Sage Emperor

Chapter 802: Gate of the Ancients

By now, Yang Qi had seen the truly complete bones of the gods, and was still seven.

Despite the total annihilation of each one, it conveys a breath of immortality, which still makes Yang Qi feel cold in his heart. He respectfully respects his prayers and does not dare to commit any blasphemy. If someone else were to change, he would probably go up and refine it, but he knows that since the ancient gods are left behind, he will certainly not let his heirs blaspheme his body.

Although, the divine corpses of the seven great gods can rapidly improve their Qigong, at least one or two realms, reach the dry gods, and impact the realm of the Seven Heavenly Haos.

Once he reaches the realm of the Seven Heavenly Hawks, Yankee can completely counteract the Fury Heavenly Emperor, but he will not do so either, because he knows that his benefits are likely to be greater.

Behind the seven great corpses, emerged the ancient gates, which had the scent of running the path of extinction, which, if collected, would surely be a disk fragment that would not be lost to civilization, and deep within which great energy was roaring and running.

“Seven predecessors, I am the heir to the seal of the gods, absolutely orthodox, now the great robbery of the past world is about to erupt, to invade our Immortal World, the great robbery of the future world has erupted, and the invasion has begun, such as fire, intense war, spiritual charcoal, even will make immeasurable changes in the future direction of the whole world, even destroy the past, the present future, eternal civilization, so I want to prevent this from happening, since you have left behind the ancient hidden, you should express this situation. ”

Yankee thought spread out, wandering around these people's bodies, communicating in the language of God.

At the same time, he darkly triggered the Gods imprint on his body, which erupted into a glimmer of light.


At the moment when the gods' imprints were moving, the remains of the seven gods suddenly opened their eyes. The killing machine was sharp in their eyes, and God seized their eyes: “The seals of the gods are indeed the seals of the gods. Since they are the inheritors, they must have wisdom, courage, perseverance, strength... Our legacy of ancient hiding must be handed down by the strongest man. Now, young man, I give you an opportunity for the seven of us, though falling, to leave behind the seeds of great ideas. If you absorb it all, you can promote it to an incredible realm, and then you can run the ancient gates, and at the same time master the whole of the heavenly world. The outer world of fairies is not a fairy realm, but a spaceship and a Fabao, called the Ancient Boat, and the fragments of civilization are named after the immortal treasures created by the ancient Lord in that time, but you have to pass the test of seven of us, and the seven of us will, between moments, transform our bodies into the will of God, enter your sea of consciousness, control your soul. Take your shell, if you can't bear it, you will die, the energy of your whole body will be left here, waiting for the next kinsman to enter, even the seals of the gods will be left here, if you can bear it, you can absorb all our energy, you think for yourself. Of course you can consider quitting. Since then, however, we have not been able to master the world of celestial fairies, and we will look for another heir. ”

In a nutshell, reverberate in Yankee's mind.

Yankee's body shocked.

He understood that in order to master the ancient gates, the whole heavenly fairy realm must allow the remaining ideas of the seven great gods to enter their own bodies, take possession of them, be able to surrender the seven great gods, be able to obtain qualifications, and be able to integrate the seven gods, the immortal Yuan gods, greatly increase in power, but if not, then the consciousness breaks down, as a dowry dress, and leave it to others.

It's too risky to die forever.

But as the successor to the Gods' imprint, there is no escaping thought. Everything must be vigorously advanced, will prevail over everything, and there must be no laziness.

Yankee thought calmly for a while and suddenly said: "Yes, if even your remaining will cannot be defeated, there is no possibility of ascending to the immortal throne. Come on, I will treat your test as my practice. ”

This is indeed a cultivation, a cultivation of life and death.

The comparison of the living and the dead completely opens the prelude at this moment.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The Seven Gods nodded suddenly: "Young man, you are a man of great courage and resourcefulness, not an ordinary pimp, not a coward. Calmly considering the final decision, you show your manners and courage. Good, but we won't be merciful, and you don't have to worry about us. Not to mention mercy. This is the comparison between life and death, between heaven and God. Destroy us with strong will and immortality. ”

“If you don't destroy us, we will destroy you. This is war, eternal war, young people take out your life. ”

The bodies of the seven gods suddenly disappeared, turned into seven divine rays, infiltrated Yang Qi's body, suddenly Yang Qi's whole body shook, wrapped by seven gods, in the knowledge of the sea, all of them immortal divinity, the whole body split between the moments, turned into Hengsha Hell, a piece of darkness, left only his own spirit of destiny, a little spark of stars, illuminated darkness.

