Sage Emperor

Chapter 738: Eating Luck

Killing these disciples, the luck they had in them was collected by Yankee, provoked a ground strike, the roots of the long serpent, with a strip of killing machine, swept into Yankee, one of the fierce gods evil will, impacted into Yankee's soul, immediately Yankee felt Infinite Hell, Dead Mountain Blood Sea, Jingo Tiema, Huro Battlefield, Infinity Slaughterhouse.

Unfortunately, this will works for others, and not for Yang Qi Mao at all. He himself is like the Lord of Hell. How could he be afraid of Hell's bloody sea?


As soon as his fingers moved, a sword slashed past him, the roots fell to the ground, and the snake twisted down into it.

“Drive me!” Yankee God's hand struck out, grabbing it fiercely, a chaotic energy turned into nothingness. The roots of the tree were captured by him, fluctuating, making a stabbing sound, and suddenly transmitting a huge amount of power from the depths of the underworld nothingness, seemed to lead the roots back.

The root of the tree embraced such a great power, a change, the front of the head actually appeared, it seemed like an ancient dragon, biting towards Yang Qi.

Yang Qi pinched his hand, squeezed this head and blew it open, then really burned, using the power of the fire of hope, burned the root of the tree to pieces, suddenly in an unknown chaos far away, something seemed angry, crackle! Under Yankee, countless tree roots intertwined to tie him up and pull him into the ground.

“Indeed! ”

Seeing this scene, Yang Qi knew that all of this was definitely the underworld Evergreen Tree, these lucky geniuses entered it, killed by the creatures in the ancient chaotic atmosphere, the blood and soul luck were absorbed by the Evergreen Tree, thus condensing a seed of Shinto, collected by the Dynasty.

Think about it, billions, billions of geniuses entering every time, only a few people get the seeds of Shinto, others are all devoured, some even seem to be wiped out? This is a steady and unpaid business.

Moreover, Yankee even implicitly felt that the Evergreen Tree absorbed the luck of these people, far from condensing the seeds of Shinto so simply, to concentrate so much of the luck of the genius, was most likely plotting a big thing.

“To absorb countless fortunes, plunder the future of genius, stifle the genius to mend, the Immortal King's Fu has done such things, to revive the great Immortal King, a god revived, energy is secondary, the key is luck.” Yang Qi reckoned that his body flushed up and moved slightly, instantly countless swords lasered out, chopping off the roots of these trees and then getting out.

These roots were in between moments, and they felt he wasn't good enough to mess with them, so they didn't keep hunting.

Yankee landed in another piece of chaos: “I know, it must be poking in the sky, is there an old antique, absorbing luck, after the transformation of the Everlasting Divine Tree, so that it reaches its own body and becomes a god! ”

“Only the achievement of immortal divinity requires so much genius luck. Otherwise, why do you need so much movement to advance to the mythical realm?” As Yang Qi moved in his heart, he had long known that cultivation from Qigong Realm to Death, Legend, Heaven, Broken, Myth, these realms step-by-step were useless. At some stage, for Heavenly Path, people on the first level of Qigong Realm, like those on the ninth level of Mythical Realm, were a chess piece.

Only to the Immortal God! to finally get out of control. Become truly immensely powerful in the underworld, with invincible divine powers and things that Heaven can't do.

“I'd like to see what kind of ghost is in the Tree of Everlasting Life, maybe I can find something below, where my luck gathers, absorb it all, succeed? Taking the roots of that man as God? ”

Yang Qi moved in his heart and began to flash, fly, and rush. The whole man used the power of the disk fragments of civilization to turn into a ghost shadow, approaching the center of chaos.

On this journey, he saw many talented young people, torn to pieces by the paleontology in chaos, and then died directly. Luck was sucked into the sky, the eyes of the Lord opened, and he looked deeply at it, and he actually saw countless luck, along the root system of the ground, deep into it, converging towards an unknown place in the center.

With this luck, Yankee can detect where the Everlasting Life Tree is.

A faint smile appeared on his face, and he thought it was the right time to enter the examination. If you find the true location of the Evergreen Tree, you can explore it further.


At the end of the day, Yang Qi gradually deepened into the center of chaos, and there appeared huge chaos, Tianpeng, eagle, dragon snake, those things, these things were more powerful, they killed everyone, many people died again, Yang Qi did not save these geniuses, but let them die for themselves.


