Sage Emperor

Chapter 746: Sect Master Jiuyang

“You……. ”

Under the oppression of Lord Jiuyang, the ancestors of the Jin Shi Boy retreated from the festival and looked miserable: “Lord Jiuyang, I am also one of the ancient antiques of the Patriarchal League. The whole sponsor is counted as the beginner, don't be too deceiving. Otherwise, the net is broken! ”

“The fish dies and the net splits? ”

Lord Jiuyang was aggressive, and went forward again and fiercely: “What qualifies you and this fish to die netting? This place is higher than you, so what if it's oppressive? I'm telling you, even ten or eight people in your realm won't be able to compete with this one. This one kills you like a chicken. Why don't you back off? It pisses me off, my patience is slowly losing, are you challenging my sexuality? You think I'm a good talker? ”

Lord Jiuyang carried the cultivation without the "Hongjin Realm”, rolling oppression, angry, truly appalling.

On that day, the immortal sect was so powerful, Ye Shao Ye had almost tried to tear the heaven and split the earth, but Yang Qi hid in the Jiuyang god, and he had all his worries because the Jiuyang god was so powerful.

But now Lord Jiuyang is completely the enemy of Yang Qi.

“Wait! ”

At this time, Yang Qi suddenly blocked in front of Lord Jiuyang, shouting and whistling: “Lord Jiuyang, you don't have to be so oppressive. Our realm is really low and far from you. What do you want to do today? Just say a charter, and I want to be here with so many Patriarchal Alliance sponsors and beginners, and you won't be the only host. ”


Lord Jiuyang's eyes reached Yang Qi's face, like a viper, seemed to be crawling. He stared for half a while and found that Yang Qi had not been shaken by his own horror. He had to flash a little angry deep in his eyes: “What are you qualified to talk to me about? This Jin Teacher Boy is a figure in the realm of the Tao gods, and he can barely talk to me, and what character and what are you? How dare you question me? ”

“I am the one you invited this time, not you, how can I step into the temple of Heaven's Way?” Yang Qizhen has words, "however special our identities may be, but I am qualified to speak. Also, Lord Jiuyang, I ask you, you are aggressive towards me today, exactly where did I offend the Jiuyang Divine. I seem to have earned a lot of treasure in the Jiuyang Divine Sect. You are all full of money, but you do not protect me. Let me be bullied by the dragon ministry. How about that? I'm not leaving, are you going to continue to be the tools for making money? ”


Lord Jiuyang didn't deny it either. He said naked: "You are going to continue to be our money-making tool to make money for our Jiuyang gods, understand? We Jiuyang gods want to shelter you, don't shelter you, abandon you as a chess piece, you shouldn't complain, this is the way to be people, you have never understood that, now I will tell you, give you two opportunities, first, from now on, to cancel the sacred medicine section, completely disconnect you from any of the old antiques behind you, or tell us who your old antiques are, and rely on us Jiuyang gods, to be our slaves. Secondly, that's today's total sanction, and you've committed a terrible crime, you know. ”

After that, he still sat comfortably on the throne, watching what Yankee would say.

His words, there is no point in reason, strong, overbearing, it is simply the logic of banditry. Unfortunately, because his status is too high to be repaired, everyone takes it for granted. Although there are some old antique frowns, he is unwilling to rebut this person's words, so as not to cause trouble.

“Very good, very good...” Yang Qi heard the bandit logic of Lord Jiuyang before he knew that there was no reason to talk to such a person. He made it clear that he was going to bully you, take advantage of you, not give you a little reward, and the words were white. But at this moment, Yang Qi was also too lazy to compete with Lord Jiuyang. He turned his eyes and looked at several ancient thrones deep: “What do you think of the elderly teachers? I became a slave to the Jiuyang Divinity, and did things for them. I'm afraid this Escort Alliance, the Jiuyang Divinity family will be unique. In the future, I'm afraid the entire Jiuyang Divinity will take over the power of the entire Escort Alliance. It's not a good thing for you, is it? ”


At this point, an old antique deep in the throne opens up: "Dragon Awesome, are you saying that you are of great value? Big enough to tilt the entire Guardian Union? We all know that you are valuable and that you have done some amazing things, but in this great age, any individual's power is very small, only united, is the right path, and of course, here, is also an age of supremacy of interest, so long as your value, enough to attract attention, does not make you lose. ”

“Ancestor Wang, are you really going against our Nine Yang Divine Sect? ”

At this time, the Nine Yangs Sect Lord burst into a roar.

“Lord Jiuyang, don't be impatient.” The talking Ancestor Wang Qianzu is very calm: “I am now asking about the value of this dragon's arrogance, as long as his value is large enough, we will make the ideal arrangements. ”

“Let me see, what's this kid worth? ”

Jiuyang Sect Master Cold Shooting.

