Sage Emperor

Chapter 884: Divine Grid Fragments

Yang Qi was shocked, the blood in his body, the meridians were all forced out by the slightest force of the fragment, this character, although there is a kind of pigeon to occupy the nest, to destroy the true qi of his soul, to re-evolve the feeling of a new individual.

However, at this level of usurpation, he was not afraid, a little movement, his whole body condensed again, the crackling and noise, the flesh returned to his body, gradually forced out a little bit of the light of the grid fragments in his body, concentrated on the palm of his hand, and again turned into a crystalline particle, like a broken crystal.

When the broken character entered the body, Yang Qi felt that he could not refine at all. That stranded airflow was like a knife, cut directly into the body, and his true character did not fit in. It seems that even if he obtained the whole character, he could not immediately convert it into his own combat power and energy, and he had to study it in detail.

“By the way, God Engine? ”

Yang Qi read his mind and sent this shard into God's engine, giving instructions: "Disintegrate, crush, absorb energy. ”

dōng dōng dōng...

The light brain in God's engine also screamed: "Discover the purest divine grid fragments, the divine grid index, one, belonging to the inferior god, that can be converted into energy! ”

“Start the conversion! ”

A drumming sound of war came from deep into the heart, and suddenly the shard debris was melted by the pacing of God's engine, the fluctuations of God's engine, more intense, an extinct divine power, coming out of God's engine, so that Yankee raised his hand and threw his foot of divine power, many times more than his own energy, without fail.

If he touches hard with that beautiful man now, he will never fail, because some of the weird features of God's engine are all inspired, especially the Hercules system.

“Grid debris, refined, becomes reserved energy. Inspires the powerful divine power system, adds strength...” The light brain sounds completely, Yang Qinecha, and he sees the engine of God deep in his heart, and begins to change, and deep there emerges an ancient god of muscle strain, full of explosive power, this ancient god breathes, every breath, from deep in the engine of God, absorbs an invincible power, and when he breathes out, this power flows to Yang Qi's whole body, and combines with his true Qi, so that his strength is infinite, his tricks can open the heavens and the earth, shatter the chaos, straight to the divine realm.

This is the powerful divine system in God's engine, but it's really divine and powerful.

“Unfortunately, although I am powerful, this power is not mine, but God's engine, and my fighting power is strong, and my realm is not elevated.” Yang Qi felt this powerful, shaking his head, it was like a man with no power to bind a chicken, pushing a battleship to reach the point of killing a demon, but he would not be of any use to himself, and he was still a man with no power to bind a chicken.

Only Yankee wants to refine the Grid Piece himself.

But not yet.

“Well, there aren't a few pieces of this infiltrated grid, so I absorbed it all, increased the power of God's engine, increased my combat power, opened the seal here, took out the real grid, and climbed it fast before that Zilin could get it.” Thinking about it, Yankee immediately decided on her own plan of action.

His power is now greatly increased, and the power of the Hercules system is developed. Between breaths, it is equivalent to 7,800 experts in the energy index, but there is also a cost, which is that a lot of energy is consumed. The energy of the Hercules debris can not support the Hercules system for how long. Once the energy is consumed, the entire system will be silenced again, and it will not play much role.

He breathed openly, and suddenly behind him appeared the fiction of a mighty God. The power of this mighty God, without any nature, is pure power, purity, without impurities, with the power to be broken, with the power to be the only one, the power is the source of everything. There are traces of power between the whole heavens and the earth, in every subtle place.

Between moments, Yankee felt that between heaven and earth, not energy, but a combination of forces and forces, had the power to create the universe of heaven and earth. Sun and moon motion is force, heavenly lanes stop is force, cosmic extinction is force, dust friction is force, even flesh and blood peristalsis is force, the smallest particles, divided into countless particles, particles and particles, united with each other, also force, without force, without life, without heavenly lanes, without chaos and cosmos.

Yankee thinks that force is the greatest thing in the world.

Suddenly, he felt the greatness of the god statue, a combination of all power, the strongest being that enlightened the true origin of power, all dedicated to power.

For the activation of the Herculean System, Yang Qi felt that it would also be very useful for the cultivation of his own Goddess Township, and an enlightenment seemed to be swinging in his mind.

Unconsciously, his body, every particle, was creeping, rearranging, combining, a strand of impurities that had been removed, which was a stinking flesh of blood. Tap, from the depths of his pores as if they were pus, fell to the ground, which was the impurities he carried in the essence of the heavens and the earth.

