Sage Emperor

Chapter 784 Fury Heaven Great Emperor

“Ah, the two masters are going to fight! ”

“These are the true two great invincible masters, the dragon clan dragon clan chief and one of the Quartet Emperors, the Angry Emperor. This dragon fight, who wins and who loses? ”

“It is likely that the Great Emperor is angry, although the Dragon Dragon Nation is powerful, but this Great Emperor is one of the four Emperors of the ancient Heavenly Court. ”

“I'd like to hurt both of us and lose our energy, so our chances are here. How lucky we are to capture the Alliance Master. ”

“Wherever it is so easy, these characters have been running the planet for a long time, invincible, every move counts accurately, it is basically impossible to lose or lose, besides, the angry heavenly emperor appeared, the three great emperors Wanfa Tongtian Great Emperor, Nine Extreme Supreme Emperor, Xuan Huang Canghai Great Emperor will definitely come out, who do you think can steadily occupy the Alliance Lord's throne, I see this time, our antiques can no longer be the Alliance Lord, the Alliance Lord is already set. ”

“You can't be the leader of the alliance, you can be the second messenger left and right, the ninth major. The 24 gods, the Pope, will also be good. He holds power, and is the reign of the prestigious. ”

“This also requires competition, where is such a simple thing, I thought the Patriarchal Alliance was confused, even if the Alliance leader was established, the Alliance leader could not disintegrate the Quartet fairy kingdom, disrupt the compilation, make the people united, but now I am mistaken, once the Angry Emperor appeared, deterring the Quartet, even the owner of the thirty-third level fairy kingdom, could not do anything about him. You can only execute the order properly. This person is too powerful and prestigious. When building the ancient heavenly gardens, they are all the same, let alone now? ” ………..

Countless ancient antiques saw these two try, all talked about, especially the Dragon clan elder Buddha Fruit challenged the Angry Great Emperor, excited in his heart.

All these years, 100 million years are rare to see.

Moreover, there is no possibility of compromise on this matter, and the Great Emperor of Fury cannot fail to accept the challenge.

Indeed, when the furious Emperor moved, he jumped up the steps and looked at the Buddha fruit before opening his mouth: “Buddha fruit, I accept your challenge to see what you have achieved recently? How dare you name me Challenge? Did the Dragons still regain the courage of their blood? ”

“Then ask the Angry Emperor to teach.” The Dragon clan elder of the Buddha fruit suddenly clapped his hand, this clap was different, hiding the dragon claws, but the gold light contained it, a little movement, everywhere dragon and tiger roar, the Buddha sounds four times.

“My Buddha asks heaven! ”

One move, the earth shakes, and the pillars of the universe all squawk, to be slapped by the gods. The Buddha's fruit is much stronger than his son's.

The furious Emperor saw this clap, did not move, and gave it a slap. There is no action, it is just a straight-forward palm, between the two of them, shouting, the Buddha fruit step back, while the furious heavenly emperor tattoo does not move.

“Awesome!” When people saw this power, it was obvious that the Angry Emperor had won the battle, but the Buddha fruit was no small one step back. In fact, the anger of the heavenly emperor's heart is also dark shocked, this palm, though flawless, applied the law of the superior god palm, the dark fire flying through the divine power, with a dark fire to attack each other's body, turning the other silent and silent into ashes.

However, the Buddha's fruit silently dissolved and took a step back. It's incredible.

At the moment, the Angry Emperor did not dare to fall lightly, fully expanded the fight against killing, a move out, continued, completely turned rotten into wonder, the fire palm strikes down in the sky, each palm is like the anger anger blowing up the sky dome, came to the world.

And the Buddha Fruit clan chief also did his best to fight, either to catch, or to shoot, or to hammer, or to quake, or to break... Continuous bombardment, the entire human race wandering in various cosmic planes, seemed to be a small step, but actually a trillion light years of walking.

Man will never catch his trace.

And the furious Great Emperor, every palm of the sky, accurately recorded his position in the void plane universe, and when the sky bombarded down, the flames covered the four sides, appearing arcuate.

This flame is no longer a five-line fire, but a civilization, an emotion, representing the origins of countless civilizations, no civilization can originate without fire. The true nature of this fire appeared in his body, making him a great god, and only the gods could have originated civilization.

The Palm of the Flaming God falls in an arcuate shape and cuts everywhere.

“Buddha, I'm one!” The elder of the Buddha fruit sees himself completely in the downwind, knowing that his power is not as good as that of the fiery Emperor, but how can he be willing? After a long time of planning, it was impossible to give up, suddenly the mastery changed and became more fierce, it seemed that too ancient power had awakened in the body.

