Sage Emperor

Chapter 954 chief disciple

“As you remember, you come up! ”

The scene roared violently, shook the sound, the blood river fluctuated again, the breath was extraordinary, revealed deep qi, definitely not the ordinary monks can resist.


He stepped out and said, "How many times have I beaten you to death today to see if your memory peak can compete with me from now on? ”

Anjin smiled, but Yang Qi stopped her: “You don't have to do it, let me do it first. ”

Anjing nodded, knowing that the scenery was so powerful that she could not necessarily win, Yang Qi's strength was still above her, going up to do it, but it was a good choice, and now she nodded: “Be careful. ”

“No problem.” Yankee up front: “What are you screaming for? How about I teach you Qi Kung today? Do you really think you're invincible when you look arrogant? ”

“How dare you, who are you?” Jing Zheng's face changed and the killing anger appeared from the top of his head, which actually gave Yang Qi a must-kill thought, “Are you also a disciple of the peak of memory? How dare you talk to my chief disciple like that? Are you tired of living? ”

“Jingyu, you don't have to be arrogant here either. This is my master's new apprentice. He will become highly uncertain. In the future, the chief disciple will surely be his. Now fight with you. Wait until you lose. I hope you don't get angry with yourself.” As I recall, talking is pointy and sour, “of course, my brother, will not kill you, he will only abolish all your qigong, and then let you live rather than die. If you kneel down and beg for forgiveness now, you can spare your life. ”

“Damn it!” Jingxiao's word for word, “I will kill your brother, and I will not let you go. He will not survive today. ”

Yankee listened to the pointy and sour memories, but heard something. If the memories were to make a point of themselves in secret, they didn't have to be merciful and directly kill the killer.

This involves a struggle between mountains and peaks, but the rules of the door stipulate that the same door cannot be slaughtered, otherwise it is strictly disposed of, which he is rather cynical, good that both sides are fighting, inevitably damaged, but not blamed on his head, and that fighting and maiming are completely different.

“Unexpectedly, Ruyi Tianzong Mountain and the battle between the mountain peaks reached such a fierce level, I was caught in it, where to go? Whatever, first set up a prestige to make the little girl think I'm worth it..." Yang Qi thought, the little girl with the highest memory, is unpredictable, if she demonstrates enough value, she can protect herself.

Now, his eyes flash with murder.


Suddenly, the scenery struck out, one hand curved strangely in the air, the acceleration reached the maximum, breaking through the law chains, cutting at once.

Yang Qi's body flashed past him. He saw the knife was sharp, and it was full of sharp flashes, but he didn't dare to look down. The other party is 3,000 strong energy rank, now he has nothing, Pharaoh nothing can be applied, all by virtue of his own qigong, not necessarily can achieve an overwhelming victory.

But he purposefully grinds himself, throws away the engine of God, the imprint of the gods, the map of the kingdoms, the ancient divine boat... what can those magic treasures get to?

It's huge grinding.

Moreover, in this land of extinction, under the great oppression of the law, he is able to better practice martial arts, Qigong Qi Qi Qi changes, this time is obviously a dragon battle tiger, may have to fight with the chief disciple, for himself is a huge catalyst.


Jing Zheng's knife disappeared, but never stopped. His hands changed continuously. An arc of bright light lasered. The knife gas swallowed up. He actually reached dozens of lengths outside. If it was outside, he would have directly cut off the dense and numb fairy realm.

And these hands like a knife, like a mantis, every knife is definitely not wasted. Without cutting Yankee, his true qi immediately retracted, but swept away again.

“This is his qi kung fu, two instruments to repair the Yuan Chopping Knife.” Amnesty remembers.


Yang Qi shook his arms and collided with the flesh and blood of the anti-magic knife. Jing Qi was directly shook back one step, Yang Qi was not moving a tattoo.

This is the power differentiation. Yang Qi's repair has recently made rapid progress. Especially when the Qi has undergone a qualitative change. His Yuan God-minded manipulation of the Divine Elephant Gas has changed considerably. Ghosts are unpredictable, and suddenly strikes, such as the white clouds floating down the mountain, such as the tiger descending, such as the black hole in the universe, such as the ancient Yuan energy...


He pointed out that when they fought back, they fought on the banks of the Blood River, and the rabbit fell, as if two Qigong masters in the world, for example, had swallowed up dozens of strokes of light. If they reached the outside, they did not know how many fairy realms were destroyed.

Yang Qi expanded his long-hearted finger, but infiltrated his own understanding, and changed that long-hearted meaning into a flood beneath the rolling history, spreading it out, sophisticated, exquisitely brilliant, finger and knife colliding, even making a ding-dong sound, Qigong Zhenyuan fighting each other.

