Sage Emperor

Chapter 891 Palace Principal Regression

“What is it? Coming to Yihua Palace? Huge, with an energy index of over 3,000?” Yang Qi's heart shivered for a while, "the energy index exceeded 3,000 things, that was terrible, killing Aoi Hua's old eunuch, Zilin Mei men seemed as simple as eating and drinking water, between breathing, killing more than a hundred. ”

He immediately stopped deciphering the Great Battle and went directly into the map of the kings of the universe, hiding himself.

Meanwhile, using energy, he began to deduce in the Wang Wang map of the universe. Soon, he defined the image of the entire outside of the Yihua Palace. Such a figure, he quickly fled is true, still stayed in the treasure trove, only to fear that there will be any change, he will not be able to run.

The surface of Yihua Palace is still in the Grand Cemetery Passage, creating a world of flowers. In the depths of this world of flowers, Yang Qi can see that countless flowers bloom deep in the void, and a shadow slowly descends.

This shadow is a woman, wrapped in glory, echoes the Eyflower Palace Love Divine Flower, an oil of strength is born, immortal divinity is born from her body.

“Palace Master Yihua! ”

It is absolutely the return of the Lord of Yihua Palace. If it is not the Master of the Palace, such a strong and horizontal force, Yihua Palace should also be like the enemy, there will never be such a welcoming gesture.

Between moments, Yang Qi saw the depths of Yihua Palace. Many people's shadows rose and their breath was strong. They all made a sound: “Congratulations to the Lord of the Palace, the great success of divine merit, the refinement of the divine personality, invincibility and unity of heaven! ”

“It turns out he is the master of the Palace of Yihua.” Yang Qi nodded and looked at the energy index, “The strength of Yihua Palace is too ambitious, the energy index is over a thousand unknown. This is the power of the ancient antique level, absolute ancestor, just don't know what Ye Shao Ye is doing? ”

“Unfortunately, I can't watch it close again. Otherwise, it will attract the attention of those people, especially Master Yihua Palace, who actually seems to have refined something? I feel extremely acute. A little movement will sense my presence. At that time, everything was exposed. It's still good to explore slowly. Starting today, as long as this master of Yihua Palace is in the palace, I can only spin around with energy. Never go into the treasure trove, unfortunately, the treasure trove of the Divine Front only cracked 20 million, far from the number of billions, to get the tears of the Divine King, not knowing when. ”

Yankee felt sorry for a while.

But it's a good thing you've earned a lot of treasure, enough to allow your people to digest it for a thousand years. Strength is constantly growing, and with this time, Yankee can refine her personality with all her heart.

Hanging at high altitude and combined with the Gods' imprint, many of the things above the origin tremble and flow into the Gods' imprint.

There is now a trend towards gradual melting.

If this character is refined, Yankee energy index will surely break a thousand, even stronger, to the extent of a thousand and a half, or nearly two thousand, although less than that of the palace master, it can spin once or twice a week, and it is also the world's top expert.

At the moment, regardless of what happened at the Palace of Eyflowers, he completely closed the map of the kingdom of the universe. All were in a kind of painstaking repair, deified for a liquid, flowing down a drop. Although the flow rate was very slow, each drop contained a great deal of energy.

The Gods' imprint itself is divinely moisturized, and then combined with the Yang Qi Lord Yuan Gods, Yang Qi feels that many unknown secrets are inspired in the underworld and become known to himself.

Yihua Palace welcomed the smell of the palace master, after a few hours, landed, deep in the palace, seemed to have a huge event.

After the event, Yihua Palace calmed down again, but as you can see, this enormous power, the dark flow, all kinds of power, seemed to be reshuffling cards, luck was gathering and gathering towards one person.

That man, Ye Shao Ye Wudao.

“Hahahahaha...........................................” Yihua Palace, the rear palace of the temple, a huge stand-alone surface, mountain water, flowers bloom, these flowers are not magical changes, but divine flowers of the divine realm.

One person, standing in the flowers, laughed furiously: "Finally, I finally succeeded in my divine work and began to take over the power of the Eyflower Palace. In the future, I will reign over the world! ”

“Yes, Young Master Ye, I didn't expect you to have such an adventure. Now that we are with you, we have all gained a lot of benefits. From now on, you should take care of us more. ”

At this moment, behind Young Master Ye, standing several men, the Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Laws Tongtian, the Great Emperor of the Yellow and Yellow Sea, the Nine Extremes Supreme Great Emperor.

The three emperors, respectfully standing behind him, all face admired, obviously fully obeyed by him, now Ye Shao Ye Dao, the whole body is in the most mysterious state, Yin and Yang Qi converged in the eyebrows, condensed a Tai Chi map, the whole person appeared to be composed of many Tai Chi diagrams, not one whole, Yang Qi's body, is composed of many gods power, and now Ye Dao's whole body, is composed of many Tai Chi particles.

