Sage Emperor

Chapter 822 Defeating the Evil

Chapter 822 Defeat the Wicked

The battle between Yang Qi and the Chaotic Bear Battou ancestors, can be called a breakdown in heaven and earth, the two bodies floating down and down, shrinking a moment, expanding a moment, the bullets generally jump in various parallel positions in the universe, sometimes into chaos, intense and unusual.

It all appears on the crystal wall system.

When people see their hearts tremble, they are as drunk as they are.

Such a battle, indeed, is the highest level of confrontation. Each collision is a confrontation between the mind and the law and the spirit. A slight weakening of the mental energy between the fights is required to completely fall.

Chaos is split, even two people are in fist collision, when the ancient gas of chaos is torn, under the influence of powerful energy, condensed into many continents, fell down, become a position in the fairy realm, this is the opening of the heavens and earth.

With the collision of energy, breaking the chaos, the means of appearing face-to-face, almost resembles the gods of Tai Ancient.


Suddenly, that chaotic bear, Old Battou, exploded with the strongest strike.

“Breaking Heaven Strike! ”

“Soul Breaking Kill! ”

“Cut off the fairy! ”

“Break the Heart Sadness Song! ”

“Breaking boundaries tearing! ”

“The world is broken! ”

Six great killing moves, breaking the sky, breaking the soul, breaking the fairy, breaking the gods, breaking the boundaries, breaking the world! Every move can break a law, six or six yuan, almost all kinds of things in the world, all of them.

This level of bombardment, erupting between moments, counter-attack counts, everyone is shocked, no one expected that the chaotic giant bear Battou ancestors could erupt such a powerful blow at this time. This is clearly a long-standing plot to fight back, a grand plot.

Yet Yankee smiled with no fear, the fists on his hands split apart, the whole person stood on the spot, and he also bombarded out six punches in a row, each with the taste of "judgment”, "punishment”, “light”, "immortality”, “uncertainty”, “auspicious”, “domination”, this punch, has completely detached from the temptation, is the fundamental punch of his great fearless spirit.

Martial Dao is fundamentally boxy.

crackle and rattle!

Six fists crossed, Yang Qi completely broke the killing technique of the chaotic giant bear Battou ancestor, then heavily punched, bombarded the body of Battou ancestor, so that the ancestor's body completely collapsed, screamed Lian, big mouth of blood spray.

Yankee didn't let go, he made a series of attacks. Recruiting death, to kill a giant demon that existed in an ancient era, at this time, suddenly in the fog of the demonic air, several powerful demonic lasers came out, all bombarded Yang Qi, actually some old Emperor of the same grade.

Once Yang Qi's body retreated, those demonic lights rolled up the old Chaotic Bear Battou ancestors and went deep into the mist. Then a layer of the Too Ancient Demon Curse is held in the mist, forming the strongest defense.

This is too ancient, the spell of the demon god, many ancient antiques held together on it, Yang Qi is not going to break it for a while and a half. But he knows that this demonic race has defeated the ancient Bear Battou, who defeated himself, has shown great majesty to the world, indicating that he can defeat the superior power of the Angry Great Emperor.

The first war ended like this, with Yang Qi breaking through dozens of fairy kingdoms of the demonic tribe, killing countless demon soldiers looting supplies, defeating the results of Battou's ancestors.

The demon clan was completely defensive, unable to retreat, and temporarily had already destroyed the guts and dared not come out.

Yankee also knows that within a short period of time, it is unrealistic to destroy demonic tribes and kill those old antiques, but he doesn't care. He has almost got the luck of the Patriarchal Alliance, which equates to the power of the Alliance Lord. It is now basically impossible to oppose his existence. After waiting for some time, his qi power will increase again, and the demonic tribe's defense of the spell can be broken.

Because he is now in the realm of the gods of Tao, the myth of eight heavens, soon to be promoted to the realm of the gods of the Nine Heavenly Hungs.

Yankee returns.

Still returning to the Light Constellation, it condenses into a giant cocoon and begins to close again. Old Qing Shizu presided over the big picture, and the Light Corps returned, distributing the demonic results.

The tide of people joining the Corps of Light is generally pouring, and some watching princes, as well as God, will also express their goodwill to the Patriarchate Alliance.

At this moment, all Yang Qi has to do is gather his luck, practice, try to achieve the realm again, strike the Hongjin.

Such tremendous luck, no more than before, even among demons, some strong people have changed their minds, originally a drum to try to destroy the Patriarchal Alliance, but after this struggle, everyone is conscious, they are not at all opponents of the Light Corps.

Suddenly, throughout the Wicked Alliance, morale declined and people were panicked.

When people change their minds, it affects heaven and earth's great fortune.

Yankee is practicing and feels the overall luck of his Escort Alliance is increasing dramatically. It seems that the fireballs are burning more and more intensely. For example, there is no tendency to fail during the day.

