Sage Emperor

Chapter 781: Old Ancestor Seeking Hung

Just one point, the Funeral Sword Ancestor bombarded the Great Black Ancestor's Divine Sword.

Immediately, the power difference between the two sides appeared, but the Great Black Master could not get off the stage in front of so many grandmasters. Suddenly, a swordsmanship broke the sky and attacked the ancestor of the funeral sword again.

“Abyssal Chase! ”

A pitch-black abyss, reappeared, such as the black dragon wrapped around the ancestor of the burial sword, this sword is a sudden attack, as fast as a thunder, even the trick, directly covered, many ancestors did not react, the face shows a shocking color, if you are attacked by this tactic, I am afraid you will not be spared.

Funeral sword ancestor hurriedly retreated.

“Can you back off? Abyss Serial Kill! Type two, King of Evil! Formula 3, Original Sin Coming, Formula 4, Origin of Evil, Formula 5, Achieve All Dark Swords! ”

A trick in the form of five, was carried out in the hands of the Great Dark Ancestor, and every trick was filled with the evil breath of the Abyss. This sword of the Abyss was obviously used by the Evil God, or was reinforced by the power of the Evil God.

It is engraved with many swordsmanship techniques, all evil, evil ways, subversion of the law, fierce evil, one can pull anyone into the abyss of evil, sink forever, and never return to the right path.

Overshadowed by the sword, the body of the ancestor of the funeral sword has disappeared, seems to have been split into pieces, only the great black ancestor's grin contiguous, seems to occupy the upper wind completely.

“Die, Master Funeral Sword, covered by my sword of the abyss, you will never have any hope again! ”

The Great Black Ancestor laughed again.

“Really? You are the evil way, then I will break you with the Heavenly Path!” The voice of the ancestor of the funeral sword came out of the pitch-black light, suddenly a sword, Golden Light Wandao, the right path appeared, the right qi, the rules gathered, seemed to be the sword that founded the world, opening peace for all generations.


One sword is huge and swinging, and the sword of the abyss is cut down when it is empty!

Afterwards, Master Funeral Sword advanced and waved his hand, striking the Grand Black Master in the chest!

The great black ancestor screamed, the whole person was thrown up, flew out, a bite of blood sprayed out, fell on the ground, one breath could not connect, actually fainted.

“Waste one, this sword of the abyss is at least an artifact, left in my kingdom sword grave, as a memorial, Grand Black Master, you have disqualified yourself from competing for the Alliance Master.” The ancestor of the funeral sword entered into the body of the great black ancestor. Immediately after, the ancestor awoke and saw himself fail. He suddenly jumped and said to many of the ancestors present: “I am not good at learning. I was so hated today that I withdrew from the Ecclesiastes League! Go back to practice, come back later for revenge, goodbye! ”

As he spoke, he flew out of the temple of Heavenly Dao.

At this moment, suddenly, when the air shook open, he saw nine invincible antiques and shook him directly to the ring stage.

"Grand Dark Ancestor," said the master. “If you fail to join the Patriarchate Alliance, you will withdraw. Aren't we Patriarchate Alliance jokes? Everybody quit after losing? Isn't the Escort League a loose sand? The rule today is, who loses, who gets out! To embrace the new allies, you think it's a child who's staying at home? ”

“Well, whoever loses has to embrace the birth of a new ally and want to quit, unless it's death! ”

An ancestor even nodded: “If you lose and quit, how many games have you tried? Didn't our Patriarch League dissolve? The Alliance leader is also a light rod commander? ”

At the same time, several ancestors spoke with one voice.

“Hmm! I can leave if I want to. I can't quit the Escort League if I want to. Even in the secular dynasty, you can resign, I don't understand, this protection league becomes a bondage?” The Great Dark Ancestor is furious: “I think this is not a Patriarchal Alliance at all, but someone else with ambitions, to set up an organization, not to confront the future world, but to achieve his own ambition, to unify the whole fairy world, I am not going to be escorted, today to see who can stop me! ”

Between the words, he flew again.

But faster than him, there were nine shadows, all of them haunted, lightning went through, intercepted in front of him in just one stroke, nine masked yellow clothes masters.

A lot of people have come to realize that this is a long-time ancestor, the mysterious Nine Monsters.

The mysterious Nine Monsters, the Nine One, took up an ancient miracle cultivation in chaos hundreds of millions of years ago. Many ancient ancestors visited, knowing that the Nine were close to immortality and unpredictable power, are the most elusive antiques of character.

Now, nine people actually simultaneously fight against the Great Black Ancestor.

“Come if you want, go if you want, do you think our Escort Alliance is a vegetable market? Our mysterious Nine Monsters are entrusted to maintain the order of the entire Patriarchal League today's campaign for the Alliance Leader! ”

One of the old figures in the mask said: "Our mysterious Nine Monsters, the Nine in One, cultivate Immortal Avenue, are not qualified to be allies, but we do not allow anyone to disrupt it. Now, Master Black, if you lose, you're going to run, and you say bad things about the Guardian League. What are you going to do? ”

“Damn it! ”

A mysterious monster humane.

