Sage Emperor

Chapter 868: A group of slaves

“Brother, how did you get caught? Looking at the energy on you, it seems pretty weak. ”

There are five big men, 70, 80, even a hundred, a hundred more! The cultivation, masculinity and masculinity of these people, each with a murderous and dominant atmosphere, are obviously powerful characters in the ancient path of the gods.

Yankee saw the five big men around, but the other side didn't mean anything, so she had to nod her head: “What are the five brothers called? I built a huge power, but the people of Yihua Palace saw my power, so I leaned in and gave it to me, but I was tricked into saying that I was a god general, that I was in a very high position, and I didn't expect to be a prisoner here! ”


One of the five mighty men said: "Brother, you are too stupid. Can the people of Yihua Palace believe it? It's so stupid to be home, you stinking women, the pits are so deceitful, you can do anything, it doesn't matter, you're despicable and shameless! And psychopathic! ”

“Brother, remember to keep your voice down. Otherwise, we will be insulted at Yihua Palace and will suffer again.” Another big highway.

“If you suffer, you suffer.” Shake the head of this big man, or keep his voice down a little: “We, the Five Superiors of Heaven, were thus ravaged by the women of Yihua Palace, slaughtered all our wives and children, leaving us as their slaves? You think we can get away with this? Sooner or later, you'll die, or you'll end up like the princes and eunuchs out there. If you're not a man or a woman, you better die. We are all rulers on the ancient path of the gods. For hundreds of millions of years, we have come to such a fateful end. ”

“It turns out that these five men, called the Five Superiors of Heaven, have a hatred for Yihua Palace.” Yang Qi nodded in his heart, in fact, when the Five Heavenly Heroes spoke, many people had a feeling of hatred in their hearts.

These feelings of hatred had to destroy the Palace of Eyflowers and distort it to the extreme, but they were oppressed by the power of the Palace of Eyflowers and dared not say anything, so the people in the prison were strange.

“These people are the masters of the ancient path of the gods. Don't know if there are any more powerful ones? If there is, I can use these people to start a sudden riot. Confusion." Yang Qi had a big idea when he paused: “Yihua Palace holds them together, it is by virtue of Wanhua gas balls, but I am able to dissolve the Fae Qi in their body... For the time being, however, not much action can be taken. ”

Entering Yihua Palace, Yang Qi knew that everything had to be careful, only patience first to obtain the treasure, step by step to find out the mystery of Yihua Palace.

“Brother, how about we join forces? This Yihua Palace is a slave, very dangerous, and I see you're feeling good and energetic. Going out on missions in the future, we work with each other, we take care of each other. Now Yihua Palace often asks us to explore dangerous areas in the tomb. Many of our brothers are dead and can only be together if they are tightly connected. ”

Heavenly Five Overlords.

“Well, when we carry out our mission, we will be united.” Yang Qi nodded indifferently.


Just as he spoke, the entire cage door was opened again, and a mighty force came! Yet another few slave gods will enter into it, and see that these slave gods will immediately solidify all human breath together, dare not make a sound, some silently shrink to the corner, apparently these slave gods will broadcast notoriety far away.

“The three evils of the lord! ”

The face of the Five Heavenly Heavenly Superiors has also changed, and will be very constrained and even deeply frightened of the three slave gods who came.

“What a powerful energy!” Yang Qi moved in his heart and felt that the three slave gods who came in, each cultivated, had an energy index of more than two hundred, and the vicious atmosphere on his body was astonishing, so that the general emperor could live and die in horror. The three slave gods will come in and look at Yang Qi.

“Who's the new general? ”

One of them was dry, skinny, unusually scary, like a skeleton, and the fiend said, "Aren't you? Yankee? ”

“Brother, the three evils of the lord are the heads of our gods, unusually vicious, and specialize in the repair of incoming prisoners, be careful.” The Great Path of the Heavenly Five: “This dry and skinny man is called the Lord Evil, the Lord, and the other two are the Lord Evil, the Lord Evil. It was on the ancient road of the gods, the existence of Hehwei name, the great evil man, do not know why he was surrendered by Yihua Palace. ”

“Thanks for pointing it out!” Yang Qi saw that the Five Heavenly Patrons actually surrounded themselves and did not disperse, obviously trying to solve the trouble in front of him, so as to make him feel and sell his personal feelings.

