Sage Emperor

Chapter 870: Eight Pieces of Immortal King Charm

The eighth Immortal King's Talisman appeared.

There is no reason for Yankee not to grab it. This could have greatly benefited him, but now he has reached the depths of the Palace of Jealous Flowers, full of dangerous areas, and a slight movement could trigger a metabolic change like the landslide tsunami.

Yang Qi used his own cultivation to analyze, found that the palace garden was full of forbidden laws, even fake mountains, running water, flowers, stone stools, tables and chairs contain mysterious formations. If it was Yihua Palace's own people, this forbidden laws would not work half the time, but if it was the smell of outsiders, it would be horrible, and immediately pull the whole body together to make many people feel it.

He reached out and grabbed it. In the map of the kings of the universe, the light cloud of Yihua Holy Flower felt all cold. It seemed to have lost something, but he couldn't say it. He thought it was a natural change in the map of the kings of the universe. In fact, Yang Qi borrowed some of his breath.

It was as if Yang Qi had slaughtered the Heavenly Leader and obtained his lucky god's soul, thus seizing the ancient god's hiding place outside Heaven.

The luck of Yihua Holy Flower Cloud was placed on his body, and suddenly he felt that the exclusion of the four sides of her energy had greatly decreased, and he had plenty of space for his own activities. Therefore, he fully exerted his power in the Divine Town, lurking into the house inside the talking garden, and saw the house in the main hall, a few hidden people, sitting in front of the table, talking about things.

He relied on a pillar, and the whole man was almost united with it.

There is also a strong prohibition on columns, but he gradually developed the sincere assimilation of King Tung Tian, the whole person was recognized in the columns of the formation method, himself as a column, no one will find it, even if the columns are destroyed, he can reach the depths of the Wangjie map, and he is safe and sound.

Eyes look past.

Indeed, it was found that in the house, sitting on the side of a woman, this woman had a gorgeous look and a crown of kaleidoscopes over her head, but most of the colors of the flowers were green, as if they were green and authentic.

This woman, in every move, is like a jade, full of time, with a spiritual temperament that is not clear enough to understand, cultivation seems to be higher than that of the “Qing Sister”, is an absolute enemy.

Opposite him are several men, very dignified, dressed in military uniform, not of the Yihua Palace, but of the future world!

A man headed by a very young man! Eyebrows like swords, always a deep and unpredictable smile on the face, between the eyebrows like a man, that is, arrogance!

Next to him are several great marshals, all wrapped up in a kind of biomechanical armor, which is rumored to have been created from the flesh of the demonic remains of the future world, the flesh found from the depths of the divine realm, the biomechanical armor created, very strong and horizontal, infused with immeasurable unknown energy.

“Is this the son of the arrogant? How did the people of the future world get mixed up with the people of Yihua Palace?” Yang Qi was confused, but he couldn't move. His eyes looked at a box on the table of the two forces. The box was carved with white jade. It contained something wrapped in a scriptural oil cloth. The smell of the Immortal King Rufu emanated from it. Now he really wanted to sweep past it and get the Rufu from here, but he pressed the army, knowing that obtaining the Rufu was not an easy thing, if he failed, he would suffer the scourge of extinction.

And listen to what these people are saying.

“Lord Aaron, I've heard that the ten leaders of your future world, one by one, are highly uncertain, almost close to the cultivation of the gods, do not know how far has cultivation reached? ”

The woman with the crown of the magenta said faintly: "This time, you have come in accordance with the will of your leaders to present such a precious gift to the Immortal King, Fuyu, what exactly do you want us to do? Working with us at Yihua Palace. ”

“It's nothing.” The proud young man laughed: “According to our energy index, an immortal ladder of nine steps of the great emperor, the energy index is ten, our top ten leaders, each individual energy index is more than tens of thousands, close to the gods, you are no more than the same without a palace master. This time we sent a gift like the Immortal King Fu Lu, in fact, we just wanted to redeem the divine character. This time the tomb came, our top ten leaders in the Tai Ancient Era were about to break an unbridled restraint and get the seal of the gods! We have no time to come to the ancient road of Tongjin, and when we get the seal of the gods, this tomb will be collected by our future world, and then we will reach the divine realm, uniting the gods! ”

“Gods Imprint.....”

