Sage Emperor

Chapter 915: The Grave Inheritor

cough cough cough cough

A string of coughs allowed Xuan to stay. He suddenly reached out and threw Yankee energy into the chaos, creating a cage, so that the surroundings were sealed, unable to make Yankee escape or even disperse, even if it was impossible to self-destruct, the man's magical means enlightened the supreme rule, it was horrible.

Coughing out a few bites of blood, he sat at the knee end of the disc, running Xuan Gong, his head suddenly lifted up some white energy, this energy was elongated, straight as a line, not knowing where to pierce the void and pass it to.

This is an extremely powerful and invincible work of Xuan Gong. Between the movements, this person was bright and bright. His face showed a thick aura and a masculine power. Suddenly, he shouted, stood up, his muscles crackled and his injuries all recovered.

Yankee couldn't help but be appalled.

He was so badly wounded that he was able to recover in a short period of time, a means that even Yang Qi's own dignity could not compare, but Yang Qi could fight this man if he also had 2,000 energy index. Now Yankee's energy index is only in its early 700s, three times less than this man's.

“Very well, you were the first to hurt me. If you hadn't shocked me with that idea, I wouldn't have been hit by that future world, the slut of Yihua Palace. There are very few things in this world that can hurt me, but you can hurt me. Say! What did you do to fix it? Impact of will? Otherwise, I'll let you live or die! ”

Xuan looked at Yang Qi, who was imprisoned in a cage. His face was mighty and his long beard floated. He seemed to be an extinct general who ordered him to drag his enemies out and behead them.

“Better to die than live? ”

Yang Qi laughed and bounced dust on his body without any compulsion. A bright light appeared on his head, repairing his body: “About as you can see, my body is an energetic body, even if it is all destroyed, there is nothing on it. Since there is no magic treasure, no dandruff, destroy me, you will have a great revenge for the ghost. ”

“Aren't you from Yihua Palace? ”

Xuan suddenly asked a question he didn't want to do. He looked at Yang Qi for a while and did not express his opinion on this energy body, but asked directly.

“How do you know?” Yankee asks back.

“Though you appear as the male pet of Yihua Palace, how can Yihua Palace restrain you from your repairs? There must be another great purpose for you to lurk deep into the Palace of Pleasure.” Xuan has been quiet for a while: “I have no quarrel with you, why did you kill me? ”

“Why do you ask so strangely?” Yang Qi: “I lurked in the depths of Yihua Palace to find an opportunity to kill Master Yihua Palace. Turns out I am the leader of the Immortal Realm. The leader of the Patriarchal Alliance, who led the Hundred Trillion Immortals Realm, was forcibly seized by the people of Yihua Palace, causing me a terrible loss. I must kill Master Yihua Palace in order to relieve my hatred. ”

“Really?” Xuan nodded without taboo, and would doubt: “Master Yihua Palace is very small, this woman is extremely skilled, powerful and harsh, and has almost the ambition of dominating the world. I am afraid that none of Xuan Daozong will be able to deal with him, so far away from harm, but I did not expect her subordinates to still come out to deal with me, assassinate me. It seems that I am intolerant, not Wangdao, and must fight back. ”

“Your strength is astonishing.” Yang Qi's eyes turned: “But I guess you must have had some recent encounters, which led to a lot of Qi Kung, which you don't know what it is? Absolutely not a simple artifact, a dandruff, not even a divine character, even if it gets divine character, after refining, it is a massive increase in energy, your will, it is impossible to reach such a degree of terror. ”

“Good boy.” Xuan's unobtrusive face changed: “How can you guess so many things from a moment of contact? It's horrible. If you can use it for me, you can definitely do something big. ”

“For you? Though powerful and fearful, your Qi Kung is caused by an unusual encounter and has not broken through to the level of terror. I'm afraid you won't succumb to me as one of your men.” Yankee looked very ugly when she saw Xuan's unobtrusive face. "But how about we work together? Deal with Yihua Palace and wipe out the master of Yihua Palace? Of course, I am deeply resembled to the future world, which has captured my loved ones, and I cannot help but wipe out the proud leaders of them. ”

“Cooperate?” Xuan said without hesitation: “Don't forget, you are my prisoner now. I can't hurt to reach your body, but I can see that you spent a lot of effort on this energy body, under my cell, chopping you off, your consciousness couldn't escape, and after I captured you, I could show the Divine Divinity of the Avenue, study this sense of enlightenment, make your secrets, all exposed to my eyes. ”

That sentence was harsh.

