Sage Emperor

Chapter 828: Surrender the Great Emperor

This spear of the Underworld God strikes Yang Qi, who has saved the necessary mind, to kill the Angry Emperor directly, to rid him of a hidden danger, so his spear trembles between all parallel universes, and the spear spreads out, almost can interpret the many ways in which the universe is born and extinguished.

Between moments, the Great Emperor of Fury felt the coming of death, and the forces of Hell eroded into his own skull, so he gave his life to the supreme magic treasure, Shelly the Angry God, to spread out against the spear of the Underworld God.

The spear of the Spirit God, a thorn, happened to be stabbed over the Wrath God Shelly.

This Shelley immediately erupted into the fury of the bear, burning on the spear, but the spear shocked, Yang Qi inspired the gods' imprint, and was ready to fire the flame, then Shelley the anger god was picked flying away, fell into his palm, the spear remained unchanged, and the fierce assassination went deep into the fury heavenly emperor's eyebrows, strong Hell divine power was destroying his sea of knowledge.

Between moments, the Fury Emperor seemed to feel he had experienced the pain of a billion-dollar Hengsha Hell, and his soul almost dissipated at this moment, becoming a puppet idiot and a zombie.

But at the last moment, he knew that Yankee spear had been won, and there was absolutely no reason to survive, and he shouted, “Gentlemen, avenge me, unite and sacrifice to the Beast King, run! ”


His two great beast kings appeared separately, jumping up and releasing the power of the strong and the horizontal.

“Come on, come on, come on!” Big Brother B knew that this was a critical juncture. As a matter of urgency, he fled immediately. Therefore, his fictional technique was introduced, and his three beast kings split into the furious Great Emperor's split.

At this moment, all four emperors in Heaven knew that it was impossible not to escape, so Feitang changed, injected into the body, even Ye Daoduo harshly abandoned his body.

The Twelve Splits, immediately assembled again as an animal king, roaring and shaking, the wildness and beastiality of the ancient divine realm, erupted suddenly in the temple of Heavenly Path Operation.

Yang Qi saw that Chaos Ancient Snake appeared and swallowed up to the Beast King.

But with the help of this seismic force, Big Brother B and others flew together, turning into a magnificent giant ship, breaking the Great Formation of the Seal of God, the heavenly way operated the temple's heavenly dome, and just flew out.

Neither the Qing Shi Group nor the Hell Four Demons can stop it.

However, the five fled, abandoned the Beast King and left behind the Great Emperor of Fury, with no hope of defeating Yang Qi at all.

“Too bad!” Yang Qi knew that there was no way to stop this escape. Now he was going to suppress the Beast King, and he was going to assassinate the Fury Emperor. He couldn't even go after him and wait for his surrender to be complete. Those people had already fled.

“Beast King, suppress! ”

He carried out the printing and execution on his hands, and then the heavenly seals appeared. He completely suppressed the Beast King in the depths, unable to move out. The seal entered the depths of the Wangjie Wangtu, and then refined it well.

This king of beasts is invincible and possesses the strongest power, equivalent to twelve emperors, and even blends the blood of the Eternal One, the Maker. Once refined, Yang Qi will certainly be able to contain great energy in his body. It can even help push itself onto the first small step of the immortal ladder, when the future, too ancient masters, can stand up against each other and stand undefeated.

Ka Cha

A spear hole penetrated the head of the Angry Great Emperor, Yang Qi made another move and grabbed it hard. The body of the Angry Great Emperor became stiff and sealed with an energy seal.

“Spear of the Underworld God, change, confinement to the sea! ”

The spear of the underworld god turned into a demonic seal, entered the mind of the angry heavenly emperor, began to imprison, temporarily he did not kill the angry heavenly emperor, because to execute in public, in front of the people of the world, in front of many old antiques, execute this allied lord in public.

Dang Dang!

All fled, the anger of the Great Emperor left behind, Yang Qi Tuan sat on the throne of the Allied Lord, rang the bell, huge power passed out again.

“The elders of the Patriarchal Alliance, the Divine General, the Pope, now the entire high-ranking rebellion, has been cleared, the Angry Emperor is not worthy of being our ally, has been captured alive by me, you see now, I reconvene to reconstitute our power, the Patriarchal Alliance, to be the most powerful alliance, to stand at the summit of the world, to take control of this era.” Yankee's voice came out.

Many old antiques look outside, heartbeat. This great war has been rare since ancient times, no one would think that a man can simultaneously fight against sixteen great emperor-level masters, but now Yang Qi has done it, and has crushed them one by one, a means that is no longer divine and belongs to immortals.

