Sage Emperor

Chapter 817: Six Thieves United

“Do you do it or not? If you don't do it, Big Brother B and I will leave immediately. If you do, we'll start distributing. I tell you, I and Big Brother B, a man of eternity, a man of creation, the head of the most special body between the heavens and the earth, now the bloodlines merge together and multiply, and there is an unpredictable working Xuan machine that revives this king of beasts and differentiates the little beasts. It is only natural. ”

Speaking of which, Ye Shao Ye's impudent face rose sharply.

He now focuses on the body of the Eternal Creator as a furnace, becoming the Eternal Creator, extremely powerful and immensely vast universe.

Speaking naturally has an unbearable dignity.

“Huh, boy! What are you talking about? Are you trying to scare us, Four Emperors?” Fury Great Emperor Killer Amplification: “With your tripod cat kung fu, not my opponent, don't you want the position of Dao Dao Wang? ”

“If you touch him, I'll kill you, believe it or not.” Big Brother B took a step forward, and a savage breath swept in. The furious Great Emperor suddenly suddenly suddenly nitrogen, knowing the strength of this person, I'm afraid he's still above himself, suddenly constrained a lot.

Big Brother B looked at Ye Shao Ye without negotiation, nodded darkly, and felt that he was not good at joining vertical and horizontal, but Ye Shao Ye also had no way, but did a good job. In this regard, it is also good to own such a small brother.

So when he saw the furious Great Emperor threatening, he immediately spoke and maintained.

“There's something to say. There's something to say.” The Great Emperor of the Universe is the most cunning, and when he sees people's language embarrassed, he immediately says: “Do as you say. Let's split 50-50. How about 50-50? Don't score on it. Now the four of us, together, can actually suppress the two of you, even if it's 50-50, we won't lose. Come on, let's not talk nonsense. We each take an oath that we can't attack each other until we kill Yankee. ”

“This is nature.” Ye Shao Ye laughed: “Yang Qi is my great enemy in life. I know very well his strength. At this time, we still fight in the nest, giving him the opportunity to kill us. This is not possible. ”

Between the words, Big Brother B swore an oath, and then the six clapped, and started practicing.

At the moment of sitting down, Ye Shao Ye was completely excited: “My cultivation is actually very shallow, I can't compare to the Angry Emperor, but this time, if the King of Beasts succeeds, my strength will climb one step at a time! Yankee, Yankee, I don't believe you. You're so powerful, so many of us can't kill you! Big Brother B, I, Heavenly Four Emperors, Hell Four Lord! And the Beast King is split up. Let's do it together. Even if it's you, drink and hate on the spot. I have to figure out a way to get these people to die with you. I'll take advantage of it. I will not tell you that you have the seal of the gods, because I will get your seal of the gods, which is mine, and no one can compete for it. ”

“Big Brother B, the Four Emperors of Heaven, the Lord of Hell, you are all going to die, I will not let you live, I am the only one who deserves to be the true master of the Ecclesiastical Alliance and assume absolute power. ”

Ye Duoduo's heart is alone, even Big Brother B won't let go. Once he has gained momentum, he will surely resort to brutality.

At the moment, the six began to concentrate, constantly typing in their true qi, provoking a special physique, and the Beast King's body began to expand and breathe bigger.

A strand of Chaos Yuan Qi converted into divine energy and swallowed into the idle body of Ye Xiao Ye. Young Ye began to upgrade to cultivation. Boom, the heavenly robbery arrived.

Big Brother B took a look, breathed out, those heavenly robberies dissipated, landed, like rain dew, like Ganlin, scattered, all into Ye Shao's body, so that he fixed a small step up, now Ye Shao's realm seems to climb like a rocket, has reached the immortal heavenly ladder three or four small steps, and there is also a tendency to soar.

The step of courage, the step of wisdom..... these steps, one by one, climb the promotion, of course he does not have the kind of special body of Yang Qi, just ordinary heavenly anger robbery, not the number of robberies of the gods, so big brother B can blow away, if it is the number of robberies of Yang Qi, big brother B is just afraid to run away.

Kill! Kill!

With the flame of anger in his heart, Ye Shao Ye concentrated on absorbing the energy of the divine realm and the finesse of the Beast King, and fell into the deepest modification.

Meanwhile, in the Immortal World of the Holy King, in the Patriarchal Alliance, Yankee practice is also under way.

His cultivation is absolutely different.

The black hole of Wangjie Wangtu, suspended at the top of his head, swallowed the heavenly king to become an ancient snake, swallowed the immortal qi, swallowed the natural weather as a tidal surge, turned into a crystalline sherry, condensed into swallowed heavenly kingdom, combined with his own godly pure soil, can swallow almost everything.

This is the great power of the King of Heaven.

