Sage Emperor

Chapter 792: The Secret of Divine Reserve

“What is this old antique, the way to go? Not from my Escort League.” Between moments, Yankee recognized that these powerful antiques were not elders in the Patriarchal League.

Though countless people in the Ecclesiastical Alliance are like Hengsha, as long as they are among them, there is a condensed luck on their bodies. It is a manifestation of the massive gathering of heavenly and earth luck. As in the world, there is an official luck in the underworld for those who are officials in the system. The ordinary people cannot see it, but Yang Qi, who holds the fate, sees it clearly.

These ancient antiques, seven in all, are headed by a man in a five-coloured robe, a three-willow beard, a little bright swirl deep in his eyebrows, absorbing the energy and energy of the heavenly world outside the sky, and not even the water gas of the ocean can do anything about him.

“The strength of this man is so strong, it seems to be similar to the darkness of the messenger Bo Rhyme. If he does not come to our Patriarchate League, he can at least compete for the position of a Patriarch Pope, take power, and see what the way they come, is it to find the ancient hiding place?” Yang Qi thought to himself: "Wait, take these people down. ”

Now Yankee's strength has increased several times, and he doesn't care at all, whoever he is, as long as he is not a true god, kills, anyone can fight. Even the Heavenly Four Emperors.

“Nice, this ancient god hidden in the heavenly and outer world, the god who created the heavenly and outer world in that year, is one of the gods in the ancient god hiding, they left many treasures, that is to wait for heaven and earth to change, the treasure map of the ancient gods, a total of seven, is left by the seven gods, we now get four, build the ancient heavenly ways of life and extinction 40%, lay down the altar here, can summon all of them, and our boss has discovered, there are three residual images, should be in the Ecclesiastical Alliance. ”

The man with the five-colored robe said lightly.

“Escort Alliance? It's amazing now, Fury Heavenly Emperor recently heard of integrating all the old antique immortals, starting to fight the future world, want great luck and heavenly ways to enjoy. ”

A man with a pale face, like a zombie, said: “I don't know what the boss is thinking, according to logic, we should also get into it, and split power with the Angry Great Emperor to compete for luck. In battle with the future world, you can enjoy Heaven's help. It is very beneficial to achieve the gods. ”

“The boss naturally has the idea of the boss, and the anger emperor and the other three emperors have joined forces, very powerful. Although the boss can fight against two of the emperors, he has some tricks when the four emperors go together, so now he avoids the sharp light, secretly builds power, and watches it change.” The five-colored robe chief explains.

“What if the great emperor leads the herd and defeats the future world? Aren't all the luck in heaven and earth concentrated together? The gods can be accomplished by then.” Another woman said that the woman was a beautiful young woman, but her face was cold and not false.

“Wherever it is so easy, the top ten leaders of the future world are invincible. Even more powerful, they bear the legendary seal of the gods. They are now fighting Tai Ancient. Once returned, the entire Immortal World will soon be destroyed. In the past too ancient times, there were fragments of the mark of the gods, held in a powerful hand, in the future there were fragments of the mark of the gods, held in the hands of the ten great leaders, and now in this Immortal Age, the fragments of the mark of the gods have not come out, and we do not know who is in whose hands. Can the Angry King lead the crowd? He's delusional. Too ancient masters, future masters, will sooner or later gather in this Immortal Age to carry out the great battle, the great slaughter, no one can stop it, unless the owners of the seals of the gods appear, the bosses are now in chaos, pulling together some masters, accumulating strength, watching for a change, is waiting for the owners of the seals of the gods to appear, and then implement the means, directly seize refinement, become powerful, then go out of the mountains, receive the fruits of the Ecclesiastical Alliance, defeat all future and too ancient masters, unite the universe, achieve the supremacy, this ambition, what are those who can see? ”

“All right, now don't talk too much, take out all the pieces! We arrived on the island and opened the ancient temple, which would not normally appear, and only the owner of the remnants would appear before us. Otherwise, even if the Angry King arrived here, it would not have happened. ”

Seven people moved so hard, they threw out four crippled pictures!

Each leftover map shows a temple, a pattern of the stars, exactly the same as the temple in front of you.

Four pieces of residual diagrams came together and condensed into half.

Between moments, Yang Qi's body was also stumbling, and as soon as he flew out, the seven people present felt it.