The disciples around him even looked surprised, no one expected that this male disciple at the height of his memory was so powerful, and occupied the upper hand. Originally Yang Qi rescued the woman, it was impressive, but people still felt that he could not be the opponent of the chief disciple, but now it seems that he is still above the chief disciple.

The two of them came and went and fought for hundreds of rounds.

There was some anxiety in the heart of the scene, burning in anger: “I practiced a world qi kung fu, ready to dominate, but I didn't expect, randomly come to a kid, just put me in the downwind, this way, I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve the horror level will in the future, okay, let you see, my painstakingly cultivated metamystic method! ”

Now, he shouted again, all the clothes on his body exploded, his upper body naked, showed explosive power, his arms shocked, suddenly countless tattoos on his body surged, these were not dragon snakes, not tigers, but a god, a god the size of a palm, some three heads, six arms, some dozens of heads, three legs, each with a weapon, fierce, powerful means, these gods were all over his body, even on his face, he seemed to blend the gods into the blood veins, once he was lucky, the whole god emerged.

Many angels, surrounded by a punch, worship a space of nothingness, the power of the beliefs of many angels, seem to open this space of nothingness, summon the supreme being, another powerful being beyond the nothingness of the divine realm. Don't know what qigong is?

But the breath of terror came out.

“What? It's a pilgrimage map! Rumor has it, in order to cultivate this Qigong of success, it is necessary to find the skeletal flesh of 10,000 gods, as well as the ruins of divinity, to concentrate with the extremely cruel Pharaoh, and then, once surrendered, sat among the spirits of all gods, attacked by the spirits of all gods without dying, in the end all gods will pilgrimage, calling out ancient divine power from the depths of nothingness.” That Qi Wei was surprised, his torso became even stronger and fierce. He looked at the horrible smell of the scenery and hurried to make a noise. He seemed to have become a little nervous. This person cultivated this qigong, but it was a great threat to him.

“Nice, Chi Wei, you know this Qi Kung, I wouldn't have done it, but this time there is a godliness in this place of extinction, and it is a lot of godliness, these resources, our Peak Lo wants it, whoever dares to rob it, I will shoot him here. On the banks of the Blood River is where he was buried. ”

The roar of the scenery, but the body becomes extremely flexible, with infinite strength but flashing and flying, can drift at any time. Pfft..... he came behind Yankee and punched it down.

Yang Qi backfired his hand, was shocked by two steps, and was secretly shocked. This man's power was really greatly increased, but it was still beneath him, and now it surpassed him. Once he bombarded his body, all sorts of evil gods appeared in the depths of his mind attacking himself. That power of evil is the curse that evil can only produce if it reaches the extreme point.

Boom Lung!

Jingxiang another punch came over.

Yankee exhaled loudly, unfolded his divine power, his hands shook back, many vortexes in his body shook constantly, suddenly erupted strong and horizontal divine power, collided with the past, this is entirely his Qi Kung, not God's engine and the seal of the gods, the power of the Wangdu map.


Two punches struck, Yang Qi's body swayed continuously, while Jing Zheng's body turned back, his feet were spotless, and he pounced again. One punch bombed him, and he reached the extreme.

Yang Qi unfolded the mysterious school in the power of the god township, heaven divine boxing, boxing all collided with this scene, with the real force against the real force, he was going to try, the other party's evil power reached a certain level.

Fist to meat, every punch is a fight, no dodging at all, everyone's mouth is wide open, never expected, Yang Qi is such fierce, revealed the scene of the divine fist, is to call the male in strength and speed, to deal with this kind of divine fist, is to fight with Jock Gang, with soft hard, so hard, can kill each other's pilgrimage?

However, after hundreds of punches in a row, Yankee stood still, like a reef, and the scenery was getting faster and faster, spinning around Yankee, coming from all sides of the tidal attack, each punch contained thrust and pull, the power of bombardment, flash flood, if someone else was changed, it would have been slapped.

Anjin was so secretly worried about Yankee.

“I didn't expect this scene to be so powerful, and I got a surprise encounter. My strength has surpassed me. Unfortunately, the master refused to allow me to practice the seeds of all the fundamental laws of hidden time. Otherwise, my strength would certainly progress. Of course, there is a good chance that I will be able to practice, and I will not be able to advance to the level of terror. The master is thinking about me.” She thought: "If I was in Yankee position now and I was attacked by such a fierce attack, I might have broken my muscle pulse, but I wouldn't have fought so hard in this scene, and naturally I wouldn't have caused this situation. I fought with him, but I could have achieved some success. ”

Then Chi Wei also looked at Yang Qi: “What is this boy doing here? He hasn't been killed yet? ”

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