A vast Buddhist mindset, seemingly held by the gods, comes from too ancient, with too ancient divine ways.

Many universes emerged here in a flat heap, and people saw the gap between the universe and the universe throughout the dojo, completely staggered, so that everyone could see the multiverse.

This palm actually makes a lot of parallel universes between moments, intersecting... Together, it's like the gods are opening the kingdom.

“Hmm?” The furious Emperor's face changed, his body's continuous inhalation became huge, the palm method was even more violent, each hand hit out, it was a power of creation, he stepped in the air, a little step, the multiverse began to melt, the air drip and answer, the falling empty lava like something.

This is the substance in the furnace where the chaos of the universe was refined. He melted heaven and earth into his palm. So divine, so unknown, unheard of. Yang Qi saw the two great masters fighting in the air. He admired it in his heart, knowing that the divine power of both men surpassed himself. However, he opened the eyes of the Lord, operating the power of the elephant prison in the body, the qi power of the two people, the laws of motion seemed clear. The congenial state of knowledge of a martial arts in the sea was spinning. Not long ago, he felt that many places in the world were incomprehensible, immune and a wisdom oil still existed.

He had been repaired to stay in the triple divine realm, and it would take a long time to progress in understanding, but now he is watching the battle between the Angry Emperor and the Buddha Fruit. Using the laws of heaven and earth, the two men have learned about the realm of the Shattered God, and even the realm of the Five Heavenly Netherworlds has begun to understand.

Over time, he must have been able to break through continuously.


At this point, he sensed that there seemed to be an eruption in the body of the Dragon elder Buddha Fruit, something like the egg of the Lord of Bituo County, and in the underworld, an extremely great will, landed in his body, causing a faint golden color to flow out from deep pores throughout his body.

This is a phenomenon that has been possessed by a god, or an ancient god, in passing on the power of the god in his body.

This brewing has gradually reached its limits and will soon erupt completely.

Indeed, after ten breaths, the Buddha fruit smile appeared on his face, it was a smile, suddenly, his qi power greatly increased, and once it washed up, it actually broke through the anger Emperor's palm control, reaching in the middle of the sky, sending out a powerful idea: “Angry Emperor, if you have no other means, today there is only one way to fail, you think I really just a little means, now let you see, my true school dropout, ‘III Cause’ Past, Now, Future, for III, Cause, Cause, and ultimate fate, Origin and Home, Cause! With the power of the Third God, I run the origins and the fate, and let your true soul break the stage! ”


The real qi in the body erupted, all the old antiques were black, everyone felt that they seemed to be caught in the III causal entanglement, not knowing whether they were past or present or future.

This punch is no longer a means of immortality, nor a power of the Buddha's fruit itself, but a means of the gods, or a Buddha comparable to the gods, infusing his body with power, so that between moments, he exerts a divine means.

III Karma!

This technique completely explodes many of the energy next to the body of the Angry Great Emperor, placing the Angry Great Emperor at a disadvantage.

People can't even see all of this and can only shake deep in their hearts: “Turns out this Buddha fruit is ambitious, it actually reckons the furious Emperor, so bold! ”

“Fury Heaven Great Emperor failed this time. ”

“True failure. ”

“Bad, do we have to be ruled by the Dragon Nation? The Dragons will poop on our heads and pee. ”

“Despicable! ” …………

Many people have different thoughts in their hearts. all know that not of my clan its heart must be different.

Yang Qi was also mentioned by the heart. He looked at the change in the field. The man's third cause and effect was indeed strong and he could not resist it. This anger of heaven was also covered in it, and the eyes were about to encounter a dark calculation. But just at this moment, in the body of the anger of heaven, the three strands of his equally powerful breath rose and echoed with the true Qi of his body, which made his Qi momentarily increase several times, and produced an incredible change.

It's like a change in the union of immortality and seventy-one ancestors.

“Buddha Fruit, I knew you were uneasy, but you wanted to take over the power of our Patriarchal Alliance. I'm going to let you dragon people die now! Come out, Ancient Heavenly Court! ”

As soon as the Angry Great Emperor struck out, a majestic ancient heavenly court was born. Between the birth, the strongest shock began everywhere. The heavenly palace spanned all the ancient times, the weather was thousands of times. In just one stroke, the III causal shock was shattered to pieces, and then slapped the Buddha fruit in the chest.


Tuo Buddha fruit screamed all over his body, flew out, completely failed, turned the whole person into a raging wind, took all the Dragon people away, directly out of the Temple of Heaven running, no one could stop him.

“Heaven Emperor Fury, this failure, I will surely pay you back a hundred times!” As he walked away, he left behind a harsh message.

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