Sage Emperor

Chapter 713: Hengsha Hell

Yankee finally enters the deepest realm of God Township.

Yongzhen Hell.

His whole body, transformed into countless cell particles, chaotic atoms, into the depths of Hell with the number of constant sands, every embryo inhales the source of Hell, becoming the incognito master of Hell, even Hell's lord doesn't know.

Because, Goddess Town's powerful martial arts Qigong shows that Yang Qi himself is the master of all hell, all hell without the original martial arts.

“Come back!”

In the depths of nothingness, Yang Qi's mind made a cold voice, all the original martial arts in between moments gathered together, many chaotic embryos harvested back, still condensed into his own body, right at this moment, he had swimmed through hell completely, gained infinite energy in the depths of hell, condensed himself, so that he understood the infinite origin of hell.


Yankee suddenly spit out a word.

Immediately, in the depths of nothingness, countless demons in hell were crying wolf howling, seemed to be slaughtered by his mind, perished, hundreds of billions of souls, such as the number of constant sands, surged, gathered behind Yang Qi a huge spiritual huddle, deep in that spiritual huddle, many demons appeared, hundreds of millions of hells in which real fluctuations, a little dance, the universe collapsed, the demonic realm came to the human world.

“Heavenly Question, Soul! ”

At last, Yang Qi evolved the Qigong morphology of the Divine Elephant Prison Force again, and asked for the spiritual charm.

Ask the heavens of heaven, living in heaven. Charge the soul of the heavens, find the roots of the earth!

This is the true ancestral divinity, invincible Gestapo boxing method, a slight movement, that day asked the summoning longhuan, among which the swing came out the force of rolling oppression, can almost submerge the entire fairy emptiness to crush.

“In the name of the heavens, I ask the heavens, the souls of the heavens, the roots of the earth, the souls returning, the clouds chasing the light of summer, the sun and the moon wandering away. Black and white upside down, Tai Chi derives. Qian Kun spinning, two instrument mixed yuan, four elephants clutching, eight rough rivers.....” Yang Qi inspired his true qi, a little movement, instantly from all sides and deep, a black line radiated, all poured into the day to ask the spiritual inquisition, that deep inside, the devil god everywhere! Gathered into the soul of heaven. These black lines, they're all coming from Hengsha Count Hell.

Yankee can now breathe hundreds of millions of Hengsha numbers of Hell's energy with just a few moves, making contact with Hell at all times.

After gathering up this spiritual charm, he repaired it to a higher level, and finally reached a hell where he could break the constraints of hell and consume infinite energy in isolation. Now his strength has been raised more than a few times.

Ka Cha

On his fateful dao fruit, there were three broken traces, very deep traces, which seemed to break the dao fruit. His cultivation, finally up three small steps, more deeply broken, could not have broken the doughnut, but now broke out three small traces, strength is naturally increased, this time more confident against the leaves less.

Heavenly Robbery is upon us again.

However, these days of robbery are now a joke for Yang Qi. The small steps of the heavenly robbery came down slightly. The day when he asked the summoning Chang Xuan was a move, the heavenly robbery was absorbed.

“Future Energy! ”

A chaotic ancient serpent emerged, and this ancient serpent swallowed up the rich energy of the future world. Although not a god crystal, it can also greatly replenish the energy of the disc fragments of civilization.

Yang Qi suppressed four hundred lilies in the future world passage. According to these four hundred lilies, he can absorb deeply, acquire enormous energy to replenish himself at every moment. Now Ask the soul of the ten percent, which is more attractive, there is even a possibility of hidden communication with the heart of the Sanskrit in the depths of the lilies.

“Very good, very good. I just kept practicing and condensed. After a month, I went out again to see what Young Master Ye was going to do? How do you kill me? Huh!”

Yang Qi reached the realm of the Three Traces Fragmentation Trail. Although it is far from the Nine Traces Fragmentation Trail, the impact mythical realm is still far away. However, as long as he is aware, he can reach the peak of the impact anytime, anywhere. However, he is not in a hurry to start building up his strength and wait for the final eruption.

Meanwhile, in the main camp of the Immortal Sect, Young Master Ye received “Confucianism” again.

“What, you say that Yang Qi practiced the rumored Nine Dead Xuan Gong? Can you die nine times, and every time you die, repairs can be multiplied by countless times? ”

Young Master Ye heard the Confucian report, his face changed dramatically: “Nine Dead Xuan Gong, I have also heard that rumors were created in the ancient Tai Dynasty by a stunning Ultraviolent God. He has a deep understanding of the path of death and death. Once cultivated successfully, it is indeed possible to transform bad luck into good fortune. Unfortunately, this Xuan Gong is too counterproductive. After he was finally slaughtered nine times, he was completely extinguished with ash and smoke. The Xuan Gong of Nine Deaths is in the dust of history, and will never appear again. Unless someone returns to Tai Ancient and searches for this unknown Xuan Gong, it will be possible to reappear the Sun. ”

“Yeah, Master, I think this news is horrible, so come and report it right away.” Confucianism has become a faithful probe at this moment, reporting every reliable news to Ye Shao.