This does not know what kind of avenue is divine, mysterious and uncertain, with invincible power, almost indestructible.

“Ha ha, of course, but it's a pity that the four emperors, if they converted to me sooner rather than later, would be able to embrace me in the worlds, why do they have to do it now? I am now studying with the palace master to become the male pet of the palace master. On these days, the palace master finally cultivated the Avenue of Lawlessness, the Yin Yang Tai Chi was full, took the divine character, even now divided the power of the divine character by half, so that I climbed to the heavens and became able to fight with the ancient path of the gods, some hegemonic power, you wait for me to reign in the Palace of Yihua, even the world. ”

Ye Shao Ye's untouchable face revealed a deep hatred: “Your brother B didn't know how to lift it, I swallowed it, all the eternal body really became my flesh, I am now the eternal maker, Yin Yang Tai Chi, one side is eternal, one side is make-up, Yang Qi... I will not let you go. Cha, now you guys check it out. Look at that Yankee. What the hell is going on? I'm going to kill him right now. This man's mendacious, and now I can blow him to death! ”

“Congratulations, my son, on your great accomplishment, you have built the Tai Chi Undestructive Act to shock the world!” The three great emperors, “we have now checked, in fact, the entire Patriarchate Alliance, has been received by Yihua Palace, is now a flower god, Lan Qing is in charge, has set up Hehe Kung Fu, has been praised by the palace master, gives a lot of things, and goes on to earn more luck in the Immortal World. ”

“What, with something like this, I practiced for about a year, and something so big happened? What about Yankee? Yankee, what are you doing? ”

Ye Shao Ye hastily hurried.

“Yankee is also said to have been captured in the Palace of Yihua, and is now the lowest god to hold a prisoner, that is, not knowing which prison he is in?” The faces of the three great emperors also reveal a delightful divine colour, “this thing, we are going to find out, and when we find out exactly where, we can report to the son, then we will enjoy the fish meat of him! ”

“Yes.” Ye Shao Ye laughed, more satisfied, almost expanding to the extreme point: “Yang Qi, you are finally a kid, just an outburst of home, how can you compare to me? I'll make you worse than dead, Cha! Do a thorough investigation!” Suddenly, he seemed to calm down: “No, this child is not so easy to deal with. How could he be arrested by Yihua Palace? Not deep into the Palace of Eyflowers. What's the matter? You know, he's got a map of the kingdom, and he can walk away anytime. Cha! Find out what is in the Ecclesiastical Alliance and kill him. If his line is not there, the Yang family will prove that he is undercover in the depths of Yihua Palace. There is definitely some conspiracy. ”

“This… ”

The face of the three emperors revealed an awkward colour: “Son, we can't do this, you know that the Patriarchate Alliance is a flower god now in operation, we rushed to kill and capture people, only fear that we will be killed by the people of Yihua Palace, we are not sons, to build the world of divine merit, but also deeply loved by the palace master, we are just a son's dog, if we are killed, we will be killed, in the Yihua Palace, a random female disciple, the status is higher than ours. ”

“I forgot about that.” Young Master Ye's face revealed a sharp divine color: “Now my position in Yihua Palace, though it is a pet, many people are dissatisfied with me, especially some antiques, old eunuchs, and men like me in the rear palace, this year, hundreds of thousands of male pets in the rear palace, everywhere, those antiques, even the flower gods look down on me, I have to fight for a long time to cultivate my own loyalty, decree, unobstructed! To seize power, you must seize the power of the entire Yihua Palace. Yihua Palace is much stronger than the Guardian Alliance! If I could use it, I might have a monopoly on the ancient path of God. ”

“This is certain.” The three great emperors smelled like an asshole: “Anyway, the son told us about our affairs, we must try our best to do it. ”

“Okay, you first find out where Yankee is. I can't get involved with the Escort League, but a little prisoner god will, I can still move.” Young Master Ye: “I don't believe it. I won't be given that face. ”


“Okay, you follow me, I must have a gift. This is given to me by the palace lord, three Divine Danes, called the Heart-Keeping Pathway Danes, each of which can increase the strength of the Ten Emperors. Now you take it, the power is great, and I will clear the meridian veins for you! Hmm, now in Yihua Palace, I can't trust anyone, I can only use you, you have to be smart, don't let me down. ”

Three Dan medicine flew out of Young Master Ye's hand, Young Ye shocked, suddenly struck the top of the head of the three people, the three people burst into a strong atmosphere, kneeling, five bodies between the fields, as if the big turtle seemed to be refining the medicine.

Full of an hour, the medicine refined, the eyes of three people shot, seemed to have to pierce everything.

Three great emperors went out.

Ye Xiao stayed in the kingdom, suddenly his luck, his whole body exploded, turned into a thousand tai chi diagrams, these tai chi diagrams worked slowly, absorbed energy, and ingested some unknown great energy from the depths of the void.

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