He knew that the demonic tribe had established a demonic alliance and shared a lot of heavenly luck. A part of heavenly and earth fortune had shifted to the demonic alliance, but now he had broken down, causing people to change hearts and minds, demonic tribes to deplete, and heavenly and earth fortune had gathered towards himself. The overall luck of the Patriarchal Union has naturally increased.

This is tantamount to secularism, where two countries are at war, one country is defeated, people are shaking their minds internally, and luck naturally falls. Another country won the war, everyone was thrilled, full of spirit, like a rainbow, and distinguished between the advantages and disadvantages.

Such an air-running transformation makes it easier for Yankee to practise. As soon as he has a little spirit, his luck combines with the energy of the divine realm, creating changes, impacting the junction, making his spiritual meditation, rapidly increasing.

He saw the crossroads of the Hongjin Realm.

Savings power, breaking through.

The ancient gods hid, swallowed Heavenly King's Rufu, Immortal King's Rufu, Universal King's Chart, God's Engine Civilization Disk Piece, all sorts of magic treasures operated in the body, Yang Qi transformed into a heavenly and earth oven, and smelted these things in it, attempted to merge with the body, the spirit gained great pride, great impunity.

His whole body Qigong, some impurities were excluded from the body, he now gradually began to concentrate the divine body, every inch of flesh, began to evolve towards the energy of the divine realm, he absorbed the essence of the Seven Gods unified in the ancient hiding, between practice, with slow melting of air.

Heaven and Earth, luck. It is something that melts everything in the world, even God.

Heaven and earth are concentrated on the body of a person, who is unstoppable, like a rolling flood. Anyone who stands in his way is a mantis arm.

Luck can reopen everything.

Yankee has now plundered almost all of the luck of the Patriarchal League, gathering together, which is greatly beneficial for him to reopen many magic treasures, even suppress the Immortal King Fu Lu, and obtain the mysteries of the Gods' imprint.

These magic treasures, all created by the great gods of the ancient era, even if Yang Qi obtained many years, could not melt, thoroughly investigate all the secrets contained therein, but now supported by Heaven and Earth, some of the secrets, the energy gradually released, all the ancient seals were washed away by Heaven and Earth.

Especially the change is more pronounced in the map of the kings of the universe.

The seal on the first floor was opened, and ancient miracles appeared. Yankee spiritual storms were like chaos. Storms along the ancient path of the gods swept away everything in the map of the kings of the universe. A miracle appeared deep in the map of the kings, all caught by spiritual storms, melted, and entered the heavens and earth baking oven.

Yankee manipulated the Wang Wang map as he pleases, shut it down as he pleases, and his strength soared.

The Immortal Spirit was also promoted at the largest level, reaching three small steps at a time, to make it difficult to want to die, although he could not resist such a person as the Great Emperor of Heaven of Fury.

Yang Qi's strength, in this kind of closure, is constantly growing, and the days pass by, the situation in front of him is calming down, the Light Corps is constantly accepting some ancient antique investment, and the army of the future world, does not seem to have much action, the League of Witches is transformed into a turtle, unable to hold out, the Angry Great Emperor does not seem to have appeared.

However, everyone is waiting, waiting for the Great Emperor of Fury to return from chaos.

Now the bright eye can see that the Angry Emperor must be deep in the chaos, practicing a supreme Xuan Gong, even with the Heaven Emperor Four Emperors.

Once it succeeds, it will suddenly arrive here in a heavenly state, crushing Yankee. Because if he doesn't, I'm afraid he won't be able to protect himself.

Everyone is waiting for a big change in this expectation.

At this moment, in the future, deep in the world corridor, an invincible large ship, passing through, has reached the edge of the corridor and is about to come out of it. Those big ships are much bigger than any other before, and they bear the flag of the marshal on them.

Grand Marshal, in the future world, every man is an autocratic heaven and earth, inside the horizontal woods, comparable to the Angry Heaven Great Emperor style character.

At this moment, more than a dozen grand marshals are gathered in one of the first ships, as if they were convening a meeting of the Supreme Military Council.

These marshals, all dressed in military uniforms, were as large as robes. Wrapped around everyone, every marshal does not reveal his face, but the colours are different, some uniforms are blue, some are engraved with the sky, some are engraved with the earth, some are engraved with the sea, some are engraved with the creation, some are engraved with the beasts...

“Well, we are here today to convene a supreme military conference, without a leader, but I have been given the authority to preside over the big picture as the leader of this conference.” At this moment, the sun and moon stars were inscribed on the uniform, and the general marshal from all sides spoke: “We are about to reach the world of the ancient fairy ways, which is a turning point of heaven and earth civilization, and all we have to do is conquer, destroy, burn fire to every corner and destroy the ways of heaven in this era. ”

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