Sage Emperor

Chapter 934: Rewarfare Xuan No Abomination

At the time of the battle to integrate the Qi Xuan Gate, Yang Qi walked to the outside world again. He is now getting familiar with the deep inside of the tomb. Although he still doesn't know what the tomb is, he can walk freely in the tomb.

He was not prepared to listen to the words of Ye Innocent, to go into the Vajra Buddha's Cave, but to look for Xuan to fight to the death and seize the identity of the heirs of the tomb.

Xuan did not hesitate to purify his energy that day, confined him, deprived him of his consciousness and knew everything about him. It is a disgrace that, while unsuccessful, is also dangerous.

Since the success of Qigong, Yang Qigong, the first vicious danger is here in Xuan, the second is of course Master Yihua Palace, and the battle with Master Yihua Palace. God's engine is in silence, the energy is depleted, and the powerful Shentong system is shut down again. Good thing Yang Qi himself has figured out the origin of the force, combining his body, that doesn't matter.

Moreover, the development of the Immortal King, deep in the map of the kingdom of the universe, many stars have appeared, the power of the Immortal King has greatly increased, can cooperate with himself, every slap, not necessarily lose to the great power of God's engine.

This realm allows his Qi Gong not to regress, and each hand can reach the mysterious mysterious Xuan machine.

Fight against Xuan. He will surely win.

On the way to the Qi Xuan Gate, his heart was in full swing, although there was no presumption, but the mind implicitly knew that there was only one big thing to happen, which had absolutely a great relationship with itself, and he had to rapidly improve his strength. If he got the seeds of the heirs of the tomb, he would not absorb them, but rather study, as a demon of knowledge surrender, I'm afraid he would subdue part of the will of the tomb and break through himself to the level of terror.

This tomb is more amazing than the King of the Worlds, and it is definitely not something ordinary people can build. It is very likely that the will to create the curtain transcends the terror level and reaches advanced levels, unlimited levels are impossible.

The existence of this level, the creation of the tomb of a seed of divine power, says that it is impossible without will, possibly the same as the seals of the gods, all of which contain the power.

Yankee cannot now, if given the chance, even want to surrender the Imprint of the Gods as a demon of knowledge and integrate into his Lord Gods.

But for now, it's just weird thinking about the sky.

Unless his will reaches infinity and marches into infinity, it will be possible to surrender this kind of thing for his own use, when he can sweep the world without the Gods' imprint.

“Untaboo, wait, I'll be right over and take the seeds from your tomb heir!” At this time, he flew, a man emerged from the tomb, his body flashed, and traveled among infinite fairy realms. At this time, the fairy realm changed dramatically. The fairy realm of level 33 is dense and numb, the fairy realm of level 50 and above, the sixty level, the seventy level….. hundreds of levels of fairy realm are quite a few, and even the great fairy realm, approaching the two hundred level.

This fairy kingdom, Yang Qi can't move, don't know what exists in it, that is close to 200 levels of fairy kingdom, constantly absorbing chaotic ancient gas, seems to still grow, to reach a new level.

Even Yankee has the feeling that in the future, this tomb will eject, even more than 200 levels, even 300 levels, 1,000 levels of fairy kingdom is impossible.

Reaching the chaos, Yang Qiwang looked down, only the dense numbness, Hengsha number of fairy realm, countless luck rose up, turned into giant dragons, Changhong, cloud chart, vortex, as if in the world, turmoil came, the people joined together.

At the same time, he saw the Alliance of Patriarchs, at a time when luck was only third class. After the changing of the fairy realm pattern, third class luck is nothing but chaos. On the one hand, the mighty millionaires, crowds of thousands, do not have the ability to compete for the world at all. They can only choose the true king, and become subordinates, and become a title minister in the future.

“The power of the world is changed between the graves, instantaneously. Where do we really start? Turn your hand over the clouds for rain, this grave is too horrible. ”

deep in Yang Qi's heart, dark exclamation, suddenly discovered that in the distance, thousands of shares of luck rose, the luck above presented a kind of Buddha's gold yellow color, seemed to be the birth of too ancient Buddha's Gate, or the Buddha's strong on the ancient road of Tongshen. The tomb was sprayed, not knowing how many strong people in the ancient path of the gods were sprayed out.

This fairy time is a time to change bones, as if a normal Qigong realm person has reached the state of death, even jumping into the legendary realm!

“The Buddhist sect.....”

Yang Qi suddenly discovered that among the hundreds of Buddhist denominations, the luck of one denomination was temporarily weak, but that luck presented a strange golden colour, which seemed indestructible and could never be destroyed. At first glance, that Buddhist denomination occupied some 50-60 level fairy realm, constantly expanding, and developing in a fast and flourishing posture, seemed invincible!

This Buddhist sect, Yang Qi, is very interested in taking a look, and finds it very simple.

