Sage Emperor

Chapter 970: Grabbing Sheepskin Rolls

At the depths of Yang Qi's knowledge of the sea, this series of changes is eye-catching, overwhelming, sun and moonless, his knowledge of the sea and body became a battlefield, but fortunately, it became the first sentence of "the true demon shall not destroy the body”, the knowledge of the sea and body is absolutely sturdy, whenever it is to be destroyed, a series of waves of robbery erupted to protect the sea and body.

Otherwise, his mind would have exploded and man would have blown into powder when the four terror-grade wills attacked the battlefield.

The magic of all demons enters his body and begins to transform. According to the Qigong practice of the ten thousand robberies, the first sentence of twelve words, all twelve robberies cultivated successfully.

Once all cultivation was successful, his constitution changed in a special way, and every breath almost broke into the divine realm.

Coincidentally not working.

The structure of the body has become very simple, which is the number of robberies.

Every particle, turned into a robbery. The hell particles are completely different from what they were, but they're even more powerful than the hell particles, and that's the truth about not being evil.

Himself is the number of robberies, inclusive of all robberies. Any robbery in one's body can only yield to one another. It is called the number of robberies, one is the number of robberies. How can a robbery succeed in gaining oneself?

However, Yankee's body changed, and his Lord Yuan God's will was in great shock, dying.

Almost squeezed to the edge of my sea awareness........

He would be submerged at any time under the attack of mankind, like a small boat in a storm, but he merely guarded the will of his Numen, immobilized and transformed into a very small group of beings, hiding in the gaps in the battle, extremely cautious.

In fact, he's all pretending, those dangers. He's waiting for a chance.

Waiting for a chance to shade these horror-level willpower masters.

His current cultivation is not an adversary of terror level will at all. Of course, if you count many magic treasures, you can fight a little, unless you take the sheepskin roll to reach it, rehabilitate the true demon without destroying the body, and enlighten each other perfectly with the power of the Goddess Town. That is the peak of the shock level will, the first one that can counteract the existence of terror level will.

However, he now has a great opportunity because the four masters are fighting and fighting very hard, Yang Qi can clearly feel that the spiritual power of the four masters is constantly depleting, and if it is exhausted and he suddenly strikes, he may not be able to win the final victory.

Victory is often not the strongest, but the most tolerant.

The battle became fiercer and fiercer. In the depths of Yang Qi's Yuan Gods, the waves burst, the will staggered, the three major masters of the Blood River struggle, it was not in the downwind at all. I can see the strength of this magic, and I don't know the extent to which his spiritual scale reached.

Moreover, this man sealed the demon for such a long time, Yang Qi was shocked by the dark, not knowing what the demon was. Fortunately, he merely guarded his will of the Numen God, together with the cultivated True Demons that do not destroy the body, as well as the knowledge demons just seen on the parchment roll, all beside his sense of the Numen God. If the Lord of the Blood River and others want to forcibly refine his sense of the Numen God, they will encounter the strongest counterphage.

The two sides fought so tirelessly.

Suddenly, the seal below sounded out again, and more blood appeared to come up, as if after this battle, the seal was loose again.

The bloodstream mainly runs from the depths.

“Juvenile, quickly refine the seal!” Suddenly, the Great Sage warned violently: "As long as you refine the seal and enter your true demon without destroying the Body Gods, you can seal the Lord of the Blood River again! At the same time, when you have the seal, you can suppress the spiritual power of the Lord of the Blood River. ”

Yang Qi quickly sent out a faint thought: “Great Sage, I was just refined by the Lord of the Blood River as part of the Lord Yuan God, and I can no longer control my body. ”

In fact, he was pretending.

But the great sage was convinced that the Lord of the Blood River was powerful. He felt deeply that it was only natural that Yang Qi's sense of the Numen God had just been seriously injured.

“No problem, we'll help you! ”

In his busy schedule, the Great Sage once again divided his body into an ambitious spiritual ideology and injected it into Yang Qi's main god. Suddenly Yang Qi felt that his sense of the main Yuan god had begun to expand, as if he was about to give birth to something. He was overjoyed, knowing that the Great Sage had fallen for it, and instead increased his spiritual strength.

But he will never let the great sage see it, but suddenly spiritual secrets are practiced.

“Divine Fire! ”

Boom Lung, above the consciousness of his Lord Yuan God, burned out the flame, strong to the extreme, actually burned out part of the blood gas in the sea of knowledge.

The great sage was also a dark surprise, and he felt that things seemed out of control.

“Control your body! ”

Yankee's spiritual flame penetrated into a strip of meridian, and suddenly the whole body began to grow stronger, and he stood up and stamped and tore against the altar.

