Sage Emperor

Chapter 725: Stand On Your Own Door

As soon as the six major dancers were released and the intense killings were transmitted, many people with bad intentions were immediately deterred.

In addition to their powerful fighting power, they also have horrible biochemical poison, even if the Immortals can't resist it, and now they can solve the biochemical poison, there is no one else but Yang Qi.

“That is the rumored future warrior, the six great dancers, all invincible and powerful in the realm of dry gods. That is the leader of the six great dancers, the dancer of the sky! ”

“Yes, that is the sky dancer, between rumors, the six great dancers went to assassinate the twenty-ninth class fairy kingdom six months ago, Happy Heaven, Happy God, a seven-piece character, Hao God, who succeeded, even though he did not assassinate each other, but succeeded in planting biochemical poison in Happy God, and these six people succeeded in escaping! ”

“Yeah, the thing is famous everywhere. ”

“How did this dragon dragon's pride surrender to them?" Is that so? "

“How powerful are these six dancers, apparently refined into puppets, capable of refining them into puppets? ”

“The Jiuyang Divinity lost count. The Dragon Pride is obviously a test to see if they can protect themselves, but now the other party knows that the Jiuyang Divinity is only dry with the rare mud. Faced with the Divine Dragon Ministry, they dare not to come forward at all. The Dragon Pride Nature has to set up another stove. The whole pavement league cannot be separated from him. Without him to treat the biochemical poison, how many people will be in panic? ”

“Jiuyang god lifted a stone to smash his own foot. He deserved it. These days he followed the dragon's arrogance and earned a lot of treasure. Unfortunately, it is now difficult to obtain the treasure, and his own disciple is injured. If he goes to seek treatment from the dragon's arrogance, he does not know how much it will cost? ”

“Haha, now that this dragon is standing on its own doorstep, I'm sure that business will roll to the door in the future, and once the puppets of the six major dancers are released, everyone knows that there is no fear of the power of the dragon ministry behind him. Nobody's going to come looking for him. We have to get along with him. ”

“By the way, Xianzheng, Xianzheng and he don't share the sky, according to the logic, when he comes out to stand on his own doorstep, someone will immediately come looking for trouble. Why hasn't he seen anyone now? ”

“Forget it, just a few moments ago, I got the secret news, Young Master Ye seemed defeated by one person, went to the deep end of the podium to painstakingly repair, along with the seventy-two grandmasters also left. ”

“Could the man behind this dragon's arrogance have defeated him? Then you'll have to look at it. ” ………..

Many huge minds, outside the "Temple of Holy Medicine" of Yang Qi's self-standing portal, circled around, some too ancient great minds just got into it, wanted to spy on secrets, immediately swallowed by a powerful enough to devour the heavens and the earth, a chill, seemed to hide a giant beast inside.

And the six major dancers are out there, and nobody dares to come near them. The world of immortality has long been spreading among the six major dancers.

“From today onwards, I stand on my own sacred medicine, open a portal, treat all sorts of difficult complications, except for biochemical poisoning, all the training difficulties, fire magic, energy reversal, Fae Qi hard to solve, can come to me, in the past in the territory of the Jiuyang Divine Sect, because of the tap of the Jiuyang Divine Sect, so the price is very expensive, but now, my price is reduced by half, to serve the Ecclesial Alliance, to defeat the evils of the future world. ”

Yankee arranged this temple of sacred medicine and a voice came out, “My contribution to the Patriarchate Alliance now is to kill the six major dancers, who have been refined into puppets. Don't worry, these six dancers are now my Yuan gods, and they can be refined behind my back. Full control, as long as they have no objection to my temple of sacred medicine, they will not attack, of course, if they do, they will have to kill in secret. ”


golden light flashes.

At the entrance of the sacred medicine sect, a huge mountain gate emerged, descending the staircase, reaching the air, connecting many wormholes and transmission arrays for easy access.

Yankee decided to be convenient with others, but also with herself. Opening the door to convenience, she immediately dropped a heavy bomb.

That is, healing Fae Qi clashes.

You know what the monks are most afraid of? That's Fae Qi, a master, who gets a good divine Qi Kung, but can't practice? Because he practiced another Qi Kung before, once practiced, the two kinds of Qi clash, fire into demons, explosion even, Yuan God is going to destroy.

This is what Golden Mountain Silver Mountain can't take.

If you can treat fae clashes, there are more queues than there are for biochemical poisoning.


Just when Yankee dropped this heavy bomb, it actually set off a huge wave, countless too ancient can interweave minds, more obviously unbelievable, but some too ancient can get into deep contemplation, “An ancient antique behind this man actually practiced eight divine boxes successfully, surpassing all the Dragons' masters? Could there really be a Fae Gas Relief Gate? ”


That's when a big shot landed in front of the golden door that Yankee had just opened.