“Well, in that case, kill him and preserve the routine! ”


The mysterious Nine Monsters totally launched a series of bombardments, forming an invincible Grand Formation, immediately surrounding the Great Dark Ancestor and immediately launching an attack.

The Great Black Ancestor even roared, but the mysterious Nine Monsters suddenly attacked him, he couldn't get out of trouble, and Yang Qi also saw that the Nine Old Monsters, all of them possessed stunning moves, joined together, even more powerful, but they said that they were not qualified to take the Alliance Master, they were trusted... then that is, they were the slaves of a powerful figure.

That's no small matter.

It's unrivalled, I'm afraid, to be able to instruct a powerful person to be a slave.

“Guys, let me out!” Big Black Master slapped out, a round of big black sunrise rose, this is his painstaking "Big Black Sun Palm”.

Unfortunately, the mysterious Nine Monsters joined forces for a change, and came out of the sky. Everyone shot one hand in a row. It was actually the big black palm, which seemed to duplicate the great black ancestor's schooling.

Boom Lung!

The Great Black Ancestor was sieged by nine of himself, beaten to pieces, and the flesh landed in the sky. Every piece of flesh is screaming!

“Collect! Melting!”

Mysterious Nine Monsters each shot, turned into nine vortexes, sucked all this flesh in, heard the Great Black Ancestor scream, "Let me go, I am willing to submit to the Allies do not kill me, I practiced for hundreds of millions of years, it is not easy... Ah!”

The final scream came to an end.

Everyone knows that the superior grandmaster died like this.

“Good, now that this ambitious man is dead, keep going.” One of the mysterious Nine Monsters said: “We will not compete for the Lord of the Alliance, because we are all in one. But we will maintain order. ”

Everyone sees the mysterious Nine Monsters, they are all cold, and they wonder who invited out the Nine Antiques, who exactly is behind them, at the same time people look at the Too Virtual Ancestors, and look at some of the antiques around the Too Virtual Ancestors, such as "Holy Hand King”, "The Great Sad Old Man”, “Skywalker"... These people, obviously are all in the same company, become a force on one side, and do not know who is behind them?

However, there are also a number of forces of this magnitude.

There were also those who objected.

A cold smile came out: "Okay, mysterious nine monster antiques, you kill people in public, who gives you the power? ”

Everyone was stunned, no one expected that, under the power of the mysterious Nine Monsters, there would be others to do the sound of war horses. Everyone wanted to see who it was. Even Yang Qi's eyes looked in the past and found that it was from a dragon clan expert.

Dragon Nation experts are here too.

The dragon, the dragon, the dragon... The Eight Dragons, it seems, are temporarily united. Clustered with a teenager, this teenager, full of breath, empty, in a state of nothingness, hidden on top of his head about ten thousand dragons of luck, absolute mastery.

Speaking is an ancestor of the Dragon Department next to this teenager. Obviously, the Dragons were not afraid of the mysterious Nine Monsters and made sarcasm.

“No one gives us power but to maintain order.” Mysterious Nine Monsters: “You Dragon Nation people want to take the position of Alliance Lord, even though it is above! What do you think? As long as you can finally live with the challenges of many friends, one-on-one is invincible, and we are mysterious, we are absolutely at your behest. ”


Suddenly, the Dragon clan, a powerful man of great power, appeared. He turned to the mysterious Nine Monsters and said: “The king will try to see how many people can defeat me, the sword master, your swordsmanship is remarkable, but I, the Dragon King, want to try it. ”

“Turns out to be the mysterious Dragon King, Dragon Clan, then come out! ”

Funeral Sword Ancestral Master laughed.


The King of the Camel Dragon arrived at the ring stage, one punch fired at the ancestor of the funeral sword, the fist wind tore, the eight dragon tribes appeared, the dragon ascended to the sky, the weather was thousands. This is the Eight Fists. This man has practiced to seven parts, and only one step away is eight complete, and each punch breaks the chaos.

When..... Funeral Sword Grandmaster and the King Camel Dragon fought each punch against a sword, between the moments has fought for hundreds of rounds, Funeral Sword Grandmaster arrived at the end, each sword, it takes a great deal of real power! The real chi has been transformed into a world of white clouds, with the appearance of the ancient sword mound.

On the top of the head of the camel, the blood flame boiled, obviously gas and blood shook, condensed into an invincible blood cloud, began to burn vitality, both men's boxing swordsmanship provoked to reach the extreme, if not for the temple of the temple of Heaven running the temple, bound most of the power, this fistwind swordsmanship emitted, many fairy world to destroy it.


At the end of the day, the Dragon King changed continuously, suddenly a punch, straight out, found the other party to bloom, long drive straight in, momentum like broken bamboo.

Everyone was horrified, but the ancestor of the funeral sword disappeared, and the whole man appeared on the head of the Dragon King, with a sword inserted.

The Dragon King collapsed and failed again.

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