Sage Emperor

Chapter 904: The Hidden Fundamental Law of the World

Yang Qi has never heard of the "secret secret fundamental law of the world", but in the mouth of the enemies, it is the Buddhist upright fundamentals, it is almost comparable to the power of the god township, this is too powerful, not at all can be cultivated.

Yang Qi is a fateless man with invincible talent.

But if he did not have the Gods' imprint, he would certainly not be able to cultivate success, so it can be seen that the same is true of any "secret fundamental law of the world", even if Ye Duodao got a little bit of the secret, a rune piece, I'm afraid to cultivate, is very difficult.

Once the training is successful, it will never, as Ye Duo said, accommodate a thousand times more power in an instant to spill out, but there are other magical benefits.

If Ye Wudao does not ride now, raise his strength with one move, that is foolish. Yang Qi is very reluctant to improve his strength. However, at present, this form is built by Ye Wudao alone, but it is not easy to overthrow it. It is good that so many patriarchs present are not fools. However, it is not necessarily necessary that Ye Wudao improve his strength.

Surely, the Secrets of the Heavenly Demon Sect were the first to object everyday, "Hey, Ye Wudao, what you're saying now is, let's consume Qi Gong, give you Concentration Wudao, your power increases dramatically, we don't get any benefits? Unless you're the one who told us the secrets of all the fundamental laws of the world, how about we practice together? ”

“That's no good. That's a secret.” Ye no dao laughed coldly: “This kind of thing, is a symbol, a few fonts, is something that can kill itself without passing on, a million dead bodies, bleeding and drifting, the gods fight, you want to get it easily, I said to show you the secret monster record of your secret demons, what will happen to you? ”

“As long as you hand over the secrets of all the fundamental laws of the world, I will surely exchange this qi with you? The Secret Monster Record is not a superior Qi Kung.” The secret is not good all the time, hold tight, hope that Ye Dao can take out this qi kung fu, what he cultivates is the path without evil, the deeper the evil, the deeper the evil thoughts. And this secret secret of all the fundamental laws of the world is legend, to dispel evil, to suppress evil ideas, to bring evil power to the extreme. Evil can be turned into a positive, climbing the immortal peak.

“Well, secrets all the time.” At this time, Dou Wan foe spoke, "How can you hand over this leaf without knowing how to cultivate the magic of all the fundamental laws of the world? Don't bother talking too much and influence our sincere cooperation. ”

The secret day stopped talking, but it can be seen from his eyes that this person is absolutely unwilling, Yang Qi moved in his heart and felt that this person could pull together to deal with Ye Wudao.

He is also interested in hiding all the fundamental laws of the world, to see what the ultimate secret of Buddha's Gate looks like.

Ye Nodao has many secrets. It is definitely not as simple as what he sees on his face. For more than a year in the tomb, he does not know how many odds he has received.

“The Ancestors of Doom said it well.” Ye Mudao frowned with a smile: “You help me to concentrate, I will of course pay, kill Lord Yihua Palace! I just want a small fraction of the rest of you to split up, okay? ”

“It's still an empty glove, White Wolf. ”

Hundred battle blades said a sentence.

“Okay.” Dou Wan said: “I don't want to cultivate any other kind of magic gate, self-creation of divine works, enlightenment of heavenly ways, one perfection at a time, it is the path of absence, any divine works, comparable to self-awareness? However, I must ask you, Ye Wudao, I know that Master Yihua has placed an unlimited restraint on your body, so that you cannot betray her at all. Once you betray her, it is a dead end. If we help you to concentrate your qigong, and you succeed in your qigong, you cannot betray her at all, turning your head against us? So what do we do? ”

That was the key point.

Yang Qi felt that this battle was powerful, meticulous, almost dripping water, and without greed, his self was very powerful, no wonder there was such a powerful fix.

Don't you know what kind of sect it is?

Must be a first-rate gate, not under the Eyflower Palace before such a strong and transcendent figure appears.

At this point, all the monarchs nodded: "Master Dou Wan is right, this is the key. If you break the restraint and join us, there is still hope, and if the restraint is still there, we will not believe you. ”

“There is nothing I can do about this restraint, and if I can cultivate success, there is hope that it will be broken. Of course, even if the ban cannot be broken, there is one person who can lift the ban on Yihua Palace.” The leaves were faint and seemed to have bamboo in their chests.

“What? Who can lift the ban on Yihua Palace? ”

“Impossible, the prohibition of Yihua Palace, one-sided, rumored, is the poison of the absolute flower! No one can be relieved, even if they are in God, they are afraid of helplessness. ”

“The reason Yihua Palace stood still, and countless gods took prisoners, who dared not rebel, was because they possessed the poison of absolute flowers, and once planted into their bodies, they could not retreat unless they were dead. ”

“Who can solve the poison of the Jealous Flower? It's a miracle. ” …………

Some lords are shocked. They are all unsung lords. They are built to shock the earth. Much of the fairy world can be destroyed between the fingers. Unfortunately, the poison of the absolute flower is unpredictable and impossible to resist.

