Sage Emperor

Chapter 751: Ancestor Pawn

“We've fallen for it. ”

“I can't believe we're old enough to be a kid! ”

Winter blood free ancestors and Wang Qian ancestors sighed, heard Yang Qi's words, although full of anger, but could not get out. This is the person had to bow his head under the eaves, reached the Wang map of the world, all attacks on Yang Qi will be greatly weakened, and his own genius, too, will be bound by all kinds of constraints, to capture Yang Qi, or kill him, that is impossible.

What is the map of the kings of the universe, and they know clearly, that these celestial artifacts, even the ancient gods, are difficult to resist, let alone them?

“Now the two of you can put away all your thoughts and help me against the Dragon King.” Yang Qi said: “What I did was caused by the dishonesty of the two of you, who killed the Dragon King, naturally will benefit greatly. Because with me, you were tied up in a chariot against the Dragon Department. ”

“Well, this thing we planted completely, maybe from the beginning, should work with you sincerely.” Wang Gan sighed: “Where is the Dragon King? Can we talk to him first? If he wills to bow to you completely, you can spare him his life. He will surely be against the dragon ministry. This is terrible. ”

“Okay, I'll convert the space! ”

Yang Qi smiled slightly, suddenly the infinite power of kings roared violently, shook, everywhere appeared the ghost mysterious mysterious Xuan machine, the two ancestors spinning day after day, came into the vacuum, no energy, no matter, a land of nothingness, death and silence, how can they not fly out and can not travel.

People say that there is an infinite treasure in the map of kings of all worlds, but this land of nothingness is not even breathless.

“This is the land of nothingness, the Jedi in the map of the kings of the universe, basically unable to come out of it, infinity, I don't even know how old it is. Rumor has it that the Immortal King surrounded the ancient gods. I got four pieces of the Immortal King Ruhu before finally gaining control of this nothingness.” Yankee also entered: “You see, the Dragon King is in the distance, and he's coming. ”

Indeed, at first glance, the two ancestors saw the distance, deep in the land of nothingness, the dragon king's shadow was heavily bombarded in it, many treasures were exhibited, many courtrooms were arranged, waves by wave, constantly moving, seemed to tear the space apart, unfortunately the space thread did not move.

When he heard the breath enter, the Dragon King burst in, his eyes lasered, and he saw Yang Qi, suddenly angry and burning, suddenly flying, clawing to cover the sky and suppressing him towards Yang Qi.

“Boy, you finally came in, why don't you die soon? ”

Dragon claw compressed, reached Yang Qi's body, but Yang Qi's body did not move, then the dragon claw passed, it was a fiction.

“Save your energy, all attacks are ineffective against me in the outside king's map!” Yang Qi said: “Though your cultivation is strong, unfortunately it can be stronger than the Immortal King? ”

“Dragon King, let's talk to you! ”

Seeing that Yang Qi is so powerful, there is no blood in winter, Wang Qian is secretly surprised, knowing how nothing can be done in the Wang map of the world Yang Qi, four pieces of Immortal King Fu Qi, has exceeded the limit.

“Are you guys? There is no blood in winter, Wang Qian!” When the Dragon King looked at it, his eyes grew more agitated and his anger burst: "Are you also pulled together by this child to deal with me? ”

“Yes,” said Winter, bloodless and bitter: “We also had to, Dragon King, now let us persuade you to submit to Lord Dragon Aotian, or else we will strike, suppress you, kill you, so that you may be purified by him. ”


The Dragon King was furious: “You two ancestors have also become the slaves of this boy. It's a joke to say the words! Don't you fear any revenge from the dragon ministry if you help him? Others don't know. You should know how powerful our dragon ministry is, and even the entire Guardian League can't fight it! ”

“This...” Wang Ganzhu hesitated, less than necessary, he was trying to kill the Dragon King.

“Hmm, kill you, who knows?” Yang Qi said viciously and harshly: “Dragon King, don't be stubborn, let go of your heart, become a believer in me, believe in me, I will let you go back, be an undercover Dragon people, do things for me, spread the faith among the Dragon people, eventually the whole Dragon Department will become my believer, your status will rise quickly. Otherwise, you will die today. ”

“Wolf ambition, wolf ambition!” The Dragon King jumps like a thunder: “Damn it, what are you? You make me believe, even the great Dragon God can't believe, he only believes in me, you're a crawler! You still want the faith of the great dragon ministry. Are you out of your mind? ”

“Looks like you're stubborn?” Yang Qi sighed a long time: “There is no blood in winter, Wang Qian, kill him! Do it! I will hold some of the rules of King of the Worlds to your bodies, so that you will eventually have the power to kill him. Do it quickly, or I'll let you three stay here forever. Without you, I'll do my best. Then come in and kill the three of you! ”

If you hear Yang Qi so full of threats, there is no blood in winter, and the two elders of Wang Qian feel cold.