Countless exotic antiques and some bilaterally watched wallgrass also know that Yang Qi's great power has become inevitable and no one can shake the position of his ally's throne at all.

Now, more ancient antiques, fish penetration, dense hemp in the temple of Heavenly Trail, trillions of billions, looking at Yang Qi, especially the furious Emperor in his hand, all bow their heads.

Lord Emissary of Light. ”

At this time, a god will speak, and he will report, "Now that we all know, this furious emperor is stubborn, he still wants to build the ancient heavenly temple of Daoism, treat us immortals as cattle and sheep, and slaughter us! Never forgive me. I am now the first to elect the Lord Messenger as my ally. ”

“Yes, I have also chosen Lord Emissary to lead the Alliance. ”

“Together we beat our allies, for generations to come, forever. ” …………

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“Very good!”

Yang Qi swept across the scene, “Take all the party feathers of the furious Emperor, capture them all, immortal legions of people, kill them all, lean on this person, is a dead end! Hell Four Demons, you go! ”


At this time, Hell Four Demons received orders. They jumped out of the room and immediately sent out a fierce sound. The package was captured and brought back to the center of the Temple of Heaven's Way Operation.

Hell Four Demons killed them all, burned them with magic fire, screaming to make everyone feel chestnut in their hearts, knew the cruel means of the new allies in front of them, absolutely inviolable.

“Now that you have all chosen me as your Lord, I will be your Lord. As for the position of the Messenger of Light, it is up to Ancestor Qing Shi, you will take over. The position of the Messenger of Darkness will be cancelled. Our Patriarchate Alliance, which is the Alliance of Justice, cannot have darkness. When the position of the Dark Messenger is cancelled, it is transformed into a Messenger of Justice.” Yang Qi: “The witch Bo Rhyme can no longer be the Dark Messenger, the Justice Messenger, I will pick out a man and grow him to become one. Thereafter, the monks, first of all, shall enter into practice under the Messenger of Justice. ”

“Hahaha................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................” At this moment, the furious Emperor laughed furiously, "Look, this is your new alliance leader, arbitrary. When I was the alliance leader, the messenger was chosen, and now he is the direct commander! Dictatorship is far more heinous than tyranny, and your doom is coming. This is a heartless, spicy man who won't feed you good fruit. ”


Yankee just like that, the public slapped down, the anger of the heavenly emperor's face swelled up, now his body is sealed directly, unable to promote qigong, instant wolf.

“On your knees!” Yang Qi pointed, the fiery heavenly emperor knelt down like this, in front of Yang Qi, he almost fainted: “Little beast, don't torture me so much, give me a pleasure, I am the heavenly emperor, do not desecrate! ”

“You're the one who insults me! ”

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Everyone saw that a prestigious emperor, so randomly manipulated by Yang Qi, as if he were a lamb, everyone found it incredible, and at the same time really knew Yang Qi's immense and unshakable authority.


Yankee had an extra long whip in his hand. It was the whip of hell. He waved his hand and let God retreat: “Naturally, I am going to execute the Angry Heavenly Emperor in public. So many people are present today, I will show you what happens when you resist this seat, follow this seat, whatever resources you have, even if it is not necessary to become a god in the future, betraying this seat, Angry Heavenly Emperor is what happens. How am I supposed to execute him? Now I'm going to let you know that I'm going to kill him alive with a whip. It's a whip of hell, and every whip I take down is going to be so much pain! Angry Emperor, as long as you can stand it, it's a man, I'll give you a happy way to die! ”

“Come on, come on, little bastard, I'll see what you can do to me.” The furious Great Emperor roared.


Yang Qi whipped and went on. He was really angry. The divine colour on the Great Emperor's face clotted between moments. He almost screamed, but he held on and his tongue bit and bled.

Yang Qi did not care about him, just one whip, two whips, three whips kept beating, reached ten whips, anger heavenly emperor finally couldn't bear to start screaming like a pig: “Oops..... stop, I can't fight anymore, I'm dying, give me a pain, I can't stand it. ”

Between the words, he began to roll over, without the slightest wind of Hehway's famous Great Emperor.

When people see each other, they all look at each other, knowing that it can make the anger heavenly emperor hurt like this, it really is an eternal torment, shuddering... Cold wind formation, everyone felt a goose bump.

Yankee didn't stop, he punched and said: “Angry Emperor, you can't stand it, then there is no way, I can only punch you to death. ”

Between the words, dozens of lashes went on, angry heavenly Great Emperor began to beg forgiveness: “Yang Qi..... Alliance Master, forgive me, forgive me, I will be a cow horse, slave to you, don't hit me again. I'm willing to believe you. I'm willing to believe you. ”

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