Sage Emperor

Chapter 872: Mouse Into the Rice Tank

All kinds of treasures, piled up like mountains, deep treasures are boundless. Think about how many treasures can be accumulated in billions of years, even if it is a mythical immortal? What's more, a powerful presence like Yihua Palace? But the immortals of the mythical realm cannot survive for billions of years, and their life expectancy is also limited. If the mythical realm does not break through, it will perish for hundreds of millions of years at most.

Even the average king, who has lived for billions of years, is afraid of running out of oil, and only those who transcend the existence of the emperor, have energy exponents of dozens, hundreds, or even thousands, can survive for billions of years.

However, as long as it is not God, it cannot be immortal. Tens of billions of years, hundreds of billions of years, the mighty emperor will not escape.

This is the natural law of the universe's natural extinction and operation, irreversible. In the eyes of the practitioner, tens of billions of years will also pass in a hurry, the moment will pass, if it cannot achieve immortality, it will still be red and white bones, heroic soil and ashes.

“What a powerful treasure, these treasures, if I get them all, can at least multiply the strength of the Escort Alliance tens of millions of times and jump to become one of the strongest and most powerful gateways in the ancient path of the gods. It's not the same kind of tripod power anymore.” Yang Qi's eyes shot at the treasures and his heart was turbulent. The treasures were deep and everywhere forbidden, and he could not move lightly. Otherwise, it would trigger a tide of landslide tsunamis and how to plunder them without triggering the discovery of Yihua Palace, a topic worth studying.

“That's, thunderbolt! To have a pale blood thunderbolt? ”

Yankee saw that in a giant crystal bottle, many bloody thunderbolts were rolling away and scattered, and they had to be released at any moment, evolving a thunderbolt realm, a bloody kingdom.

This thing, even for the Great Emperor to improve strength, can greatly help to excite the potential in the body.

The Immortal Split is obtained from the energy index 2, obtained the thunderbolt of pale blood, directly increased to more than twenty degrees of terror, now there is such a large bottle? Why don't the people at Yihua Palace use it? But think about it, Yang Qi, maybe treasure stock, only those who oppose each other can give it. A doorpiece must keep more or less of its treasure as an internal repository.

“This bottle of pale thunder, I'll take it.” Yankee deep in his heart.

Now he's like a rat falling into a rice bowl, almost oblivious to that. But deep in the heart, it is still sober, nothing in this treasure matters, only the only important is the immortal king Fu Yu, only to get this Fu Yu, can use the power of the universal king map to the maximum, then infiltrate into it! Plundering the entire treasure trove, leaving everything deep in it for him.

Shortly afterwards, these old men accompanied the two flower gods to a shelf, which is a bookshelf with a strong seal on it, where Xia Guang flickered, not knowing what was in it.

But without a doubt, this bookshelf is where one of the most powerful treasures is stored, otherwise it will not be so important.

“Well, this is the 'supreme shelf’ in the treasure trove, which collects many of the treasures left by the supreme god, except for the Immortal King's, the other seventy-one king's treasures, should have everything, but the swallowing king's token was not received, but some relics that the swallowing king had used, and even a scripture from his book, were in it. As for the rest of us hating Heavenly Palace, killing the King's Sword, the Arakorn Armor... we at Yihua Palace have also collected billions of years in the ancient path of the gods! Now that we have the King of Immortals, this bookshelf is a bit complete. ”

Between the words of an old man and the other old men, a printing method lashed out and immediately opened a door on the bookshelf, allowing the two great flower gods to send the immortal king Fu Lu in, then slowly closed, the heavenly clothes seamless, no breath leaked.

“Come on, we can't stay in this treasure trove. Even if we are treasure keepers, we have to supervise each other every time we enter it, and we can't enter it more than once. There's no one in the depths of the treasure trove. We can't have any disciples. Neither can you, as flower gods, stay much longer. Only the palace master will be able to select the treasure. ”

"Now that Fabao has been sealed, it's on the record, we're going out. ”

“Yes, this is a very strict rule, and we cannot go against it. ”

The two great flower gods took a hard look at many of the treasures in this treasure trove, and they both wanted to, but unfortunately they could not move, and could only wait for the gift of the palace master.

A few people just walked out.

Ka Ka.....

The door closed, a great shore of power surrounded the entire treasure trove, not knowing how far, everything quiet, remote, silent, nothing, seemed to reach the end of the world.

Without anyone at all, no one should have entered the treasure trove.

Of course, now that there is one more Yankee, he did not follow these people out, but left behind, a slight fluctuation of energy, twisted in front of the bookshelf, not knowing how long later, fused with the surrounding energy, completely parasitic success, Yankee's body appeared in front of the bookshelf.

