Sage Emperor

Chapter 811: See Hell Lord

God's engine really needs a lot of energy. Yang Qi can easily absorb the energy from the ancient god's hiding place. There is also too much energy from ancient times, but it consumes a lot of money against the Five Vajra and naturally is unwilling to consume more energy against these people.

Moreover, even if the energy is exhausted, it is not necessarily enough to deal with the Five Vajra and kill the Five Vajra, which is a luxury.

So he left energy behind, ready to deal with the Heavenly Four Emperors.

Through Lord Jiuyang, he knew that the Four Emperors of Heaven and the self-righteous God conspired to reckon with themselves, to set up a slaughter formation in the Temple of Heaven's Way of Operation, seal himself and the ability to communicate with the Wangtu of the World. It was very dangerous. At that time, the Eight Powerful would strike, and their own means would not be spared.

However, I also have a vertical and horizontal approach.

Then since the Lord, the four Hell Lords don't really have the same heart as the Heavenly Four Emperors. They must have other plans in secret and want to kill themselves, but they want to kill the Heavenly Four Emperors, gain the power of the Patriarchate Alliance, and seek to reach Heaven and Earth's luck.

However, luck in the heavens and the earth is not so good a ploy, and the monastery is a little short of time, let alone people. Yankee searches for weaknesses and can crush them all.

“Qingshi, how are you doing now? Has all the qigong been restored yet? ”

In the depths of the Immortal Realm of the Holy King, Yang Qi and Qingshi Ancestor exchanged Taoism, and the two of them flashed their minds. In an instant, they exchanged thousands of kinds of divine Qigong cultivation as opinions, all benefiting greatly.

Ancestor Qing Shi, who is a person, is a level presence with the Great Emperor of the Ten Thousand Fangs, the culmination of the world's monks. And from the ancient Tai Dynasty until now, what we know is much more sophisticated than Yang Qi's understanding of the Qigong of the Taoist realm.

Of course, Yang Qi also saw extraordinary things. He obtained many unusual encounters, ancient gods hidden, merged the spiritual fire of the seven gods, and the seven gods united. Although he has not yet fully digested all the true spells and divine experience left by the seven gods, his own qigong has basically reached its peak. The defects in the practice of the ancient Qingshi ancestors are often set aside by him a little, and it is inevitable that all the previous difficulties will be solved and cultivated again.

“My Qi Gong is now fully restored, and my power is very advanced. In time, I will surely be able to defeat the Great Emperor of the Universe.” Qing Shi Ancestor exclaimed: “It's really talented in the Jiangshan Dynasty. After centuries of leaderboarding, our antiques are obsolete. Now is the time for you newcomers to rise. An era has a leader. ”

“That's a compliment.” Yang Qi shook his head: “There are no new people besides me now. Ye Shao Ye has no way of comparing, though powerful, to the Great Emperor of All Fangs. Now the Ecclesiastes League, or the Heavenly Four Emperors started it, now that Ancestor your Qi Gong has all recovered, follow me to meet someone. ”

“Who is it?”

“Free Heavenly Demon Lord, Porphyra.” Yang Qi said: “Now we're going to talk to this man from the heavenly fairy world. ”

“What? The Lord of Heavenly Demons, the world of Heavenly Immortals is very dangerous, the union of Heavenly Hell, the many Heavenly Demons, is a place where the herds of fairies do not want to go, we go to the dragon pool tiger cave. The power of the heavenly fairy realm is so great, its origin is so mysterious, it can greatly weaken the Qigong of the Immortal Dao. Every Heavenly Demon is almost indestructible existence. Destroy with your voice, born with your heart and your heart and your will. ”

Old Ancestor Qing Shi Lian said: “This trip is dangerous. ”

“It's nothing. Hell is under my control. When I get to Hell, I am the absolute king. I can fully control myself in heavenly fairy realm with the characteristics of hell.” Yang Qi was arrogant: “I would like to see that since I am in the Heavenly Heavenly Bowl, why should I be opposed to me? If I do not submit to me this time, I will destroy the whole world of the Heavenly Immortals. Dealing with demon heads is a lot better than dealing with Heavenly Four Emperors. My Qi Kung specializes in restraining Hell Demons. ”


Yankee flew up.

“In that case, I am ordered to accompany the gentleman where the son arrives, and naturally I follow him where he arrives.” Qingshi Ancestor was actually not afraid at all. Now that he has recovered, he is about to try out the true Qingqing Avenue of Wangu Qianqing.

His qi kung fu is the last of the ancient gods, extremely strong and transcendent existence of the Divine Path, once cultivated successfully, good Qi Qi, also has great effect on the devil, it is not normal.

The two of them were just like this, traveling directly, and not long after, they saw the distant clouds swinging, full of the Shadow Wind Anger, the ghost gods crying, a thick cloud of evil air in the heavens and the earth, this is the obstacle to the cloud fog.

