Sage Emperor

Chapter 908 Heaven and Earth Great Change II

Heaven and Earth have changed!

Yankee felt the grave shake, and the surrounding energy burst out like * * *, and what was in the world's forests also flowed with the energy.

Between moments, he immediately unfolded the map of the kings of the universe, made observations, made a jump in the field of vision, and instantly, he saw the ancient chaotic airflow, passing through the cellular general tomb entrance in front of the ancient path of God, all of which ejected the airflow.

Those aircurrents, wrapped in a world, were all sprayed into the Immortal World.

Suddenly, these worlds, all gathered together a fairy world, floating down in a chaotic cosmic storm, firmly entrenched the foundation.

There is no mistake.

In the tomb, he actually started spraying the fairy world.

It's unimaginable, even if it's a great emperor, to create a fairy kingdom, it takes a long time, to concentrate, to perfect the law, to make it work slowly in the universe, to become immortal, but this tomb sprays out like a bean, one at a time, between moments, the fairy kingdom is like a planet, the stars are shining, it spreads everywhere, these fairy kingdoms are not that kind of low-level fairy kingdoms, but the higher-level, massive 30-grade fairy kingdoms, even 33-grade fairy kingdoms, all appear.

Yankee even saw that some huge bubbles, which are actually the equivalent of ten thirty-three levels of fairy kingdom, suspended in the air, formed thirty-six or even forty levels of fairy kingdom.

Totally broke the pattern.

Originally, in the fairy world, there was only the highest level of the 33rd level fairy world, and now the fairy world is greatly upgraded, which means that the Great Emperor is no longer the limit. The existence of being born and conceived from it must be remarkable.

In Yankee's mind, watching the tomb continue to spray the fairy realm, all the way to the end of the universe, he was a little confused, what does this tomb mean? The creation of this must make the Immortal World, flourishing, surpassing the original, advanced, heroic age, begin.

Countless fairy world masters, all watching this scene, unable to speak, Yang Qi saw countless masters flying in the Guardian Alliance, all sighed and watched, one fairy world has congealed into shape, completely changing the previous fairy pattern.

Moreover, the world that emerges from these tombs, which breeds many creatures and human beings, is no different from the fairy world outside, and even breeds a master of the ranks of the great emperor.

Some masters, the energy index can reach hundreds. Yet it is a horrible existence, in the tomb, and now Yang Qi knows that there is not only an ancient road that leads to God, but also the original inhabitants.

When the tomb descended from the divine realm, there was no one in it. But when we reached the ancient path to God, the world forest in the tomb began to brew the world, the world, the birth spirit, the human race.

How many powerful human beings and spirits will emerge after hundreds of millions of years of floating on the ancient path to God? In fact, Yankee knows that several of the more than ten patriarchs are the original inhabitants born in the tomb.

“The tomb went out and started spraying the fairy kingdom. What is this? Are we going to change Heavenly Path's luck?” Dou Wan muttered, looking at the world forest around him, many bubbles constantly condensed into the fairy realm, and then as the air flowed out, the creatures, not knowing what had happened, were taken outside the tomb, into the fairy age.

Trillions of millions of fairy worlds go deep into the universe.

The luck and pattern of the entire Immortal Age, Yang Qi perceived, began to change in chaos, implicitly there was a sort of central position, suppressing the Tai Ancient Age, or the pattern of the future era.

“Is it because of the heavenly ways of this age that the tomb was summoned from the divine realm? Changing the pattern of this era, not the end of the Immortal Age? But does Heavenly Path have such great powers? Or the immeasurable power of the divine realm, seeing that the heavenly path is about to collapse, the means to expand it?” Yang Qi speculated in his heart, but with his current cultivation and wisdom, it was not possible to speculate on this so.

In the tomb, there are lots of places in this world forest, bubble world, evolve the spirit, Yankee looked out, deep in this world forest, there are huge bubbles, if you convert the fairy realm level, at least close to a hundred levels. This is horrible, this fairy world flying out, just one, can change the pattern completely.

Just as soon as he read it, it turns out that these huge fairy worlds, as the energy flies out into the universe, the starry fairy worlds, such huge fairy worlds, are like the sun, shining on all sides.

The Great Age opened slowly.

In front of this great age, Yankee feels that he is very small. The power of the tomb, a direct jet, is trillions of millions of fairy worlds, the dense universe. Even if he feels that he has reached the realm of God, he cannot have such a divine talent. It's a fairy world manufacturing machine.

It took a few hours for the spray to stop.

Yang Qi looked out and felt that the Immortal Age in front of him was not at all familiar with the Immortal Age, but entered a strange world and realm. The immense Immortal Realm was lit up everywhere, and even hundreds of levels of Immortal Realm, were high, suspended in the depths of chaos, the original inhabitants of the Immortal Realm in various tombs, began to wander on all sides, in the depths of the void, between the gaps of the universe, with a number of artifacts sprayed out, these artifact treasures were contested by various people.