“Don't listen to him.” The Dragon King immediately whistled: “The matter of my confinement to him has reached the Dragon Nation. The Dragon Ministry has no mastery, it will come soon, destroy his sect, expel him from the Escort Alliance, render him homeless. Moreover, the leaves have no way, and there is also the Immortal King token, which can open the map of the kings of the universe. Our Dragon Ministry has joined with him. Without this boy, we can go out as usual. The three of us join forces, and he can do nothing about us. Moreover, you two ancestors, if you help me this time, will have a total friendship with the dragon ministry. Our dragon ministry will bring out rich treasures, all kinds of divine qi kung fu, to reward you, thank you, get our friendship, or be hunted down by us. It depends on you, suffer with me and suffer together! ”

Hearing this, the two ancestors hesitated again.

“Humph, Ye Shao Ye's unadulterated three Immortal King Fu Lu, only two left, can not open the map of the kingdom of the universe, the remaining three, in the future world, you think will come together? Don't be paranoid, not to mention, even if three pieces of fairy talent open into it, I was restrained by four pieces, I wanted them to come in. ”

Yang Qiyang laughed heavenly: “Better come in now, I'll be able to gather all the figurines together. Without you two ancestors, you can totally kill the Dragon King. Why don't you do it? Do you really want me to push against the law and leave you here too? Don't expect the Dragon King to give you any promises. This is empty language. What do you really think you can get? I'm the only one who can give you things. Think about it. Think about it. Think about it. ”

Hearing here, the two ancestors judged, the dragon king said blank words, if you really don't do it, then it is very bad to be imprisoned here forever.

And it's true that Yankee can give them much better than Dragon King.

The Dragon King gave more things and could not improve their cultivation, and Yang Qi raised his hand to relieve the hidden danger, making them a hundred feet further.

Thinking of this, the two nodded and suddenly flashed a firm light: "Dragon King, I'm sorry, I killed you today, if you want to blame Dragon Aotian Prince, don't blame us, do it! ”


The two ancestors carried out the great killing technique on their bodies and stormed the Dragon King.

“Ancient Divine Arts! ”

Between moments, Yang Qi inspired his eternal heavenly song, the dense and numb optical rings were held on the bodies of the two great ancestors, while the rules of Wangtu of the World also had a huge auxiliary effect on the two.

Then there was the infinitely weak halo, which was also held on the dragon king's body. The Dragon King was again bound by the power of Wan Wang Tu, and his strength varied greatly.

Originally, the strength of the Dragon King and the two great ancestors are similar. There is no doubt that one enemy or two will be defeated outside. Not to mention, Yang Qiyong's immortal divinity is now terrible. It can greatly enhance the fighting power of its own people and weaken the fighting power of the enemy.

“What the hell is this, holding so much ancient magic...” Seeing the dense and numb halo behind me, the degree of horror in the hearts of the two great ancestors can hardly be added.

This is horrible.

Their fighting power here is more than a few times stronger.

And the dragon king across the street, rapidly weakened.

“I can't believe that this dragon's arrogance still has such a means, it's a massive killer of mass warfare, our escort alliance of countless immortals, to fight against future warriors, if he suddenly wears such a halo, isn't it a side of the war? ”

“Nice!” Yankee's voice conveyed, clearly knowing the thoughts of two people: “Your thoughts are indeed correct, I am the eternal celestial song, without any divinity, can hold 3,000 positive halo, 3,000 negative halo, so that two people in the same realm, between moments, are more than 10,000 times different. The reason I have been hiding so deeply is to wait for the opportunity, wait for my promotion to reach the realm of mythology, cultivate disciples, and then say that your sect can follow me and get the support of this magic. Think about it! What's the dragon club? Can you resist this big killer of mine? Waiting for me to advance to the mythical realm, our three main gates united to destroy the dragon ministry, it's no big deal! ”

When they heard this, their hearts were even more horrified, and now they feel the horror of the ancient magic more than anyone else, because every punch they make is invincible, the power multiplied, and the dragon king in front of them is the defeat of the festival.

“Divine Dragon Seven! ”

At this time, the Dragon King developed the strongest scholarship.

“Divine Dragon Swings Tail! ”

“Divine Dragon Horizontal! ”

“Divine Dragon in the Abyss! ”

“Divine Dragon into the earth! ”

“Dragon Heavenly War! ”

“Divine Dragon Dawu! ”

“Divine Dragon Way! ”

Seven great killing moves, all in one breath.

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