Sage Emperor

Chapter 761: Assassination of Master Jiuyang Sect


The body of the Dragon King was so soft to pull down, the whole person collapsed on the ground, motionless, the body did not have any spiritual energy. According to reason, even if his body was chopped up, every piece of flesh could be transformed into countless little dragons, traveling through countless worlds and positions, agglomerated again, almost immortal only one step away.

Unfortunately, such a powerful figure, in front of Yankee, is no different from tofu, even more vulnerable than tofu.

Yankee simply slapped him on one hand and even took his head off. That giant head, eyes open, seemed to die, a faint mind, shaking deep in his brow heart, “Why, am I dead, are you God? Only God can kill me like that. ”

“I'm not a god, but I'm almost there. ”

Yang Qihaha smiled, a chaotic ancient snake rose from behind his body, bit the Dragon King's body and swallowed it, his mouth was still chewing, the scales on the Dragon King and the teeth of the chaotic ancient snake rubbed against each other, emitting a creepy smell.

“Enjoy your last life, Dragon King. Soon you'll be a piece of shit. ”

Between the words, he began to walk over to Bone Dragon King.

Grr, grr...

When King Bone Dragon saw this scene, his teeth were trembling, knowing that he was not Yang Qi's opponent, but he wondered why Yang Qi was so powerful, but at this time, when he was not thinking about the problem, it was imperative to protect his life.

He blamed himself for flying away and traveling outward, but he could always run.


Just as he jumped fiercely outward, the whole man impacted on a faint light film, which was as hard as the brilliant wall of the gods. He was desperate to escape. I had no idea that there was such a powerful forbidden law outside, even if there was a forbidden law, it would be broken by him.

Unfortunately, instead of being smashed, he is now hit by dizziness, dizziness and falling, and the entire human bone casing is split.

“Fight! Congenital White Bone Divine Way! Bone Dragon Meteor! ”

Bone Dragon King's whole person suddenly changed, turned into a bone dragon, rushed over, white bone strip, through nothingness.


Five fingers congealed into an air field, the Dragon King was congealed in space, his body, wrapped in a huge bubble, no matter how he struggled to make the bubble rupture escape, he felt that he was gradually suffocating in it, although he did not need to breathe at all now, even in a vacuum for 100 million years could not move wire, survive without any damage, but now the bubble actually made him feel suffocated, obviously to oppress his soul and flesh spirit.

“In the pure soil of my gods, any sound you make, any attack, will have no effect. Hongjin Realm, you are only one step away from the immortal throne. Unfortunately, you do not know how good it is, or against me. Otherwise, where is it so easy to crash?” Yang Qi sighed, his language carries a lot of sad and merciful breath. Too bad to hear it in the ears of Lord Jiuyang, it was the devil's laughter.

“No, forgive me, I can serve you!” Bone Dragon King said: “You have deeply deterred me, we Bone Dragon only respect the strong presence, I admire your strength, I can be your ride, hope you accept me! ”

At this moment, Bone Dragon King no longer knows what shame is. An ancestor of the realm of the Nine Heavenly Hungs, peak figures, actually speak like this is worse than a clown, but he is not a human being, he is a bone dragon, and he deeply understands the mystery of the strong in this world, only survival can hope. The dead strong, not the strong, can only be laughed at.

“Okay, let go of my heart and become my followers!” Yang Qi faintly said, he doesn't mind taking in this Bone Dragon King, the other party is also strong and witnessed, once the benefits are very high, at least the concentration of the immortal body will be many times faster.

“Yes, it is…..” The Bubbling Dragon King knew that death was coming and he dared to move easily. He knew that playing a conspiracy in front of such an ancient hero as Yang Qi was a disgrace to himself. He immediately let go of his heart and let Yang Qi into the Lord's own soul. In an instant, he became a follower of Yang Qi.

Afterwards, the bubbles dissipated and he fell, turning again into a white human being, kneeling on his knees, "Bye, master! The master of the divine power is immortal. ”

Anyone who is caught in the light of faith will be heartbroken in support of Yang Qi, no two hearts, but the premise is that man must let go of all hearts and let Yang Qi inject, if not let go, then it will not be injected, Yang Qi can kill this person, or beat him hard, so that he can become a fan.

Fortunately, there is a Hell's Whip. No one can stand it. Hit it once and you will know the pain immediately.

On the scene, only Lord Jiuyang was left. He even backed off and was overwhelmed. This scene frightened him. The emotions he had just tried to do dissipated without a trace.