That was the immense monument of the Immortal Age, the Guardian Alliance and the Future World, as well as the Evil Alliance, the Alliance of the Too Ancient Age, nothing more. It drowned in the sea of the Immortal Realm ejected from the Great Tomb and became a negligible force.

Not knowing how many forces were ejected from the tomb, Yankee saw some of the hundred classes of fairy world, inhabited by an energy index close to a thousand invincible powerful people.

It's just between these hours, in the Immortal Age, I don't know how many more artifacts, miracles, ancient ruins, and even some ancient spirits hide and seal in the gap of the universe.

No end in sight for Yankee, deep in the distant future, is the immortal realm ejected from the tomb.

Under the transformation of this great age, luck became faint, nothingness flowed, the power of Heavenly Path strengthened countless times, in the underworld, Yang Qi felt that the destiny power of the entire Immortal Path era, was a thousand times more powerful. If the destiny of this past era was a trickling stream, then now it is the Pentium Yangtze River, rolling over, a thousand miles.

“Big power, this is big power, the age of a hero.” Yang Qi muttered.

It's not just him, all the people look silly, Ye Wudao, Dou Wan and others, they don't know what the change is, they don't know why.

“Okay.” Yang Qi calmed down after half a day: “I don't know why the tomb has changed like this, but now the fairy times outside have completely changed, even I have noticed that there is a magic spray out, just don't know where it left off. However, in the face of this great age, we cannot change, the imperative is still to unite, how to deal with Yihua Palace and kill Yihua Palace Master. ”

“Yes.” Dou Wan thought deeply: “This change, as if it were a volcanic earthquake in the world, we can't even protect ourselves, don't forget our own fundamentals, and if Lord Yihua is not extinguished, her power is down the border, conquer the fairy realm one after another, gather Heaven Road luck again, then luck is much stronger, she is getting stronger, we are getting weaker..."

“Be sure to kill Yihua Palace Master first. ”

Everyone nodded and looked at Ye Wudao.

“Ye Wudao, now you should go back to Yihua Palace, we have been delayed here a lot? If this is the opportunity, Master Yihua Palace practises Dacheng, we all lose the fantastic Xuan machine!” Secret Everlasting Path: “To deal with Master Yihua Palace, we must ride her training when it is imperfect, otherwise we will all die. ”

“It's not that easy for her to practice.” Ye Dao laughed and laughed: “I knew for a long time, at least for three years, she had to practice for three years to be able to refine the character of the body. We had many opportunities and a long time, and she hadn't summoned me to double cultivation recently, and I couldn't rush to disturb her. Hit the snake with grass and let go of the previous work. ”

“Okay! We're just outside the Palace of Yihua, building a base, waiting for your message, and communicating all the time.” Fighting is invincible: “Once you have the chance, we will join forces to break into the Palace of Eyflowers and cooperate with you in your actions. ”

“Fine, that's it.” Ye Mudao took a deep look at Yang Qi, "I'm going back to Yihua Palace now, and the good news is that you are waiting for me.” He jumped and vanished.

But Yang Qi didn't move. When he saw that everyone was going to disperse, he couldn't help but say: “Wait a minute... ”

“What do you have to say?” The secret always asks.

“You wait outside of the Eyflower Palace, very dangerous, the power of the Eyflower Palace spills around, you will detect it at any time. In other words, the most dangerous place, is the safest place. Why don't you follow me into the Eyflower Palace, and I'll cover my identity for you, and say that you are my servants, raised from the prisoner's prison. I do the energy simulation, I give you support, even if the master of Yihua Palace can't see it carefully, I am now the male spouse of Yihua Palace, very high status, cover for you, is that perfectly okay?” Yang Qi whispered, “Of course, there is also the ingredient of surveillance of Ye Daoduo, this person is mysteriously abnormal, me and him in the worlds, is a dead opponent, now cooperating, also with the tiger, sooner or later will turn his face, he has built the secret world all the fundamental law, to be extremely strong, maybe by then will destroy Master Yihua Palace, while knocking us out, we now secretly lurk into it, surveil him. He can't do anything about it. ”

Dou Wan heard the enemy and nodded in a row: "That's a good idea. Better yet, if you don't enter the tiger's lair, how can you catch a tiger's son? ”

The secret thought all the time: "Yankee, there won't be any loopholes in this matter, if our identity is exposed, isn't it in Yihua Palace, it's difficult to walk? ”

“Ancestor Dou Wan said well, if you do not enter the tiger's cave to obtain tiger seeds, besides, I have the power to unlock the ban on Yihua Palace. You enter Yihua Palace, you can find out the whereabouts of your doorman, son, and rescue them together. ”

These people were deeply touched by this statement.

These lords resent Yihua Palace deeply like the sea, and there are many gatekeepers, sons, brothers, enslaved, eunuchs, male spouses, eager to know their whereabouts and rescue them.

So they nodded and followed Yankee's advice.

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