This big man is actually an elderless king in the realm of Six Heavenly Myths and Dry God.

When he landed on this step, he looked at the two rows of disciples on the stairs and shook his head, because both rows of disciples, both small immortals in shattered realms, were poorly repaired and qualified.

In fact, this is the disciple of the Yang family. Yang Qi established the Temple of Sacred Medicine. In the future, he will gradually take out the disciple under his command. After all, he practiced in the Immortal Realm of the Holy King. He cannot deal with the outside world, and he cannot go through the battle between blood and fire. It is unlikely that he will achieve much.

Now wait for yourself to gain ground in the Ecclesiastical Alliance, and all these disciples come out to practice and integrate into the overall environment, so that they will complement each other before their achievements can be advanced.

Big Brother, Second Brother, Father, Sword 17 these people... And now they're doing things in the Temple of Medicine.

Yankee created the small world of sacred medicine palaces, countless palaces, which actually relied on the discs of civilization to fold the functions of the universe, such a universe, even if it was too ancient, could not understand, just think that the superior figure behind him was supporting him.

“These disciples, shallow in their roots, are not like high disciples...” Once the elder Wang landed at the door, his eyes fell again on the body of the six major dancers: “The six major dancers are such prestigious figures, they have been refined into puppets. I have to deal with a dancer. I can't even say victory or defeat..."

At the moment, he raised his qigong vigorously, and his voice penetrated: “This seat is the 28th class fairy world, the town of evil fairy world's grateful people, now the elder king of the Patriarchate League, there is a Fae Qi conflict, if you can solve it, I can date you for eight years, become brothers, and have a generous reward? ”

Turns out the elder came here for medical advice.

“Elder Wang, come in!” Yankee's voice came out, and it wasn't, and the first big deal went to the door.

A golden laser came out, turned into a golden bridge, reached the elder Wang Xie's irrelevant side, and led this expert into it. Many too ancient and powerful minds exchanged intensely once again, and there was a fire in the void, all wanted to see if Xie Yan could treat the Fae Qi conflict in the body well.

“Rumor has it that this is not a pair of eyes, can see through many formations and chaos fragments, into chaos, searched for the ancient ruins of many gods, obtained the cultivation method of full five divine Qigong, but because of this, greed did not rot, so that he was cultivated into high depth, and day and night Qigong clashes, once seized, unusually painful, he was not willing to abandon. ”

“Yeah, I don't know if I can cure it. ”

“Let's see, if he can really treat it, then he's instantly a champagne, and we have to treat him.” …

As soon as Xie entered the “Temple of Sacred Medicine", he saw Yang Qi Tian sitting on it, and his hands struck out many tricks. It was like he had never heard of it, had to nod his head, and sat down: “I heard a long time ago that Lord Long Ao Tian was very talented. At first sight today, it was truly remarkable. ”

“Haha, Elder Wang doesn't have to be polite, I know that I have not yet reached the realm of mythology, inevitably people despise me, but I have released the words today, and I have not reached the realm of mythology because I am practicing a rare and invincible work, extrajudicial law, once the practice succeeds, it is not acceptable for the Avenue, reversing Tiandao Qiankun's Hongxuan Machine, but it will soon succeed.” Yang Qi faintly said, seeing Xie doesn't count and still has to talk, the handle set: “Elder Wang, your intention has already been said, I also know, because you practiced five divine Qi Kung, five kinds of real Qi in the body conflict! Bitter, I have a solution. ”

“The son is not trying to say, let go of the other four kinds, specialize in one door.” Thank you is not a bitter smile: “I don't know how many years it took to practice these five divine qigongs. It is really hard to spare to get countless treasures to practice successfully. ”

“Hahahaha.....” Yankee laughed: “If I were so stupid, I wouldn't be treating the Temple of Medicine! That's the way everyone wants it. How can I do that? I assure you, your five divine classes, blend together, never again clash, reach the end, water milk. Melting, transforming into one, greatly increasing power, can also benefit oneself and shock deeper boundaries. ”


Thank you for standing up so fiercely: “If that's the case, then you're the one I've given birth to. I can't thank you enough. This is the bounty of heaven, earth, and earth! ”

“Sure, as long as Elder Wang upholds this later!” A smile appeared on Yankee's face: “And you are the first to come to the door, I can waive the reward, let the whole Ecclesiastical Alliance people see, hope Elder Wang does not learn the Jiuyang Divinity, cartilage, retreat if something happens. ”

“As long as I can heal well, I will worship you on the spot as brothers, live and die together. Whoever dares to touch you will touch me!” Thank you very much.

It was really better to die than live for the Fae clash on him, and he could give up anything.

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