He retreated to a barrier and couldn't retreat, “Don't come near me! ”

The sound was strong, but ridiculous, and should not have appeared on a superior master, but the two changes made the rabbit look clear, knowing that he would never be Yang Qi's opponent. But he didn't want to give in, and he wanted to find a way out of danger, thinking of a plan, pretending to be afraid of shrinking.

“Well, Lord Jiuyang, you are a generation of lords, don't pretend.” Yang Qi said: “Life and death are just a breathless kung fu, are you so afraid? ”

“Yang Qi....." Lord Jiuyang suddenly stood up: “You have the guts to give me three months, we agreed to fight after three months, if you give me three months, I can't beat you to death, but now, I am not willing, and you have not fulfilled your promise. ”

“Promise?” Yang Qi laughed. “I have a strong commitment, but not to the enemy. You are provoking disconnections and inciting trouble. For me to hate the bones, I just didn't make any money for you Jiuyang gods? You hate it when you get to this point, and you can see your heart narrowing. All right, I'm not talking to you anymore. Get down on your knees! Let me gather my faith in you, you become my followers, and I will spare you. ”

The more beliefs the Immortal Identity needs, the higher the quality, the invincible characters in the Hongjin Realm believe, that is the true intensity. Now, once Bone Dragon King believes, Yang Qi feels deep in the heavenly Immortal Realm. The Immortal Identity has undergone another phenomenal change.

The immortal body seemed to derive a power, devouring faith in greed, and even luck. Yankee thinks that when bone dragons, and some masters believe in themselves, luck is slowly devoured.

It is also the sorrow of the believers. All that is true of the believers belongs to the Lord, who has no soul, no independent personality, no will, even luck is not his own. Everything belongs to the Lord, who can deprive the believers of their souls, their luck, and give them their souls and their luck.

This is all so sad that the mighty will not become believers, even the gods. None of them will believe, because believing in others, believing in an unknown, is in itself stupid and ridiculous, putting their own destiny on top of the unknown, is itself a sign of weakness.

Xianxian Split, now the changes in the body, has made achievements, gradually disengage from Yang Qi's control, in the face of such changes, Yang Qi's heart is very comforting.

From the change in the Immortal Spirit, he felt a slight possibility of resurrection against the Immortal King.

Powerful, powerful, stronger, stronger... From deep inside the immortal body, a powerful mind is conveyed, striking the heart of the honor.

“Yankee, do you want me to believe you?” Lord Jiuyang screamed: “No way, I'm not a bone dragon, and you think you can beat me? Kill me? I am no better than the Dragon King and the Dragon King, don't force me to exert my last resort, and behind me, there are ancient antiques support. All those who are strong in the Hongjin realm of the entire Ecclesiastical Alliance have ancient antiques support behind them, they are close to the gods, some may even impact the immortal gods, in consolidating their kingdom, they are all in infinite chaos, deep in the infinite chaos beyond the 33rd class fairy realm, the world is more infinite, we are now the immortal realm of eternal sand, but only the lining, there are still living gods inside! ”

“Why do you say so much?” Yankee step forward, “believe me, or die, I don't care who's behind you? ”

“Yankee, don't lie too much!” Lord Jiuyang said: “I can swear to God from now on, we will not trouble you, we Jiuyang gods and your well water do not offend the river water! How about we turn Gango into a jade? ”

“On your knees! ”

At this moment, Yang Qi was too lazy to talk to Lord Jiuyang. His hands pressed, and he was forced to come. God's hands appeared, and he crushed the head of Lord Jiuyang.

“I don't know what to do.” Bone Dragon King is also on the side of the gang: “The master is so powerful that you believe in him, but you do not realize the good, this is to seek death, no one can save you. ”


Lord Jiuyang sprayed out a mouthful of blood and turned it into a blood cloud walnut lid. He actually died in support of Yang Qi's massive repression, and the last glimmer appeared on his face: “Yang Qi, are you really going to break the net with me? I'm telling you, you wouldn't be better off if I died, don't think you're powerful, but you're still a long way off compared to all the real antiques. ”

“Oh? Then take out the old antique behind you? Let me see?” Yankee pushed again, pressed hard, shocked all over her body, force from her heart, boom! There was a loud noise, and between moments, the bloody cloud lid broke.

Then, he grabbed Lord Jiuyang and lifted him up empty-handed, and a hell of a whip appeared on his hand, beating him continuously.


Screaming sound, passing out fiercely, Lord Jiuyang can no longer bear to scream more than any one person.

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