Sage Emperor

Chapter 924 Blood Drawing

Leafless blood, the maker, the eternal mix together, but in every drop of blood, like the Tai Chi diagram, make-up is make-up, eternity is eternity, black and white presents yin and yang fish.

This is the function of the Tai Chi Non Disruptive Method to shock the Xuan Gong, so that the Qi Gong of Ye Dao can advance, and in a short time, it can counteract the first-class strong on the ancient path to God.

Lord Yihua Palace originally chose to teach him this Xuan Gong, that is, the blood of the Eternal and the blood of the Maker, under the operation of the Taiji Divine Gong, is clear, but complementary and natural.

This power, which replaces the Yin and Yang with eternity and creation, is much stronger than even those who created the Tai Chi Undestructive Act to shock the Xuan Gong. At least, it's strong and horizontal. Because the creator is also the King of the Universe, but the Universe also absorbs Yin and Yang two gases, and does not carry out the eternal creation of blood as Yin and Yang two gases.

In fact, eternal creation is also yin and yang.

Eternity is the sun.

Fortune is Yin.

Eternity with masculine power, ancient existence, creation with yin soft power, in eternal time long river, constantly carved out mountain water, natural divine rhyme, create the fairy world...

The everlasting creation of yin and yang, leaves the idle air power level, rises a clear level, the ghost is unpredictable. Fixing can directly break the ancient, step on the atlas, and reach a peak altitude of ancient times and times.

Unfortunately, with the extraction of the immortal body, everything is now transformed into a dream bubble.

Tsuzu, tsuzu…….. a drop of blood is drawn out and falls into the hands of the immortal splinter. It will soon turn into a fist-sized blood, which is a Tai Chi sphere, between the red and green phases, red is the eternal, green is the maker.

“Refining the blood veins, the power of the universe, comes directly, the heavens and the earth are invisible...” Xianxian Split began to build now, not long later, countless blood veins turned into blood filaments and lasered into the pores of Xianxian Split.


The whole body of the immortal rose up the flame, a force of immortal burned in the air, this flame everywhere, impact reached the deep realm of the heavenly dome of Wangzhu, a heavenly sky opened, landed the heroic divine energy, this can be the original energy left by the true Immortal King, only the Immortal Body, and the person close to the Immortal King Charm can use it, even if the true dignity of Yang Qi comes, this element will not penetrate into his body, let alone use it for him.

The whole body of Yang Qi appeared a brilliant fine light, straight fine wolf smoke flushing, this immortal body became more and more intense, and it actually had the taste of "Todd Martyrs”.


Ye Wudao roared again, and when he saw such a scene, he couldn't help but struggle.

Unfortunately, after absorbing the blood veins of the eternal, the power of the immortal split became stronger and stronger, the increased power almost endlessly, suddenly a shock, again vigorously oppressed down, many world fiction, harshly suppressed on the body of the leaf idolatry, by tens of thousands of worlds, the whole body of the leaf idolatry is in a weak state, can only be repressed by Yang Qi, can not carry out any essence.

Yang Qi's immortal split continued to whistle, the whistle sounded like a long dragon, straight into the cloud, everyone would think that it was the dragon that came, the cloud broke open.

“King of the Worlds map, open it, eight doors...” On top of the eight Immortal King's Buddha, the blood of the Eternal Man was also applied. On top of the eight Buddha's Buddha, a lot of serum blood was emitted, which led to the deep sky of the King of the Worlds, and the many lights that opened were increased again.


More and more blood has entered Yang Qi's body, making the immortal body invisible. There is a slight threat of the Immortal King, and this body has begun to change. The appearance and Yang Qi have become completely different, but become an ancient, without any expression, like a face of a stone statue.

This face looks like a beautiful man, but it's ancient, atmospheric, between the eyebrows, with an axe carved into it, leaving traces of history.

If that Lin Mei man is a jade, then this man, the ancient idol, is the man of the mulberry. His face, full of menstrual cream, the years made him pale, the marks of history on his forehead, but made him more manly.

Because this is masculine.

How can you grow and rise above heaven and earth without experiencing wind cream?

This person, the palm of his hand moves, spinning and wielding freely, all grasp no superior power, at first glance, he grasps power in his hand, has endured countless struggles, achieved no superior, conquered the great existence of hundreds of millions of faces.

From him, only “great” can be felt.

Compared to the appearance of Yankee immortal, Zilin's beautiful man is too weak. This is the real man. If, at this time, Master Yihua sees it, he will not despise any man.

This is the true face of the Immortal King.

The great will of the Immortal King shook everything, broke ancient times, the heavens were invincible, no one could make him submit. Now that the Immortal Yang Qi activated his bloodline, the King of the Worlds map truly showed the mysterious side.

