Sage Emperor

Chapter 814: You Must Obey

“Now you finally know how powerful this seat is? ”

Yankee claps.

In fact, these punches, he used God's engine to beat his own heart, gaining the strongest power, beating these people easily. But the power of God's engine is getting lower and lower, and it can't be used again. But it's good to scare these people for a second, and then the next thing is done.

“In fact, it's easy to slay you. ”

The body trembled: “Then why are you so strong that you do not seize the Allied Throne with the Four Kings of Heaven? ”

“Humph!” Yang Qi snorted coldly: “In this battle, a divine work was not cultivated. Now that this divine work has been accomplished, there is no fear of the Four Emperors of Heaven. If you do not bow down, do you think that this House cannot devour you?” Between the words, behind him, a giant chaotic ancient serpent appeared.

Slightly as it appeared, it opened its mouth and suddenly created trillions of black holes.



The immortal world began to explode, and countless ideas arose.

Those demons, all crying, were swallowed up by the swallowing king, and every time Chaos Ancient Snake wore his stomach, at least hundreds of millions of demons entered his mouth. At the end of the day, the Ancient Snake began to shape, and his head began to change into an adult.

“The King of the Swallow, 3,000 in 1, is at last complete, the will of the great King of the Swallow is coming, my God! Rumor has it, if any of the seventy-two ancestors' Fabao is fully collected, it will suffer a huge catastrophe. This is an ominous instrument. You can suppress the will of the King of Heaven for your own use...”

All four Hell Lords were stunned by shock, and they tried to flee, but did not dare to flee, and Yang Qi's mending just now deeply deterred them.

It would not be useful to know that you had fled.

Moreover, the swallowing king, Fu Lu, dared not flee at all. In fact, if it wasn't for the complete King of Heaven, there was nothing yet, but the most complete, but unusual, once gathered, as long as it was the signature magic treasure of the Seventy-Two Brothers of the Immortal King, there was great will, all kinds of unknown things happened.

Who is King Tung Tian? After the great presence of the Immortal King, it was cultivated into an immensely powerful and transcendent, almost equivalent to the Supreme God. Deep in the ancient divine realm, Duhewei is famous, everyone is scared of the wind, it is called swallowing heaven, I do not know how many ancient gods have passed.

These Hell Lords, to be honest, are just some of the little leaders in Hell right now, and cannot be compared to King Tung. In ancient times, the Great Hells were subjected to devastating calamities, and now some powerful and transgressive figures, some meteoric, some on ancient paths leading to God, never return, and there is no one left to resist the gods.

When we encounter the great will of King Tung Tian, the four great lords simply cannot resist.

“Messenger of Light, Yankee. What the hell do you want? We can sit down and make a deal. We don't have to do this. How about that?” The eyes of the heavenly Lord turned and suddenly said.

“Yeah, Yankee. We can fully cooperate with you in killing the Four Emperors of Heaven and helping you to climb the throne of the Alliance of Patriarchs. We are not enemies.” Lord Mojo of Hell also hastily cooperated.

“We're not enemies?” Yang Qihaha laughed. “That sounds better than singing. Together, the Four Emperors of Heaven are ready to kill this house. It's not fake, is it? ”

“At this time we were not enemies anymore. Now we can sit down and talk about how to cooperate and deal with the Four Kings of Heaven? Kill the Four Emperors of Heaven, and we can all discuss how to distribute the benefits.” Nose, there are two great twins, Lord of Hell.


Yankee shook her head, seemingly unclear, "Are you still distributing the benefits? ”

“Why? Aren't you willing to give us a benefit?” All four lords are stunned.


Yang Qiqi drank violently: “I do not need anyone to distribute profits with me, I just want absolute submission, especially you, you must absolutely submit to me, you cannot have any second heart, otherwise there is only death, you know? In order to protect their lives, they must bow down and be my servants and slaves. ”


The four lords of Hell stood up hastily: "Yang Qi, don't bully people too much. If you annoy us and the Four Emperors in Heaven and chase you completely, you may not be our opponent. ”

“Oh, did you just flip?” Yankee smiles faintly: “You guys go? You can go now, I won't stop you. But whether you reach the Four Kings of Heaven or not depends on your creation and your skill. I promise you, whoever moves first, he dies immediately. Don't think you've condensed yourself into immortality, I won't be able to kill you. Your lives, in my eyes, are more or less the same than a chicken. ”

Yang Qi's heart, in fact, was already killing.

