Sage Emperor

Chapter 930 Battle Qi Xuan Gate

Yankee looked at the distant "Qi Xuan Gate," and nodded in his heart. Indeed, the atmosphere of battle was rising. Disciples were flying everywhere. Inside the door, it was a vast and infinite world. Countless disciples were practicing martial arts, a smell of battle, rising from the sky, and there was a crowd of gods everywhere.

But now these gods are in Yang Qi's eyes, but they are worthless. He can collect them all by blowing his breath, and they are gone.

The two of them flew to the Qi Xuan Gate and immediately aroused the reaction of countless disciples, shuffling... Dozens of long rainbows appeared at the door, blocking them in front of the doorman who fought against all enemies.

“The master is back? ”

These dozens of long rainbows appeared, revealed their bodies, originally fiercely drank and asked, but when they saw the battle enemies, they immediately appeared to be incredibly vigilant on their faces. It was not like a doorman came back at all. Those disciples cheered, and in an instant, Yang Qi felt something wrong. He also felt something wrong about what the battle enemies were.

“The clothes on you, the disciples of the inner hall, should belong to the elder pulse of several hidden wives, why are you watching the door here? Hmm?”

Dou Wan's fierce gaze shoots, and he sees that more than ten disciples each have a heavy divine color on their faces: “Tell me, what's the matter with this? What happened inside the door? ”

“Master, now several hidden elders of the Taihong Immortal Gate have been cleared to receive the Taihong Immortal Gate's messengers. You have not returned to the Qi Xuan Gate for several months. The Taihong Immortal Gate's messengers are impatient to wait. This is the ancient road of the gods, superb gate pie. As long as we join forces with the Taihong Immortal Gate, what Yihua Palace can be destroyed in an instant.” A disciple said arrogantly.

“Bullshit!” Dou Wan Enemy Dao: “What is the Taihong Immortal Gate, the wolf ambition, although it is a super first-class gate pie on the ancient path of the gods, but after entering the deep grave, it disappeared at all. It may be that there are some difficulties encountered, it needs to be cannon ash, that's why we pull together the Qi Xuan Gate, send two or three envoys to come here, and want to plunder our Qi Xuan Gate base industry? How is that possible?”

“Master, Taihong Immortal Gate must not be guilty, the scale is more than ten times the size of our Qi Xuan Gate. In the event of someone's attack, we will not even leave scum, plus the recent destruction of Yihua Palace will eventually destroy to reach our heads. Do you want to watch our Qi Xuan Gate be destroyed?” A disciple in a strange way.

“Outrageous, what are you? How dare you talk to my master like that? ”

All of a sudden, the enemy made a move.

As soon as the figure flashed, the disciple flew out and fell to the ground. The disciple was more than 300 strong in the energy rank, but there was no comparison with the two thousand enemies who had already reached the energy rank.


As soon as this disciple was knocked off, all the other disciples immediately lit up their weapons, all swords, some even used bows and crossbows in secret, all artifacts, revealing the deep backdrop of this Qi Xuan Gate.

“Do you know what you're doing?” Dou Wan enemy was pointed at by his disciple by the Pharaoh sword, his face could not be pulled down in front of Yang Qi, and he drank violently: “It is disrespectful that you pointed at the main door like this, it is a dead end! ”


One disciple said: "Master, to tell you the truth, from today on, you are no longer in charge. The elders have joined forces to abolish you. We have already reached an agreement with the Taihong Immortal Gate's messenger, and have established a new master. Now the new master is inheriting you. In the future, we will fight the Xuanmen Gate, which is the lower house of Taihong Immortal Gate. Taihong Immortal Gate has also sent a number of good things, countless Divine Dan artifacts, and even some of the Divine Grid debris refined without Dan medicine. Do you want us to refuse? ”

“Nice.” Another disciple said: "Our Qi Xuan Gate went to the Taihong Immortal Gate, we can definitely unify the world, master Kun, grasp everything in the world, and then walk sideways. We will also destroy Yihua Palace……. Haha, brothers, I heard that the women of Yihua Palace are very nice, we are all going to bring them, taste the freshness, those Yihua Palace women treat men as male pets, we are also going to treat these women as female slaves, hahaha..."

“This is outrageous! ”

Dou Wan was almost mad, and he was too lazy to talk to these disciples and suddenly shouted.

Boom Lung!

His body was a full circle, the whole person passed the air wave out, between the explosions, violently spreading out in a concentric circular position, the disciples had not yet reacted, the whole body immediately exploded, torn apart, the artifact on his body was blown to pieces, a flesh and blood blurred, and finally dissipated into the sound waves.

“Everybody out! You old guys, want to destroy my fight Xuanmen hundreds of millions of years of base industry, once, that's a million can't, what is Taihong Immortal Gate, do you not even know, relying on them, is to seek skin with tigers! ”

Yang Qi now saw the hot hand of Dou Wan enemy, but he didn't show any mercy, shouted directly, and shook all the disciples around him to death.

