Sage Emperor

Chapter 715: Self-destruct

Yankee has never reached a higher cosmic surface of the Immortal Realm above the 30th level.

Because, the position of the twentieth level fairy kingdom, the fierce storm, is no longer bearable by ordinary mythical realm experts, many of the traps, natural jedi, natural evil air condense, can quadruple the mythical realm characters below the realm of divine realm, all submerged.

Essentially, five or more layers of mythical realm masters are required to be able to travel in higher cosmic positions above the thirtieth level, and care must be taken.

As soon as he reached this level of the universe, Yankee himself felt different, slowed down, and his whole human body became like nothing, because he saw a lot of huge pieces of chaos, floating in storms, seemingly icebergs in the ocean, and once it hit, it was the fate of the ship.


Suddenly, Yankee abandoned Confucianism and the whole person disappeared. He entered a huge fragment of chaos in front of him, deep inside that fragment, with a lot of huge, ancient, vicious beast smell, lying on his feet.

“Damn it! Finally, the smell of Confucianism! ”

At this moment, Young Master Ye of the Immortal Sect finally threw things aside, catching up to the mysterious fairy realm outside the sky, laying an ambush in it and killing Yang Qi.

The chase has not been able to catch up with Yankee shadow. He can't help but get angry. Even Confucian information can't be sensed. He has a urge to kill Confucianism.

But right at the moment he rushed into the higher universe, he accepted the smell of Confucianism, and suddenly he was delighted, a few flashes, and came to this “apprentice”.


As soon as we met, he saw that "Dragon Pride" was not there. He slapped his face and threw it over. He turned a few laps in a row. His face swelled up and a few bites of blood sprayed. "Why did you contact me so slowly? Do you want to die? Besides, where did Dragon Arrogance go? ”

“Shit, disciple, shit!” Confucianism hurriedly knelt down and prostrated: “I didn't think that the dragon's arrogant boy was so cunning, when he arrived here, he left me and went looking for the heavenly world himself! Master, please forgive me, he is too fast, I cannot pass the message to the master at that speed at all. ”

“A piece of crap, you're a piece of crap! I cultivated you like this, and you lost everyone? What's the use of keeping you?” Between moments, Young Master Ye's face revealed a slight killing machine.

“No, Master, don't kill me!” Confucius even bowed down, even climbed up with his rolling belt, hugged Ye Shao's leg, begged Lian, seemed not to have a point of resistance, Ye Shao didn't think so. He was determined, chopped off this Confucian waste, and retrieved the power of the immortal again.

As for Confucian pleading, he did not take it personally.

“It doesn't work. Please, I can't either.” Ye's lack of true Qi is going to radiate out.

But in a moment of slight movement in his mind, boom!

Confucianism suddenly exploded.

Completely self-destructing, harsh luck, a huge cloud of mushrooms, sweeping across the scene, all chaotic storms, all turned to ashes, most intensely, between Confucian self-destructing moments, hundreds of holy lights rushed to the sky, severely bombarded Young Master Ye's body, that holy light burned, such as billions of fierce suns, when the sky exploded, heaven and earth flames, the universe turned into purgatory.

The power of a divine crystal energy, and the power of a civilized cannon, pierced Young Master Ye's body, causing him to suffer a major trauma in a moment.

In order to make Confucianism treasure, Yang Qi spent too much energy. Those energy mixed with the fragments of the cannon of energy, the divine power of the Gods' imprint, and the magic of his own just coming out of heaven asking for spirits.

All attacks, release at this moment.

Originally, Yang Qi was not Ye Shao's opponent at all in the Wangzhu Wang diagram, but now his strength does not know how much has been enhanced. Although no impact has reached the mythical realm, the fragments of that civilized disc have been filled up to one in 10,000, and there are many means, not at all that Ye Shao can understand.

Besides, Yang Qi has no heart. In Ye Xiao's heart, Confucianism is nothing more than a waste. Even if he attacked again, he could not be harmed at all. Never expected, Ye Xiao's body sealed enough energy to destroy the heavens and the earth, self-explosion, extremely killing to him.


In an instant, Young Master Ye's body was blown to bits. He didn't even run the protective air. He couldn't help but feel cold. He was blown up like this, his lower body, completely disappeared.

The energy of the entire body, violently drained, the flesh scattered deep into the void, constantly creeping, the blood stained the long sky.

However, this injury is nothing, the most powerful thing is that in the moment of Confucian self-destruct, the soul struck hard, aimed at his soul, and hit hard, so that his original soul Yuan God was hit like a big hammer, a bloody red fierce luck wrapped around his soul, so that he was born with a curse that did not wear heaven.