But at this moment, at seven o'clock, the same spiritual star rose and flashed brightly, attacking Yankee's spiritual fire.


Each of the seven stars represents the will of a god. It is much brighter than Yankee's spiritual fire. The will of the gods is too strong to resist, even a little. Even the fallen gods have less power than one in 10,000 at the time of full prosperity, but they are stronger than Yang Qi today, because the realm of Yang Qi is only five myths.

When he was struck, Yankee almost dissipated the spirit of the whole person, he saw that his spirit fire was like a firefly, and the other party was Lang Lang Ye, creating Qian Kun.

It is simply impossible to compare, almost inevitably, a losing situation.

Yet Yankee is not discouraged, but strives to muster the spirit, every impact, a moment of broken spirit, agglomerates, the fire of the spirit absorbs the battle experience, strong, cross, tough a lot, in the struggle, actually gradually becomes bigger and more concentrated. One life-and-death impact, one soul slaughter, and one vicious, once unbearable, is a collapsed death, much more vicious than a real physical struggle.

However, this is also an ancient adventure.

Yang Qi's struggle is tantamount to fighting seven great gods, living and dying. Fortunately, his spiritual fire relies on the seals of the gods, otherwise he is likely to collapse and die.

Between the spiritual fire and the seven spiritual fights, that battle experience, the impact of the spiritual will, is experience, the most determined will, the idea collides with each other, every collision Yankee can feel the experience of the seven gods as gods, and their murderous intentions, under the stimulus of that killing, Yankee spiritual fire is also excited.

Mental and physical differences.

Between each practice, the flesh must rest to recover in order to be able to progress, but the spirit will become more concentrated once the mind is undisturbed, the human spirit is a nothingness, and even more powerful, Yang Qi himself is a nothingness of destiny, more profound in understanding the nature of nothingness.

“Spirit of God! ”

Suddenly, the thoughts of a god, the starlight, like a meteor torch, hit Yang Qi so hard, the spirit of Yang Qi was blown apart, Mars splattered, between moments, Yang Qi felt a great god too ancient, made a complex and extreme printing, rolled over, every move made him resist, making him feel a headache cracking.


Yankee returned to his body and sat in front of the ancient gates. The flames of the bears burned on his body. The light of the seven gods burst out of his head. His face was gloomy, a mad whistle for a moment, a scream of hysteria for a moment, almost impossible for himself, which was a sign of fire and demonization.

“What an opportunity to destroy his spirit, we have won! ”

At this time, the Seven Spirits knew that Yankee was on the verge of collapse, intensified his strength again, and hit him hard in the spirit.

“Absolutely kill Snake Power! ”

“Mother Earth's Woe Extinction! ”

“Nine calamities, three calamities, the world broke! ”

“Thirty thousand transgressions of hegemony! ”

“Ghost Eight Fists! ”

“Ten Fang Da Tibetan True Words and Actions! ”

“God's sorrow and joy are truly false!”.............

Seven divine grades of Qigong, formed the will of the mountains and the sea, so that the degree of confusion collapsed, everything broke, rolled towards Yang Qi, and directly drowned. At this moment, even a person such as the Angry Emperor of Heaven will be destroyed once and for all, transformed into the true meaning of death, and can never be reborn again.

This is the strength of the Seven Divine Will, invincible. Not below the gods, kill them all.

However, at this moment, the seven major killer mental attacks, all of which went deep into Yankee's mind, Yankee's spiritual will suddenly collapsed. At the moment of the collapse, a strong force of destiny was born deep in the flesh. The wheel of destiny naturally appeared on the top of his head, slowly spinning, and the breath of dominance emanated from it.

A scripture of the Nirvana of God appeared on the Wheel of Destiny.

“Like me hundreds of millions of years... The true spirit is eternal, a new civilization, the birth of nothingness, the nirvana of God, the past is unchanged, the present is eternal, the future is uncertain... every moment, as it is now, the third life, is life? ………….. ”

Just moments after the wheel of destiny triggered, there appeared the scriptures of destiny, the great will of the past, the great will of the present and the great will of the future, all appeared in Yang Qi's mind. This is the wheel of destiny that has once again evolved and evolved into the true truth.

At this moment, Yankee spirit was sharpened, and the Qigong form of Goddess Township was raised again. At least at this moment, his spirit was raised more than tenfold. After the appearance of the destiny scripture on the wheel of destiny, it was almost possible to make the spirit accept eternal suffering in the past and in the next three generations without disengaging.

His eyes opened at once.

“Seven Gods, I'm sorry. ”

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