Sage Emperor

Chapter 879: Jedi Again

Not to mention that old Aoi Hua and a whole bunch of eunuchs are talking.

Yang Qi et al. entered the depths of the transmission array, running for a while, time and space reflux, and quickly reached the depths of the tomb. In the other tunnel, the tunnel is still boundless, the yellow sand is long ahead, and I don't know how many huge positions are scattered, I can't even see what is really there.

From the transmission array, the people saw the yellow sand in the tunnel, and the horrible god appeared on their faces, because in the yellow sand, the storm was fierce, and the sound of the ghost crying god came from it, very vicious, death, despair, horror, suffocation, dry breath was emitting, making them want to escape.

However, no one dares to flee.

It seems to be these people who have gone through many missions, knowing that if they enter the mission, there is still a way to live, but if they flee, there will be no chance of survival.

“Come on, get in the desert. ”

“At this time, don't try to escape. Some of us used to escape. There is basically nothing to escape from, or go into the desert. You can encounter adventures, take a chance, maybe get rewards, get favored. He will become a male spouse, enjoy the blessings, and get the Qi Gong inheritance without being a death eunuch. ”

“Yes, entering the Yihua Palace, being a slave cannot escape, after all we have a chance to be promoted. ”

“Walk, the exquisite desert is a dangerous jedi, I was a ruler on the ancient path of the gods into the tomb for hundreds of thousands of years, before I was captured by Yihua Palace, I also heard of the exquisite desert, not by strength, but by luck, as long as there is an organic edge, can be encountered there. ”

“Yes, a man of high strength, without luck, cannot be separated in the exquisite desert. ” …………..

Many people roared in unison, and 35% of the crowd, or even dozens of others, gathered together to run fiercely out into the depths of yellow sand in the exquisite desert.

After they entered the depths of yellow sand, some disappeared, some screamed, seemed to be trapped in yellow sand, the yellow sand of this exquisite desert was not known to be large, anyway, the eyes of the Lord Yang Qi could not see the end.

“Brother, let's get together and go inside!” Heavenly Five: “Together, breath and communication are not lost. ”

“Fine.” Yang Qi's breath went out and suddenly tied up with the five great men of Heavenly Five and flew deep into the exquisite desert.

Upon reaching Huangsha, the wind swept from day to day, and even with the Five Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Immediately, the wind and sand stopped, and the people landed, and found themselves in the yellow sand, the sky, the sun in the sky, not knowing where it came from, shining on the human body, the fierce difficulty, it seemed that the whole body of water was evaporated.

It is absolutely not normal for Yang Qi to be able to reach the sun without being able to touch it.

You know, with his cultivation, even if a universe can master it, how can it be surrounded by a small desert? Even in the treasure trove, the billionaire could not keep him under siege, which was terrifying.

But he doesn't care at all. Anyway, Wangtu can go out.

He knelt down and grabbed a handful in the desert. The yellow sand flowed down in the palm of his hand, and the real gas penetrated into the yellow sand. It was found that the yellow sand was not ordinary yellow sand, but rather the most sturdy substance. It concentrated tiny symbols. Each yellow sand contained great power. He wanted to manipulate the yellow sand himself, but a huge force burst out of the deep grain yellow sand.

The wind and sand came from afar, and the sun was suddenly covered, but the fierce power did not diminish, and it seemed drier and hotter.

Ding ding ding dang dang dang... Huangsha sand mixed with a wind blowing over the guardian qi, no less than countless leading emperors have carried out the sword assassination, the fierce force in heaven and earth, so fierce.

Yankee wanted to fly, but found that there was a great attraction on the ground that prevented her from flying, while punching herself out, and suddenly a ripple appeared on the space, which did not break open.

“Is it not the Jedi that have restricted human space travel and even confined the cultivation of man, where we have entered the desert jedi for the worldly people? The threat of death?” Yankee was shocked, he didn't expect, that this exquisite desert was so horrible and perverted that even he could contain it?

