Sage Emperor

Chapter 964 Seal Changes

“Junior, I ask you, what is your Qi Kung? ”

Mengsu Dance asked again, and went one step further. His whole body Qigong shocked, his power improved, and a vortex appeared behind him. This blow was completely different, fierce and extreme. Yang Qi was secretly shocked, thinking about the broken Famen.

He knew he had not answered for a moment, which made the demon head killer strong again. The demons looked at each other and did not meddle, knowing that this dream demon, Su Dance, most hated people meddling in their own affairs.

“My qi kung fu is self-invented, hands-on, randomly waving, referring to all kinds of miracles, melted in a furnace.” Yang Qi: “So there is no name. As for restraining your qigong, that is, there are other strange encounters. There is a powerful person behind me to teach. If you kill me, hum, I'm afraid you will not escape the pursuit of that powerful person! Even the Horn of Heaven will destroy you! ”

“What good characters?” The look of Mengsu dance moved and stayed, she didn't care about Yang Qi, but this qigong was really too destructive, it was her Kexing, had to hear clearly, lest she really offended the powerful person.

“Dream Su dance, and live there.” The great sage devil said: "Young man, are you not a disciple of the Lord of God? Ruyi Tianjing's work, I am well versed. Even their lord, at best, is to subdue us with powerful energy and will. There will never be such a demonic power. If such power were as the people of Yuyi Tianjing would have, we demons would have had no life. ”

“Young man, tell me about your history.” The middle-aged demon with the book of history said: "Who is behind you, teaching you the power of the unholy god? ”

“It's hard to say, but as soon as I die, the mighty presence behind me will cross the whole surface to reach here, and the tomb will not be able to resist him. All of you will be destroyed. Now I show this demonic power, if you want to blow yourself up, you will not be able to stop me.” Yankee is trying to stall time and make a lot of people throw rat whiskeys.

“Is there really such a powerful presence? ”

Mengsu danced unbelievably and went forward again: “Well, I'll kill you to try. I had some interest in you, but you were stubborn and had to kill you. ”

“Wait a minute.” The great sage sent out a magic light to stop the Mengsu dance: “Mengsu dance, things are clear, this person may also have utilizing value, actually contains this demonic power, it is very helpful for us to open the seal while suppressing the Lord of the Blood River. ”

“Yes…” The Dream Su dance just stayed: “Not bad. How could I forget that? The purpose of our visit is to open the seal and rescue the Lord of the Blood River, but the Lord of the Blood River is not tame and must surrender to him. We have never been able to figure out how to release him and then surrender and turn him into our powerful fighting puppet, and now this teenager may be the solution. ”

“Junior, you still say your origins are good. ”

"Your qi kung fu is amazing, but we can hold you steadily by any one of us, and you don't seem to have the highest facsimile of this qi kung fu yet," said the middle-aged monk demon. ”

“My legacy comes from a future stranger.” Yankee started fighting again with the idea of the evil one: “It was a man of the future world who came to this world, picked me, wanted to charge me as a disciple, and also washed the medulla of my hair, so I practiced this qigong...” He has come to fabricate lies, but how can these demons discern?

is to push everything to Aotian.

These demons may know that the Gods are imprinted on their pride.

“What, the people of the future world, have no demonic powers?” The Great Sage's Fierce Shock: “Is it true, the leader of the future world, that pride has come to this age? When he was on the ancient road, he started a violent storm, and the ancient road law-enforcers were all turned around by him. If this person showed up, it would be a terrible thing, but he was injured then, and now he is afraid that it will not be possible to recover. If we seize the opportunity…..”

In the eyes of the mighty sage there are many evils and conspiracies flashing.

“There is absolutely no question about the arrogance. He was the only one who had that thing. He took it with him, reached the ancient road of the gods, and countless people robbed it, but it was all destroyed by him. The ancient road law-enforcers robbed him. He actually managed to escape, even robbed the head and heart of the Sanskrit God...” Middle-aged literary demons said: “We may be able to…. ”

“Yes! When we take that thing, we can immediately remove the identity of the demon of Hell..." The Monsoo dance also brightened its eyes.