“Value? Honestly, you really underestimate my value.” Yang Qi laughed: “Just now, this Jin Shi Boy ancestor, one of the seals on his body was lifted by me. He traveled through the myriad depths of nothingness, gained the sherry of the ancient god, the hidden danger remained in his body, and he could not be lifted for a long time, and I caught it straight away. I will also teach him some true Oui. Soon, I will forge a new realm for him, the realm of the Hongjin God, which is ready for the day to come! ”

“Nice!” the Jin Shi Boy released his strength and showed that he was no longer in any way hindered. He grinned at Lord Jiuyang even: “Lord Jiuyang, you rely on the realm to stigmatize me today. In the coming day, I promoted to the realm of Hongjin, and I have a great reward. ”


In the presence of many of the ancestors, the voices of shushing and shushing were heard, all of them facing each other, because they could see that the hidden dangers of the Jin Teacher boy had indeed been eliminated.

Most of these ancestors are in the realm of the Taoist gods, and there are many hidden dangers on their bodies, more or less, that hinder the cultivation. If it is truly lifted and there is hope to promote the Hongjin realm, then….

“Humph! Boy, are you really ashamed to say that you happen to have healed the seal of Jin Shi's boy and bragged about it right here? Can you help all the gods and grandfathers to advance to the realm of the Hongjin? ”

Jiuyang Sect Master Yin testing the way again, in fact, his heart is also dark shocked.

But what shocked him more was that Yang Qi looked at him: "Lord Jiuyang, although you are in the realm of the Hongjin God, you also have great physical dangers? You forcibly trained Jiuyang Qi, put Xuanyang, Shaoyang, Zhenyang, Yuyang... These breaths merged together, finally succeeded, the nine divine Qi Kung fu, and collected the nine innate yin qi between heaven and earth. Nine yin and nine yangs came together, trying to call the king, self-righteous Yin and Yang double-cultivated, got into the Avenue, and promoted to the Hongjin Realm, but actually went the wrong way. The Realm stopped here, and could not cultivate to the point of immortality for the rest of his life. Even the demigod, a little understanding of the divine character, half steps immortality could not be reached. ”

Many ancestors listened and looked to the Lord of the Jiuyang Sect.

“Bullshit!” Jiuyang Zonglord's face is muscular, “you're afraid I'll kill you if you keep listening like this? ”

“Lord Jiuyang, stop fooling yourself.” Yankee laughs: “I ask you, every time chaos changes, every week, when the yin and yang alternate, nine cyclones arise in the depths of your air ocean, causing you a hidden pain? Is the soul in danger of division? ”

“What?” Jiuyang's lord's heart was shocked. Yang Qi spoke of the idea. It is true that every time the heavens and the earth change, the cycle of nine yin and yang in the depths of his air sea will arise, inhale his soul, and pull. He can only fight with good luck. But where does he take the loss, and this thing, though it's a hidden pain, doesn't actually damage his fighting power.

“This is the cultivation of the Lord who reaches Jiuyin Jiuyang, Yinyang and Yang, resulting in nine Tai Chi phenomena, 99 to 1, is the king of Tai Chi. Do you know the mystery? ”

“Ha ha.....” Yang Qi laughed: “Ridiculous, ridiculous, how can there be nine? I'll tell you the truth, this is the balance you lost in the Qi of Jiuyin and Jiuyang, but you don't know the restraint, you think you practiced correctly, but you don't know, those nine cyclones, the true Qi in your body has undergone an infinite mutation, turning into nine congenital hybrid holes, going to devour your soul day and night, looking for opportunities, once mutated, multiplying by your defenses, your soul will be sucked away by the nine congenital hybrid holes, to reach the end, die of fate, change into nine Dan pills, or nine demons, is rumored to be the most mysterious Yin and Yang alphabet hybrid demon, is that he transformed himself into a powerful demon in heaven. If you don't believe me, you can use your soul to feel the nine Yin and Yang cyclones, and you can feel the presence of magic in them. ”


Between moments, in the body of Lord Jiuyang, a fear arose, as if the Nine Yin and Yang cyclones had arisen again, to seize his soul.

Arriving at this point, hearing Yang Qi's speech, deep in his heart, he fully believed, those nine Yin Yang cyclones, indeed, are the deviation of God, as if it were a variation of his true temper, unfortunately, he cannot control at all, which is dangerous, the monk, control the truth, reach the highest realm, everything moves according to his own heart, and whenever something happens that cannot be controlled, it is definitely a phenomenon of fire and magic.

Like Yankee, he was unable to control the Gods' imprint at first, but as his cultivation deepened, he was gradually able to control it, exerting one-hundredth of a million powers.

This is a good phenomenon, and Master Jiuyang's, is gradually disengaged control.

When he thought of the mysterious and unpredictable him, he was cold in his heart. I don't know how many monks were destroyed on this, and some demigod ancestors, impacting immortal character, can be destroyed by demons.

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