Sage Emperor

Chapter 876: Billion Divine Arrays

Yankee collects another great array, which contains the fiery power of the divine realm, extremely hegemonic, aggressive, defensive, transforming space all kinds of Orthodox, well deserved by the Divine Array. These magic treasures are inherited from the divine realm. They cannot be refined and are of high rank. It is not known how many times after the Great Formation of the Divine Demons, the original owner died and fell into the ancient path of the Gods. They were obtained by the master of Yihua Palace and become treasures in the treasure trove.

Too bad it's all cheap now, Yankee.

“This array of gods was arranged by the gods themselves, much more delicate than my own refined array of gods. If there were tens of thousands of such arrays, I wouldn't tolerate swallowing, let that Orchid and others occupy my foundation? They can't attack at all. ”

Yankee shook her head and glanced at the past. The deep depths of this treasure trove were dense and numb, all in great array.

“Tens of thousands of big arrays?” The clouds of flowers smiled: “You too underestimate our Palace of Yihua, deep in our Treasury of Yihua Palace, recorded in the scriptures that there are billions of Divine Arrays, once truly provoked, even thousands of people close to God, cannot attack us, we can completely cross the ancient path of the Passion God, otherwise how can we survive to this day? Many evil spirits have torn us apart long ago on the ancient road to the gods. ”

“Billion Divine Arrays?” Yankee was shocked.

His Lord's eyes looked at the past and found that deep in this treasure trove, the Divine Array was covered with the Divine Array, and the array was full of large arrays, each of which was bent in a series, appearing to be a pile and a group.

If it was really a billion-dollar divine array, he would charge it all, not knowing when it would arrive.

Moreover, making virtual means, evolving virtual large arrays, it seems impossible to evolve so many, previously evolving so many virtual magic treasures, consumed a lot of energy, but good in the treasure trove, there are many divine energy energy energy, replenishing God's engine, so that his own energy does not lose much.

“Rumor has it that this billion-dollar array reaches its end and you can see the tears of the Divine King deep in the ancient path of God.” Flowers and Clouds: “Don't you want to see what the tears of the Divine King really are, perhaps replenishing the energy of your civilization's disk fragments? ”

Now, besides not knowing that Yankee had the seals of the gods, Yankee knew that he had many treasures on him, which Yankee deliberately let her know, which is a warning to her that she possessed strong and transverse powers, and that she could not escape unless she could do something rash. Otherwise, by Yankee means, Hanayun wonders if any of his secrets are possible.

“Right?” However, the word "cloudy" is a reminder to the dreamer.

Yang Qi woke up and came over.

In that rumor, the tear of the Divine King is the divine character of mutation, no one can use it. Otherwise, it will be transformed by the infinite emotion of sadness in the tear of the Divine King, breaking through the head, directly extinguishing, and eventually turning into the infinite spirit of the ghost, human beings are not ghosts but ghosts.

However, it cannot be absorbed by itself, but it does not mean that God's engine will not absorb it. God's engine needs the purest energy, and although it can absorb a lot of energy and distinguish it from the divine realm's energy in the tomb, it is still a cup of water for God's engine, which does not play a critical role.

How hard is it to level a dry sea when you are like a trickling stream? Almost impossible.

The energy reserve of God's engine is less than one-hundredth of a hundred million, and if it is to be fully stocked, it will only be possible to complete it if Yang Qi is promoted to the Gods, reaches the divine realm, and undergoes painstaking training. But with every extra layer of energy in God's engine, Yankee's power grows.

It has nothing to do with self-cultivation, it's just how much energy.

God's engines and civilized disc fragments are powerful in places like this, where they can be built without, as if they were in the future world, and as long as there is a powerful mechanical armor, whoever has the power of untied chickens, can enter the heavens and earth and cross the ocean.

The energy reserve of God's engine, a little more, the pacing force deep in the heart, can go through the heavens and make Yang Qi's fighting power multiply, and each palm goes out, like God has come, and the gods bow down.

If you really get the "Tears of the Divine King," not to mention filling up God's engine, at least you can save Yang Qi billions of years, even tens of billions of years of painstaking repair, and devour the energy of Yuan Qi, that is, Yang Qi directly practiced billions of years, this temptation is not necessary.

By then, what Yihua Palace, what the future world, what masters on the ancient path of God, sweep across. These masters don't have the slightest resistance in front of Yankee.

This temptation is worth the adventure.

Yang Qi decided now that he could not wait, he had to improve his strength quickly, because the ten leaders of the future world, such as Ao Tian, seemed to want to return. Once he got the mark of the gods of too ancient times, the whole heavens and the earth changed for him, and he could only flee everywhere like a bereaved dog, which he could not bear.

