Sage Emperor

Chapter 902: Sect Master

He is the Lord of the Hidden Demons of All Heavens.

Yang Qi was surprised that he was not unfamiliar with the Patriarch, because one of the other's sons, Sacrifice Heaven, was still a believer in his own map of kings of all worlds.

dī dī dī dī dī dī dī...

Light brain sounds out: “Energy index, more than fifteen, absolute terror, degree of will, rocking the early stages. ”

“Such a strong and horizontal figure, Ye Duo's energy index, is about the beginning of a thousand years, and the degree of will is also the beginning of the shock level, although I reached the peak of the shock level, but... the energy level is really too weak.” In an instant, Yang Qi detected the secrets of the Lord of Demons, the secret Qigong cultivation of the day.

Ye Duoduo's qigong is not more powerful than secret everyday, but secret everyday does not conceal his cultivation at all, but also distributes it. There is a unique majesty, which makes people feel a horrible emotion towards him, so that Yang Qi can easily detect it.

“Who is this little guy? Get out of here. What if we sabotage our plan? ”

Secrets all the time is the absolute lord, between speeches, superior, and completely disrespectful of some weak beings, is a character who treats the sky as an ant, killing from the heart.

It has to be said that big characters have such a temperament. Except for some monks who practise the way of mercy, but the way of mercy reaches its peak, and more or less treats heaven as a lamb, believing that he is not one of the same kind.

“Mr. Secret Everlasting, don't panic, this is an ally I temporarily pulled together, and I also have a deep blood feud with Lord Yihua Palace, who is not on the ancient path of God. But in the Immortal World, a superior, the leader of the Patriarchal League, called Yang Qi, because the Patriarchal League was taken away by the Palace of Yihua, so join forces with me to secretly deal with the Master of Yihua Palace. ”

Ye Wudao explained, but the tone sounded like he was letting the secret deal with Yang Qi all the time.

“Humph!” The secret looked at Yang Qi coldly all the time, "turns out to be the waste in the fairy path, no wonder it's so weak, what can be done? You still call yourself the dominant? Get lost!”

Between the words, his big sleeve swept, and suddenly a violent energy appeared.

This energy emerged as a landslide tsunami, hitting Yang Qi hard, sweeping the heavens and the earth, like four robberies, drowning the heavens and the earth.

With this hand, a monk with an energy index below the previous one is simply irresistible.

Ye Wudao hurried back a little. He wasn't afraid of secrets all the time, but wanted to see how Yang Qi ate. The strength of the secret is still higher than that of him, Yankee can never resist, this energy body will crush.

But Yankee did it, his body flashed slightly, two fingers moved, a great divine force from between his fingers, turned into a sword, a little movement, and instantly cut this energy storm out of the middle, ripping like a cut, so that the energy storm slid out toward both sides of his body, bombarding over many of the world's prototype bubbles behind him, instantly the bubbles created a series of explosions, not knowing how many world prototypes were destroyed.

Yankee cracked the secret everlasting sleeve wind, slowly stood up, couldn't see a sign of half an energy body, life is a monk, he slowly said: “Secret everlasting day, your trick of the Ghost Way whirlwind, doesn't seem to have been practiced to swirl everywhere, ghosts appeared, heaven and earth swept the realm, there are still blooms in the middle? ”

The secret day was about to strike again, but all of a sudden he heard Yang Qi, he stunned, his eyes were very sharp: “How do you know that my mysterious gods of the heavens are out of school, the Ghost Way Whirlwind? Is this the secret of our Sect? And you know what the highest realm is? Say, who the hell are you? ”

He had not swept into Yankee on one sleeve, felt disgraced and had a big heart. But now it feels that the other party, though weak in energy, is actually unpredictable.

In the Wan Wang diagram, Yang Qi's true body, a drop of divine liquid, suddenly evaporated.

Turns out, Yankee's true body, with a drop of divine lattice fluid, passed into the engine of God, and injected into the split body, so that the split energy body hit, reached a very strong horizontal level, which is why the other side's Ghost Lane Whirlwind was broken.

However, a great deal of energy was wasted, which was good enough to deter the secret day after day.

“I am Yankee, the leader of the Patriarchate League, but I know more or less about your sects than one or two.” Yang Qi faintly said: “If you want to do this with me, I advise you to let it go. I am lazy right now. Everything but the interest in dealing with Master Yihua Palace does not want to consume energy. ”

“Well, now that we're all grasshoppers on the same rope, why fight?” Ye Wudao saw Yang Qi's blow, in fact, he was also secretly surprised. He didn't even see what the great force was in Yang Qi's body. He saw the other sword and broke the ghost wind. Although he could catch the ghost wind now, it also didn't seem that Yang Qi was so comfortable. At first, Yang Qi's image overturned the prediction in his heart and had to be recalculated.

He's pretending to be a copycat.

However, instead of listening to his advice all the time, the evil light in his eyes seemed to flourish and he was about to shoot Yang Qi in the palm of his hand. Yankee sat on her knees, closed her eyes and ignored the man.

