Sage Emperor

Chapter 926: Independently

“This foe is a talent, absolutely cannot let him die here. This man's Taoist Qi is much more powerful than what has been inherited from the ancient world. Although he is still young, he has seen the prototype of genius overflowing. Every powerful man of shocking will is extremely powerful and cannot be underestimated. ”

As soon as Yang Qi slapped back Yihua Palace Master, he rescued Dou Wan enemy.

The body of the main body of Yihua Palace moves backwards, the whole person floating weakness, like a paper reed, not flesh and blood body, between the flickering flashes, punched a hand, but this clap is another kind of Xuan Gong, has nothing to do with the King of the Love, Rigorousness, Sovereignty, Mune, Dauntless, but does not know what the palm of God is.

This clap collided against Yang Qi's divine palm, a collision, creating an elliptical atmosphere, two air crossings, all shattered and disintegrated.

“Did you really refine the leafy bloodline and develop the power of Wangtu? This clap is not your own power, but the strength of the King of the Worlds map, twisted together. ”

Lord Yihua's eyes were sharp, “It turns out that you are a genius. It seems that you are more difficult to get into trouble than your cheap old man. The consequences of growing up in the future are unimaginable, but that's why I'm more interested in having you as a male pet. ”

“I told you, this seat is destiny and nothingness, and you have to mention that pride is my father's business. Then the people of Yihua Palace must die. You and pride are only for dogs and men.” Yankee bluntly said, what he hated most was that people said he was an arrogant son.

Hearing a pair of words, Master Yihua's face changed and the intense killing machine rose, "Good, my taboo is that someone has compared the palace to the arrogant sky, you mentioned it, stay here today. ”


A floral scent swept over, Yihua Palace master slammed up, attacked more than ten palms in a row, each palm is different qigong, and each qigong, is a phenomenal and moving divine realm of excellence.

Yang Qi saw the "Tai Chi Non Disruptive Law Surprising Xuan Gong” in it, it was incredible, a slight palm motion, a Tai Chi diagram appeared, hit his body, violently penetrated into the meridian.

What other “burial palm”, "absolute palm”, “urging the heavens”...... a series of palm changes infinitely, the yin and yang swallows up, the master of Yihua Palace seems to have come out dozens of more arms, between fierce attacks, everything will be crushed into powder.


A bell sounded loud, Yankee inspired the King of the Worlds in his body to work hard, this woman was too fast, ghost charm was not enough to describe, his wings of freedom flashed behind his back, and his speed was a little too slow to keep up.

Now the only thing he relies on is the constant divine power of Wangjie Wangtu, prompting the 72nd grand king to quit school, and every move to quit school has evolved into a comprehensive Qigong form.

“Warlord in the sky! ”

“King of all dust! ”

“King of kings of kings! ”

“Wang Qishanhe! ”

“Inner Holy King! ”

“Wang Dao Bao! ” ……………

The King's Absolute School, which was the union of the Seventy-one Brothers of the Immortal King at that time, evolved 72 moves. Each move is a boxing technique that can compete with the power of the Divine Town. Now Yang Qi communicates with the Wangtu Divine Power of the World, and connects the Seventy-Two Journal King's Absolute School, thus activating the magic of the Divine Master. The shadow of martial arts flowed out deep inside.

This martial arts is not being carried out by oneself, but by Wangtu of the Universe.

In the map of the kingdom of the universe, the immortals stood in a blast, a light fell on the top of their heads, constantly drawing on the great shore power of the divine stars in the sky, these forces poured into their bodies, and then swallowed out, the divine power of the map of the universe and a great will in the underworld, formed a trick, bursting from the depths of the Yang Qidan gas sea.

However, Yankee's 72nd Ancestral King artifact is incomplete, and the repair is also very weak, unable to provoke the true set of boxing. Only dozens of hands can be cast.

However, the power of these dozens of hands is not small, but with a little movement, the power to split the chaos emerges, a world is carved out, and almost every punch crumbles the heavenly path.

Creating the way of heaven and destroying it is the fist of creation.

Together again, Yankee is completely alone at this moment. Between himself and Lord Yihua Palace, the other unchartered lords were still watching, looking at each other, not knowing what to do.

The enemies of the battle have healed, their eyes laser out the light, their bodies burn constantly, and there is a devastating light on their heads: “Don't you want to kill yourselves? Once the Yankees fail, all of us will die. Master Yihua Palace will never let us go. ”

“Kill, let's do it!” Several of the righteous monarchs screamed, sprayed their mouths, and suddenly the refined Pharaoh emerged from the deep of their hearts. These are the most powerful artifacts they seek. They normally nurture billions of years in their bodies, and they don't take them out, but now they all expand.

Boom Lung!

A huge aura emerged in the air. In this aura, more than ten mighty magical treasures emerged. Together, they came towards the master of Yihua Palace. It was just a moment of repression. The master of Yihua Palace, over the entire person, seemed to be imprisoned.