But now it doesn't seem necessary, his eyes are aimed at a 100-class fairy world occupied by the Xuan Ji Dao Sect, only the fairy world, now completely changed, the gas killing strip rose up, surrounded by many subordinate fairy world, seems to be the Xuan Ji Dao Sect during this period of time, has made a major development, expand everywhere.

In fact, in the fairy world today, there are fireworks everywhere, and countless powerful beings have gathered and killed everywhere. Expansion, swallowing luck, chaos. Compared to the previous small-time noise, it can't be said the same day.

“Xuan Killing Daozong is also expanding, I extinguished Xuan no taboo today, so I accepted this Gate Pie as well.” Yang Qi directly exerted his latent power and infiltrated the immortal realm of Xuan without taboo. The immortal realm of hundred levels could not stop him.


He opened his breath gazing technique and saw, deep in the Xuan Dynasty Sect, a force laying still, seemingly practicing, space in his eyes, gradually peeling a layer, he saw the deepest space in time, a human figure in breathing, tuna, great divine power came, concentrated, will strong, although not terror level, but not beneath him.

“Just a little bit of time, and this Xuan is promoted so fast? In training.” Yankee Hidden Surprise: “Is this heir to the power of the tomb faster than my Gods imprint practice? But it's possible that the tomb is next door. Fine, I'll sneak up on him. With my silent sneak attack, this Xuan is indelible and seriously injured. It's a lot easier to fight him again. ”

Yang Qi secretly runs the map of the kings of the universe, locking in position, locking in breath, silent, his wheel of destiny is spinning, inverting the sky machine. It gradually became clear that Xuan was practicing, sitting at the knee end of the disc, breathing and toning, silently running Yuan Gods, the qi power in the body reached the limit, the whole person swelled, a shrinkage, swelling seemed, almost burst the whole position directly, when shrinkage, invisible for a moment.

“Heavenly Dao runs, absorbs energy, swallows Heavenly King Fu Lu, Immortal King Fu Lu, the Ancestral King is excellent! ”

Yang Qi continued to run his qi kung fu. Only three thousand swallowing kings of heaven and kings shrunk constantly. The giant chaotic ancient snake appeared behind him. Then he was oppressed by the qi kung fu. The chaotic ancient snake clicked, and finally condensed into a group, gradually contracting, and finally wrapped around his arms, making his arms seem infused with infinite divine power.

“Running, extrapolating, measuring, precision calculating, strongest strike! ”

The light brain is simultaneously calculating the best angle.


Between breaths, Yankee vanished from sight.

The next moment, he appeared in a stand-alone position, all of which were stone, seemed to be the color of the tomb, sturdy and indescribable, as if God could not destroy it, not by virtue of the positioning power of the King of the Worlds map, Yang Qi could not even shuttle in.

Moreover, this position is forged by the power of the Great Tomb without taboo operation. It cannot be deciphered at all. It jumps constantly and appears in different space-time segments!

Unfortunately, with the light brain and the wheel of destiny, Yankee speculated and calculated, at the right point in time, at the right point in space, and drilled into it, and found the underworld, it would surely die a blow.


Yang Qi appeared in front of the cultivated Xuan Qinqi, his hands heavily bombarded behind him. Direct infiltration, killing into it, swallowing between the King of Heaven's figurative moments, absorbing each other's pounding divine power.


In Yang Qi's body, a black hole appeared. As can be seen, Yang Qi's arms were deeply inserted into Xuan's unobtrusive Dantian gas depths, a huge group of divine yuan, pulled out directly, conveyed into the depths of the Wang map of the universe, and suppressed. This is Xuan Qi's unobtrusive Qi, very concentrated, very strong and horizontal. Even if Xuan Wang Fu absorbed it, it is impossible to refine it, and Xuan Wan communicates with Xuan's unobtrusive mind. As long as the spirit moves, Xuan Wan will create an explosion, but will blow up Xuan Wang's symbol.

But King Tung's Fu and Wan Wan Wang diagram cooperated, the ghost was unpredictable, absorbed the Divine Won, repressed deep in Wang diagram, cut off the divine Won and Xuan's unobtrusive psychic sensations, making it impossible for him to agitate anymore.


Xuan was attacked by Yang Qi before he could react during the cultivation. Originally, with his mind fixed, before Yang Qi had attacked him, he would certainly have a great sense, but Yang Qi now fixed it to be highly unpredictable, the wheel of fate is even more subtle, plus he himself is a destiny nothingness, not in the river of destiny, even if Xuan is strong, how can it be deduced?

Yang Qi applied Tun Tian Wang Fu Xu to an unprecedented limit. In the meantime, he felt himself deep in the Dantian Qi Sea. That powerful divine power was absorbed in half, but the good news was that he reacted in a timely fashion, roaring furiously, the opposite hand was a palm, while his whole body rushed forward.


Yang Qi took Xuan's unmistakable palm, the King of the Swallow on his arm disappeared, he felt the other party's boxing power greatly diminished, knowing that he was attacked by this, his true qi was diminished by half, and then, he dealt with it.

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