“Son, in front of you is the place in Tianjin Realm, since in Tianjin Realm, hidden in the intersection of Hell and the fairy realm, the edge of more chaotic antiquity, is a gap, gaining heaven's richness, surrounded by many natural barriers, these obstructive cloud fog, called melting fog, can melt the cactus, as long as the cactus comes here to be melted, then become a part of Tianjin Realm, since ancient times, since Tianjin Realm does not know how many cactus, camp has created this situation.” Ancestral Qing Shi is like several Janes.

“Let's go inside.” Yang Qishi did not put the evil cloud mist in front of him in his eyes. These little noises are not worth mentioning. He moved his body, cut open the cloud mist and proceeded at speed. Many demons in the depths of the cloud mist could not find him at all. For a moment, he saw the appearance of countless celestial demons in the distance. These are strange shapes, some with many pairs of wings, some with three heads and six arms, some with the appearance of a book, some with the appearance of a great ding, a furnace, these are all celestial demons, the shape of celestial demons is different, even if I was born with a son, it is different, like a dragon born with nine sons, they are different.

So, call it Easy Heavenly Devil.

Freedom, freedom and freedom.

Every Heavenly Demon is immensely powerful, free in the cloud fog of evil, some kill each other, some lead the army to war, swallow each other, grow, naked cultivate the evil Qi Kung, here is a completely naked law of the jungle, does not constitute society, system, dynasty.

Since Heavenly Immortal World Hell, it is very vast and unlike Mojo Hell. In fact, there is no real owner, and it's unpredictable, and nobody knows what's hidden in it. After the fall of the ancient gods, they gathered together in Hell.

In fact, that wave is not the true owner of the heavenly world, but it is just a powerful and active side, the true inheritance of the heavenly fairy realm has not yet appeared.

Like Tu Lu Tian, there has been no master for a long time, Tu Lu imperial dynasty is huge, but the emperor is not the master, only Ye Shao Ye has no way, now has been passed down by the assessment, become half the master, unfortunately not yet the true master.

Yankee crossed the layer of cloud fog, the demons killed the battlefield of the great army, saw the prototype of the immortal realm, the immortal realm was like a bubble, a small part appeared in front of the world, more part, like a tree root, scattered deep into the chaotic universe, not knowing how many universes existed, dense and numb.

Yang Qiheran discovered that the entire world of heavenly immortality is even creeping, constantly going deep, rooted in various universes, constantly growing and developing.

It's like a giant snake hiding in a cave, and it's like a snake head, and no one knows how long its real body is.

“What a mighty place, this world, is a legacy of the decadence of the ancient gods.” Yang Qi crossed in one step and felt that the entire surface crystal wall contained a very strong magic, to corrode and transform himself, but as soon as the smell of Goddess Town was running, he completely flew into it.

Since the heavenly fairy realm is vast, Yang Qi can only explore the complete nine small steps of the immortal heavenly ladder unless he is promoted to the realm again. Now it is absolutely impossible to spy on its true purpose.

Looking for a lord without a superior, that's a needle in a haystack. But he had already planned, even if it had been calculated, that when he applied the divine power to Lord Jiuyang in the temple of the Lord of the Wave, he quietly planted a seed of Qi Gong, with which he could quickly determine the position of this Hell Lord.

Since entering the Tianxian realm, Yang Qi has seen that the war is more intense, the sky, the earth, above the sea, all are battlefields, not knowing how many demons appear, how many demons are slaughtered, the demons kill each other and devour each other, can be promoted, some of the leaders of the demons, built a strong fortress, resisted the outside enemy, devoured their companions, but between turns, they were devoured by the larger demons.

This has been rooted in the heavenly fairy realm and has been absorbing the energies of many universes. A large number of celestial demons have been born at all times. These demons have been born without the need to absorb energy and practice. They have directly inherited their innate instincts, killing, plundering, devouring and destroying.

The first demon was born cruel, bloody.

But as cultivation improves, human nature emerges, and wisdom is born. It is able to operate heavenly ways and become lucky and avoid evil.

“From the realm of Heavenly Demons, we are unwilling to come. The only theme is killing, fighting everywhere, more intense than Hell Shura.” Ancestor Qing Shi saw all this and shook his head: “Even if our ancient antiques entered it, once the breath leaked, he would encounter the endless siege of the celestial demons who formed the formation. Since the original oppression of the celestial fairy kingdom, there is basically no possibility of survival. Left to the lower gods, he would not be able to confront the strong pressure of his natural origin. In fact, hell is much more powerful than the Immortal Realm, and many facets of hell, for the whole universe, are poisonous tumors, constantly expanding, peristaltic, sooner or later, will devour the entire universe. ”

“Up ahead, is the palace of the waves.” Yang Qi nodded: “Therefore, the Supreme Lord will send gods to suppress Hell, but now the gods have vanished, and the power of each Hell seems to have diminished a lot. ”

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