Sage Emperor

Chapter 764: I Don't Know What's Right

“You guys don't know what to do! ”

Seeing the remaining 65 major juvenile ancestors, a nest of bees pounding on top, all sorts of magic, qigong, fairy magic, the dao law light converged in one piece, coming towards himself to kill, Yang Qi shook his head, suddenly a barrier appeared in front of him, above the barrier flashed a thin optical film.

crackle and rattle!

The optical film began to oscillate, blocking all attacks, and any attacks that reached him had no effect.

“Gods Seal! ”

Yang Qi moved slightly, one of the big stamps appeared in the air, killed out a million lights, bound to the bodies of these younger ancestors, immediately the younger ancestors were all tied up, wrapped into cocoons, they struggled hard, but they couldn't break it.

“All united, 72 united! ”

I don't know who shouted, suddenly the air currents over my head rushed out, people's air currents converged together, actually converged into three white lotus flowers, constantly expanding, seems to break the whole world.

If these people were out there, it would be difficult to deal with them, running around, publishing news, and some of the experts would rush in. They are all from the great world, and many of the family's antiques cannot be ignored.

But now that Yang Qi has been introduced into the great battle, it is different, no one can go out, this great battle is stubborn, repressed by the heavenly seals, every inch of space penetrates the power of Yang Qi, even the origin of the heavenly fairy realm and the origin of the Wang Wang map.

However, these people gathered together, the wisdom was united, and the three white lotus flowers that were naturalized were actually not small. When they expanded, the space creaked and squeaked, and they actually had more power than the Dragon King, the Bone Dragon King, and Lord Jiuyang combined.

Fortunately, the seventy-one ancestors are incomplete, let alone add Ye Xiao. Otherwise, Yang Qi is most likely to be broken through by these people and change away.

Young Master Ye collects 71 other special qualities, that is, to congeal into an ancient great array. Between the fierce operation of this great array, you can reverse the kingdom of the universe, mobilize latitude and longitude, and disturb the yin and yang, it is simply invincible.

Unfortunately, Yang Qi has now broken each axis. Without Ye Xiao's axis, the power will be greatly diminished. Now six digits are missing, and the power will be even weaker.

“Three Flowers Gather on Crown! ”

The 65th Ancestor roared and provoked the three flowers to break through the world and escape.

Yang Qi stood up fiercely from the throne of chaos, pinched his fist with one hand, pinched his hand, sword fingers swayed, life and death disillusioned, the breath of the circle of days brewing in his palms: “Life and death disillusioned for a moment, Vancouver Night Road is long and broken! ”


A thunderbolt was released from the palm of his hand, and it seemed as though the gods of the ancient giants were holding an axe in their hand, splitting the heavens and the earth, and establishing an invincible passage for the circle of life and death.

This is another form of heavy qigong in the power of Goddess Town, life and death disillusioning lightning, slightly moving, this lightning can be used by Yang Qi to destroy any fairy realm below the twentieth level.

Even if it consumes sperm blood, the Thirty Levels fairy world can be blown through the crystal wall system by lightning, creating great hidden dangers.

A little lightning, just a little bit at first, like a spark of stars, flashed past, but for a moment, it was like the wind helped the spark, and it actually started to flame.


The raging thunder of rain, all landed on the white lotus flower on the summit of the three flowers. The white lotus flower immediately exploded, and many moaning faces appeared. Fifty-six ancestors threw up blood, all fell down, and everyone was numb.

Yet Yankee consumes a lot between these rays.

This life-and-death illusion-extinguishing thunder method, the full name of which is Life and Death Disillusioning Great Heavenly Thunder, is rumored to be unruly creation, between one thunder, breaking down countless divine kingdoms, making all beings surrender, awakening the thunder method, the power that needs to be consumed is enormous, even the unruly thunder god cannot carry out.

Between Yankees and Rays, the real yuan consumes at least one third.

However, 56 ancestors were crushed by him, all of them were immobile, and weak lights were emitted all over his body, seemingly impeccable, and his energy was severely damaged.

“Negative halo!” After Yang Qi's lightning, he did not stop, and then the dense and numb negative halo was placed on these people's bodies, making them simply unable to move their bodies, extremely weak and unable to themselves.

“The Devil? You demon, you can't believe the negative halo of ancient magic!” A teenage ancestor drank and cursed violently and would never yield.

“Really? You must be the devourer. There are 200 of them. I'll take them!” Once Yang Qi grabbed it, he instantly received 200 pieces of flute from the body of this juvenile ancestor. Once he swept up, he merged into his body. At once, the infinite chaotic air flow behind him changed dramatically, blowing up. The chaotic ancient snake seemed to live, and the blood flowed in his body, boiling and changing.