At this time, Ye Wudao pointed to Yang Qi.

“This is Yankee, who can remove the poison of the Jealous Flower. ”

One point, the scene suddenly filled with noise, many masters almost at the first time to slay up, grab Yang Qi, force out the antidote and ban of the absolute flower, but think about it, the other party is an energy body, even killing is useless, so they all stopped.

Some monarchs are even trying to figure out how to lure Yankee's true body out and grab it.

These lords' eyes, their minds, were all shot into Yankee's mind, and he just laughed in the dark and stood up and said, "Well, the ban on absolute flowers can indeed be lifted, and it does not leave any hidden danger. ”

“Are you serious?” Secret Demon Patriarch's Secret Changtian: “Some people of my secret demon sect were captured by Yihua Palace, including several of my sons, who are now banned and poisoned by Yihua Palace, all controlled, going out on missions, all against us, we can neither kill nor fight. Being restrained everywhere, falling into the wind, if you can lift the restraint... then can we not save them? ”

“Yeah, yeah.....”

Some of the patriarchs spoke, and this time Yang Qi became a target.

“Well, I can save them, but I can't save them right now. Think about it, shock the snake, let Master Yihua know that our plan will be a disaster.” Yang Qi coldly said, "Even if it is the ban of Ye Du, I can't lift it now! ”

“Why?” Ye Wan Dao wanted to take the opportunity to force Yang Qi to lift the restraint for himself, but Yang Qi refused, and he had a feeling that the plan had fallen short.

“The ban on you has been lifted. Can't you feel it when Master Yihua is a fool and you're both fixing it? Can you still deal with her?” Yang Qi drank violently: “But I also had an idea that it was the most intense moment of dual repair between you and her that I suddenly lifted the restraints in your body so that you could find the opportunity to deal with her, which is the most important thing. ”

This, however, makes sense. Everyone can't find a reason to refute it. Even if Ye Dao is silent, his heart flashes a little poisonous, and his hatred for Yang Qi is deepened.

“I think there is a lot of hope for this.” Dou Wan Enemy nodded: “I didn't think Brother Yang Qi would have the power to lift the ban on Jealousy Flowers, which did greatly enhance our chances of winning. ”

“However, I can barely lift the restraints imposed on a few people, because this exercise of dignity has not been successful.” Yang Qi thought about it and a frightening smile appeared on his face: "You still have to help me to cultivate a Xuan Gong. How about that?”

All right!

Yankee is trying to refine the divine character as quickly as possible, thanks to the strength of everyone. If more than a dozen invincible masters were present, together, to help him refine his character, it would be tens of times faster, perhaps in a very short time, to cultivate his own energy index to the point of breaking a thousand, then quite different from now, once the energy index breaks a thousand, it would be a brand new step.

“Another opportunity to reap the benefits.” The faces of many lords become very ugly.

Ye Wandao thought that they helped to practice qigong, and now Yang Qi is making excessive demands, really treating them as hard work? Anger clearly appeared on one's face.

“Gentlemen, help me practice, you will all benefit.” Yankee knows the hearts and minds of many people, some of the monarchs are already angry, and if not, this negotiation will collapse, and he must use some means to suppress the scene.

At the moment, he said to the enemy: “Master Doujin, please also cooperate with me, press your hand on my body, enter true qi, enter hard!” This struggle is the best of many lords. This man is not mindless, he is pure, he is not evil, he is not good at conspiracy, it is all pure battle, he is a worthy man.

“Well, I'd like to see, what miracles do you have?” Dou Wan enemy is not afraid at all. With his cultivation, it is arguably Ye Gao's boldness, suddenly running his full body qi kung fu, one clap hit Yang Qi's chest and put his true qi hard into it. Suddenly, a huge real qi bombarded Yang Qi energy body meridian, violent force entered the air sea, a black hole in the deep air sea generated, absorbed all the real qi of Dou Wan enemy, Dou Wan's face remained the same, and entered again.

In the map of the kings of the universe, Yang Qi saw that a great shore of power came, wrapped the divine character, under the influence of the power of the map of the kings of the universe, so that between the shocks of the divine character, ten drops of liquid flowed out of the foot!

This ten drops of liquid, one of which is converted into true Qi, blended into the true Qi of the Dou Wan enemy, spinning again.

Dou Wan's face revealed a strange divine color, people saw his body swell, his true qi retracted while seemed to get a fierce thing, his whole body retracted two steps, his hair flew, his clothes floated, his whole body crackled and rattled.

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