Sage Emperor

Chapter 899: Giving the Art

{On the first day of December, five more, good beginnings are the foundation for success. Keep up the good work this month and stick to the five! Make it look good for everyone!

Ye Wudao knew that Master Yihua Palace was powerful.

But you didn't expect them to reach such a point? Things are so godly. Anything is in sight, and she can speculate as little as she can.

This realm, I don't know what will arrive?

“I dare not hide it. Yang Qi, indeed, has the ability to open the map of the kingdom of the universe. He has obtained seven pieces of Fairy King Fu Lu, and can even create an energy body, so that I can't tell the truth from falsehood. This kind of magic is so godly, and I hope that the palace master can give me the power to discern the virtual power of the energy body? ”

Ye Wudao felt that it was imperative to recognize the difference between Yang Qi's true body and energy body. Otherwise, he could not even recognize the true and false. Isn't it true that Yang Qi played the group around?

If you can identify it, then you can do whatever you want, beat Yankee in time and grab it. When Yankee evolved, she deliberately thought it was an energy body...

“Hehe.....” Ye Duo's heart thought of a good idea.

“Oh? Virtual Energon, can't you even recognize it?” The palace master is a little curious, but his voice is more empty. "In your eyes, can't you see? I gave you the Tai Chi Eye, which can break all the laws, unless he gets the Eighth Immortal King Fu Lu, which can create a virtual divine kingdom in the map of the kingdom? Otherwise, you would never have been deceived by him. ”

“Eighth Immortal King Charm! ”

Ye Wudao was astonished. He was also the owner of the Quzhu once. Naturally, he knew that Quzhu Wang Quzhu, with each extra piece, would make an immeasurable change. The immense energy of Wanjie Wangtu would be developed, which would greatly help his own cultivation.

Now, hearing that eight pieces converge to create a virtual divine realm, deep in his heart he developed great jealousy, why can Yang Qi get it, he can't get it?

This is outrageous.

“Only nine pieces, once in the hands of the proud king, were three pieces..." The voice of the palace master has changed, especially mentioning the proud celestial man, there are many fluctuations, “So, the two pieces of the proud hand reached the hand of Yang Qi? Very well, he laid down a giant chess piece, and Yang Qi unknowingly became one of the chess pieces in the proud hand, but he just didn't know it. ”

“Pride? One of the ten leaders of the future world, does the palace master know this man?” Ye couldn't help but ask.

“More than that?” The palace lord coldly said: “Many years ago, I had an encounter with him in the ancient path of connecting with the gods. This man is shady, poisonous, dangerous, plotting to move backwards. The temple counts as a thousand years old, extremely scary. If below the divine realm, in this world, if I am still shameless, this man is definitely one of my most shameless characters. In the future, when you meet this man, you must withdraw from the third house. Do you understand? You're not his opponent. I practice great skill and take divinity, which is to deal with this man. ”


Ye Nodao bowed his head again, and although he promised, he was even more uncomfortable in his heart: “What arrogance, what Yang Qi, all of you will be trampled under your feet. Only I, Ye Nodao, will be the only true king directly. The only God, in vain, cannot fight me at all. You are all my pedalstones. ”

“I also ask the palace lord to give me the means to deal with Yang Qi.” Ye Dao hid his grievances in his heart.

The palace lord pondered for a moment before opening his mouth: “It is actually possible to control the eight Immortal King Fuyu. Either this person has a huge will, it should not be under me, it is the peak of the shocking will. Unfortunately, Ye Dao, your qualifications were also the shocking will, but now it is the superordinary will, unable to play out your energy essence. Thus, I give you a secret of spiritual cultivation, which is in the rumor I have obtained, the great mystery of the King of the Magic God, extrajudicial law, after you cultivate, you should be able to break through to the will of the shocking level. Once this breakthrough, once you step up, you have the potential to climb the divine path. Breakthroughs of will still depend on you. I teach you more energy, and it is unjust. In addition, there is a spiritual seed left over from the King of the Gods of Law, which should also greatly increase your spiritual strength. ”

Between the words, a seed landed slightly on Ye Duoduo's hand.

Ye Wudao's palm is heavy. This child is actually heavier than the mountain. It contains infinite, vast spiritual power like the sea. After absorption, he himself feels that Qigong will greatly increase, strong spirit, can sweep out the spiritual storm and tear up the universe.

At the same time, a magical ideology of Xuan Ao also penetrates the body of Ye Indulgence.

“I'm going to shut down recently and completely digest the captured power of the divine character. Once completely digested, Qigong will break through again, so don't bother me again for a while, okay? ”

The palace master made an unquestionable voice.

“Yes, yes... After I practice breakthroughs, I will definitely deal with Yang Qi, put his ancient gods in hiding, the Immortal King Fu Yu, and take them all to the palace master.” Ye had no way of making good.

