Sage Emperor

Chapter 743 Mass Promotion

“Father, Big Brother, Second Brother, Big Brother, Second Brother, gather all the core brothers together quickly, I have important announcements to make! ”

As soon as Yankee returned to this core country, he began issuing orders, and in between moments, all the core members were united. Now Yang Qi's core members are a group of followers in the rich continent, his father, big brother, some of the Yang family's core disciples do not say, the brothers who were worshipping together against the prince, the people who were also the core of the core, as well as the whale children in the sky mountain, Yan Ai and other people, are all following their mother, loyal and loyal.

This group of people, who are now focused on training by Yankee, have been promoted to the realm of nine layers, each master is almost invincible and has some special physical changes.

Yang Qi killed many future warriors and naturally extracted the power of the future from them.

These people are the core of their own system. How can they not betray themselves and faithfully build for the Holy King's Party? Yang Qi naturally needs to upgrade their cultivation in the first place, at least to reach the mythical realm before he can have some face in the Immortal World, the Guardian Alliance.

Otherwise, today's Ecclesiastical Alliance, the immortal of the broken realm, is always a low-ranking disciple.

Being despised by all kinds of people, even if your status is sublime, still exists in the bones, because this immortal world, after all, is a world of strength.


The drums are playing together.

These people came together, and all of them came together, and Yankee looked at these familiar faces, and her heart smelled like a friendly smell, and remembered her days in Rich Mainland, Yan Ducheng, when she was very weak, but got the Gods' imprint, she was incredibly happy, every drop of fame and fame.

He remembered Yun Hailan this woman, not that she framed herself, I fear she will not get the seal of the gods, but now everything is gone, the powerful prince was completely killed by herself, died of fate, the heavenly leader is also completely dead, the whole of the rich continent has been refined, to reach the Holy King Immortal Realm, Yang Qi can restore the continent at any time, including the ancient atmosphere of chaos, unfortunately there is no need.

“Keel, what's the matter with you summoning us? ”

Yang warfare said: "Is it possible that something big has happened? Did you have a big loophole when you went to Tudor Heavenly Immortal World? ”

“Nice, the Rudolphin Realm did have a huge loophole, I stole one of the treasures, not long later, most likely the Rudolphin Realm people will come to the Escort Alliance for questioning, but I don't care, these people are not my opponents, but you should be careful, lest those people reckon, so this time, I come to use the many treasures obtained in Rudolphin Realm to improve your strength, every realm of the Nine Layers of Pieces will be raised to the Mythical Realm! ”

Between the words, Yang Qi waved his big hand, and suddenly the seals of the angels appeared deep in the void, buzzing. In the depths of the void, countless ways of heaven made a broken sound, and people felt that something that had been bound to their souls had disappeared.

Originally, they raised the realm, but in the underworld, there were always many obstacles to the upper body, always felt that there was a sword hanging over the head, this sword would fall at any time, becoming heavenly sanction, but now when Yang Qi gods printed, these things were shattered, and the sword was broken, making it much easier for any of them, all turned into powder, everyone's body, appeared an easy to write God.

That is, after the breakdown of the heavenly path, humanity was completely untied and breathed the aura of freedom in the underworld.

“Well, when I get to the realm of mythology, I can be promoted completely, and even that angel's wings will be transformed into another form. ”

Yankee looked at this series of changes and nodded darkly in her heart, and the next form of Angel's Wings was the rumored Wings of Freedom.

Wings of Freedom can truly travel through chaos, into and out of any place, without any obstruction, no Taoism, Qigong, or divinity can be held on the body, so that people can get real pride, big freedom.

However, this series of changes will not be known until Yankee is promoted to the Mythical Realm.

Not only that, but when he reached the mythical realm, any qigong would change, what the spear of the underworld god, heavenly and earth baking, the robes of the gods, the pure soil of the gods... every heavy qigong morphology, because with the support of the virtual god, the change is more than ten times more powerful than before, truly demonstrating the majesty of the dominant level of qigong.

Even eight divine fists, five lines of divine Qi Gong, can take place from quantity to quality change.

The mythical realm is different. Anyone who promotes Qigong before practicing all over his body will increase his power a thousand times or even ten thousand times, because with virtual divinity, virtual divine power, Qigong will truly change God.

Divine, without divine, will not reach.

“This is the seed of Shinto, you all swallow up, exercise qigong, condense the virtual divine character, not only will the power go a step further, but your luck will change essentially!” As soon as Yang Qi shook his hand, countless Divine Dao seeds flew out and fell into these people's hands, these people immediately listened to Yang Qi's instructions and swallowed them. Soon, many divine powers appeared all over his body and began to transform his body.

