Sage Emperor

Chapter 805: Saving Lives

The Great Emperor of the Universe did not expect that someone would be able to rescue people in the kingdom under their control. His Qi Gong has truly reached the immortal throne, condensing all kinds of divine Qi Gong, and all magic is not a lie.

But now, how powerful is someone who arrives silently and rescues people?

He was shocked in his heart, but his anger could not be contained.

As soon as his body moved, he chased the past towards the light, and in the midst of chaos, he cut open all kinds of storms, all kinds of obstacles, and vowed to slaughter the man who saved Qing Shi Ancestor on the spot.

Qingshi ancestors cultivated “Wangu Qianqing Qingshi Avenue Hidden”, very subtle, which contains many mysteries of celestial and earth civilization, is the adventure received by the other party, very good for his cultivation, possibly even the key to breakthrough, Wanfa Tongtian Emperor will never let go easily.

But the more he pursued, the more alarmed he became.

Because deep in the chaos, the further inside, the storm became more intense, reaching the final storm actually began to contain fierce divinity, which is tantamount to the gods blowing the divine wind and killing people.

Even some ancient antiques are too ancient, it is impossible to go deep into the ancient atmosphere of chaos, because going deeper and deeper, there will appear the ancient road of the gods, very dangerous, above the ancient road of the gods is to go to the kingdoms of the gods, even the ruins, only God can enter it. There is a graveyard of true immortals, no one can go to it, even the Great Emperor Wan Fa Tong Tian Wan tried to pass through the ancient path of God several times, but almost died, so his heart palpitated.

The closer he sees himself, the more violent the storm gets, the harder it is to resist, the more angry he has to get, “Isn't he afraid of dying? You want to go deep into the ancient path of the gods? It was suicide. ”


At the end of the day, deep in the chaos storm, all heavenly god thunder rolled in the air, almost every god thunder had the size of the fairy realm, hit the body of the arrival, a serial explosion occurred, and every step further, it had to bear tremendous pressure.

Finally, Wanfangtong Emperor can no longer catch up. It is not his true body, it is an incarnation of him. The energy contained in the incarnation, though powerful, is an explosive force, not endurance. Now he has been subjected to a long storm torment, and there are cracks of dense numbness all over his body, and blood is flowing out of the depths of that crack.

But he doesn't care, anyway, an incarnation has fallen, nothing.

“I'll make my last blow and see if you can resist? ”

All of a sudden, he crossed his heart and was about to completely bury this incarnation. His whole body appeared in flames of bears, incarnated between fierce combustion, and turned into a divine ray. His speed surged a thousand times, and the fierce bombardment reached the front, and he actually chased Yang Qi's divine ray.

But Yang Qi's divine light suddenly twisted, turned into a giant palm and shot it empty-handed, and the words were very arrogant: “Magic Emperor, you little incarnation, you still want to fight me, today I still have a lot to do, do not tangle with you, otherwise I will kill all four emperors of Heaven, you wash your necks and wait for me! ”

One clap slapped down, the divine light spread, and the Great Emperor Wan Fa Tong Tian Emperor seemed to send out an angry roar, but eventually dissipated into a chaotic storm and turned into nothing.

Yang Qi calmed down and a kingdom appeared in his palm, where the ancient Qing Shi ancestor opened his eyes: “You cannot move forward, otherwise the ancient path of the gods is ahead, unless it is God, it is impossible to enter it, you have saved old age, old age is not to be rewarded. ”

“Without a doubt, the Great Emperor is the enemy of this throne, saving you, that is, striking him hard.” Yankee stopped in a chaotic storm and talked to Ancestral Qing Shi.

“Hey! The old age didn't last long, I would have caught fire, cultivated Wangu Qiuqing Avenue hiding, not only didn't succeed, but the true qi was reversed, the Yuan Gods almost burned, otherwise how could we let the Great Emperor of the Universe walk?” "I don't know your name," said Qing Shizu. Looking at your luck, intense but not long, seems to be the newest born master, now that such a powerful genius has emerged among young people, it is old and lonely to hear. ”

“I am the bright messenger of the Ecclesiastes League….” Yang Qi uttered a sentence, which greatly changed the face of Qing Shi Ancestor, and then he hastily explained: “However, this seat is competing with the angry heavenly emperor, this seat knows the angry heavenly emperor and the heavenly emperor, the wolf ambition, wants to make the world submit, but I have the strength to fight any great emperor, but I cannot fight the four great emperors, if Ancestor does not dislike it, join me, we will surely be able to take power and gain no luck. ”

“So that's it.” Ancestor Qing Shi's face is a little lighter: “But how can old age help you now that you are stuck breathing? ”

“No harm done to you, I can cure it.” Yang Qi said: “It's nothing more than a divine Qigong clash. This is a great play for this seat. After treatment, you can not only restore all your powers, but even take them to the next level. ”

“Really..." Qing Shizu was very excited when he heard: “This is true, you didn't lie to me? If I can heal my wounds, I'll follow you with nothing. ”

“Of course it's true, but your 500 Tung Tian Wang Xuan will give it to me.” Yankee pointed the finger.