“Master, I also think this person is very simple. According to logic, his cultivation is just nine layers of chisels, ordinary cactus, even the mythical realm has not reached, but his own insights, but few people can compare. Many people think that he relies on the dragon clan's charm, but I followed him for so long, and found myself extremely opinionated, hidden strength, barely beneath the mythical Five Negroes realm, I think it is very possible that he practiced the Nine Dead Xuan Gong, suppressing cultivation. ”

Confucianism said all the wonders of Yang Qi, further confusing Ye Shao's audio-visual.

Ye Shao was caught in deep contemplation, seemed to be thinking about how to deal with Yang Qi, he wanted to completely kill Yang Qi, capture him alive, can not be taken lightly.

“No problem! Nine Dead Xuan Gong is no great thing either.” All of a sudden, he raised his head and a deep smile appeared on his face: "Nine Dead Xuan Gong, every time he dies, his power will increase by one layer, but I won't let him die, in my hands, he will not live, he will not die. I will refine a great battle in this month, surround him, he falls into my great battle, he can't even commit suicide. ”

“Teachers are invincible, thousands of generations, forever dominating the world!” Confucianism bowed deeply.

“Go! ”

Turn around, Ye Xiao Refining Great Array went.

In the fairy world, time passes very quickly. The war between the future world and the Ecclesiastical Alliance is getting stronger. Every war, we don't know how many people die. The future warriors also have a lot of meteorites, but how vast is the future world? After the Nirvana of God, a new civilization was born in an era deep in which it was not known how many masters, the future warriors were like ants, killing a batch, drilling out more, burning and looting, the immortal realm was destroyed, and a great deal of matter was transported backwards to the future world.

However, the Alliance of Patriarchs is becoming more and more skilled, and the future world's warriors are making some headway. The fighting between the two sides, though heated up, has also become a glue.

A month goes by.

Yang Qi came out of the shutdown again, he had refined all the divine crystals, reserved the debris energy of the disc of civilization, and raised it to a degree of one in 10,000. Among them, the life gene system, the weapon energy system, the optical brain did not know the extent of the change. Instead, at the moment of exit, his body suddenly shook, all four sides of the nothingness deep, all sounded the voices praised by the gods Buddha, faint, but eternal in the heart.

“Confucianism! ”

As soon as it went out, Yankee sent out a summons.

“Master, the disciple has been waiting here for a long time!” Confucian waited long ago for this day. As soon as Yang Qi summoned him, he immediately sent a message to Young Master Ye of the Immortal Sect. At the same time, he arrived in front of Yang Qi and knelt down: “Master, are you finally leaving today? ”

Though very sincere in appearance, his heart is deeply cursed and resentful: “Kid, today is the last time, after today, you will live rather than die, I will deprive you of everything and make you an ordinary person! In the end, it torments you more than it hurts in hell. ”

Yang Qi sensed his resentment between moments, but did not move his voice. “Yes, one of my Xuan Kung Fu has finally been practiced, we will go to the Sky Fairy Realm, but to the Sky Fairy Realm, it is very dangerous, the road is far away, it is good that I have obtained a map, and many of our dragon elders are contacted here, there will be no neglect at all. ”

“Master, let me show you the way! ”

Confucianism hastily tried to guide Yang Qi into a great formation.

“No, you're steering too slowly. I know how to go in the heavenly fairy realm, and I can remove the obstacles deep in nothingness, bypass the chaos debris, and go now! I promise you, the people of the Immortal Sect will never catch up with me! I know that as soon as I go out, the people of the Immortal Sect will have to follow me, but unfortunately, they don't even know how fast I am! ”


At this point, Yang Qi grabbed Confucianism with a thunder that was less powerful than his ear.

Confucianism said the whole person suddenly tightened his body, his whole body was caught, his true qi was difficult to run, his muscles were numb, he could not move, and Yang Qi took him away.

As soon as Yankee flashed, the wind broke and disappeared into the depths of the cosmic storm, no one could capture him at all.

Just moments after Yang Qi walked away, many of the ancient antiques of the Nine Yang Divine Sect also felt it, shooting the divine thoughts at him, but dropped a blank, without even grasping the dust behind him.

Many too ancient and powerful shocks: “Too fast, so fast between heaven and earth? ”

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