“Great King Tu, show your mysterious power!” Once again, the immortals raised their hands.

A huge fluctuation came down from the sky.

Between moments, Ye Dao saw an unforgettable scene of eternal life.

Sky, dark sky deep, suddenly cloud mist scattered, many stars appeared, these stars were dense and numb, as if they were a vortex of stars, equal to people in the world, looking up to the sky, the galaxy was brilliant.

But these stars are not stars.

It's a god's character!

There's no mistake, it's divinity.

Each planet, represented by a divine character, a god who was slaughtered by the Immortal King, after the gods were slaughtered, everything became divine and sealed in the deepest depths of the map of the kings of the universe.

“This is the divine character, dense and numb, the stars are bright, they are all divine..." Ye Nodao saw, he clearly saw, with his repair, nature can see, deep in the Wangtu of the universe, all the stars are divine character, these are the things he dreamed of, but now they are all returned to Yang Qi.

Of all the kings of the universe, the most precious, I'm afraid, are these gods.

Only these gods are most worthy of possession.

“Divine character, these are all divine characters...” Yang Qi's Immortal Divinity also shook up, star galaxies deep in the sky, are all divine characters, how many gods did the Immortal King kill? How much movement has come out of this horror in the great divine realm?

To transform God into a galaxy of stars, sealed deep in the map of the kings of the universe, the power of this great shore, what Happy Flower Palace lord, what too ancient times, what future world, what masters on the ancient path of the gods, as long as the Immortal King breathes a sigh of breath, all the ashes will be extinguished, but such existence will eventually fall.

See the cruelty of God's struggle.

Originally, Yankee, based on some artifacts, some knowledge of the gods, could outline what the divine realm looked like, but now, he is vague about the divine realm, not knowing what kind of world it is.

Even a true God cannot know what the divine realm is. It's like a frog at the bottom of a well, watching the sky.

Also, the people who live on the planet, who know what the planet they live on, are also small for the whole of the divine world.

Yang Qi Xian reached out and suddenly in the bright stars, one of the smallest stars shook slightly, and suddenly the rehearsal of the star laser came, into the body of the Xian Xian, so that the energy index of the Xian Xian Xian is growing.

Five hundred five, five hundred six, five hundred seven... six hundred... seven hundred... finally arrived at 800 before slowly staying, and the starlight gradually disappeared.

This is the energy emitted by the divine character of the stars, but now the cultivation of immortals can only sense the divine character of the planet, and cannot remove the divine character stars for refining.

He has not yet been able to break through that layer of nothingness.

Originally, this layer of inaccessibility was left by the Immortal King to his inheritors to reach the realm of God before they could devour those deities and slowly advance their own.

Now, Yankee immortals, like ordinary practitioners on a continent, can sense the power of the stars, slowly refine into their own bodies, so that they become more and more powerful, but he takes off the planet, which is a dream.

However, with the energy refinement of the divine character, the cultivation of Yang Qi Xian's identity is destined to fly.

His energy increased, slowly refined the blood veins in the body, not long later, his body was a circle taller, many impurity flesh was drained from the body by the hard flesh, the smell was incomparable, and finally was refined by real fire, and then his body was smaller, stronger, and greater.

Finally, the body crystal is clear, like crystal, between the changes, through the pulse sea five dirty six hearts and other things have evolved again, the power of the star divinity lasered down again, so that his energy increased again, from 800 to 900, then to 1,000, before the growth slowed down.

Thus, Yang Qi's immortal split, constantly drawing the blood of the leaves without a trace, the body of the eternal maker, at the end of the arrival, the leaves without a trace of body has been lean as a material, skin and bones, the essence was completely extracted ninety-nine percent, Yang Qi stopped and sealed him.

“Why didn't you kill me?” Ye Dao roared furiously: “Kill me a little cleaner. ”

“No wonder I'm not going to kill you, I'm going to cheer you up, and I'm going to get you back, and then I'm going to draw your blood again, and you've changed in the Eternal Maker, and the blood in your body is going to keep coming, and I'm going to keep drawing it, you know?” Yang Qixian separated himself: “My army, as well as my trusted disciples, need this blood, although the blood derived from your body will become thinner and thinner, but the conversation is better than nothing. When you finally lose your utility, I will kill you! Tai Chi does not destroy the law of Xuan Gong, come out and hide all the fundamental laws of the world, it is mine. ”

Once again, in the body of Ye Daoduo, the fundamental seeds of the two avenues were brought up. That is, after that, Ye Daoduo lost both doors to repair, and he was beaten back to his original shape.

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