.

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