“Haha, the parasitic function of the disk fragments of civilization, indeed, is strong and horizontal, I am now parasitic in the treasure trove, as long as there is no particularly huge action, the treasure troubles will not be discovered. ”

Yankee's body moved slightly in front of the bookshelf, without the use of magic, the energy around him was quiet, and a large array of seats continued to scan, reaching his body, penetrating the past and treating him as part of the energy in this treasure trove.

Originally, as long as it was a special creature, it would reach the treasure trove and be scanned out. The great array deep in the treasure trove is in motion at all times. Anything, even a tiny bit of dust, can be shot out. Unfortunately, Yang Qixiu is too tall and unpredictable. The parasitic capacity of the disc fragments of civilization is too strong, making the treasure trove of Yihua Palace about to suffer a disaster.

After Yankee appeared, he stared at the "Supreme Bookshelf," over which many plaids were sealed, and he was excited. Because this "Supreme Bookshelf” still seals the 72 Wang Fabao you have been searching for for for.

The Pharaoh of the Seventy-Two Kings, the Immortal King, the Swallow King, the Hate King, the Killer King, the Arakorn King, the Frozen Prison King..... these Kings all have the Signature Pharaoh, he only collected the Buddha of the Swallow King, nothing else is fully collected, I don't know what is scattered deep in the heavens and the earth, some in the divine realm, some in the ancient path of the gods, some in the ancient times, some in the future...

Waiting to collect the full 72 Kings of Fabao, Signature Weapon, not knowing what year or month.

Now Yankee collects almost one-tenth and two-tenths of the appearance, it is still far from complete, but with this two-tenths and three-tenths of Fabao, he can learn from it the Qigong discontinuity of the 72nd king's horizontal divine realm, cultivate it to devour the heavens and the earth, to reach one of the most powerful void realms.

Without a doubt, like King Tung Tian Fu Lu, Qi Gong will increase by a fraction for every extra part collected by Fabao of the 72nd King. If the collection is complete, it is not under the seal of the gods.

Even, it was Yankee's most powerful future battle against the Imprint of the Gods.

Now, in the treasure trove of Yihua Palace, on top of the Supreme Bookshelf, there is actually part of the 72nd King's weaponry, after getting it, what realm will Yang Qi's strength grow to?

Looking carefully at the large array in the presence, the line above the bookshelf, Yang Qi sprayed out in a gentle breath, covering a bookshelf plaid, as if spring breeze and rain gradually penetrated, the light flowed on the bookshelf, but it was all suppressed, Yang Qi carefully cracked, his whole body condensed, as if it was embroidered, not long later, the sound of crackling beans appeared on it, slightly moved, click!

The bookshelf is open.

Yang Qishong relieved his breath and felt that his energy was drastically depleted, which made it harder to break the ban than in the battle between life and death. He did not break the Wang Xian check, because the prohibitions on it are really too strong, you have to get familiar first, then crack it, otherwise it is awkward and very inexpensive.

This is a plaid that stores the relics of the Swallow King.

Yankee got all the things of King Tung Tian, but wanted to see, what remains of King Tung Tian? He reached out and grabbed it gently, without the slightest hint of fireworks! Got a Bible out of it, and a couple of bone pill-like things.

The bone pill emitted a strong and horizontal breath, very similar to that of King Tung Tian, causing Yang Qi to shock deep in his heart: “Is it the remains of King Tung Tian? ”

The scripture, which is a snakeskin, bent, writes the words of the divine realm, listens to the old guardian treasure trove, this scripture is written by the swallowing king himself, I don't know what it says.

Yang Qi flipped the scriptures, and the mindfulness penetrated into them, and immediately saw that they were indeed various explanations for his own ideas of ingenuity, and that they were “ingestion of naiveté". Among them, they were not the cultivation method, but the expression of his own will, the supreme manifestation of the path of ingestion of heaven.

“Good man!” Yang Qi moved in his heart, knowing that he had found the treasure, swallowed the natural Qi Xuan Gong himself had been cultivated to fruition, but swallowed the will of the heavenly king was the most subtle and dark place, but did not understand it. Now he has read the scriptures of Swallow's own handwriting, one by one divine realm word flowed past, injected into the heart field, so that many mists in his heart dispersed, as if a spring was slowly moisturizing with rhyme.

Between moments, the chaotic ancient snake appeared, more and more agglomerated, swallowed the heavenly king Zhang Fuxue, all into a very subtle existence, and joined with the chaotic ancient snake, wrapped around the wrist, changing thousands, flexible enough. Anything that swallows the subtleties of naivety is grasped by him, and he has more than enough swimming edges.

Close the scriptures, his strength increased again, the energy index, although not improved, but his own will, the spiritual ideology of the shock level, raised some again, almost to reach a spiritual scale in the middle of the shock level.

Explosive power can be enhanced a lot by this spiritual will, and Yankee feels he has a better chance of getting all kinds of treasures in the treasure trove without being discovered.

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