“What the hell is going on! Why is the suicide bombing so violent? His soul is actually catalyzed by technology without a future! I was programmed to lose at least half of my natural energy due to this spiritual impact, damn it! That Confucianism is no longer Confucianism, but a puppet that has been transformed, and the transformed man is extremely strong, there is a supreme artifact of the future technology! ”

Between moments, Ye Shao woke up, his body weight traumatized, his soul traumatized, but his mind became clearer, and he knew what was going on.

Himself encountered reckoning.

“Immortal King Charm, provoke invincibility! Restore yourself, eternal immortality, and make nothing different! I am a maker, no one can fight me, no one can reckon with me! It's all futile! ”

Young Master Ye began to repair himself. On top of his head, three immortal kings appeared, and endless powers of immortality gushed out of the depths of time and space. At the same time, many of his divine talents were working hard, and one kingdom was created. Protect him in it, indestructible.

But at this moment, a light, a sudden laser, actually hit his Immortal King Fu Luan, it was Yang Qi who triggered the fragment of the civilization's disk, burst out energy, one attack at a time!

Take your life while you are down!

At this critical moment, Yankee will never soften his hands and hide in the chaos debris. At this point, the disk debris powerlessness of civilization is motivated to kill Young Master Ye.

“Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha! Young Master Ye, do you have today? How many people did you kill against us? Unexpectedly, our clan has joined forces with the future world against you. This time, we both took down your apprentice and planted a suicide bomber in his body. How does it feel? Soon, the future warrior of the Six Dancers will come to kill you. We will charge some interest first. These three pieces of Immortal King Fu Lu, I want them. ”

When Yankee kills, a thought passes!

By the time he arrived, he had not forgotten to plant the framing.

This is the key to his conspiracy. Young Master Ye has colluded with the future world. He wants to hang himself from the heavenly fairy realm. The future warriors of the Six Dancers will be ambushed. But now, Yang Qi is so upside-down that he will really think that he is an Aircraft Clan and colludes with the future warriors to kill him.

In the past, Young Master Ye would have been a little confused, but now his soul's luck is cloaked, and he encounters Da's brutal suicide bombing. When he acts, there will inevitably be some hysteria, madness, and it is impossible to think of this layer.

At that time, when you meet the Six Dancer Warrior, Young Master Ye will go wild and kill, and both defeats will be hurt..... Yang Qi will get the benefit of the fisherman.


The disk fragments of civilization hit hard, and between now and then, the immortal king Fu Lu shook hard, and Ye Xiao sprayed out a bite of blood! He still has a skull, his body is regrouping, and his strength is still very great.

Yang Qi's collision was originally intended to ingest the Immortal King, but just collided, the body trembled for a moment. There was an energy storm deep in the disc fragments of the entire civilization. At once, he knew that the modification of the leaves was too powerful. He did not advance to the mythical realm, and it was impossible to fight, even if he obtained the disc fragments of civilization.

“I will not let you go, goddammit! Do you want to take me, King of Immortals? It is a delusion of the mind. I have refined Fu Yuan to the realm of one, self-immortality. You want to seize it, you are simply seeking to die! Six moves in heaven and earth, immortal! ”

In the face of Yang Qi's attack, Young Master Ye recognized it. It was a fragment of the disc of civilization. He shook, and his body quickly gathered up. His hands were like swords, killing immortals, and killing humans with one hand.

Immortal Immortal.


A plot of heavy bombardment on the disk fragments of civilization, Ye Xiao's whole man seems to have recovered to the all-win momentum, such as under the heavens, every plot opens the heavens and earth and collapses one side of the world.

Yeung Qi struck again, the light brain flashed in the disk fragments of civilization, and the energy reserves plummeted.

“Isn't he amazing?” His heart rose in doubt. He seemed to think that Ye Shao was invincible. Even by calculating his own plan, he felt impossible to kill him, but he was able to take from him the Immortal King Fu Yu, who knew he could not do this.

“Thirty-six is the best plan! This person has gone mad and seriously injured, it will not be possible to recover for a moment and a half, I will go directly to the heavenly fairy world! ”

Yang Qi moved in his heart and thought he couldn't fight each other here. If you die and I get hurt, someone comes and picks up the cheap, isn't that the stupidest big fool you've ever been?


He wanted, and he didn't want, to convert the disk of civilization into a cosmic shuttle system that suddenly fled out.

“Want to run? Are you trying to run? Damn it!” Young Master Ye suffered a great loss today, a great deal of shame and humiliation, injury and loss of energy and soul energy, even sitting dead for 10,000 years can't make up for it. Of course, he won't let Yang Qi go and chase him immediately.

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