Though it's hard to beat one of them, Yankee can surely kill one of them as soon as he spends a lot of energy in God's engine.

These people are inherently restrained by his Qi Kung.

But if you fight one of them, Yankee's energy is not enough. God's engine will not be able to function in the future, and there are some difficulties in confronting the Four Kings of Heaven.

The true cultivation of the Four Emperors of Heaven is almost the same as the presence of these people, but Yankee Qigong has no restraint effect on them, one-on-one can defeat, but it is absolutely difficult to kill.

One on four, they can't do anything about Yankee, and Yankee won't beat them.

But much better than before, Yankee will surely lose against any one of them before, let alone a pair of four, one pair of four is the only way to die. See how strong Yankee cultivation is now.

“Yankee, don't push us.” The Free Demon Lord froze: “You know, rabbits rush and bite, not to mention we are the Hell Lord, we have many ways to go down with you. ”

“Together?” Yankee seems to hear the best joke in the world. "With all of you, you want to go home with me? Even if all four of you are destroyed at the same time, I will not perish? You already know that I possess the seals of the gods. This is what the gods bless. How can you return to me? Say it!”

“This…… ”

The Lord of Mojo Hell stood still, knowing that it was a joke to share with Yankee.

“Well, I won't argue with you. ”

Yang Qi said directly: "If you do not submit to me, I will kill you directly. Anyway, half of you come to see your performance. Good performance. Assist me in killing the Fourth Emperor of Heaven. I can give you a gift. If you do not perform well, you will die! Now, on the count of ten, if you're still stubborn, I'll do it immediately. You can run, whoever runs first, you don't have a chance, just kill it! ”

murderous, absolutely threatening.

For hundreds of millions of years, only this Helllord has threatened others, and no one has ever threatened Helllord, but now the four great Helllords are cold from head to toe.

Just now they saw Yang Qi's Xuan Gong, when it was really like the ancient gods were angry, between the blows, God rolled down, and swallowed the power of the King of Heaven snake, they also saw that there was no way to resist, let alone everyone knew that now Yang Qi has the Immortal King Fu, to promote the map of the kingdom of the world.


Yankee doesn't give a shit what people think, counting. It sounds like a charm, a single sound, in the ears of all people.

“Two, three, four..... five, six... seven.....”

The four lords trembled as if they were suffering, they wanted to run, but they dared not. Yang Qi's majesty deterred them. Originally, the power of the Elephant Town had a natural deterrent for the Hell lords, who were deeply afraid of the idols.

“VIII. Ix…..”

Yang Qi shouted at the ninth voice, the killing has come out. If these people still do not submit, he must open the killing, even if all the energy of God's engine is used at all costs. Anyway, these people want to deal with him, kill four, the Heavenly Four Emperors alone, using the blood energy of killing four people to condense into four incarnations, can still fight against the Heavenly Four Emperors.

“Let us bow, let us bow, Lord Yang Qi, say a charter, we can only propose a little, that we cannot let go of our hearts to believe in you, once we believe in you, the luck of life and death is all in your hands, if you want us to die, we would rather die than accept. ”

The Lord suddenly opened his mouth.

Yang Qi clapped his hands: "Okay, the man who understands the times is Junjie. If you talk a little later, you will die. Believe. For now I will not ask you. Swear to me that you will be faithful to me. ”

He knew that things were slowly going on and that he could not make these people believe in themselves. Although once they believed, the great power of the unhealed faith generated could almost smash the whole heavens and the earth. Once again, the immortals could make dramatic strides, even the cultivation of the seventy-first ancestors, and everyone could be promoted to the realm of the Hoang God.

However, these four lords' persecution did not work. Faith is fundamental, and their cultivation is sure to know that once you have faith in others, you will sink forever and never be able to recover.

Moreover, Yankee's own cultivation has not yet reached its peak.

Just a little longer, fill God's engines with energy, enlighten Him about the ancient gods, and fix everything to melt into a furnace, and these four lords can force them to believe in themselves.

All of this is in the plan, in an orderly manner.

“I swear! I am comfortable with the Heavenly Bowl, I must be loyal to the Son, and if I have a different heart, I will never be able to ascend to the highest god.” "When I got there, the son killed me," said Po. "I have no complaints. ”

“Yes, we swear too.” Subsequently, the four lords swore simultaneously.

Yet Yankee knows that their vows are of little use, and that the average Demon Head Demon vows are useful, but these demons in demons can be completely restrained.

But that's all we can do now, wait for the chance, surrender completely to the four, or kill!

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