This is a heart disease of Yang Qi. Although the split can come and go freely and cause no harm to the body, but if you encounter extremely powerful people, you can fully implement the great technique of blocking the split and the body. None of the Wang Wang diagrams can penetrate into it. Once you cut the connection between your body and the split body, there is no return to that idea. It will be refined and analyzed by the other party to analyze many secrets of your body.

For example, the secret of "Goddess Township", the secret of the Immortal King, and many other things, any secret of Yang Qi, is hidden in the ideological split, in fact, it is inseparable from the body, as if in the technology of the future world, a very tiny cell, can create the same person cloned out as the body.

In other words, Xuan has refined the main idea. As you can see, Yang Qi has the imprint of the gods, and can even get the cultivation method of the power of Goddess Town, the divinity of the seventy-second ancestor of the Immortal King, hiding the secrets of all the fundamental laws of the world, which is a huge loss.

Yankee has no secrets in front of this Xuan.

Such a thing must not be allowed to happen.

Young Qi's true esteem, not knowing what to think, is now determined to abandon this identity and destroy the mind at all costs. If you meet someone as horrible as Xuan, only abandon the car guard!

But now the destruction of this identity is also a luxury.

“Haha.....” Xuan smiled, beard extremely long, with the wind, but with killer: “Kid, listen to me carefully, you'll be fine, okay? ”

“You threatened me with this, thinking that I was your follower, I'm afraid it was wrong, that I Yankee was never going to be broken into jades, not waxed.” Yang Qi thought about it. If this Xuan had no objection, he would have ignored everything. His honor came and stamped the gods to break the constraints.

Even if this Xuan knew the secrets of his Gods imprint, it was better than being stripped of them.

“Rather break jade than waquan? Be willing, in that case, let me see what secrets you have in this body. ”

Xuan walked in with no hesitation and went into the prison. He arranged this prison himself. He certainly couldn't stop himself. Stepping into it, he came in front of Yang Qi, and at the same time, he waved his big sleeve! Rolling tide, attacking, deep in the tide, is the deep law bondage, binding this split Yang Qi, all bound together, making the Yang Qi energy body completely immobile, a hint of law divine power, confinement of will and thought.

In Xuan's unmistakable eyes, the magic light flashed. He also wanted to see, what the hell is this Yang Qi man, so magical?

Refining this will won't destroy Yankee's body, but it will allow Yankee's secrets to appear in front of him.

He suddenly yelled, his big hand grabbed the Yankee Energon's brain, trying to grab the idea in his head.

At this time, suddenly, deep in the ancient atmosphere of chaos, a black hole flashed, a shadow pounded out, a shock! The direct assault went to the prison, and it was Yankee's true body.

But a strange smile appeared on Xuan's unobtrusive face: “Ha ha! Finally seduced your true body. It's called a fish hook. Look at you. How did you get away? It was just a secret to me to abandon the energy. Now even I'm going to take the real body, stupid man. ”

His body disappeared, and the next moment, he appeared on the shadow of Young Chi Ben-jong.

“Great Divine Seal of Heaven! ”

Both hands vibrated, interwoven into a net, and fell.

Yankee's own eyes flashed out a strange glow, propped up, slapped out, his hands as sharp as a blade, severed the net, and struck in front of the unobtrusive body.

His Honor Power Energy Index has reached 700, extremely scary, many times stronger than the energy body does not know. These days, once and for all, he fought the horrible word "madness”, and concentrated his will to the extreme. Now he is ready, ready, ready, with unparalleled divine authority.


The brutal smile on Xuan's unobtrusive face flashed, “It is amazing, but much different from me, let you see, the heirs of the tomb have no divine power! ”


He slapped out, just softly swallowed, such as between snake dragons, like a tiger monkey jump, the energy field over his head condensed into a shape, pores all open, again continuously absorbing all kinds of future too ancient essence of the cosmic divine world, casting a palm.

His palm, like the ancient furnace, depleted the essence of the universe, forged the sword, the sound, between the sheaths, the light laser, heaven and earth deterrence, the sharp air, a wave of connectivity, rolling over, where there was no such thing as Olympic chopping down the sky, pointing straight to the heart, making it almost impossible for man to fight back.

This trick, he has been plotting for a long time, is to wait for the arrival of Yang Qi's real prince, direct blow, so that Yang Qi's real prince is captured by his slaughter, and gain all Yang Qi.

He knew it already, Yankee was unusual.

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