Sage Emperor

Chapter 799: Ye Shao Di

“Yankee, you bastard, I fought with you! ”

Between moments, Ye Xiao failed and did not escape. He knew that this time he was really in trouble. Yang Qi killed people without blinking an eye. He was more harsh than himself. Once he fell into his hands, the consequences were unthinkable.

“Absolutely, he must not be able to get the remnants, otherwise he will open up the ancient hiding place and not even the Great Emperor of Fury will be able to restrain him! I am even more unlikely to make an appearance on a day of darkness. ”

Young Master Ye knows very well that his remnants are his life. Root. After Yankee got it, it turned upside down, and the big picture came true, and no one in the world could deal with him anymore.

“True poetry! ”

Between the shocks, he mobilized the true power of the day, bombarding Yankee, and between his hands, many purple lightning struck, bombarding Yankee, every time, the sky shook, the sun and the moon sank.

“Suppress! ”

Yang Qi moved all over his body and pinched his hands. Suddenly, a sacred light suppressed him. The energy around him was as strong as steel and could not be destroyed at all.

Those purple lightning bolts arrived in front of Yankee and dissipated.

“What?” Ye Shao was surprised. He didn't expect it. Yang Qi reached such a point and, with a slight movement, suppressed the origin of the whole poetry heaven.

He didn't know that Yankee had been dealing with Tudor Tensei for a long time. As early as the Holy King's mainland, he had understood the laws of Tudor Origin.


Yang Qi even at this moment, many magic talents appeared on the top of his head, these magic talents gathered together, converted to swallow the King of Heaven, now there are 2500 pieces of Fu Qi, there are 500 pieces left. In the hands of an ancient antique deep in the chaos, Yang Qi this time obtained the ancient divine hiding, so he went to search for it, striving to collect the King of Heaven Fu Qi in the final battle with Lord Jiuyang.

Though Jiuyang Sect Master is now under his control.

He knew, however, that many people would use Master Jiuyang as an article against themselves, and that they could do whatever they wanted to do, knocking them all out, making them their own victims.

Moreover, the Lord of Jiuyang has now received a message. The Angry Heavenly Emperor wants to summon him. Yang Qi will know that the opportunity has come. The Angry Heavenly Emperor will surely confront himself on the day of the final battle. In the Temple of Heavenly Path Operation, he arranges a variety of great battles to bind himself, cut off all of them, the last unified Patriarchal Alliance, the achievements are immensely dignified.

Unfortunately, it's all in Yankee's calculations.

“Young Master Ye, how can you be of no use anymore? I have already sensed the smell of the two pieces in you. Give it to me!” Yankee suppressed the origin, chaotic ancient snake came out, massively devoured the laws of the world of Heavenly Immortals, the core origin, in his body, also appeared a poker ancient tower.

This Tudor Guta, which he has been devouring over the years, has congealed himself to be the second master of Tudor Day.

- Grab it!

Yang Qiwu pointed out that God's hand appeared, struck out God's sincerity, was mighty, and directly attacked Ye Shao Ye in front of the idle, a point.

Ye Shao Ye saw his true Qi dimension collapse, he couldn't resist Yang Qi's assassination, and his soul flew out of the sky in horror. Now he knows the difference between himself and Yang Qi, but at this time, how could he give up, and the whole man suddenly sprayed out a bite of blood, “Eternal true blood, make the true king, I am the maker, how can you get me? Shield of creation!” A large shield appeared in front of it, and the blood drained on it was actually condensed into a shape of its own fine blood. The countless majesty flowed on it, and the creative power of the gods condensed into the strongest protection against Yang Qi's fingers.

Yankee pointed on the shield and couldn't penetrate the inside of the shield. She nodded darkly: “Good, good, Young Master Ye, your qigong is really good, but how long can you maintain the stature of the maker? I see how much blood you have sprayed out, and you are now undermining the origins of your Creator against me, but I am destiny nothingness, above you. ”

“Yang Qi, even if I die this time, I will not let you succeed. I would rather blow myself up, destroy the origin of the whole pocket of heaven, destroy the remnants of the ancient gods hidden, and not let you get the true ancient gods hidden. If you attack me again, you will not be hidden by the ancient gods forever. ”

Ye Shao suddenly turned around, opened the blockade, the blood gas rolled, connected to the origin of Tulip Heaven itself again, the fierce energy do not want to bombard down the main money, so that his own qi power reached a limit, the blood of the bear began to burn over his body, the stature of the creator reached a kind of frightening thought.

“Shinto Shinto!” He waved his hands, his blood shield spread, turned into a bar of blood law, and defeated it, and he actually started attacking Yankee.

