Sage Emperor

Chapter 808: Too Ancient Expert (Twenty Month Ticket Plus)

“Little ones! Let's patrol carefully, no one is allowed to break into our eight heavenly fairy realms, and the next message is the most important juncture. Once there's a loophole, you're out of your minds, all right? ”

Outside of the eight heavenly fairy realms, many peaks have appeared condensed in the Yuan Qi, and each peak is huge, like the twentieth level fairy realm, in which a number of dragons have been trapped.

These dragons, manipulating the big arrays on the mountain peaks, star chess cloth, connecting, constantly pouring into the energy and patrolling, searching. Some of the dragon masters, the big man, shouted naked: “This time, we dragon people summon the strong, if we succeed, our strength will immediately increase tens of thousands of times suddenly, eight heavenly realms can be promoted, each of us will be greatly promoted, at least three realms can be raised, equal to our power to repair hundreds of millions of years of hard work, understand? Cheer up! ”

“Ho! If we are stronger, we will burn and loot! Haha……. ”

“All wealth, beauty, treasure, is ours, and countless immortals can be our slaves. ”

“There are too many fairies, too big. Why do we dragons occupy a small eight heavens? We should occupy all the fairy kingdoms as rulers. Soon, each of our dragon tribes will be able to rule one or several fairies and enslave them. Let them crawl beneath our feet as slaves, and their wives and their children shall enjoy it for us. ”

“Damn, we dragons are sometimes caught by cactus as mounts, which is unbearable and a desecration of our noble lineage. Finally, we're going to flip over and exhale..."

Countless dragon roars, converge into the ocean, roll over, the brains boil, once released, can be seen to bring a disaster to the civilization of the entire Immortal World.

“Number of robberies, number of robberies…” Qingshi Ancestor saw all this, even shook his head: "These dragon tribes, is the embryo of bad things, what happened not only they can not help, but they also infarct from it, this time we immortal world, once the future world, the heavenly way collapsed, luck dissipated, each of us cut off the foundations of God, not to mention, even under the air conditioning, there is the risk of falling. These dragons don't understand that. Hey....."

“These dragon tribes should be wiped out if they can't accomplish anything but fail!” Yankee Eye Killer Blooms: “How can I tolerate this if I lead the Ecclesiastical Alliance and the future world battle, and they attack us behind their backs, and our entire fairy world is in danger of collapse? ”

“The Dragons are really going to clean it up.” "Let's get in there and sabotage their plan to summon too many ancient masters," said Qing Shizu. But look outside too ancient energy luck is overshadowed, very likely, there are very strong too ancient masters have entered through the energy channel into the Immortal Realm, we have to be careful not to get caught up in it. ”

“Don't worry, I have my way. ”

Yankee has yet to reveal the mystery of Wangtu in front of Ancestor Qing Shi.


The two men flew into the immortal realm in wind and electricity. They even carried out means to cross the crystal wall system. Yang Qi darkly moved his wings of freedom. He swallowed the King's charm and turned it into a tiny chaotic ancient serpent. He drilled in fine, and no one even noticed it.

Too ancient energies of general intensity were everywhere in the void, which led to a rapid boost in the disc debris energy of his civilization.

However, he now seals the disk fragments of civilization into the King of the Worlds map, so that they are not perceived by God's engines, and only the King of the Worlds map can seal the smell of the disk fragments of civilization. Otherwise, he would be restrained by God's engines if he arrived anywhere.

This time into the eight heavenly fairy realms, the whole fairy world has changed dramatically.

Last time Yang Qi was magnificent, magnificent, the mountains were continuous, each ancient tree was a world, full of ancient and barbaric atmosphere, but now it is many temples, pulled out of the ground, these temples are bigger than the heavens, inside residing the gold Buddha, these gold Buddha are not entities, but rather an energy body, in the emission of spells, the spells of one way are connected into the characters, infiltrating deep into the crystal wall system, making the whole crystal wall system constantly creep, the energy has undergone a rapid growth, it can be seen that soon, the entire eight celestial realms will really rise and change.

Eight heavenly fairy realms are originally level 33 fairy realms, once transformed, what level will change reach? Thirty-four Immortal Realm?

Unfortunately, the entire fairy kingdom has only 33 caps, and 34 is half the divine domain, almost equivalent to the kingdom of the gods.

At that time, each of the eight dragon tribes in the heavenly immortal realm really improved a lot.

“This is too ancient Buddha energy, and I don't know where it came from. The dragon race has changed so much.” Ancestor Qing Shi was shocked: “This is a naked ambition, and when I came to the eight celestial fairies, there was no such change. ”

“Not to mention so much, the situation is serious, I feel deep in the central temple, there are many too ancient masters. I'm going to get God's engine this time, I'm afraid it's hard. ”

Yang Qi gradually approached the original temple according to the change of Tun Tian Wang Fu Lu, as soon as he flew close, but felt a very soft energy in the air eject himself, making him unable to get close to the fundamental temple of the Dragon clan.