That jade crown woman violently heard this thing, still heartbroken: “This is a legend, the unknown treasure of the divine realm, even in the divine realm, is impossible to get, I have long heard that the gods are imprinted in the future, now, in the past, one in each of the three times, you have one in the future, at a huge cost, to open the passage to the ancient times, is to find another, now we have the opportunity to reach here, do not know who will fall into the hands of one of the gods imprints of this fairy age, do you understand? ”

Yankee heard it here, and his mind shook.

He knew that the proud celestial people knew that the gods were stamped in their own hands, but telling their sons that it was not another matter, which was a big secret, believing that it would not be passed on, otherwise others would know that they had the gods stamps, I'm afraid it would be a mess and chaos in the world.

“If we don't find out, we'll find out!” Aaron always said: “In fact, this time I came here to inquire about the whereabouts of another piece of the Gods' imprint. I know that you Yihua Palace have now obtained the whereabouts of the divine character. Our future world needs a lot of divine character! ”

“We also need a lot of godliness, why work with your future world?” This jade crown woman said: “Don't forget, we Yihua Palace, the most hated is the man, and you are one of them, it is a gift that I can talk to you here. ”

“Girl Yu, hating men is your own business, interests are eternal. In this world, principles are principles, interests are interests, renouncing principles for interests is the world's most heroic and invincible heart. ”

Turns out this woman is called Jade. Obviously, it stands for blossoming, blooming, beautiful, but then it goes into silence. Powerful.

“Why abandon the principle and what good can you give us? This is the Immortal King Fu Lu! What's the use of a charm? Unless it's nine.” Yu Qiao.

“The Nine Characters gather together, the heavens and the earth change greatly, the Immortal King is resurrected, the great will will will come to the horizon, the whole world no longer exists, are you so proud of Yihua Palace? Think you can resist the great will of the Immortal King? Or can it be counterbalanced? Even if your palace master reaches the realm of the inferior god, it is far from possible. There is only one thing in this world that can suppress the will of the Immortal King and the Seventy-Two Kings. ”

Aaron smiled a lot.

“Gods Imprint!” Yu Qiao.

“Nice, it's the Gods' imprint. In fact, you Yihua Palace are also in a weak position relative to our future world. Soon, our leaders will return, and when our gods' imprints come out, will Yihua Palace be our opponent?” There seems to be one of the most powerful spirits in operation.

“How dare you talk to me like that.” In a jade eyebrow, bloom out the killing machine: “Aren't you afraid I'll leave you here? ”

“Leave us here?” Auren used to laugh, "so you left it here to be your man's pet? But about you didn't realize that none of us are real, that we are a holographic projection, that our future world is without technology, projection technology, that only God can tell if it's true or false. ”

“Projection, you're projection! ”

At this moment, Yu's face moved: “Very good, such a powerful projection, the future world should be truly amazing, truly amazing. Looks like I'm going to have to re-measure my cooperation with the future world. ”

“With our cooperation, Miss Yu, you can't make the decision alone. This Xian Wang Fu Yu is our sincere intention.” Aaron always said: “You can give this token to the palace master, and there is also a letter wrapped with token! It was written to the palace lord by my father AWESOME LEADER. Once, an incarnation of AWESOME LORD, on the ancient path to God, there was an encounter with you unruly palace lords. Approximately your palace lords did not know that he was AWESOME LEADER, and can now relieve her of her doubts. Your palace master will work with us in the future when he finds out about this. ”

“Oh, and this has happened?” Jade knows his palace master, extremely powerful means, has existed for billions of years on the ancient road of connecting God, killing countless monks, subjugating countless hegemonic masters, obtaining infinite artifacts, establishing a huge Yihua Palace, she was only raised after the establishment of Yihua Palace, she has no knowledge of the previous things of the palace master.

“Now that your proud leader has crossed paths with our palace master, I can't specialize in this matter, but now that our palace master has entered a Jedi, deep in the tomb, grabbing the divine character to the point, we can't enter it, we can only wait for her to come out, so I first put this symbol and envelope in the treasure trove, seal it in secret, wait for the palace master to come back before it can open. Everything has to wait for the palace master's decision before I can arrange everything. ”

Yu pondered for a while.

“This is nature, we can wait, Miss Yu, you have worked hard, after the success of things, the future world and Yihua Palace cooperate, I would like to invite you to visit our future world!” In an arrogant tone, he seemed to have an unusual mind about the jade, and between the words, his body gradually faded.

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