“Hahaha, hahahaha...” The Big Brother devoured a seed of the Golden Divine Way, and he yelled, “I have finally broken through, reached the realm of mythology, the realm of my dreams! ”


Over his head, a breath rushed out, like a rainbow reflecting the glow of the sky, which is the power of the mythical realm, because the way of heaven on this side has been completely broken, so even the heavenly robbery has not come down, but Yang Qi still feels that the anger of heavenly way reaches the top of his angelic imprints and is turned into energy.

“I broke through too! ”

Second Brother, Sword 17, Yan Wen, etc., also went on to break through two successive breakthroughs, immediately followed by his father, big brother, second brother, some disciples of the Yang family, even the leaders of the Sun and Moon College, all made breakthroughs, and Yang Qi distributed tens of thousands of seeds.

These seeds are all filled with divine luck, the pure energy of virtual divinity, integrated into these people's bodies, protected by Yang Qi, and not too powerful to support the bursting body.

So, their promotion, one by one, was astonishing, the whole body was transformed into superior divine power, virtual seeds, when the sky flew, the rainbow poured into the sky, making the Escort Alliance deep, countless people shocked.

Because, between moments, tens of thousands of disciples, simultaneously promoted to the mythical realm, what is this concept and momentum? No single sect, even the immortal sect of level 33, can promote tens of thousands of disciples at the same time. Each mythical realm promotes to the heavenly robbery is very large, tens of thousands of promotions, the terror of heavenly robbery can destroy a nothingness.

But now, there is no heavenly robbery.

“What the hell is going on with this vision? I feel that throughout the sacred medicine family, there are tens of thousands of disciples, all promoted to the mythical realm, and you see a virtual divine power, a virtual divine personality, washed up in the sky, all showing that this was just promoted, and that the potential is enormous. ”

“Awesome, this is an ancient rare thing, originally thought the sacred pharmacopoeia had no mythical realm characters, now I didn't expect to promote so many at the same time! ”

“These disciples, where the energy comes from, if they train themselves, cannot be so coincidental, they are all promoted at the same time, they must have taken some kind of medicine, but even the Kandan of the ancient gods cannot have the hidden effect, some of the immortals of the Kandan crushing realm simply cannot take it, but after taking it, they will be drawn their own energetic blood. ”

“At this time, tens of thousands of powerful people in the mythical realm will be promoted, and the status of the whole sacred medicine patrimony will be dramatically elevated. Anyone who is in the mythical realm can have certain powers and status as the elder of our Ecclesiastical Union. ”

“Promoting tens of thousands of elders has spooked many too ancient powers! ”

“Don't know what those old antiques would say? There seems to be some possibility of continuing the promotion. ”

“Unfortunately, the Holy Pharmacopoeia's own lord, Long Ao Tian, was not promoted, otherwise his momentum would surely be very great, but I don't think he is far from promotion. ” ……………

Innumerable minds intertwined and talked about.

Yet Yang Qi himself felt that, among the signs of the angels, the energy of those heavenly robberies erupted, all of them bombarded his own Daoguo, that is, even though he destroyed this piece of heavenly path, but the outer heavenly path lost balance, he would exhale his anger on his body, so that he would eventually bear the exhalation point of the whole heavenly Dao rage.

In other words, I am bearing the power of tens of thousands of people to escalate mythical frontiers.

Moreover, these people do not advance to the mythical realm by their own strength, but by external forces, and Heaven's wrath is greater, let alone less suppressible.

However, tens of thousands of masters of heavenly robbery entered the heavenly seals, Yang Qi felt almost nothing, motionless, chanting spells, those forces sucked into his body, making himself an absorber of heavenly robbery.

Powerful energy, bombarded down again, his nine traces of heart fateful fruit, once again stored a lot of energy, which, when combined with the power of the semi-finished products of True God, actually has a tendency to melt the baby.

Yang Qi was delighted.

This baby is incredibly refined, Yankee keeps swallowing, but it's just sucking some subtle energy from its body, because the true and virtual divine personalities are different, and the energy level is really too tight.

It's not a one-and-a-half minute thing for Yankee to absorb.

Now Tianang is like acid liquid melting gold, so that immortal gold eventually melts into acid liquid, Yang Qi feels that energy is massively deprived of melting, stored deep in the fruit of fate, so that he promotes himself to the mythical realm, refers to the day to day.

“Old Master Jin Boy arrived! ”

At this moment tens of thousands of people were promoted and an ancestor arrived.

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