Human life, however practiced, produces impurities, which exist at all times. You know, when you used to absorb a lot of spirituality, you thought it was baby, but when it got better, it became impurities.

Yang Qi used to absorb a lot of Sendan in the fairy world, in the world, when he cultivated to reach the mythical realm, the fairy Qi in Sendan became impurity, later, he absorbed Sendan, cultivated to the present day, some of the medicinal properties in Sendan, are also impurities.

The practice of life is to keep climbing, abandon the original, and get something better updated. Enlightened by the combination of divine power, Yang Qi began to dissolve some old impurities and exclude himself from the body, bringing himself closer to the gods, closer to divinity and divinity.

Not long ago, while he absorbed the grid debris, the Herculean system was activated more, and many wonders arose, a structural diagram of the force, born deep in his mind, which enabled him to change his body according to the original reason, the structure of the divine force.

His body, as if the glass was permanently calcined in the flames, constantly softening, changing morphology, but the more pure it burned.

Finally, he finally stereotyped, the whole person was stripped of their bones, their physique was transformed, the Qigong of Goddess Township, stumbled down, no longer violent, and presented a return attitude to authenticity.

His people floated, calm and accommodating, appeared more mild, and there was a rhyme, a change in temperament, raised hands and tossed, but hidden in heaven.

Around that altar, some scattered fragments of the divine grid were sucked into the Divine Engine. The powerful divine system of the Divine Engine operated to an advanced level. Yankee herself was the source of enlightenment, and the realm was improved again. Although the energy level was still two hundred and eighty, the structure of the body, a degree of outbreak of full body power, all changed greatly.

Now that I am at least three times stronger than when I fought Zilin Mei's man, I cannot be injured by a butterfly-like force invasion.

Throughout the altar, the overflowing fragments of the Divine Grid are absorbed into the sky, and the altar becomes dark and sunk, without any light, Yankee is engulfed by darkness.

On top of his head, I released a circle of halo, walked up and looked closely at the black rune, and found that it was the power deep in hell, not belonging to the gods.

In his heart he was shocked: “Is Hell a mighty being, sealing God? Kill the gods and imprison the gods? The powerful presence of hell, so fierce? ”

He touched the rune slightly, and suddenly a fierce air poured into his body, but he also took the shell of his body, borrowed his body to rebirth, and eventually changed into a demon.

However, Yang Qi had just been repaired to greatly increase, his physical condition changed, where would he be afraid of brazenness, not to mention his god's power in prison is to restrain the existence of brazenness, a slight movement, the brazenness turned into nothing. Now he doesn't absorb into the body, the people who understand the structure, these things are impurities to him.

There is only pure and pure divine power in him.

“This is the Furyu set up by the demons of Hell, and I don't know which astonishing demon exists?” Yankee shook his head, "thanks to the strength of my statue prison to restrain the devil, otherwise it would not be possible to break this seal. ”

He was about to unlock the seal with Qi Gong.

But at this moment, several bright lights appeared beside this dark altar, so narrow the road of the wrongdoer, that Zilin reappeared, looking at Yang Qi, a surprise appeared on his face: “It's you again, you found this altar one step ahead of us? Where the gods are sealed? ”

Without a doubt, several male pets surrounded Yankee.

“Run, let me see how you run?” Several male pets laughed: “We've blocked the entrance to this altar, and you're the one in the jar. ”

“Surrender.” Zilin said: “Even if you arrive here, the seal cannot be opened. This is the demon of hell, a seal placed by a great demon like the gods' heads, killing the gods, sealing his character, and not reviving him. And even if you open the seal, you won't be able to refine it. Of course you can't open the seal, you can't even touch anything. ”

“Damn it!” Yang Qi scolded in his heart, "When he was going to open the seal himself, the group came. I knew that without enlightening the Herculean system, I would open it directly to get to the divine character. Enlighten later. ”

At the same time, Yang Qi said, “Can you open this seal? ”

“Of course, we at Yihua Palace have a great deal of research on the Temple of Refinement, and we've studied it for hundreds of millions of years. In fact, we've already got the character, but now we're just going to take it.” Zilin: “Did you see this folding fan in my hand? It's an ancient artifact. There's a picture on it called the Divine King Voldemort Chart, which specializes in suppressing evil. It can completely dispel the charm, clean the original, how about that? ”

“Kid, don't lose sight of the time. Get down on your knees.” A beautiful man said what many people had said to Yankee.

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