Sage Emperor

Chapter 881: Refabricating Chess Pieces

“Idiot. ”

Yankee saw the faint cloud of Yihua Saint Flower making a foolish sound and had to vomit two words.

“You!” Hua Xiaoyun saw Yang Qi so sarcastically, he had to turn his head: “You look much worse than this Lin, and I don't think the palace master would want you to be a male pet. ”

“Ha ha.” Yang Qi laughed wildly: “A man pet has nothing to argue with. Even if the master of Yihua Palace gave me a maid, I don't care. In the future, I will demean all the women of Yihua Palace as female slaves, including of course you. ”

“This…… ”

Hua Fan Yun was shaking all over his body, which made him understand his situation. He is now under half house arrest by Yang Qi. Although his strength has grown, compared to the growth of Yang Qi, he is only nine cows and a dime. The more this goes on, the harder it will be to fix it, the harder it will be to compare to the man in front of her, but she has no choice.

At the moment, she sat still and continued her practice.

Yang Qi glanced at her, suddenly moved, a veil covered her, cover her, lest she disturb the storm in the Wangdu Wangtu, the woman was still of great value, the smell belonged to the smell inside Yihua Palace, into the treasure trove of Yihua Palace, she was able to play a certain role, although her role was getting smaller and smaller now because she got the eighth Xuan Wang Xuan Xuan, but Yang Qi did not erase her previous role to her detriment.

When everything in the Wan Wang map was settled, Yang Qi reappeared in the exquisite desert.

Now that he had refined all the “knowledge demons” in his mind, the obstacles were eliminated, his knowledge was strong, and he could go back to collect the Divine Formation, but he heard that there was a true divinity deep in the exquisite desert, but he hesitated to take a step and decided to take the exquisite divinity deep in the desert, so as not to cause problems, which was obtained by Lord Yihua Palace.

The master of the migratory palace is now one of his biggest enemies, not to mention that this woman is regarded as a pig dog to all men in the world, not knowing what kind of harm has been received, it is a big concern that she alone has received Ye Xiao Ye as a male spouse.

Ye Shao Ye knew nothing of his finesse and knew that he had the mark of the gods on his body. Although he had not spread it, he was intentionally looking for an opportunity to kill himself alone, but he could not possibly be driven mad by himself. He did not stop doing so and spread it, putting himself in danger.

This crazy means that Yankee had to be prevented.

But now Yankee can give up his identity at any time, and as long as he pretends to die in an exquisite desert, he is completely out of danger and hidden.

'Cause he's kind of untouched now.

The foundation of the Ecclesiastical Alliance was also arched and taken away by the “Lanqing” flower god. At the same time, he threw away a bag and, with the help of others, grew the fruit, and came out to pick peaches and make sense.

As long as he dies here, no one can find him, including the arrogance.

However, he won't be so traceless. Ye Xiaoyi had no intention of reckoning with himself. He was also interested in playing with him. Leaving a trace of fishing was good, and many fat fish would definitely hook up.


He flew out and headed towards the center, this exquisite operation pattern deep in the desert, with his powerful shock peak will has been made clear, he can totally reach the deepest, find the legendary exquisite temple, and the position of that god, get the god character, the power surge, at least a thousand energy, fight the entire Yihua Palace also has the money, at the same time go to the treasure trove to collect the billions of arrays of arrays will speed up many times, or else one big array of collection, don't know where it will reach?

Exquisitely deep in the desert, climate change is endemic, sometimes it is the sun that shines high, evaporates everything, sometimes it is the wind and sand that hides the sun, always there are some ancient beasts in the depths of the desert that emerge, is conceived by exquisite desert essence, and the origin, very strong enough to devour many emperors.

Along the way, Yankee also encountered a number of adventurous prisoner gods, who said nothing, went straight down one face, swept large sleeves, disintegrated the Qigong in the monks, forcibly penetrated into the faith, so that they eventually became their own followers, these gods will be monks, at least 20 kings of energy level, some are forty, fifty, the strongest have reached eighty.

Originally in the map of the kings of the universe, Yankee received fifty emperors on the ancient path to the divine kingdom, including the heavens of mystery. Later, after collecting the five champions of Heaven, they reached fifty-five.

Now along the way, 35 more and more have fallen into his hands, to the extent of 90, the immortal is now sitting in the virtual divine realm, wrapped in the seventy-one aperture behind his head, beside him, five bodies on their knees on the ancient path of the gods, 90, are praying in piety, spreading faith, every time praying, his aperture is intense, from fading to thickening.

In fact, after losing the Escort Alliance, the cultivation of the Immortal Split slowed down. Without the eighth Immortal King Fu Lu, Yang Qi would not be able to promote it again.