In the distant front, there seems to be a huge fluctuation of energy, Yang Qi saw a group of people, actually killing a chaotic nine-wing giant tiger, this is the most powerful ancient creature in chaos, it seems that of the 72 brothers of the Immortal King, a man called the Divine Wisdom King, is a chaotic nine-wing giant tiger cultivated.

This group, strong and powerful, beat that chaotic nine-wing giant tiger backwards in a row, the youngest girl jumped up, is a sword, badly stabbed the tiger's heart, then the tiger collapsed and was collected.

“Not far ahead, is the existence of the ancient tree of everlasting life. This time, we are finally going to pass the examination, get the seeds of Shinto, and promote to the mythical realm! ”

“Humph, that gateway to chaos, claiming to be able to detect all kinds of xenophilosophies, but encountered the idle notion of Ye Shao Ye, but nothing could be done. This time, we must not only obtain the seeds of Shinto, but even open an ancient hiding place beneath the roots of the ancient trees of Evergreen. This poker dynasty people thought their plans could be hidden from us, Ye Xiao. Holding this talent assessment every year is actually stifling the luck of the genius, conveying it all to the ancient tree of everlasting life, then transforming it into the divine power of luck, and finally cultivating the true divinity! ”

“Yes, with true divinity, the king who leads the dynasty can achieve immortal thrones! A god! It is what is truly horrible, but unfortunately, it is all known to us. ”

“Seventy-two ancestors, show up! ”

These disciples spoke, and then another shadow appeared on them. Dozens of people actually appeared. At first glance, Yang Qi was astonished. These people were still the brothers of Young Master Ye, the greatest master of the seventy-two ancestors!

These people, they actually lurked in.

Thirty-six grandchildren!

Thirty-six great masters, and Yang Qi can see that they have all reached the realm of “Hao Shen”, infinite power, a little shock, infinite power passed out, to eliminate some chaotic ancient creatures.


A young ancestor said: “This time, we have no last resort. Knowing that the old man is doing the Death Gate and is in desperate need of energy, so we held another examination conference. This time, tens of billions of people, I'm afraid, are almost dead. Huge atmospheric luck is rapidly gathering, I don't know that at the top of the Evergreen Tree, the immortal god has become a real condensed shape for fruit? ”

“How is it possible to congeal to shape so quickly?” Yet another old ancestor said: "Immortal God cannot succeed like this. But in order to condense the character of success, after it is taken, we will give it to Ye Xiao. As soon as Ye Xiao breaks through to reach the realm of the true god, master the natural origin of the circle, become the Lord of the fairy realm, surround the immortal god with the supreme majesty, devour the infinite fairy realm, break the future world, it can be said to be invincible, dominate the future. We will all be immortal. ”

“Naturally, this is a good plan, depending on whether we succeed or not this time. ”

“This reassurance will naturally succeed. Young Master Ye has mastered some of the origins of the world of celestial fairies, and now he has no opportunity to go upside down and hide the Chaos Gate from us, which is the true manifestation. ”

“Go, let's go to the front and directly kill the ancient tree of everlasting life, this time not only to obtain the immense fruit of the true divine character, but also to take away all the fruit! Sooner or later, the Tudor Dynasty will be the enemy of our Immortal Sect. Ye Shao would have wiped out the dynasty. Unfortunately, the dynasty is too powerful, and countless antiques have gathered together to make up the power that only God can destroy. ”

Between the words, these men took off, swept forward, and flew fast.

“It's really hard to get anywhere with a pair of shoes.” Yang Qi laughed: “I was saddened to be unable to discover the true secret of the Tree of the Everlasting Life, and these people said," If they want to collect fruit, I will do it in secret! Look at these people. What are they really good at? As for the true divine character that is about to gather to succeed, I must also get it, although it cannot make me a god, but it can make my mythological realm improve rapidly in the future.

Yankee knows her promotion to the mythical realm is so difficult! After the myth, a peep, a double refinement, a triple deity..... will become more difficult, get the true divine character, and it is pure, lucky to gather, that energy, so that it is not difficult to dominate the Immortal Realm.

“Follow me! ”

Yankee made a sound to the fragments of the disk of civilization, and immediately wrapped them around him and began to shuttle, biting the crowd tightly.

Indeed, as these people continued to wander, the chaos fog gradually began to fade away, and the huge shadows ahead appeared on the chaos plains.


A tree that finally reveals its true face.

When Yankee saw this big tree, it all shook up. This tree is not a tree at all, but a universe, with its trunks stretching densely and numbly into chaos, its roots stuck to the ground, not knowing how deep it was, above the leaves, at the point of the stars, every leaf seemed to have a sky above it, and there were stars brewing.

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