“Who? Who? ”

“Surrounded, can't let him get away, he's the owner of the cripple! ”

“Dude, we knew that this time we had collected four pieces of leftovers, and we were going to catch the big fish, and the big fish got hooked. ” ………

The Seven Old Antique Bands surrounded Yankee, and the leader in the five-colored robe came up and looked at Yankee: "Young man, are you from the Ecclesiastical Alliance? To be able to get here, it seems to be well repaired. With a residual image on it, you want to open the gates of the ancient temple? How is that possible? Did the Emperor send you? But I don't think so. This great emperor is plotting to move backwards, and he won't do anything so uncertain. ”

“Hand over the diagrams. ”

“You don't have a chance, kid.” There are many scars on one face, the fierce and evil man went forward: “Ha ha, it's really hard to find a way to find the iron shoes, so let us find five residual images, the boss knows, don't know how happy, will give us again. ”

Yankee looked at the seven people and smiled. “Give me the four pieces. Can I spare your lives? What kind of boss are you four following, trying to pick up the fruit from our Escort League? Looks like I have to report this to the Angry Emperor to let him know that there is such a conspirator and ambitious man in the back, must be eradicated, we are tired of fighting the future world ahead, can someone hide behind the conspiracy can be tolerated? ”

“Boy, you think you're gonna get out alive today? ”

The man with the scar on his face smiled: “Even if you want to die, it's hard. This time you say something like this, we can't let you go. ”

“Cut the crap, take him down!” The gorgeous cold lady is getting impatient, "a kid, what are you talking about with him? ”

“Fine. There's really nothing to talk to him about.” Scarface Dahan stepped out, his body appeared like a ghost god, such as a dry land god thunder, suddenly burst out, everything shook, thunderbolt wind.

The thunderous winds, the fierce, fierce breath surfaced, making Yankee herself have a suffocating taste.

“Awesome, this man is not under the Master of the Funeral Sword.” Yang Qi quickly judged this person's cultivation, fearing only powerful figures who climbed four or five steps up the immortal ladder.

But isn't he afraid?

This Scarface Big Man pounded and killed, he didn't move, suddenly shot, actually intent on Qi first, his palms pinched on Scarface Big Man's neck, directly lifted the other party, then powerful qi power turned into a divine demon seal, all infused into this big man's body, so that the big man's legs even kicked and couldn't speak.

Yankee relaxed a little, this scar face big man's face shocked: “Let go of me, who are you, you are so powerful, let go of me quickly! ”

Ka Cha

Yang Qi directly and violently entered the Scarface man's body, shaking all the meridians in his body, while a strong suction absorbed the energy, qigong, and various sperm blood elements in his body clean, and then became an empty shell, fell on the ground, motionless.

Totally dead.


“Brother, what's wrong with you? ”

“Shit, our brother's dead. Killed by this kid? ”

“What kind of genius is this? ”

“Rapid gathering, bad people!” The leader of the five-colored robe said fiercely, and then the remaining six gathered together, dying to look at Yankee: “Who are you? ”

“Hey!” Yang Qi sighed a long time, “You people are too lonely to even know the latest bright messenger of the Patriarchate League, still want to deal with our Patriarchate League?” Though Yankee and Angry Emperor fought each other to compete for the dominance of the Alliance, no one was allowed to deal with the Patriarchate Alliance behind their backs, making a clear distinction between internal and external struggles.

“The Messenger of Light, you are the Messenger of Light of the Juvenile.” The leader of the five-colored robe said fiercely: “Wait, don't do it, our boss has started investigating you, knowing that your fixing is different, and knowing that you will be jealous of the furious Emperor, most likely that Emperor will deal with you, you know? Now our boss can help you, against this great emperor, you can never fight this great emperor alone, because now the Four Emperors have joined forces. You will be crushed to death by the Four Emperors if you try to take over the Alliance. ”

“Who is your boss? ”

Yankee asked.

“This, as long as you follow us to the depths of chaos, where our boss practises, you will naturally understand that our boss is already a level of God.” The gorgeous young woman hurried.

“We can totally cooperate, even though you killed our brothers, but this can be undone if we cooperate.” The leader of the five-colored robe said again: "Our boss has long wanted to see you. ”

“Unfortunately, I am not interested in seeing any of your bosses, so what about the Four Emperors of Heaven? Sooner or later, I will have to kill them, refine them into my body incarnation, the Second Yuan God, and your bosses will die.” Yankee suddenly cold-blooded: “Today, none of you are going to walk away and grab you, I can naturally search for your boss to see what the role really is. ”

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