The roar was actually very strong and soft, and suddenly it burst out, and those people couldn't resist, turning into flying ash. It also shows the true power of the Ten Thousand Enemy. It is truly different, but it has become an unpredictable deity of ghosts!

When he fought with Lord Yihua Palace, he showed his abilities. After the battle, he healed his injuries in Wangtu of the World. He was a hundred foot rod head and achieved great achievements.

“Fight, you dare! ”

Just as he roared to extinguish many of his disciples on the spot, suddenly an angry voice came out, and then a tall young man arrived in front of the enemies and flew from afar.

The young man stood negatively, dressed in a robe and overwhelmed with fighting spirit. After his appearance, several powerful elders appeared, and then two men and women dressed in very different clothes. Apparently, it's that super-class sect, the messenger of Taihong Immortal Gate.

Yang Qi knows something about the superior gate pie in the ancient road of the gods. The Yihua Palace, Qi Xuan Gate, the secret demon sects and other gate pies are all first-class gate pie, and super first-class is still far away! Superior doorman pieces go deep into the tomb and explore the fundamental secrets of the tomb.

Unexpected, born now.

Of course, Master Yihua's strength is now almost superior, the kind of exciting will that temporarily reaches the horror level of cultivation, deserves to be superior. And it seems that the divine power has not yet been achieved. Once the divine power is truly achieved, the Yihua Palace will grow without knowing how far it will reach?

Yang Qi activated the energy detection system slightly, and found that this man and woman were nearly 3,000 super strong men with more than 2,500 energy, and they didn't know what power was hidden in them, and the elders and the energy index were 2,000.

However, this suddenly appeared to be a tall man, whose Qigong cultivation seemed to be no less than that of a rival.

“Dou Qianshan! Did you order these people to rebel against me?” You are my brother, "he said fiercely." You rebelled against me when I raised you with my hands? ”

“Humph!" Douqianshan Haha laughed: “Douqianzhan, this thing, even said to cultivate me, I am not as good as you, Master made you become the master of the door, so now you lead the whole door pie to the end of the poor road, the elder of Tai Shang decided to abolish the position of your master, if you are okay, continue to be an elder in the door pie, do things for me, if you are not angry, dare to leave the door, of course to abolish all the martial arts of Qi Xuan door! ”

“Nice, Dou Wan enemy, you made a big mistake and have to throw you out of the sect, today you come back just in time.” An elder of the Tai Dynasty said fiercely: "Take all your qigong back. ”

“Elder Snake, what big mistake have I made?” The enemies did not laugh back in anger, but their hearts were so angry that they did not expect the rebellion to happen when they returned.

“The big mistake is not to unite with Taihong Immortal Gate. ”

Another elder of Tai Shang said fiercely: “What kind of sect is the Taihong Immortal Gate? You sent messengers three times and five times. You refused to allow it. Are you trying to piss off the Gate faction? Destroy the roots of our Qi Xuan Gate once and for all, you must know that Taihong Immortal Gate is a superior gatekeeper! ”

“Nice, Dou Wan enemy, you three times five times, reject our Taihong Immortal Gate of peace, this is a disgrace to the face!” The man from the Taihong Immortal Gate walked up and a gloomy smile appeared on his face: “So I had to abolish you. You came back today to throw yourself online, and no one could save you. ”

“Fine, today the disciples of the Qiguan Gate are all here, there are still many disciples in this person's system, as the face of many disciples, to capture this life, kill, soul to refine into a treasure.” The Lady of the Fairy Gate of Taihong went up and down to fight against all the enemies, then looked at Yang Qi's body: “Who is this man? Did you get the help? But it doesn't matter, all of us are going to perish. No matter what kind of help you call, you can't escape to die against our Taihong Immortal Gate. It's a dead end! ”

“Brother Yankee, I'm sorry to bother you.” Dou Wan Wan knew that even Yang Qi wouldn't let go of Taihong Immortal Gate, and there was a great apology in his heart.

“It doesn't matter, I came to see this doorman, the following offense, you are the doorman, hold the power, there is someone to abolish you, this is the mundane thief in the world, everyone has to take it.” Yang Qi said: “I don't care about the Taihong Immortal Gate either. Although it is superb, I am single now, no hooks, ten steps to kill one person, no stay for a thousand miles, what are you afraid of? I'm here to help you crack down on the doorman civil unrest. ”

“Brother Yankee, I don't need you to do this for now, just press the line for me.” Dou Wan Dao: “I came to see if these people were qualified to abolish the master of this house, who has accomplished many tasks and fought out at once. At the time, the foundation of our doorway was unstable, and the wind and rain swayed along the ancient road of the gods. I came out to fight countless times, killing countless evils. What are you people doing? Dou Qianshan, come up here. If you want to be the owner of the door, fight this seat alone. If you win, this seat will kill itself immediately! ”

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