Although these lords are not opponents of Master Yihua, they are now all put out to kill, united together, artifacts and artifacts desperately motivated, the blow that erupted is very scary. Without Yang Qi's control, Master Yihua is most likely to destroy all of these magic treasures, but now Yang Qi harshly holds them, making it impossible for her to take time out to fight, only to let Fa Bao's harsh bombardment on her self protection qi.


Fabao once bombarded, his protective qi fluctuated above, Yihua Palace main company backward, Yang Qi shouted, such as the clear sky thunder, when the sky broke down, he punched up, severely smashed down, broke the belt, chopped the belt, chopped the belt, chopped the belt, multiple forces mixed together, almost there is a Xuan machine to break everything: “Nine naive kings! ”

“True King, open the way! ”

“The road is like the sky! ”

“Thorns and thorns! ”

A number of punches in a row merge between this split, seemingly an invincible warrior, in the future without a path, the hard-boiled creates a path to reach the highest shore and relieve all worries.


Yankee's body is at its most powerful peak.

Lord Yihua Palace's eyes are more sharp: “Yang Qi, since you want to die and you can't blame me, I will show you, I have studied billions of years of secrets, horrible will! ”

Nutrition, Nutrition...

Suddenly, a current radiated from Lord Yihua's body. This current, not ordinary current, but the spiritual scale of the will, erupted, condensed into a lightning shape, suddenly diffused.

Suddenly, a circle of electric light, do not let the principal money emanate from the body, Master Yihua Palace stands in the center of electric light, the spiritual will constantly provoked, the whole space turned upside down, the entire space began to melt, a drop of space liquid flowed down, any law turned into a viscous liquid.

Between Yankee moments, I felt that the temperature around me had risen a thousand times, and the laws of space were confused a thousand times, and there were dark currents everywhere. His divine power could not move forward, and he was squeezed backwards by the electric light of the spiritual storm.


A Divine Tool is broken.

Lord Yihua's hand suddenly took off, and only saw a red shadow move. A man without a lord, a blackwater cave lord, exploded on the spot, no remains, everything was evaporated, even the energy of the Jiangjin Qi energy disappeared, and a powerful being, life, disappeared into the void forever.


In an invincible moment, she approached Yankee: “Brother Yankee, flee quickly, this woman has gone insane and cannot fight her at all. She has developed a secret method, consuming the essence, temporarily elevating her will to the level of terror. Under the horizontal sweep of terror, we are not his opponents at all! ”

“Terrorist will, what secret is this? Can you upgrade yourself to the level of terror?” Yang Qi heard it and knew immediately that at this moment, there is only one way to escape. If he does not escape, he is afraid that his own dignity will fall here. The will of the horror level will explode with all its might, and everything will be destroyed. His Lord Yuan God will fortunately cultivate to the extreme, concentrate toward the mark of the gods, otherwise, in the sweep of this spiritual storm, it will fall completely.


Lord Yihua Palace constantly inspired his own strength, spiritual will in her mind, all emerged, the terrible storm swept the scene, the Divine King did not learn, emerged.

“Terrorist sincerity, secret presidency…. ”

A series of explosions, all the monarch artifacts, all blown up, tore into powder, now Lord Yihua raised his hand and threw between his feet, there was an unparalleled great oppression, no chance at all, she took a step forward and another Lord blew up.


At this time, Yankee couldn't care less about the lord present, grabbed Dou Wan enemy, suddenly opened a black hole, to shuttle into it, into the depths of Wangjie Wang map.

“Wanna go? Where is it so easy?” Where would Yang Qi go when Yihua Palace hosted the secret method to temporarily reach the horror level will? As soon as she grabbed it, she suddenly appeared deep in the void, blocking it on all sides.

Ka Cha

The black hole in Wangtu is closed. Yankee feels like she's opening a door, but this door is locked to death by iron lock, even if it's her house, it won't help.

Even at this moment, he was unable to transmit even the superior energy in the map of the kings of the universe from his air and sea, which amounted to a total isolation of the immortals from his connection.

“Terrible will, so horrible!” This surprise, but it's very small, Yankee feels like she's in an irreparable situation, "and she can't go out. ”

“Die! ”

Suddenly, Master Yihua's hands lifted, and immediately countless silver threads threaded through, Yang Qi immediately spread out the pure earth of the gods, wrapping himself and the enemies of Dou.

Silver silk wire is bombarded on top, causing pure soil to vibrate continuously and not for long.

And the other patriarchs are even worse off.

Immediately penetrated by silver thin wire, the whole person became a lift puppet, instantly sucked into a dry corpse, the secrets of the gods of the mysterious demon sect still struggled to resist all day, but Lord Yihua Palace shook!

The Secret Demon Sect Master's Secret blew up every day.

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