“This is the great Tibetan junction between the two worlds of Taikou.” Ancestor Qing Shi recognized it, "this is bad, this thing can't be invaded by evil, the laws can't be broken. ”

“Humph!” Yang Qi said: “I don't believe it, what evil does not invade! This seat is not a demon. This seat is the heir to the Lord above the gods, infiltrating! ”

Then he put out the wheel of destiny, and all of a sudden the whole man with Qing Shi Ancestor, also turned into the same King Kong Ten Fang Great Tibetan junction, infiltration into it, there is no obstacle.

“This is……. Your Qigong. ”

Ancestor Qing Shi saw this scene and was appalled.

“I have now reached the culmination where I can simulate all qigong.” Yang Qi: “And it can replicate all qigong, but nothing. I just inhaled the true qi of the Ten Fang Great Tibetan Boundaries of the two kingdoms. I got the information that I have successfully practiced this qigong, homologous, and the boundaries naturally can't stop me from partitioning. ”

“Awesome, dude is awesome. It seems that the great task of saving the whole fairy world must be repressed on the Son.” Qingshi Ancestor sincerely exclaimed.

“Let's go. ”

Yankee incarnated in a shadow, traveling through parallel universes, swimming back to the old lands, reaching the temple, and then going deep into an altar, he saw the young men and women of the Dragon Nation.

This pair of young men and women of the Dragon Nation are guarding the Tung Tian Wang Fu Yu, practicing continuously, formerly only the realm of triple God, but now it is the realm of the Yae Tian Dao God, this promotion is comparable to the speed of immortality. Yankees are shocked.

However, Yang Qi sat quietly at the edge of this void between the two men and women, and nodded with a glance at Ancestor Qing Shi.

All of a sudden, Qingshi Ancestor's real breath ejected out, and between now and then, it contained the pure breath of Qingshi Avenue, rapidly injecting into the body of two people.

This pair of young men and women shocked, repaired to a sudden and dramatic advance, almost blowing balloons, bang bang bang… internal meridian explosion, recombination, blood boiling.

“What's going on?” The two of them opened their eyes and all of their faces were full of surprises, "How did our cultivation go so fast? ”

Yang Qi did not care, one of the best bounces, his own swallowed King Fu Lu laser into the depth of the array of eyes, suddenly huge Fu Lu power, absorbing too ancient energy from the depth of the array of eyes directly increased hundreds of millions of times.

At this point, you can see, in the map of the kings of the universe, a large column of energy, descending from the sky.

This column of energy is so thick that it has a 20-grade fairy kingdom. Bombing down can kill any expert in the realm of the Hoang God, and even some antiques can be seriously injured.

In the depths of Wangjie Wangtu, the disk fragments of civilization seemed to move, fly away from Yankee bondage, and combine with some kind of mysterious power, but were suppressed dead by Wangjie Wangtu's power, unable to get out.

Reaching outside of the eight fairies, Yankee felt the power of God's engine getting stronger and stronger, almost a grasshopper of his own civilizational disc fragments. Fortunately, he had a map of the kings of the universe to suppress, otherwise the fragments would fly out. There was no such feeling when we entered the eight fairy kingdoms, and we can see that the energy is now too ancient, and it totally activated God's engine, and it did amazing things.

That crude, ancient energy lashed down, perfused inside the disk fragment of civilization, the energy index soared, and suddenly the stupidity in the fragment suppressed, with powerful energy, it could also fight attraction.

Gradually, during the absorption of too ancient energy, Yankee thought secretly released, and saw a large array arranged throughout the temple. Many ancient gods, as altars, were operating, extracting the purest divine energy from too ancient.

Finally, Yang Qi's wheel of destiny felt that, deep in the heart of this great array, a strange thing, as the strongest divine power, transcended the heart and head of the Sanskrit, opening the passage of space-time energy matter.

A lot of experts, sitting in front of this weird thing.

This strange thing, is a huge, oval iron ball, suspended in the depths of nothingness, on the iron ball, dense numbness is all goose, every goose, like flesh and blood, thump, thump, thump... Between the peristalsis, powerful divine power, spraying thin out, disrupting everything in the sky and time, the heavenly path here completely disappeared, and there was no heavenly robbery at all in the promotion of man.

“Is this God's engine? It's a great power, my mind can't penetrate. ”

Yang Qi was shocked by the dark shock. He saw the last Dragon clan chief sitting beside the engine of God. In addition to that, there were seven masters, namely, the Divine Dragon Department, the Heavenly Dragon Department….. eight Dragon clans.

In addition to these eight people, Yang Qi also saw the existence of a mountain like the sea, almost as powerful as the four emperors of Heaven. Everyone carries too much antiquity and is the past.

There is no doubt that this is a mighty figure from the ancient era.

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