Sage Emperor

Chapter 758: Light Bar Leaves Less

The realm of immortality is now completely beyond Yang Qi's own dignity and seems to be in danger of being stripped out.

According to common sense, the hierarchy of separation is completely impossible to exceed the honor, even if the power is stronger, more special, the honor is enlightened, the separation is able to understand, because it is the same thought.

But now, Yang Qi transcends this common sense, and the Immortal Spirit is inspired by the Immortal King Fu Hu, Wangtu of the Worlds, and begins to break away from his thought and achieve another thought.

If a general monk, in this situation, shows that the separation is gradually out of his control, which is extremely dangerous, which is a sign of exorcism.

Unfortunately, the reason Yang Qi did so was another plot. Because of the reason of the immortal king, he knew that one day he would cause the immortal king to strike back. A great figure such as the immortal king would not die at all. Even if he died, he would be resurrected. Those who mastered him would certainly not have a good ending.

Now, Yang Qi has transformed Xianxian into an independent thought, which is to prevent this from happening. Even if Xianxian Wang backfires, he can abandon the car guard himself.

This kind of person is an immortal genius. People are proud of themselves. Too ancient gods are scared of the wind. Although Yang Qi is ambitious now, he still feels that he is too weak to think about his means.

Be prepared early.

Moreover, one day, even more so, we can take the opportunity to get rid of the Immortal King and make a profit from it.

Heavenly and heavenly fairy realm, outside wrapped in numerous aircurrents, the Hongjin realm is difficult to enter, all the years are silent, so countless of the psychic drugs, the magic potion has grown, the immortals are in it, gradually forged great will and body, cultivation is also increasing, more able to fight with some chaotic ancient beasts in it, gaining combat experience, day and night down, in addition to cultivation, is fighting, heartfelt, has been able to defeat rivals several realms higher than his own, so that, in a few days, he can advance to higher realms.

Without Yankee himself, he flew higher.

It's like a kite, with a wire in your hand, the height of the flying is limited. Once the line is broken, it may fall, but with the help of the wind, it flies higher.

Now, the world of the heavens and the fairies, and the belief of the six major players, is that the wind, began to make him catalytic, transformative, unpredictable and unpredictable.

Yang Qi observed the change and nodded continuously in his heart, knowing that he was right about this piece.

“Well, the five of you are now fully converted to the Lord of the Faith, and all you have to do is help the Master to surrender more companions, so that Young Master Ye will eventually become a light rod commander, okay?” Green merchants are the leaders who warn the five who have just surrendered and have fully entered the role.

“Where are the rest of us now? Is it possible that you could find these people and lead them here? I came to subdue them, eventually turning Ye Shao into a light pole?” Yankee asked.

“We do our best! ”

Six people said in unison.

“Good, good.” Yang Qilian said four words.

All of a sudden, one of the magic treasures on the six people flashed at the same time, and they all pulled out, but they found that it was six tokens, all imitated by the Immortal King, to contact them or to call for emergency help.

Six picked it up, caressed it for a while, suddenly kneeling down at the same time, to Yang Qi: “Master, now the rest of the seventy-one ancestors have rushed to the Dori Imperial Palace, it seems to be to discuss a major matter with the dynasty, at the same time to deal with the master, the master had to prevent, and has sent a message, asking the six of us to rush there, but the master is also invited to decide on this matter. ”

“Oh? Does that mean they can't be tempted to come here? Well, I was about to assassinate Lord Jiuyang, so I went into the Tulu Dynasty to see which of them were the most powerful. ”

Yang Qi thought about it, suddenly each hand was shot on the body of six people, making six people tremble like electric shock, a golden yellow qi entered their body: “The six of you had excellent martial arts, the temperament of 72 ancestors merged together, but there were also disadvantages, how amazing are the 72 physical qualities? How can some bodies merge when they are in conflict with each other? Even though Young Master Ye is small and intelligent, unfortunately his understanding of the Divine Avenue is not even comparable to mine, I will solve the defect you have repaired into a medium, so that the temperament of the seventy-two ancestors will be completely integrated, so as to make great progress, and stimulate the lack of potential in your bodies. Your strength will multiply tenfold, there will be no problem against any of the 72 ancestors, and I will entrust the ancient magic to your body to make you stronger. ”


Thousands of frontal halos, Everlasting Heaven Song converged into six tunes, entering the body of six people, and the jade pillow * * in the back of the head of six people condensed into a seed.

If six people want to oppose the enemy and suddenly excite this child, they can excite a thousand positive halo hanging behind their head, so that their qi power is greatly enhanced, nature is invincible, the explosive force is shocking.