So, no matter what, he has to practice fast, improve strength, take the divine character, and become a god fast. Perhaps he hastens to achieve the gods in front of the arrogant and other people, put out the seals of the gods, and can take away the other two seals. It is not necessarily true that I am the only one in the heavens and the earth, the world is invincible, and all kinds of wishes can be realized.

In my heart I thought, Yankee began to move forward.

After collecting the Fire Formation, Yang Qi threw the Formation into the Wangjie Wangtu, and let his brothers and sisters practice. If he really collected all the billion formations here, he would go back and take back the Escort Alliance.

Yang Qi infiltrated the map of the kings of the universe, looked again at the Guardian Alliance, found that the foundation of the Guardian Alliance began to shrink, but the various Divine Arrays became more concentrated, and you can see that the fairy world continued to join in, even deep in the chaos, some antiques turned into meteors, landed in the Guardian Alliance, and the overall pattern of the Guardian Alliance changed again. Among them, things have changed, what Patriarch Pope, the angels, the Messengers of Light have changed, and many more positions have been added.

That “Lanqing” seemed quite managerial, well organized, lucky, even Yang Qi saw what seemed to be the luck of the Taigu camp, and the luck of the League of Witches, all joined the Guardianship Alliance.

This is the power of Yihua Palace on the ancient path to God.

Just over a period of time when Yankee was so deported from the Pathway Alliance, the Pathway Alliance expanded by almost two-thirds.

This rate of expansion is truly astonishing.

Yankee now has the gaze technique, you can clearly see the air flow in the universe, the big luck is just a few strands, and there is also some scattered luck, hidden deep in the chaos of the universe, are all masters. However, it cannot be countered by the power of one person and the power of the heavens and the earth.

Yankee herself has lost a little bit of luck, and people are distracted, because it is now almost the whole fairy time that most know that Yankee, the leader of the Patriarchate League, was imprisoned at the Yihua Palace, completely losing his ability to resist, once a sparkling star, turned into a meteor, crashed, and stayed only as brilliant as ever.

“Wait, sooner or later I'll be back, sweeping the world, the whole time, bowing down for me.” Yankee shook her whole body, her mind still looking at the second great array in front of her.

This big battle, all foggy and cloudy, can see a mountain peak standing in the fog, changing wonders.

“This is the Innate Cloud Misty Mountain Formation.” Flower clouds: “The mountain peak was refined by a mountain god in the divine realm. This mountain god means very much that the refined Yashan Da Formation, with its squeezed divine power, man enters it. As long as the cloud fog comes together, the mountain peak squeezes, and the whole heaven and earth becomes dust. Amazing, I once saw an elder take this array of gods out and kill a demon head on the ancient path of the gods, called Xuanzhi Ancient Demon, the Array of the gods, the ancient demons are inescapable, directly extinguished. ”

“It's amazing.” Yang Qi nodded, his body moved slightly, broke into the formation, the clouds definitely fogged up, the mountains spinning, but he spit out a word!


This is the gospel of the Lord.

Immediately, the Great Array stopped running, and he sat there, wrapped on all sides, and the white clothes of the Gods' robes stretched out, wrapped the entire Great Array in it, and collected it in his palm. Many mountain peaks appear in the palm of the hand, layered with green, and the cloud mist filament is swallowed up from the mountain's cave tips, like a spiritual snake, drilled and drilled.

Looking at each mountain peak, Yang Qi is made of a special kind of stone and earth from the divine realm, which cultivates many cave know-how. Deep inside each cave, each cave is filled with wonders like a human body, indulging in energy, and tuna heaven and earth. Capture the heavens and earth and concentrate on the essence of the sun and moon.

He felt that he had a deeper understanding of the law of formation.

In fact, every treasure in this treasure trove, the gods of the divine realm, is a thousand hammers of refinement, concentrated in their own hearts and minds. It's like Yankee got the 72 Kings' treasure, understood the breath above, and realized that 72 Kings were out of school.

Every time I receive a Fabao, Yang Qi utilizes the powerful scanning power of the disc fragments of civilization. In an instant, I can scan out the lifelong experience of that god. All kinds of experiences are transformed into information and integrated into my sea of knowledge. In fact, I can understand without any enlightenment at all.

Otherwise, every artifact, indeed even the Great Emperor, will have to be enlightened for a long time in order to be able to understand the means of God and gain experience from it. So many artifacts, Shen Fu, Shen Dan, Yang Qi do not know how long to enlighten, hundreds of billions of years will not be complete, but unfortunately there is a scanning system of civilized disc fragments, which is between moments.

For example, in front of this divine array, an emperor has to enlighten for a few years, and between Yankee breaths, the scanning experience automatically enters the Sea of Knowledge, even without learning, how horrible a means is that?

The harvest of this meal, Yankee does not speak of energy, but of his own experience, is tantamount to spending hundreds of millions of years following many gods in the divine world.

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