“What will the three of you say?” Yankee asked: “Now that you know the mighty one behind me, guess what! Knowing the man behind me, there's no way to fight. ”

“Humph!” Mengsu snorted coldly: “The man can't really sweep invincible, but he is good at tricks and conspiracies. Do you think it's good that he taught you qi kung fu? Wrong, he would not have believed anyone, even his own son, who had given birth to a son on the ancient road to the gods, but instead used his son to do a great thing, killing him. You think it's a good thing that a woman who wants revenge, instead of killing her, is rescued? ”

“Well, I also know that this man must be treating me like a chess piece.” Yang Qi nodded and smiled in his face, exasperating words, "but would he control me? I've been trying to get rid of this man for a long time, and I want to get the magic treasure from him. It's best to kill him, refine him, and achieve my Godless Gods! ”

“Okay!” the great sage nodded. "That's good, young man. So, how about you work with us? We will not harm your life, we will even continue to strengthen your qigong, it is not impossible even to break you to the level of terror will, then we will join hands to lure the man out, since you are his chess, this chess will definitely play a role, then he will show up, we will kill this man! ”

“Oh, that man I don't believe, you guys I can believe? Didn't you work with the tiger for his skin? What good can I get?” Yankee's face revealed a vigilant divine color.

“Young man, you have no choice. Besides, we want arrogance, not you! And sooner or later, you will be killed by AWESOME. Without the will of the Terror Level, AWESOME will kill you at any time. Only by cultivating the will to reach the Terror Level can you escape the pursuit and even subdue the power in your body.” The devil's great sage said, "What do you say? Young man, will you? Even if you're really good, we can help you move up to the Terror level right now. ”

“Really? How?” Yang Qi's face pretended to be heartbeat: “Once I cultivated the will to reach the horror level, I can truly get rid of control and subdue the power in my body, without learning now, I can take it back whenever I want. ”

“How? Then it depends on whether you want to or not, here is the seal, the Lord of the Blood River about you know, it was on the ancient road of Tongshen, a strong presence, even the law enforcement personnel of the ancient road can not kill him, the seal here is the legacy of the law enforcement personnel of the ancient road, a long time ago, now after the seal has worn away, the repair of the Lord of the Blood River gradually faded, now we want to release him, at the same time, suppress him! Now you have the power to destroy the demons, which is great, but we can do it without demons, we can use you as a furnace, and with this symbol, between the sudden revelations, seal it in your body, so that the Lord of the Blood River and the Gods of the ancient road law-enforcers, and the Gods of the Gods of the Gods, all reach your body, and then we use you as a furnace, to perform the magic, to purify and subdue the Lord of the Blood River, okay? ”

great sage satan.

He proposed an extremely dangerous approach.

“Think of me as a furnace, a seal of the devil, and then you refine it?” Yankee chuckles: “Think of me as a fool? That's fine. What if you refine it with me? ”

“What's in it for us to refine you?” Middle-aged Literary Demon: “To refine you, refine you now. In fact, we are carrying out a magic work called the True Demon One Hundred Million Years without Bad Body, will teach you how to practice first, you will know, this magic work, extremely powerful, to cultivate your body, to cultivate the True Demon One Hundred Million Years without Bad Body, can accommodate everything, of course, with your cultivation, the cultivation of 100 Million Years will not succeed, so many of our demons will instill Qi Power for you, so that you quickly accomplish, after the achievement, seal and the Lord of the Blood River will seal it all in your body, you use your demonic powers to suppress him, we will assist you outside, this way to consecrate, your true demon One Hundred Million will not become bad, internal and external torment! But if you can't stand it, then give up. We can't find someone like that. You're just in time. ”

“True Demon Myriad Tribulations Indestructible Physique? ”

Yang Qi was shocked: “Do you all know this Qi Kung? ”

He does not know how many hell demons he has slaughtered, how many things he knows in hell, and of course he knows in the legend of hell that true demons do not rob bad bodies of terror.

Rumor has it that in the Gods era, there was an extinct demon head, opposed to the gods, the geniuses of heaven, understood the origin of the dark evil, reached the divine realm, made a scene of overturning the heavens, even killed several Supreme Gods, and was finally suppressed. This demon created a power without Qi, that is, the true demon will not rob the bad body.

The so-called "One Thousand Robberies Not Bad” and "One Thousand Robberies Not Worn”.

But this Qigong can't practise success at all. At least Yankee has captured countless hell demons, all of whom have heard of the Qi Kung, but none of whom have practiced.

It's just legend.

“Nice, I'm the wise one in hell, there's this way of documenting it coming down.” The Great Sage devil said: “But few people practice it, I can't even practice it, but I see you meet the conditions. First, your body has been transformed by the arrogance of heaven, and you have a deep ability to restrain the magic, and those who practice this magic, basically can't restrain the magic, and your whole body collapses and dies. Secondly, this ancient road law-enforcer's charm can help you, and thirdly, the Lord of the Blood River seals inside you, and we squeeze each other out, so that you can understand the truth in an instant. Of course, it's also extremely dangerous to exercise your will. Aren't you very powerful at your own expense? Do you dare try? ”

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