Sage Emperor

Chapter 797: Great Emperor Wrath

Just before Yankee arrived in the Light Corps.

Heaven Emperor Fury is deep in the Temple of Heaven Running, also talking to some old antiques, all very powerful and powerful figures, are being solicited by this Great Emperor Alliance leader.

In addition to this, there is the Emperor of the Heavenly Demons, the Dark Messenger sitting beside the Great Emperor at the end of the rhyme, which is certainly the heart of the Great Emperor's Alliance.

“How can you people rely on my immortal legions to bargain? Get more resources?” Look at yourself with thousands of old antiques, angry heavenly emperors fiercely said: “You are all from the Patriarchate Alliance, don't you know to contribute to my Patriarchate Alliance? ”

“Alliance master, that's a bad word.” There was a grin on several old antique faces: “At the moment, the situation is chaotic, we have joined the Guardianship League, but we have all sought refuge, which has built up the whole Guardianship League, and now you want us to join the Immortal Legion unconditionally, with no benefit at all, which seems too unpopular. ”


"What good do you want?" cried the Great Emperor in anger. To join this legion and dissolve your original sect? In a word, I don't want to have any small groups under me, everything targeting my will. ”

“We only hope that the Great Emperor will give us the ‘Destiny Divine Dane’ refined by the Ancient Heavenly Court. ”

An old antique fierce road.

“Outrageous!” Suddenly, the ancient antique behind the furious Great Emperor spoke too vainly: “How dare you speak to the Allied Lord like this, do you not want to live? ”

“Master Fantasy, don't you roar here, we are all a level of existence, say something, the Emperor is going to kill us? You know, with the formation of the Patriarchate Union, there are rules, and the Lord of the Great Empire cannot just kill the elders, and there must be a meeting and a trial.” An ancient antique laughed: “Besides, we are not disrespecting the Alliance Lord, we just want to get the resources that the Alliance Lord has given us. The worldly emperor wants to convene ministers, wants ministers to do things for him, but also salaries and gifts. He wants the army to do things, but also pay the army. Otherwise, the army will mutiny. Does the Alliance Lord really think that to establish a system like the ancient heavenly garden, only ask for, no reward, the disintegration of the ancient heavenly garden, the great emperor has not learned a lesson? ”

“Yeah.” Another old antique said: "Back then, the four emperors built the ancient heavenly garden, gathered all the masters with atmospheric luck, threw them into the furnace, and with their luck, concentrated their destiny. Although successful, it centrifuged people, many masters stood up to resist, and finally the ancient heavenly garden collapsed. This Fate Dan, the Dan of the Gods, we turn to our allies and share the mystery of the Divine Dan. ”

“How dare you? ”

Angry heavenly emperor's face was so gloomy, he kept spinning, sending out a sneer: “How dare you dare to die? This is my ancient heavenly life and death! Only those who are totally faithful to me will be able to get this divine dance. You want to, well, kneel down, swear, totally rely on me, then believe in me, pray every day, pray devotionally for three years, and when I feel your faith, how will I naturally give you destiny? ”


All antiques face to face. Believing in others is impossible. But at the moment, this great emperor is nailed to pieces, but it is difficult to speak. If we continue like this, everyone's life is in danger.

In that year, the ancient heavenly temple was established, and the furious Great Emperor slaughtered the decision. Not knowing how many people died in his hands, these old antiques are still drumming in his heart, even though they are gathered together to negotiate with him.

“What, you don't want to? ”

Seeing these old antiques face to face, the furious Emperor stood up: "Good, you're good, you dare negotiate with me, now I give you a chance, you don't think about it, are you playing with this seat? This seat is the leader of the Alliance. No blasphemy. Please don't go, just stay here. Think about it carefully, think about it, and get out of here when you're ready. ”

“The Great..." Many old antiques have changed colours: "Are you going to lock us up? ”

“It's not confinement, it's calming you down.” The Great Emperor of Fire: “The majesty of the Alliance Lord is inviolable. You have now desecrated this seat, and this seat has the right to hold you! Wait for the next meeting, let everyone see, talk about the law to sanction you? ”

Heaven Emperor Fury is completely angry this time, these people dare to force him to the palace, not kill the chicken to show the monkey, makes people think that his Great Emperor is weak and bullying, in fact, these people dare to negotiate with him, in his mind has been sentenced to death.

Boom Lung!

At this moment, infinite power of light infiltrated the temple of heavenly lanes, between moments, vast psalms, divine stimulus darkened messenger Bo Ling Witch all shocked, black smoke appeared on her body.

She immediately flew up, “What is this thing? ”

Later, Yankee's voice came out.

The Angry Emperor also violently shook, out of the temple of heaven running, you can see the infinite temple of light, light tomorrow makes the army appear, millions of people, the male anger is high, powerful, reaching deep into the sky, a temple of light is born.