Yang Qi originally had 2,000 pieces of Tun Tian Wang Fu Lu, now he gets 200 pieces, which is 2200 pieces. It's really a fish dragon to get water, and the breath condenses again.

After surpassing 2,000 symbols, for every extra one, the symbols of King Tung will change in essence. Now on top of each symbol, there will be the shadow of King Tung, a giant wearing a cape, looking down on the creation, confronting the gods, no match!

The power of swallowing is even greater, a little breath, Yankee feels the rolling energy, shatters the void, holds onto his body, some hidden places, swallows the message of the King of Heaven, implicitly conveys.

Now he knows where the other figurines are. Some of them are actually in the eight heavenly realms. They are dragon lands, falling into the hands of some Dragon antiques, and some are even scattered deep in chaos debris.

Once he has done this, he will gather the Tung Tian Wang Fu Yi and succeed. No one in the world can stop him anymore. 3,000 Tung Tian Wang Fu Yi will be successfully collected, and he will get the true great inheritance of Tung Tian Wang. Tung Tian Wang is second only to the powerful presence of the Immortal King. He also belongs to the Supreme God. He is so fierce that he can devour many of the ancient gods that some of the great success gods will be scared of the wind. This is the cultivation that Yang Qi can only look up to.

“Good stuff...” Yang Qi perceived the changes in his body and then looked at these people, suddenly grasping them, many of the pharaohs flew up in the air and fell into his palm, including palaces, long swords, armor fragments, blades...

These are from the ancient seventy-two brothers.

“From hating the Heavenly Palace, the Arakorn Armor…” Each set contains many treasures, making it difficult to gather together. Ye Shao's heart, with his strength, should inherit the great Path of the Immortal King, and at the same time transcend the Immortal King, and make his subordinate seventy-one brothers into gods. Naturally, he collected a lot of treasures for these brothers.

Now these babies belong to Yang Qi, and will be given to the disciples. Each disciple can rely on the treasures of the 72 brothers of the Ancient Immortal King, marching through the fairy kingdom, invincible.

These fifty-six ancestors arrived now, really without the ability to resist, a frustrated man, but looking at Yankee's eyes, almost came out of the fire and killed him with his eyes.

Some hated the six green merchants, but they itched at all: “Green merchants, the six of you are treacherous, what do you want to do when you do something like this? ”

“Humph!" Green merchant stepped forward: “A group of stubborn things, the master can see you before he will solicit you. To tell you the truth, the master has now surrendered to Lord Jiuyang, King Bone Dragon, and even later, he will surrender more master of the Guardian Alliance. Those antiques will listen to the master, Young Master Ye himself to seek death, against the master, it is not a shame to die. Now that you have turned to the master, Young Ye will be attacked in the future, it is a great credit, understand? The Qi Kung Fu of the six of us, after the master's concentration, is now ten times stronger than each of you! ”

“Phew! Shameless things...” A teenage ancestor scolded violently: "We can't betray Young Master Ye. ”

“Hey... Green merchants, as you can see, these people do not weep until they see the coffin. I will give you the whip of hell and beat you hard!” Yankee waved his hand, and then six hell whips had fallen into the hands of six people.

Six people suddenly walked down, waving the whip, suddenly smoking, the screaming sounds of the moment fluttered, as if Hell had come to the world, even the more intransigent people could not bear the pain caused by Hell's whip.

Soon, some people had begun to surrender. It was a farce, confusion, some surrender, faith in Yang Qi, some prefer to die, drink aloud, say you cartilage heads, but the whip hit the body, and immediately screamed like a pig, yielding to Yang Qi.

Those who have not tried the pain of Hell's whip can never imagine that, as long as they are not beaten, heaven, even a pig dog, is more comfortable than the beating of Hell's whip.

At the end of the day, the sixty-fourth of the sixty-five surrendered. There was also a juvenile ancestor, who refused to surrender, and Hell's whip hit him on the body, and he started to say a strange spell, his whole body slightly glittered with gold, to resist the pain of Hell's whip whipping.

“Shelizi, the sky is not different colour, the colour is not different sky…” His spell is transmitted, it seems to be the spell of the Upper Buddha, the forces of hell invade into his body, the pain is greatly diminished.

“Hmm?” Yang Qi glanced, walking down the throne of chaos, and came to this young master, who opened his eyes and yelled, “Come on, come on, hit me, I'm not going to hell, who's going to hell? Your painful power of hell has been exerted on my body. Instead, it has hammered my Vajra Body Protector. I am a Vajra. The Buddha Gate can bestow on my special envoy the physical strength, specializing in restraining Hell... ”


Yang Qi knew that Buddhist Buddhism was an uppermost sect, very mysterious, and the gods fought over it in too ancient times. Although it was in the downwind, it still stood still. Although it did not appear in the Immortal Realm, the power occasionally came out.

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