“Go! Six of you, go and join the other seventy-two, I will go alone to the dynasty, find the Lord of Jiuyang, assassinate, compare with you, and surrender the other seventy-two.” Yang Qi waved: “Remember, you have to lead the others to a place, where I will set up a great array, put them in the depths of the Wang Dynasty, completely surrender, when Ye Xiaoguan leaves, there will be no help. Seventy-one Journey suddenly attacked him beside him, causing him to fire into the demons! Then he'll be my split! ”

“Yes! We will not fail to entrust ourselves, Master. With the help of the six of us, we will surely be able to convince others, thus leading them into the circle of the Master, one net at a time.” Between the six-member moments, the entire Renminbi god was bright, upward and downward, Qigong advanced greatly, the impurities on his body collapsed, immediately flew away, and flew towards the dynasty.

Yang Qi can help the Nine Heavenly Characters in the Hongjin Realm heal their injuries and heal their hidden dangers, and naturally can help the teenagers of 72 ancestors heal their injuries.

He ambushed six pieces of chess, which was going to play a big role in a while.

At the moment, he felt the breath of Lord Jiuyang and lurked in the past. Also go to the Imperial City of Tudor Dynasty.

Driving around the emperor dynasty, like the heavenly palace, the countless white clouds float, the city pools rise, the heavens and the earth are in the city pools, hundreds of cycles of sun and moon stars float in the white clouds, rise and fall, it seems that someone is breathing naked.

The prosperity is incredible, and every moment, there are plenty of tens of billions of transmitting arrays in operation, millions of people in every transmitting array, many millions in and out, and you can see the throughput of the entire city pool.

Before Yang Qi approached the city pool, he felt the whole city pool, completely infinite, hidden in the vast depths of clouds, Ziwei Kui, Dou Rotation star shifting, with the creation of subtlety, powerful smell lurking in it, like the old dragon in the deep pool, if not out, it can move in the sky as soon as it exits, clouds and rain.

Instead of entering through the transmission array, he applied the Divine Spirit directly, lurking into it, and it was full of space faults. A city pool and a city pool were definitely not in the same space and world, and even the universe was slightly overlapping. Many cosmic coordinates overlapped, forming a cosmic maze, operating all the time, and not knowing how many monks formed a dense and numb world in it, it was a huge independent kingdom.


At this moment, in the depths of the Imperial City, in a mansion, Lord Jiuyang slapped heavily on the clap, on the table, “Damn it, this man is so bold, he did not count me, dare to sprinkle wild in the circle of heaven, stole the semi-finished product of the true divine character on the tree of the Everlasting God, isn't it looking for death? What about the Emperor now? Immediately deploy soldiers to surround this man and enter the Escort Alliance! ”

“Lord Jiuyang, no small matter at this time. ”

Opposite Lord Jiuyang, sitting on the edge are several elderly and middle-aged people, all great beings sitting on equal footing with him, the highest peak of the whole world, the unsurpassed ancestors of the Hongjin realm, with purple gold crowns on their heads, the princes of the entire dynasty, the county kings, after the emperor's existence.

These princes are many times stronger than the princes of the Emperor Thai Emperor.

The Taiwanese Emperor is the first-level fairy kingdom, and the poker kingdom is the thirty-third level fairy kingdom, which is not in the same rank, one is an ant and one is a dragon.

“There's nothing wrong with this man, he's just a fairy king, he can open the world to hide! He reckoned that the Dragon King, offended the Dragon Ministry, was in danger, and challenged me. Three months later, it was his time of death, but less than three months later, I would let him really die without burial.” Though Lord Jiuyang did not care on his face, he fiercely inspired the Tudor Emperor Dynasty, but his heart was also secretly frightened, “I can't believe this kid was so powerful. He reached the Tudor Emperor Immortal Realm and stole the semi-finished product of the true divine character. If he continued to practice like this, I would not be his opponent! What the hell is going on? There is absolutely no such master among the Dragons. We have to kill him as soon as possible. Let Tu Tian's men kill him first, then I take advantage of the cheap, and get the benefits from him, so that the Jiuyang Divinity can dominate the world! ”

Lord Jiuyang came to the podium this time to discuss the matter of Yang Qi. He knew that Young Master Yip had Xianwang Ruxing on his body and wanted to ask him for help. Although Master Jiuyang and Young had confrontations about Yang Qi last time, he is now in the same company and has common enemies.

Perhaps Young Master Ye can restrain Wangdu.

However, when he entered the Tudor Heaven, he heard the great news and immediately became foolish.

The semi-finished products of the true divine character were stolen and fell into Yang Qi's hands. If we don't hurry, the first bad luck will be with him, because three months later, he will be fighting Yang Qi in the Temple of Heaven.

If it fails, it is the end of the meteor. Even if it fails, it is laughed at by the world and there is no place for it anymore.

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