“Well, if you have this heart, I will be satisfied. If you can truly acquire the ancient god hiding and the Immortal King Fulu, the palace will give you well.” The palace lord suddenly sent a gentle thought, sending the leaves out.

Thereafter, the entire space remained empty and empty, and nothing existed.

But the voice of the palace master emitted: "Yang Qi... Awesome... Awesome, what kind of chess pieces did you set up? I'd like to see, Ye Noodle shouldn't be your opponent, but with my covert calculation, I'll completely destroy your chess piece, even I'll charge that Yang Qi to become my chess..."

The voice gradually faded into nothingness: “Awesome, this time I seized the divine character, so long as I suppressed the divine character with my own will, the will of the true God, overcame his will obstacle, and subjugated the divine demon, I could make a breakthrough and reach the horror level of the will. I'll kill all ten of your leaders! Horror-grade will is God's will, I think none of your top ten leaders have succeeded in practicing... Awesome, you lied to me back then. This time, I will destroy your future world. Your gods' seals will also be taken away by me... ”

“Haha, the spiritual seed of the King of Magic, the King of Magic, the will of the shocking class…” Outside the palace, Ye Dao began to close.

He swallowed the spiritual seed in one bite and then began to condense it, inspiring the spiritual trick he had just obtained: “I have no leaves, I am also a great luck, a great adventurer, otherwise it is impossible to be a maker, more able to swallow Big Brother B, to acquire the dual identity of the eternal, so I cannot destroy my invincible confidence, Yankee, sooner or later I will kill you, but when I break through the shaky will, I will kill you. And, of course, use you to die with Master Yihua Palace. ”

Ye Dao between concentration, infinite violence, arrogance, arrogance, all kinds of will, deeply entangled, all negative emotions.

His will, too, is very firm, at least 100 million times stronger than Wan Fa Tong Tian Emperor and others, Wan Fa Tong Tian Emperor and others saw Yang Qi was powerful, and he actually started to think of obedience, and he was repeatedly fighting Yang Qi, defeated by Yang Qi, but he was not forgiven, he would not have any obedience at all, but increasingly hated and violent.

It is also an extreme of will, not a madman, not a Buddha.

Unprecedented hatred of Yankee led him to an extreme.

“Hate, Yankee..... I'm gonna rip you apart. If I don't kill you, my body won't make any sense. My only goal is to kill you first so I can talk about something else! Great spirit, king of all things, makes me break through will, if you can't make me break through, I will eat you...” Deep in his mind, knowing the Lord of the Sea, a perverted will erupted.

The spiritual seed was crushed, the inches broke, and then deep in his knowledge of the sea, a will exploded, and the whole person was empty, which was supposed to explode enough to make him an idiot.

But because of his strong hatred, his jealousy, his madness, his ferocity, he made will evolve again from that empty depths.

From the outside, he seemed soft as a marshmallow after the explosion. Thoroughly became a skinny dog, but the next moment, a strong hatred emerged from deep inside, so that his body began to swell in joints, climb in joints, and almost every climb was able to completely strip and evolve the main Yuan God out of nothingness.

King of the Magic God, powerful seed divinity erupted, subjugated by him, to make up for his Lord God's shortcomings, and in the process he began to burst and shock.

wu wu, wu wu...

The divine realm seems to have been opened up, and many of the violent emotions from the divine realm have been instilled into his body, making his whole body increasingly insidious, poisonous and in one of the most vicious realms.

“Shattered! ”

Open his mouth, a fluctuation coming out of his mouth, so that he floated slowly into the air, finally spinning, spinning faster and faster, bigger and bigger, last shock, all the clothes on his body ruptured, becoming naked, but his whole body skin was more perfect, revealing an evil glow, like evil, not evil, seemingly unjust, not knowing which side of the divine realm it fell from.

Seems like the demons of hell, flying up to the realm of God, the same demons, a source of chaos.

Strong will, sweeping nothingness.

He finally reached the will of the shock level, the will of the shock level, to harness the enormous energy in his body, so that his strength, the Yuan God, the realm, the cultivation reached an unprecedented and strongest peak, which came from the will of the peak, enough to pry through Yankee's energy body.

“But, Yankee, I won't tell you! I will not tell you that I have broken through the will of the shock level, I want to hide perfectly, Tai Chi hide above the law!” His breath fluctuated, turning him into his original being, and it is still the will of the supernormal.

“Now, Yankee, I'm here to work with you, paralyze your will, wait for a chance to suddenly find out who you really are, hey... Lock up the entrance to Wangtu and you will be able to capture your true body. ”

During the conversation, he stepped out of the hall to work with Yang Qi.

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