Yang Qi, with his ancient magic, showed his powerful appearance in front of many ancient antiques, also fell into his eyes, suddenly he first shocked, then showed a horrible divine color on his face, and finally converted to anger.

Great Emperor Fury.

“Let's go! The Messenger of Light is so powerful, we quickly turned to the Messenger of Light...” Many of the old antiques in the presence were in a bad mood and finally found an opportunity. At this moment, I don't know who shouted, all rushed out to run the temple of Heaven, rushed to the light, and then shouted to Yang Qi, “Messenger of Light, we are willing to rely, we are willing to rely..."

Yankee's eyes glanced over.

The Angry Emperor almost had an impulse to kill immediately. He saw this scene, his whole body trembled, and the flame over his head broke through the chaos. At this moment, the Dark Apostle Witch immediately flew over: “Great Emperor, this must not be a big slaughter, otherwise the Guardian League must collapse. If you kill here, it will cause a bounce, and things will push further backwards. Now this Light Apostle Yang Qi is intent on fighting you, and he doesn't know where to build such a powerful Corps of Light, we can only plan slowly, now you are the leader! Take power and occupy great righteousness. If you kill indiscriminately, there is a good chance that great righteousness will favour this person and make him more likely to close up the opportunity! ”

Fury heavenly Great Emperor's face only eased, “I will! ”

Yankee couldn't have imagined that, in an instant, so many old antiques rushed out of the temple of Heaven's Running, crying and leaning on him.

These ancient antiques, knowing that they have sinned against the fiery Emperor of Heaven, to be imprisoned, have now found the bright messenger to surrender, can counteract the Great Emperor Alliance Lord, where there is no immediate cry.

Between moments, Yankee had thousands more old antiques.

Boom, his luck skyrocketed, and he saw the atmospheric luck burning over his head.

However, at this moment, he saw the killing machine in the eyes of the angry Emperor of Heaven, and knew that this man had made a must-kill thought of him. The Emperor was one of the founders of the Patriarchate Alliance, how many plans he had made, how much effort he had finally formed this huge alliance, and he was born between meetings, across the sky, gaining the position of leader of the Alliance, taking control of the world, restoring the glory of the ancient heavenly court, but now he was stirred up by Yang Qi Lian, sharing power, Yang Qi has clearly become a nail in his eyes, meat stabbing.

“Come on, come on! Angry Emperor, I accept your challenge! One day in the future, I will take your allied power. Although you are an ancient Great Emperor, I am not afraid of you. The Jiangshan Dynasty has talent and has been leading the wind for centuries. Now it is my turn to come to my glorious era. You are retiring...” Yang Qi did not show weakness when he saw the Great Emperor's eyes full of killing machines. He also looked at the past and expressed his intention to fight him in the end.

The Angry Great Emperor landed and came to the depths of the Temple of Heaven's Way of Operation, suddenly smashing a throne in one hand: “Kill... this boy must die, this seat will not let him go, you said, what can you do against this boy? ”

“There is no need for anger on the part of the Allied Lord. The cultivation of the Great Emperor Wan Fa Tong Tian, the Great Emperor Xuan Huang Hai and the Great Emperor Nine Extreme Extreme Emperor will succeed. It will not be a problem to kill this son, and now the Great Emperor can introduce this son into the Jedi, and then kill him, then push him to the future world, re-elect the Allied Lord, and it is not impossible. ”

Too virtual ancestors hastily said.

“That's all there is now.” Witch Dark Messenger: “But it's very hard to kill, that's right! Didn't he say he wanted to compete with the Nine Yangs Lord? Now that Lord Jiuyang has disappeared, but certainly not the opponent here, but Master Jiuyang has the support of a very strong and powerful expert behind this person. He will appear soon, not impossible. By then, after the meeting between my father, the Lord of Heaven and Demons and Hell has been completed, he can join forces with the Alliance Lord, lock this man up and kill him. ”

“Yes, too!” Angry Heavenly Great Emperor: “So, where is Lord Jiuyang, you find him, find him, Ben Great Emperor to grow him himself! ”


Now, a plot begins.

At this moment, several people are hiding in the corner of the Ecclesiastical Alliance, watching all of this, very excited, it was Ye Shao Ye who had no way and pocketed God.

Ye Shao Ye smiled in his face: “Fight, fight, it is better to lose and hurt, I can profit the fisherman, Yang Qi and the anger heavenly emperor compete for power, this is death. ”

“No, never underestimate the power of this child.” Told the Lord: “It's not easy for this child to move backwards. How many times have you lost money, haven't you learned a lesson yet? I think the Great Emperor is likely to be forced into the palace this time. We now choose to have a good relationship with him...”

“Angry Emperor of Heaven, this man, just used himself, bullying strong, we shouldn't go up to beg for it.” Ye Shaking Head: “Besides, when I fix it as a promotion, I will also compete for it. ”

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