“Well, anyway, this Swallow King Fu Lu you can take away now at any time, my life is in your hands, you can still consult with me, it can be seen that the righteous gentleman, but Swallow King Fu Lu needs 3,000 pieces to gather together to be able to make a big difference, the 500 pieces alone is not very useful.” Old Qing Shizu sighed: “You want to fight the Four Emperors with 500 swallows or you're a little short. ”

“I already have 2500 Tung Tian Wang Fu Lu, otherwise what do I need your 500 copies for?” Yang Qi was proud to say, "This seat will compensate you with some magic treasures.” Between the words, he grabbed him, and suddenly he caught 500 swallows of the King of Heaven, communicating breath, refining and digesting.

crackle and crackle.....

Mutation occurs.

Three thousand swallowed kings, now the breath gathered successfully, behind Yang Qi, a huge chaotic ancient snake suddenly appeared, this chaotic ancient snake seemed to be able to occupy the whole chaos, open mouth sucked, the infinite storm deep in the chaos all disappeared, and this chaotic ancient snake seemed to gradually peel, eventually becoming a monster of a human head snake.

This is the Ancient Swallow King.

“Who summoned my great will…. ”

“Who called my soul out of nothingness...”

“I, the king of heaven, will devour the kingdom of God to create a new world. ”

“After the Nirvana of God, a new civilization will be born…..” The giant serpent man, without any emotion, looked at Yankee with his eyes, creeping people.

“The Swallow King is back! ”

Old Qing Shi was shaking all over his body. Even if he was a god, he would tremble all over his body if he saw the King of Swallow. This man was with the King of Immortals. He was the master of the gods. He did not know how many gods he had swallowed. Finally, he was united by the gods, and the Lord of God and the idols hung together.

Now, great ideas are resurrected, and Qing Shi Ancestor, though powerful, is still a small ant character in front of this existence.

Once the great will of the Swallow King is resurrected, Yang Qi feels that all of himself is being watched by the Chaotic Ancient Serpent, there will be no slight movement, his whole body is cold, but he knows that this is a critical time, if the great will of the Swallow King cannot be defeated, he may fall into the abyss and never survive.

Swallow King's charm, not so well controlled.

“Gods Imprint! ”

Deep in the eyes of Ancestor Qing Shi, there appeared fear, awe, obedience, a little Golden Man appeared, Golden Glow Wandao, suddenly repressed against the Snakeman the King of Heaven. In an instant, the Snakeman screamed a thorny scream, then confronted the imprint of the little Golden Men, intertwined and fought with each other.

Yankee roared, and flew up, and the incarnation reigned, and God's hand stretched, and began to attack the will.

A devastating war has begun.

Ancestor Qing Shi was able to see his heart shake and not himself.


Yang Qi completely took control of 3,000 Tun Tian Wang Fu Yu, and gathered all the brothers and babies ranked second to the Seventy-Two Brothers of the Immortal King.

“Through the ancient path of God, you can reach the ruins of immortality, the ruins of God, that is the kingdom of the gods, the fallen gods, the gods that exist, the great divine realm, all within. Go... Find my treasure.....”

A voice came out, a voice that appeared after the will of King Swallow had been surrendered. Among the great divine realms, there was a treasure left behind by him, and that was his true wealth. This symbol is a key, a key to his remains, to the land where the bones were buried. As long as he reaches the divine realm and goes to his buried bones, he will receive his true treasure of the heavens and the earth. Much greater than hiding.

“Dude, the will of King Tung Tian is so powerful. If King Xian is resurrected, I gathered all the tokens of King Xian, how powerful would it be? It appears that collection is not possible for the time being. Otherwise, the Immortal King will be resurrected, and the great will will will suppress all of my Gods' imprints, and then begin to seize them. ”

Yang Qi's heart had more than palpitations. Just now, the will war between Yang Qi and Tun Tian Wang almost collapsed. The seven gods united him, relying on the divine power of the seals of the gods, only really suppressed the will of Tun Tian Wang, and has not broken up yet. In the future, if Yang Qi was injured and the Yuan God was weak, this will reappear, devour Yang Qi Yuan God, and revive Tun Tian Wang to the world.

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