The atmosphere became so tense.

“Hahahaha, hahahaha...” At this moment, a sound sounded out, the task came again from afar, a fierce breath descended as if it were a rainbow, a big man, but only in his twenties, strong, wearing an armor, dark, with a long knife in his hand, taller than a man, could slaughter everything.

“Battle knife! Hundred Blades!” The secrets of the Secret Demon Sect have retreated for a long time and seem to be very harsh on the visitors.

“Secrets all the time, I watched outside for a while, you're so weak, you can't even handle a little weak chicken?” Between the words of the hundred battle blades, his eyes looked at Yang Qi, clamoring wonder: “This kid is good, although the energy is weak chicken, but the means are ghost free, obviously hidden a lot of strength, you can't even see this. ”

Weak chickens seem to be the verbal meditation of this hundred battle blades, meaning very weak, just like chickens.

“Baihua Blade, how can I be worse? The Secret Demon Sect of Heaven still exists. Unlike you Baihua Gate, it's all destroyed, the wind is scattered. Even your Gate Master, Baihua Gate, the Dome of Heaven has been killed by the Lady of Yihua Palace. Now most of you Baihua Gate, you have become the male spouse of those women. If you don't want to die, what good is the use of leaving your Baihua Blade elder?” The secret is always raging.

“Humph!" Hundred Battles Blade said: “The Hundred Battles Heavenly Dome did not listen to me. Finally, I led the Gatekeeper into the Jedi and fell into extinction, but I saved my energy. Now all I have to do is kill Master Yihua Palace and rescue some of the captured people, I am the new generation of the Hundred Battles Gatekeeper, and I have already cut back the highest qi of the Hundred Battlegates, the Hundred Battles Knife Gas Wheel to cultivation success, Nine Patience Round! ”

“Unfortunately, he is still not an opponent of Master Yihua!” Secrets are cold all the time.

“Well, secrets all the time, hundred battle blades, you don't fight each other, we are a party, we are sincerely united against Yihua Palace master, now Yihua Palace almost sweeps the grave, our doorman is extremely dangerous, once Yihua Palace master refines the captured divine character, will plow the courtyard cave, we all die without burial place, or become eunuchs, become male pets, who can bear this? ”

A man appeared again, a middle-aged literary man, full of blue clothes, looking very flat, but he held a jade cock in his hand, and looked carefully, many notes revolved around this jade cock, an unskilled master who shook the law with sound.

Whether it's the Secret Days, the Hundred Blades, or the arrival of the Green Man, the energy index is in the thousands.

“Master San-yin, your doorman is almost completely destroyed, this revenge, we must kill Yihua Palace without a trace of armor.” Ye Wudao saw this middle-aged clerk and hurried to greet him.

“Yeah, my doorpiece, wiped out by Yihua Palace, it hurts!” The middle-aged literary man, the master of the three-tone gate, said three painful words in a row. Everyone felt the sound passed into his ears. Immediately his body ached thoroughly into the door and into the bone marrow.

“Revenge, snow, hate...”

Again, three or five mighty shadows appeared and came.

“Master Kuido! ”

“Lord Peach Vault! ”

“Lord of the Cloud Cutting Gang! ”

“President of the Union! ” ………..

Ye nowadays greeted, not long ago, more than ten powerful people have emerged from the scene, these strong people gathered together, everyone's energy index released, all more than 1,000, several people actually broke through one thousand five, and even reached one thousand eight.

Yankee frowns wrinkled: “Where did all these people come from? Ye Duoduo's ability to socialize is inevitably too powerful, and he actually pulled together so many powerful characters? ”

These lords, all of whom are the ultimate king of the world, are the most first-class unknown lords on the ancient path of the gods. Now everyone's family is broken. Naturally, they are not opponents of the Happy Palace master with an energy index of more than 3,000, but together, they are an incredibly powerful and powerful force.

Just as these ten masters gathered, they all looked at Yankee more or less and thought, "Why is this weak little energy monk eligible to party with them?"

Later, however, some people, all told by the Master of the Hundred Blades and Three Tones, said that the teenager, in fact, hid his strength, had just relaxed a sword and broken the spiral of the Underworld Ghost Way of the Lord of Heavenly Demons. Even in order to demean the secret day, Yankee exaggerated deliberately, saying how easy it was to crack, how the secret day was shamed into anger.

Hearing the secret flashes of evil all the time, but not wanting to be angry and faint here, just a pair of evil eyes staring closely at Yang Qi, seemed to be looking for an opportunity to kill this child.

Some of the lords present know that the Lord of the Secrets of the Heavens is powerful, clever and harsh, and can be resisted by a teenager, who must have extraordinary skill.

“Qi Xuanmen's ancestors, why hasn't Qi Wan enemy come yet? Is he one of us, the tallest one? Why didn't you come? Are you afraid of Master Yihua? ”

At this time, Ye Wudao raised a question.

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