Sage Emperor

Chapter 717: Tianxia Secrets

Yankee is truly caught in a giant vortex.

But it wasn't as tragic as he called out, it was absorbing energy, pure energy, energy blocks with silk divinity, or energy fluids in that vortex.

As soon as he entered the extraterrestrial world, he was immediately obstructed, as if a man had fallen under a cliff of 10,000 feet, in a waterfall with a sharp flow of water.

Strong energy, which initially made him unable to adapt, looked up, all mixed up, carefully perceived, found a large array hidden in the cloud fog.

Killers are everywhere, and whoever enters them will be thoroughly hanged.

However, he operated the luck and spirit of the celestial leader, and the great battle seemed to sense something, centered on him, the energy moderated, and the great battle did not start again, except that he seemed to be caught in glue, and his moves were only difficult.

“dī dī dī dī dī dī dī........”

The light brain sounds again: "Unknown energy detected, divine, 98 percent conversion, fitness, 99 percent. ”

At first glance, Yang Qi was surrounded by a Tai Ancient Divine Array, in which white bones were exhausted, obviously many people who broke into this immense immortal world were killed by the Great Array and besieged to death.

In the Divine Array, many energy crystals float, some of which appear to be soft balls.

Originally, these energy crystals could not have been harvested at all. As soon as they came into contact with the Fae popularity, they immediately erupted into the air of slaughter. It was as if thousands of armies were constantly impacting, but when they came into contact with the heavenly leader's breath, they calmed down and let Yankee absorb and transform.

Yankee is in there, constantly replenishing the energy.

Meanwhile, his perceptions explored out, and he came into contact with the outside, and found the six major dancers in the war with Ye Shao, his heart was stealing, so he disguised the sound of his falling into it, shouting out loud.

Ye Xiaoyi listened, his heart liked it, decided to kill the six major dancers first, then enter into it, catch Yang Qi. He is well aware of the fierceness of energy in the heavenly and extraterrestrial world, and is simply not capable of countering it by ordinary masters.

The six major dancers also knew, so they did not enter the heavenly fairy realm, they waited outside for Yang Qi, heard Yang Qi's roar, they were angry in their hearts, but also thought: “No matter how the boy roared, falling into it is a fact, when we take down Ye Xiao, there is enough time to deal with him! ”

So, both sides and Ye Shao's war, both sides of the energy, the real qi is constantly depleting, it is terrible.

Yet Yankee hid in a large array inside the heavenly fairy realm, absorbing energy and cultivating it safely and steadily, making the whole person feel comfortable. His own cultivation was promoted, the energy of the disc fragments of civilization was recovering, and the Holy King Immortal Realm, with enormous energy support, blew up general expansion.

All are immersed in an enlightenment level.

Ka Cha

Yankee's own dao fruit broke another trace.

His Qigong morphology has changed dramatically. His eyes looked farther away, this day outside the fairy realm, and now he's on the edge, not knowing how much. At least it won't be smaller than Mojo Hell. Yankee is now just a little grain of sand on the beach, and when she senses it, she finds the whole sky and fairy world, covered with cloud fog, cloud fog flowing slightly, and the power of space tearing is roaring everywhere, like the ancient beast hunting, a big array of seats, squeaking, squeaking, hiding killing machines.

Every great array, is a Divine Formation, very vast.

What Yankee is now entering is one of the largest arrays on the edge, with heavy white bones on the ground, all weathered corpses, all of them losing their spiritual energy, and all of the people who broke into it encountered Da Yong's death.

A gust of wind blew in, Yankee grabbed a hand and let the light brain analyze it.

The red alarm immediately appeared on the light brain: “Didi..... chaotic wind, hurting the virtual god, not the true god, are to be blown away..."

“Wonderful, but blown to my body, but nothing happened. Fortunately, the heavenly leader did not come in. Otherwise, after a long period of years, can it be invincible to practise? ”

This is a natural practice site.

It's also a Jedi, of course, for people. The celestial leader can explore the mysterious and infinite treasures of the entire fairy world by entering, such as fish and water, step by step, while others are the place of disaster, as soon as he comes in, he will be supplied with the source and energy of the fairy world, among which the dense Mahā and Ancient Divine Front can crush many masters directly to death.

However, Yankee now understands that even if he gains the abilities of celestial leaders, he cannot directly control the entire celestial fairy kingdom outside the heavens, and must look for the secrets, the core of the hub, one step at a time. Promote to cultivate to finally take control of the whole fairy world.

It's the same test as King of the Worlds.

The difference is that the token of Wanjie Wangtu is now dispersed and can be accessed, while the Heavenly Immortal Realm is that only Yang Qi alone can be safe and sound in it, becoming the rear garden and main battalion.