Suddenly, the huge seal above the altar was ripped off by him, and then many gentle lights flew directly from the seal, and these lights, the size of the eggs, were like pearls of the night, but the light was extremely intense, and the lasers could even penetrate the space.

Divine Spark!

This is the aura of God.

Dozens of gods flew out, Yankee saw them sealed, it was a hive-like disc, of which there were hundreds, but once they were worn out, they were obviously consumed to suppress the Lord of the Blood River, and now dozens of gods were born, all powerful god owners, who arrived to suppress the Lord of the Blood River, who is still dead.

“Come out, Lord of the Blood River, I'll take these gods.” Yang Qi waved his hand and suddenly the divine character entered his body. His Lord Yuan God's will erupted at this moment, and a powerful and powerful divine wind erupted.

“Get the hell out of here and go to my sea of knowledge! ”

He caught dozens of spirits in his hand.

A black hole appeared deep in the Dantian air ocean, and then God's engine flew out, reaching deep into his heart, full of three egg-sized deities, into God's engine.

Knock, knock, knock...

God's engine made an ice-breaking sound, where the light brain was ringing out: “Emperor Infinity System, Level 1, Start, Level 2, Start, Level 3, Start, Level 5, Level 6... ”

In a row, this Emperor Polar Infinity System activated the full seven layers, each with an unparalleled pound of strength, came out from deep in the heart, between moments, the ghost God's unpredictable Qi Gong, directly erupted.

Yang Qi's body could not bear such great power, but he practiced the True Demon Myriad Robbery Unbreakable Body, but could bear it directly.

Between the earthquakes, in his body, all the blood gas was blown away, and then a huge black hole appeared behind him, and a black hole appeared above his head, the imprint of the gods, and he returned to his mind again.

crackle and rattle!

The energy index surged, Yang Qi's explosive power under this, had enough energy index of 6,7,000, deep in the mind the gods imprint just flashed, everyone didn't see clearly what was going on, all the will of the Numen was struck out of the body at once.

Even the Numen of the Lord of the Blood River were directly excluded.

“Hahahahahaha........” Yankee laughed furiously: “Gentlemen, if you want to deal with my arrogance, how can I make you succeed? This piece of my chess has long been firmly in my hands! This sheepskin roll, I take it, you want revenge, come to me in the future world. ”

Yankee's body flew like a big bird.

Grabbing the sheepskin roll in the air, then moving, vanishing immediately, actually directly through the map of kings of the universe, vanishing, no one can catch a trajectory.

He was very insidious, and at the end of the day, he said that he was arrogant. Anyway, he planted it on this body, and it had nothing to do with him. These great experts will also seek revenge from the proud sky, so they can stay out of the way.


This series of changes, even the great sage did not anticipate, he just reacted, the sheepskin roll in the sky has been lost, Yang Qi transformed into a black hole, disappeared in this battlefield, now Yang Qi is extremely powerful, in this battlefield temple, can mobilize part of the power of the Wangtu.

He took the sheepskin roll and managed to escape.

Waiting to become a god, these people can't even beat each other. As for these people, they are now terrible and powerful, and they cannot be dealt with in a single day without reaching the will of the terrible.

Divine character, he also seized, the seal of the ancient road law-enforcers, he also seized, more seized the sheepskin roll, and built the True Demon Myriad Robbery Unbreakable Body.

It was a total victory. He tricked all the characters, and when he left, he blamed Ao Tian.

“Not good...” The Great Sage Demon and others want to chase, but there's nothing they can do about it. I don't know where they went. At this moment, when the seal was broken, an infinite amount of blood filled the entire temple, and then a bloody old man, rising from the depths of the seal, landed in the temple, the Lord of the Blood River appeared.

The great sage and the middle-aged demon monk, the dreamsu dance was all stunned, “Go! ”

They're about to jump up.

“Can you walk?” The Lord of the Blood River's fierce movement, a very strong and horizontal light at once blocked the path of the people, causing the three demons to fall down, "Xuan..... you really compensated the wife and broke the army, was counted once by the arrogant heaven, I didn't expect this arrogant heaven is so powerful, there are so many chess pieces, there are his shadows everywhere. ”

“Lord of the Blood River, why are you so hard on us when we are all in arrogance? Though your strength may be strong, fighting with the three of us may not necessarily kill us, knowing the will of the terror class, immortality.” The great sage drank violently.

“Yes, Lord of the Blood River, we murdered you without success, everything can be undone, now you and our war, if two defeats are wounded, let the people of Ruyi Tianjing know, lean into the nest, capture and seal us all, refine, and then regret it.” The middle-aged Literary Demon also said.

“Pfft...” Lord of the Blood River said: "If I don't kill you, I can, in a word, be my subordinate! Together we build the Unstoppable Demon Sect! ”

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