Hidden by the ancient gods, God's engines, all inspired by Him. Start exploring the mysteries, the energy, the falling from the sky. The great ship of the ancient god Tibetan Gate has the ability to absorb chaos, refine it into cosmic energy, communicate with the divine realm. Yang Qi is now gradually condensing, and has begun to use this ability.

Slightly swallowed, Chaos Ancient Gas rolled in and entered the deep depths of the ancient gods.

Among the ancient gates, the divine twist, between moments, Yankee seemed to feel that he had communicated with a great world, where all the energy was the highest in the universe, which was the divine kingdom.

Between moments, Yang Qi saw an ancient road leading to God. The ancient road was very large, vast, vast, leading to infinite distances. The end of the ancient road was a truly great world, a world that spanned time and space and was not within the great rivers of the world.

In other words, the ancient era of Tai Ancient times entered the ancient path to God, and reached the divine realm. The divine realm is still the same. Now entering the divine realm, the divine realm has not changed, and the future remains so.

The operation of the universe of the Great Thousand Worlds, the birth and destruction of Heaven's Way, has nothing to do with the divine world, which is immutable.

In this, Yankee learned the magic of time, the mystery of the divine world and some secrets.


He whistled: "God's kingdom energy, go, communicate! Ancient Gate Come Out.....”

Boom, tidal energy, flowing out of the ancient gates, precisely from the depths of the ancient path of the gods, to the chaos, combined with the chaotic energy, eventually created immortal divinity, transformed into true divine energy, sprayed out of the ancient gates.

Di Di, Di Di...

Fused with the light brain of God's engine, the disk fragments of civilization screamed violently, constantly struggling, peristaltic, Yankee felt that his heart was a bit like the heart of the Brahma God, and during the pacing process, it was very powerful, slightly moving, the blood boiled, and the energy of God's engine was increasing dramatically.

Now, he finally began to hide the ancient gods, the disk fragments of civilization, God's engine, the swallowing kings of the heavens, the map of the kings of the worlds, the immortals of the kings of the worlds... These treasures, in accordance with their own Orthodox fusion, are based on the imprints of the gods and fuse them.

Gods imprint, can merge all beings with divine nature, immortal divine nature in front of Gods imprint, to submit.

“Energy circulation, divine communication, sensing mysteries….” In the depths of the eyebrows, the Imprints of the gods sat in the town, breaking through the immortal divinity, the mysteries of the ancient gods, the energy of the divine realm sprayed out in the ancient gates, slowly flowing down, into the engine of God, and between the energy pacing of the engine of God, gradually depleted, transformed into power, flowing all over the body.

The whole body of Yankee is almost clogged by the immense power of God's engine. A little movement, a slap in the palm of your hand, forces can punch through all 33 levels of fairy kingdom.

Moreover, he no longer cared about energy scarcity.

Because, it completely inspires the divine power of the ancient gates, which can draw energy from the ancient path of the gods, is the divine power of the divine world, which is superior to all, very pure, and can be used by God's engines.

In other words, Yankee energy now comes from breathing, from the divine realm. As long as the divine realm does not disappear, his energy can roll over, and when he is no longer fighting with the four demons, he also has to worry about when the energy of God's engine will run out.

With energy, God's engine plays a role, raising hands and throwing foot to foot, recklessly and vigorously, and can completely restrain the Heavenly Four Emperors and the Four Demons.

However, Yang Qi is still in the realm of Hao God, unable to exert the power of the ancient gates, not much energy consumed, that is, between the respiratory turbulence, the energy obtained by God's engines is also insufficient, although the power is stronger than before, but the uplifting role is not great.

The realm needs to continue to be raised in order to be able to unleash the ancient gates, the true strength of God's engine.

If his present realm is the Angry Great Emperor, then he will never be afraid of any existence, not even a lower God, because the energy of the divine realm between his breaths is tantamount to a transient shift, and the explosive power of God's engine drives him to the most powerful and horizontal level.


Yang Qi breathed and sprayed out, slowly harvesting his power, and then over his head, the heavenly robbery came, the realm of the Eight Heavens of the Tao God. It was at this moment that he instantly moved into the map of kings of the universe, and that huge impact followed into the depths of the map and fought with him.

The wrath of the gods, the angry energy of the divine kingdom, are all held on his body, and he fought. He gradually gained some understanding of the divine kingdom between the fierce struggles. Why can the divine kingdom cross the river for a long time and remain eternal? The divine world now has a depraved smell. Why? Looks like it's going to break? Will there really be a new civilization after the Nirvana?

Yankee knew that one day she would go to the divine realm to find out the true mystery of the Lord.

But it is too difficult to achieve the gods and reach the immortal throne.


His last punch broke the anger of the gods, the resentment of the gods, and a single impact reached the realm of the gods of the Dowager. Suddenly, the energy of the gods became more intense and clearer, entering into their own bodies, and God's engine pacing power reached a degree of one percent.

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