Sage Emperor

Chapter 773: The Warring of the Two Gods

Two great experts are fighting.

Heavy fighting caused the entire civilization to be shaken sharply. General Samantha could not have been the opponent of Yankee, but he was planted with the invincible seeds of the power of the god's prison, gathered together, and exerted incredible power, which was tantamount to the whole of Ao Tian entrusting Yuan Goddess to himself and Yankee in battle.

Although Yang Qi doesn't understand, where exactly did Ao Tian get the power of Goddess Town, this is undoubtedly the purest power.

Even more pure than his own god prison.


Yankee whole flew up, turned into a bright light, dazzled, assassinated again against General Samantha, one finger pointed out, lightning flashed, life and death disillusionment thunder appeared on the palm of the hand, erupted extremely strong and horizontal fighting power, each eruption can tear a fairy realm, the entire space in the arena of the fighting god was torn to pieces, seemed to see the outside world.

“Life and Death Disillusioning Heavens Divine Thunder!” General Saman takes a sharp breath: “It's nothing, look at my Chaos Tai Gu Du Heavenly Thunder! ”


He waved his hands, and suddenly the chaotic energy of the large group appeared, bombarding Yang Qi, each oscillation, the chaos split, creating the avenue, the avenue gave birth to two instruments, the two instruments gave birth to four elephants, the four elephants gave birth to eight gossips, the eight gossips gave birth to sixty-four small gossips, each gossip divided into six elephants, the six elephants then divided the yin and the yang, the circumference and the recurrence, the strength was unmatched.

The thunder and thunder impacted, suddenly blocking Yankee's life and death disillusioning thunder.

“All Heavens God Seal! ”

Yang Qi suddenly flew up, grabbed the big seal, hit it down, Ding Dingkun, it was the National Jade Seal stamped on the imperial script, once Geding, the name between the moments was settled, instantly can be turned into no will, momentarily, all the lightning method dissipated, the big impression shock broke everything, to break General Saman's head.

General Saman took a deep breath knowing how fierce this was: “You can practise the power of the Imperial Town to the point where the seals of the gods appear, unfortunately, the leader of the proud heavens has been more profound than you, and has condensed far beyond the seals of the gods to see my crowns! ”

At the top of General Saman's head, a crown emerged that seemed thorny, hybrid, with courage, wisdom, strength, perseverance, rigidity, light, beauty, and desire...

As soon as this crown was worn over his head, Yang Qi's heavenly god seal was held up and unable to land.


The gun of judgment in General Saman's hand immediately turned into a bow and arrow. The big bow was longer than a man's. A long arrow gathered up on it, aiming at the heavenly seals in the sky and shooting into the sky.


The heavenly seals exploded like this and were ejected by an arrow. The bow and arrow were unimaginably powerful and completely surpassed all the Qigong morphology of Yangqixiang Township. Apparently, it appeared later.

“Bow of Punishment! Arrow of Divine Wrath! ”

An arrow exploded the heavenly seal, and suddenly, General Saman pulled the bow and arrow in his hand towards Yankee.

Countless swirls of God were gathering, souls were crying. At this moment, heaven and earth were gathered on arrows, locking Yankee completely, and Yankee was about to slay, but found himself unable to move. He was trapped by the power of the bow of punishment and the arrow of God's wrath.

There is no way to reach General Saman.

“Enjoy my bow and arrow fire! The bow of punishment, the arrow of divine wrath, is from the wrath of the gods, the punishment of the Lord, I see if you can bear it and die. ”


The world shook, an arrow lashed in front of Yankee, Yankee fingers a little, between moments this long arrow lashed on his fingers, and began to explode, so that his whole body of the gods' robes were broken down, his true qi was violently fluctuated, just this instant the assassination, causing him to lose at least one percent of his true qi.

“Awesome! ”

Yang Qi's eyes were sharp, he knew the strength of his god's prison, and he completely lost his Qi Kung. The strength of the other god's prison was much deeper than his own cultivation. At least this bow of punishment made the god's arrow completely irresistible.

“Take the punishment, Yankee.” General Saman laughed out loud: “My Qigong, the seed that Master Ao Tianzhu himself implanted, even if you add up ten, is not an opponent, now try to reach the power of Qigong, fine, you are still stubborn, I will let you really die and consume energy. ”

sōu sōu sōu sōu sōu...

Suddenly, he opened the bow to the left and right, and countless long arrows lashed out, all of them on Yang Qi's body, between moments, he had to shoot Yang Qi through.

“King of the Worlds Map! ”

Yang Qi moved slightly, and the four Immortal King's Charms moved. Soon, in the body appeared the passage of Wanjie Wangtu. The long arrow energy, which seemed to reach his body, actually just touched his body, transferred into Wanjie Wangtu, turned into a permanent long arrow, drilled in Wangtu to drill.