Yet it began to advance rapidly, and the energy was increasing by every drop. At the same time, Yang Qi was also acutely observing the changes. In the depth of the knowledge of the immortals, countless beliefs were wrapped around each other, interwoven into laws. The laws, though powerful, were not pure. There were countless pitch-black dots on them, dense and numb. That was the cause and force of all beings, accumulated to a certain degree, sooner or later, they would erupt, causing great harm.

Yet Yankee shook his head, knowing that these industries were not causal enough to shake the resurrected Immortal King.

“After destroying Yihua Palace, kill a bunch of nasty people, and if some don't, force them to believe in divorce.” Yang Qi thought, flying again, not long after, suddenly saw three familiar figures in the desert.

A skeleton man, a big man, an evil teenager.

It turns out that the three evils of the heroes are the male spouse of a flower god, not the prisoner god. In this exquisite desert, they seem to be using a unique Pharaoh artifact, flying slowly at low altitude, watching everywhere, separating the wind and sand, a ghost and ghost.

“Brother, this time we hope to have great luck in seeing the legendary Temple of Excellence.” The big man was evil, “he said.“ Then he went up to the sky one step at a time, sending a message that our position among the male spouses would be stronger. ”

“Hey!” said the evil teenager. “Unfortunately, we are just a male pet of the flower god. We are not in a high position. If it is the male pet of the palace master, how good should it be? Even in the palace master's deep palace, the unwilling male spouse came out with great power. ”

“Just kidding, is the palace master's manly pet so easy to get? Our fixes are not enough. ”

“But the boy, called to do what Ye Wudao, when he was arrested, he was made a poor man, and even the emperor did not arrive, but was dedicated to the palace master, who immediately began to spoil him, and now his position is almost to become the first card among the male spouses. ”

Miao Xiong's three evils negotiated, and he was still talking about Ye Shao Ye's ruthless affairs.

At this moment, suddenly a luminous light landed in front of them, Yang Qi appeared, an airfield blocked the surrounding area, blocking them.

“Who? Dare to block our way.” The great Han roared fiercely.

“Are you all right, gentlemen?” Yankee walked over with a smile, "the last time the three of you hit one of my incarnate energy bodies, it was a good beating, but that energy body was just one of my puppets. ”

“Is that you?” the three lords recognized the evil, the big man roared and tried to kill him, but was stopped by the skull-like evil in heaven. The skull-like boss, his eyes were very bright, and he said calmly: “I can't believe you are a tall man, lurked into our Yihua Palace, even the grand eunuch hid the past, I wonder what your conspiracy is? ”

“There is no conspiracy at the moment, but the three of you offended me, and only one thing left is death.” Yang Qi smiled at the three of them and tried to kill them.

“Your Excellency does not seem to have to compare quietly with us.” The boss said calmly and evil: “If you have any conspiracy, we will be of great help to you. We are the male pet of the Flower God, getting countless information. ”

“You're stalling so much, you want to tell Yihua Palace, but I've got the stubble on you.” Once Yankee waved, three more messengers came out of her hand, and the light shone out on it, unfortunately covered by a glassy mask on Yankee's hand, she couldn't move at all.


Yang Qi snorted coldly: “This little trick is a ruined idea in front of me. To tell you the truth, now Yihua Palace has been infiltrated by me. Ye Xiaodao is my man, even your palace master has been played by me in applause! How dare you pride yourselves on me? ”

“What?” The three of them were shocked and couldn't seem to pull themselves out when they heard Yankee say that.


Yankee struck out, suddenly shocked, reached the skull-like boss, clawed hard, when his head covered down. The boss hastily dodged and behaved like a ghost.

“Ghost Shadow Nine Changes! ”

However, no matter how he escaped, he could not escape Yankee's claw.

Phew, the whole man was grabbed by Yankee claws, his head diluted, his whole body collapsed in the gravel, even the Numen were destroyed, the whole man turned into a white bone, the breath was all.


The two remaining evils were not avenged by the boss, and each flew away.

Yankee strikes again, one of the first bounces, a momentum breaking out of the sky laser, hit the big man evil, his energy exploding on the body of the big man, suddenly the big man screams, in the air by the five horses, huge energy explosion, scattered on all sides.


The evil young man hurried to drill, infiltrated the ground and drilled to his death. Yang Qi's face smiled coldly, emptiness flashed, and suddenly the ground burst of gravel, I don't know where to send this monster evil, but from the feeling of monster evil, it was the underground gravel burst that saved my life.

Yang Qi let this man go and asked him to spread the word that Ye Shao Ye was his own man.

Moreover, this is an arrow double sculpture, Yang Qi released this news, the palace master did not believe that his second move would follow, that is, the release of the treasure trove has been emptied, so that Yihua Palace is like a big wave, even if Ye Shaodao is no longer spoiled, I fear it will be difficult to escape the anger of the palace master.

Until then, of course, Yankee will have to collect all the Divine Formation.

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