“In that case, I'm here to wait, practice, improve my strength, and see how the battle between Young Master Ye and the Six Dancers really goes? This Young Master Ye is so cruel, I exploded to such a point by myself, chased me for three days and three nights, still breathless, and fought the Six Dancers. I don't know who won or who lost? ”

Yankee cultivates while paying attention to the battle outside, and from time to time the struggling sound is transmitted out.

At this time, Young Master Ye completely unfolded the unknown side of the world, his maker breath released! When many visions appeared in the sky, heaven and earth sank, chaos floated, mountain rivers appeared, Kankun rebuilt, wind and thunder swept, sun and moon alternated, six times upside down.

“One thinks of culture, one thinks of atlas! ”

Ye Shao suddenly clapped, the five fingers dominated, when the air oppressed, the whole body of the creator erupted, everything in his control, as 3,000 special body, the three most powerful, and Fate Nothingness, eternal side by side, under the modification of Ye Shao, showed his horrible side.

One by one, one by one, the world changed for it, with his mind everywhere, material change, the truth of thousands of generations, distorted by his thoughts, at this moment, he is the Creator, he is the Creator.

“Creation! ”

At this moment, his big hand split, the “sand dancer” couldn't escape, he slapped him on the body, exploded all over his body, the armor smashed, screamed Lian, the whole person turned into a yellow sand, distorted in the depths of the void, combined.

“Sand Dancer!” Ye Shao once again grabbed it, and a cruel smile appeared on his face: "This little ability to control the true meaning of the sand, to understand the true meaning of the particles, is what we Xiandao play with. Your power, though powerful, is not my opponent at all, I will finally destroy you! ”

Ye Shao grabbed the yellow sand in his hand.

“Stop! ”

The leader of the six major dancers, the dancer of the sky, suddenly exited, his body changed, as soon as he rushed out, the whole person disappeared empty-handed, scattered into nothingness, waiting for the next moment, actually appeared on Ye Shao's head, five pointing down, one pressing, to remove Ye Shao's entire head.

Young Master Ye didn't even look: “Create Heavenly Ding! ”

On top of his head, the heavenly lid opened wide, and one of the true qi radiated out, condensing into a big, empty dancer's palm grabbed onto it, to make the sound of the iron clash.

“This capture of mine, with no superior power, can capture all of the fairy kingdom, can't capture his true heart?” The sky dancers jumped again in haste.

“Late! ”

Ye Shao Xiaoguang amplified, his mouth like a demon prey: “Dancer of the sky, you bastard, you still want to challenge me, just a little bit of energy, also want to compete with my maker? I know you're a special physique, Empty Man. ”

He slapped again and slammed up: "Build the sky! Hate Heaven! ”

Hitting the whole kingdom of emptiness with one hand is a collapse threat. The dancer's armor in the airspace, once broken, a mouthful of blood sprayed out, his eyes wide open, never expected, this Young Master Ye fiercely reached this level, he is the future world, a high-powered man, cultivated into high depth, originally wanted to fight with Young Master Ye female male, but now it seems that he is not a rival of Young Master Ye at all.

Ye Xiaowei, the six major dancers, all threaten to perish.

“The Six Dancers unite and become the Dancers of God! ”

He shouted, his body inside, the energy burned violently, between moments, the whole person turned into a shadow, and other dancers began to merge, even if Ye Shao caught the sand dancer, at this time began to burn vitality, the six dancers were perfect.

A dancer of God has come.

This divine dancer, full of gold, thunderbolts and lightning, shook down, and everything in the world disappeared, leaving only the power of the Great Shore. Dancer of God, hold an Optimus Column, when the sky presses, one stick breaks down.

“Is this the power of the so-called Dancer of God?” Young Master Ye's face revealed a disdainful smile: “It seems that what is in your future world is also too shallow and shallow, so I come to destroy you. All your energy belongs to me! ”

His whole body of blood flames, like a volcano erupted, thunderbolts erupted, thunderbolts filled with many Hung Zhong Dalu's voice, and the drums of war boiled, billions of sounds, gathered in a group, mighty and strong, open the heavens and earth.

“King of Fortune! ”

Above his body, the illusion of the image of the King of the Universe appeared. Between the splits, the King's Qi and body merged, and the raw impact went to the great stick of the dancer of the god.


The sound, sweeping across the eight directions, the energy of the collision, so that some chaotic debris outside the heavenly fairy realm spread, some of the vicious chaotic ancient beasts could not bear, even fleeing.

By this punch, the dancer of God punched out many cracks, the golden light on his body darkened a lot, while Ye Shao was still a powerful wind, but Yang Qi could see that Ye Shao's breathing was sharply shortened, deep in the heart, the frequency of beating suddenly lost balance, which is a sign of massive energy consumption, unable to support.

“King of kings!” Young Master Ye also seems to have noticed that his face is more fierce: “Six dancers, go to hell! ”

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