Not long ago, deep in Wang Tu, many long arrows were bound by Wang Tu's power, the great phantom of Wang Xian Wang stood up, grabbed the long sword and began to grind away.


A long arrow exploded and turned into energy. Instead, he entered Yang Qi's body. In the meantime, he felt that the Qi Gong of his god prison power had risen to a new level.

Not long ago, the long arrows that were fired exploded, all turned into true qi to benefit Yang Qi. At this moment, Yang Qi's true qi is not half damaged, but more powerful. Each impact gives the realm a possibility to improve again.

This is homologous, but the different gods of jail strength, the role of Yankee is self-evident.

Yankee is now on the surface, in the downwind, but in fact, he keeps accumulating strength and absorbing real breath. This was the countermeasure he had come up with a long time ago. He had already known by the time the six major dancers summoned up the power of Goddess Town. This time General Saman arrived, the power of Goddess Town would surely be even more fierce, and not now.


General Saman seemed to have no idea, lasered out hundreds of long arrows, all shot at Yang Qi's body, seemed like Yang Qi was shaking, pale face, about to fall at any time, his true temper was consuming, in fact, Yang Qi's whole body was in an optimal state, what appeared to be bewitching the enemy.

The smile appeared on General Saman's face: "Son, just admit your fate. You died in my hands, and you were not wronged! I'll fix you up and eat you all up. I'll take it. Now you sacrifice it! ”


Suddenly, General Saman's “Bow of Punishment” and "Arrow of Divine Wrath” erupted with tremendous power, almost tearing the heavens and the earth apart. The arrow was more than a hundred times larger, and an arrow bombarded and directly reached Yang Qi's chest.

Yankee saw this arrow unusually fierce and suddenly changed, and a black hole appeared again in front of her chest, trying to swallow the long arrow into it. But at this moment, the arrow stopped.

General Saman's face revealed a mysterious smile: "Immortal token, interfering with the passage, temporarily blocked! Kill with an arrow! ”

Suddenly, deep in the disk debris of the entire civilization, a force that also belonged to the Immortal King Fu Lu, combined with the debris energy, powerful space cosmic fluctuations interfered with the transmission, the black hole in Yang Qi's chest, the secret disappeared.

Then, long arrows laser into Yankee bodies thousands of times faster!


Yankee seemed to be all set on the ground, incredibly looking at a big hole in her chest.

He's hit hard!

“Ha ha!” General Saman saw this scene and laughed wildly, "Yankee, do you think I didn't know you were secretly absorbing the power of the arrow of God's wrath? Open the map of the kingdom, I deliberately asked you to open it, and when you were happy, I suddenly bombarded! Show all your strength, an arrow comes, you absorb it, but I activate the power of the Immortal King Fu Lu, interfering with your power field, all of this, between my control, now this arrow of divine anger has bombarded your Dantian Qi Hai, starting to destroy your body, the power of the Divine Township, you can't do anything! This is natural, because everything is under the control of the AWESOME leader. With your recklessness, you have malicious thoughts about our future world, hiding everywhere, manipulative and impossible to escape from. Now go to hell! ”

Once again, the divine bow and arrow changed. For the gun of judgment, General Saman struck hard, turning the whole person into a line and stabbing hard.

“Goddess Township! Master Throw Elephants! ”

He threw the gun of judgment hard between the sprints and threw it out, suddenly like no god, raised the statue high and threw it out hard.

Rumor has it that the gods' statues, though infinitely powerful, suppress countless hells, are often lost in their nature by the forces of hell, become unusually manic, often step on the palaces of the gods, so that the gods are chaotic, and countless gods flee. At this time, the Lord will appear, arrest the gods, and throw them out harshly, called the Lord Throw Elephants.

Now, as General Saman did, once he threw a long gun, he could almost shoot Yang Qi through, detonate and completely destroy Yang Qi's soul.


The long gun stabbed Yang Qi's body so hard that Yang Qi Gao flew up and the wind and rain exploded and fell to the ground.


After seeing the success, General Saman flew up to Yankee, pulled out a long gun, and once again grabbed Yankee's head with one hand. He was going to explode Yankee and capture the Gods' imprint alive.

Heavenly thanks, close by.

Unfortunately, after grabbing a claw, Yang Qi's body disappeared, only a long gun was left nailed to the ground, motionless, Yang Qi's entire person seemed completely extinguished, meteorized, and turned into nothing.

“What the hell is going on?” General Saman was astonished.

“Do you really think you can reckon with me?” Yankee appeared on top of General Saman's head: “I also have a disc fragment of civilization, the arrogance didn't count! ”

God's hand, one shot over Samantha's head.

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