“Heavenly Five, why don't you get out of here? Do we have to do this? You want to pull people together, in some other way, who doesn't know who's in our cells?” At this point, the skull-like evil of heaven spoke again, "according to custom, all prisoners who come here are to be repaired by us. You blocked me, even you were repaired together, about you don't believe in the hero of the throne? ”

“Why do you have to do this?" ”Heavenly Five:“ We are all in distress, we should support each other. In fact, we all know that Yihua Palace squeezes us, sooner or later we will not have a good ending. Why do we have to fight each other? ”

“Mind your own business!” At this moment, the cock of the three evils of the hero spoke evil, and once he stood up, he was a big man, his whole body was muscled together, filled with a punch to blow up the universe, "You five rubbish, if you die, we may also become the dining stove of some of the saints of the Yin and Yang Palace, in the future, the Yin and Yang dual cultivation, higher status than those of the eunuchs, can become the male spouse of the saint of the Yin Palace, which is also good. Of course I want to do something for Yihua Palace! ”

Boom Lung!

Just between the evil talk of this land, a boxing, the winds rise, the clouds rise, the power of the hero to pull the mountain river, the breath is covered, one punch to the five shadows, each attacking the five heavenly hegemony.

Wu Ba hastily made a move.

Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong... Five loud sounds, all five people were shocked, everyone flew out, sprayed blood in the air, actually defeated by a move!

Striking hard on the ground, the five leaders of the heavenly kingdom showed a horrific look on their faces: “You... evil, why has your qi improved so much? Kill us with one move? ”

“Haha, you lowly slaves think this house is like you, or God will take prisoners? Fu Shadow Goddess of one of the ten great flower gods has adopted this seat as a male spouse, serving Fu Shadow Goddess, serving as her dining furnace, the Yin Yang Qi harmony, not only can you not be a eunuch in the future, but also have a lot of potential! ”


The giant man laughed wildly and was very proud, "The most despicable slave, eunuch, male pet. How can you compare with us when our status is the highest and we are no longer bound by life and death? Still inspiring us to rebel? We're a fairy day. Why rebel? ”

“Myriad claws!” His palm changed, striking again, clapping out, turning into claw work, brutal and vicious, changing thousands of times, a claw shadow landed and landed hard on Yang Qi's head.

“Ah!” Yankee got all sore like a human cramp.

In fact, his own dignity has entered the image of the king of the universe, silently and silently, and what is left behind is only the energy created by the fragments of a civilized disc, but the veins and energy of this energy body are real, and the false and real people are exactly the same.

This false man, let the three evils of the hero to be tortured, anyway, has nothing to do with his body, and the false man can still be tortured, figure out the real qi operation in the three evils of the hero, brand his own seed of true qi, a hint of yuan divine seal, the god prison strength of another qigong morphology, the "angel extinguishing kind of demon tire” can penetrate into each other's body.

In the three months before the arrival of Yihua Palace, Yang Qi practiced extremely hard, quietly enlightened the changes in Heavenly Path, pushed his god Zhenzheng prison power deeper and deeper again, and realized the many qigong forms of this Taoist technique, of which "Heavenly God Prison Extinguishing Seed Demon Embryo” is a change!

This is an extremely delicate means of condensing one's metabolic energy into a demonic species, penetrating the enemy's true gas cycle, and then the enemy is unconsciously absorbing his essential essence, which rises in the most subtle and immeasurable mysterious nothingness, and eventually becomes unstoppable, causing the enemy's essence to be seized all.

It's like planting nutrient-grabbing trees deep inside fertile farmland, and gradually fertile farmland becomes barren.

In fact, every time Yankee was abused, a tiny demonic species entered his body and took root in an immeasurable gap in his body.


The last punch, Yang Qi's energy body punched in the streak of blood, his muscle pulse broke, before he stopped, his face showed a brutal smile, saw Yang Qi dying, their heart was very satisfied: “Kid, don't blame us, we were just ordered to act. Everyone who comes here is going to get this beating. Remember, if you want to be loyal to Yihua Palace, you may have a chance to be a male pet, you will go to heaven step by step. ”

Thereafter, the three evils left.

“Flower cloud, where do you think the treasure of Yihua Palace is?” In the map of the kings of the universe, Yankee repaired his own energetic body while facing the faint clouds.

“What, are you stealing the treasure of our Palace of Pleasure? How is that possible? I am also from Yihua Palace. Isn't this a betrayal of the Gate?” Yihua saintly flower faint clouds.

“You are one of the good people of Yihua Palace, but I am now in the same situation as Yihua Palace. As you can see, the people of Yihua Palace lied to me and brought me here to say that I was a god general, but actually as a slave, deceived my foundation, murdered my life. Do I have to be polite to the guests of Yihua Palace?” Yankee chuckles: “I must turn the whole palace into a scorched earth. ”

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