“Brother, now that we enter the desert, we can only walk and explore, the power of the exquisite desert is so great that it binds most of our authenticity and laws.” Heavenly Five: “Trouble brothers are exploring the road ahead, we just follow in the back. ”

“So? You guys really think I'm ashes?” Yang Qi's face revealed a funny smile: “Unfortunately, I Yang Qi is not so well arranged. ”

“You….” The Five Big Men of Heaven stood still and then woke up, one of the leading men laughed: “Boy, you do know, but even if you know, you shouldn't say it, it will only add to your infinite worries. ”

“Yeah, why don't we pull someone up and pull you up as cannon dust?” Another big man said: “In fact, our five brothers know that it is very dangerous to enter the exquisite desert this time, but if you follow people with luck and opportunity, you will become vicious, everything will be complete, Cha Cha, our brothers once got a divine Qi Kung, called Tenzi Wang Qi Technique, Tenzi Wang Qi Technique, you can see a person's vicious luck and fortune, as soon as you enter the prison, we will see that you have many opportunities, that is, our use value. ”

“How do you use me?” Yankee laughed.

“That is to see whether you are smart or not, follow us honestly, be held by us, get the benefit of opportunity, share it with us first, we can be honored and together, if you want to go alone, there is only one way to die.” Another big man said: “We already know what your strength is, so you won't have any room for resistance, and you're not our opponent at all. In fact, in the course of healing your wounds these past few days, we helped you heal your wounds, planted the seeds of true qi in your body, and your life and death are in our hands? ”

“Are these five seeds? ”

Yang Qi smiled slightly. Five seeds appeared on the palm of his hand. The five seeds were only green bean size, sliding and spinning, jumping, seemed to fly out. Unfortunately, they were constrained by huge desert laws and could not jump at all.


The Five Heavenly Patrons saw this scene, and suddenly the boss jumped up, punched him hard, and attacked Yang Qi. He sank in the desert in his footsteps, like a desert boat, gliding between them, his fists had reached Yang Qi's chest.

“Overlord on patrol! ”

His punch, if it's outside, is absolutely divisive, but here it's like the usual martial arts master, but in the desert, all the people pressure the air field is suppressed, can only play so much power, can't fly to earth.

“Five hegemonics together. ”

“Overlord Shinji! ”

“Overlord across the sky! ”

“Master Ding Ding! ”

The other Quarterbacks immediately came up and killed Yankee, surrounding the group, absolutely breaking his Qigong shield. But Yankee didn't seem to move at all, his mouth slightly said: “Shock! ”

Suddenly, a huge wave of air passed out, centered on him, within a few dozen square meters, the desert actually changed, running water everywhere, green mountain water, actually by itself, changed this part of the desert environment, implicitly you can see, his own law dissipated, actually collided with the law of the desert, sent out a thunderous rage, that is divine anger!

Now Yang Qi's cultivation has reached the point where he can temporarily confront God, although his realm is still the first small step of the immortal ladder, the step of courage, but he is compressing his cultivation, trying to be perfect, squeezing his potential to the limit, until finally, when he is unable to enhance his strength, he will not be promoted. Otherwise, with his shocking will and enlightenment for a while, he will definitely be able to elevate himself to the realm of the Great Emperor, to connect with the shock, to break through.

However, it makes no sense and is quick to succeed. Now he knows how important it is to have low boundaries, low boundaries, high energy, strong fighting power, strong will, is the key.

Bang, bang, bang...

Five loud sounds, five people were shocked out, Yankee steps, always surrounded by dozens of changes in the environment, perishing, is in the will of God, hard born squeezed out a tiny void, how powerful? What great shore?

Five people were surrounded by Yankee air, looking at everything, the eyeballs seemed to fall: “You............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ”

“Are you hiding? This time, we all saw it.” A hegemonic laughed bitterly: “Now we are all your prisoners, let us go, we make ashes for you? ”

“Humph!” Yang Qi said, "I don't need you to have the will to believe in me completely and be my followers, I won't kill you. ”

“What, do we have to believe you?” Five hegemonic faces have changed dramatically, they know what faith is, harder than death, any soul flesh and blood must be given to each other, and they do not give themselves a little independent existence.

“If you don't believe me, what can I do? Just in time to show you the results of my Qi practice!” Yankee five fingers grabbed down, five aircurrents, deep into their bodies, burst, forcibly broke through the sea of knowledge, and the divine light rushed from their bodies to the sky between moments, it was forced faith!

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