Yang Qi smiled coldly, his body flashed, his arms stretched, each palm collided with Young Master Ye, “Young Master Ye, each palm now concentrates on the rudder heavenly strength, and his own cultivating energy. Unfortunately, for me, it is a dish, it can be seen that the whole origin of the rudder heaven cannot do anything about me. If I do, I can completely destroy this rudder heaven, and besides, the ruins of the ancient gods are so easily destroyed, what is the word" ancient "? Destroy it, better blow yourself up now, so that I can swallow the whole pocket with your self-destruct, my strength will be stronger, it's over now, surrender! ”

“God is bloody! ”

Woo woo, a true blood of God appeared in Yankee hands, Yankee body shocked, true blood of God began to spread for many blood clouds, the origins of the poetry day suddenly dissipated smoke clouds, the whole poetry Guta rumbled trembling, unable to sustain its essence and roots.

Once again, Yang Qi grasped, his five fingers like Daluo Tiandao, turned into Skynet, covering the leaves, and at the same time, an ancient gate appeared in his palm, between the fierce swallowing, two residual diagrams flew up from Young Master Ye's body, and fell into his palm.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. ”

Young Master Ye made a trembling sound, he sprayed blood again, wrapped the residual map, “Make blood, dominate Kankun, Heaven and Earth Avenue, listen to my orders, hurry as the law commands... ”

Between moments, the Avenue of Heaven and Earth began to operate, and the infinite purple air of the world swept across the sky, reaching his body. His whole person, like the purple demon, pounded at Yankee's body.

“Suicide!” Yankee doesn't even look, it's also a punch collision!

crackle and rattle...

Young Master Ye's body was punched into the air and hit the wall of the Dora Tower. The blood wrapped in the residual diagram was also shaken. As soon as Yang Qi grabbed it, two residual diagrams had to be caught in his hand.

At this moment, Ye Xiao is not a rival to Yang Qi at all. The situation shows a downward trend. Even if Ye Xiao struggles and struggles again, Yang Qi can't help but be huge and overwhelming.

If the former Yip Xiao, the Immortal King Fu Yi, the seventy-one Journal did not lose, then it can be a fight, but now it is too worthless. Being insulted by Yang Qi Lian, there is no point in fighting back.

But at this time, mutations occur.

An eternal breath, topped down, reached the body of Young Master Ye, suddenly the whole body of Young Ye, the dragon tiger, jumped up, then the eternal light into law, silently wrapped on two residual maps, to fly away in the sky.

“Who is it? ”

Yang Qi looked up at the sky, and suddenly found that in the infinite depths of chaos and nothingness, a strong man sitting at the end, the only one like God, the true me, from his body, radiated the eternal Qi, poured down, and helped Ye Dao.

This is an absolutely powerful man, absolutely comparable to the Great Emperor of Fury.

“Break it!” Yankee drank violently: “God's Hand, Life and Death Disillusioned, Infinite Thunder!” With a punch, God Thunder wrapped around his palm, while his eyebrow-hearted Lord's eyes lashed out the glow, crossed many chaotic kingdoms, and slaughtered the invincible presence that helped Ye invincibly in the distance.

The Gods' imprints flew out and grabbed the remnants.

“Hahaha.....” a laugh came from the depths of nothingness: “It is true that in this era, the owners of the Gods' imprint are good, but I will not rest. You killed my men and made six subordinates believe in you, but unfortunately this is all hidden from me. Remember, this seat is called B! From the ancient Tai Dynasty, it does not belong to this era, this is the Eternal, special body. ”

Turns out it's Big Brother "B.”

Yang Qi shocked his whole body, which could be comparable to the Angry Emperor, and found himself in control of six subordinates.

So he immediately sensed that the six faiths could not sense their existence at all. So my heart was shocked, knowing that the big brother B had found out, dissolved their faith, so silently and unbranded their spirits, it was really horrible, if I dealt with myself, I'm afraid it would be difficult to fix it.

“Rest assured, I am now closing my doors to practise a school without going to school. From the time of too ancient times to now, I have become a past. This power of time and space shuttle has greatly benefited me. When I merge the body of the Eternal and the Past, it is your time of death, the mark of the gods is temporarily placed on your body. I will take this leaf away, I will cultivate him, come out at any time, against you! ”

Suddenly, once again a light of eternity passed down, Ye Shaoshi swept away, then the whole chaos deep, empty, no one, Yang Qi's Lord's eyes could not see exactly what existed.

But at least, these two pieces were captured and obtained by the Gods.

“Big brother B! Turns out you can't use all your strength against me!” Yang Qi: “Since it gave me the remains of the ancient gods, then any practice you practiced is useless. I will open the ancient gods' hiding, which is your time of death! ”

He knew this time that the big brother B had stopped himself, but practiced in closed confinement, he could barely save Young Master Ye, had no leeway to deal with himself, and gave himself a chance.

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