Sage Emperor

Chapter 982: Evil God Great Black Flame

Evil God Great Black Flame.

The bears burned, and on Yankee's body, crackling and rattling, as if the wood had been burned apart. Everyone was frightened, but he seemed to have nothing to do with it. Between the wind and the little leader, the wind did not fall.

The two are the best of the ancient road law-enforcers, the one is the owner of the unparalleled encounter, are the peak of the shocking will. Between the two sides, repair can almost break everything. The magic trick even carried out, so that many experts of the horror level will have learned a lot, let alone some disciples of Yuyi Tianzong.

Ten moves will soon pass.

Yang Qi lived as a dragon, did not fall out of the wind, and there seemed to be a tendency to be included in his body, gradually extinguishing into the skin for a strip of black snake.

Everyone present raised a concern that the great black flame of the evil god had changed again, burrowed into his body and burned the meridian, and the battle continued for a long time, and he would surely encounter the fate of the dead.

In fact, the great black flame of this evil god is indeed a small leader who is making changes, but the more this happens, the more he can be subjugated to Yankee's body meridian.

“Ten moves, you can support ten moves in front of me, beneath the horror of will Brother, since ancient times, you are the first person, ancient and present, can be proud.” After ten tricks, the little leader became more fierce, suddenly changed, more fierce, seemed to have gained his true strength, the evil great black flame is increasingly fierce, concentrated.


The black flames burning behind the bears caused the space and the ground to crack inches, and everyone present heard the Fire of the Wind, scattering the intense heat on all sides.

Gu Gung.

A disciple could not bear it. He fell down like wood, scorched black, and was sucked away by the invisible forces in the flame all the spiritual gods, and died of fate.

“Quickly back off, disciple without terror will, back off!” When the Patriarch gave the order, he moved with his hands, and throughout the welcoming hall, the laws of space became tighter, so that the power of the two men to fight would no longer spread.

Everyone saw the evil god big black flame so fierce, all changed color, worried for Yang Qi, even some terror-grade elders felt that they were really not sure in the face of evil god big black flame, absolutely impossible like Yang Qi, let the evil god big black flame burn on their bodies and maintain the fierce fighting power.

“Black Flame Ten Mutants! ”

The little leader raised the power of his evil god Big Black Flame to the limit, the whole black flame suddenly stretched in his palm, turned into a long gun, a single stab came, between the gun tip shock, the cold star point, it was all meteor rain.

Yang Qi's torso rolled over, a big python turned over, and he actually pressed the evil god's long gun with his torso. He punched him, shook in the air, and hit the yellow dragon directly.

“Hey, hey!” The little leader laughed, his body retracted, and the evil god in his hand suddenly turned into a long serpent, wrapped around him, tied Yang Qi's body, hunted and wielded.


Yang Qi shouted and whistled, but the black-fired serpent also swelled as his body swelled and his power grew stronger. Everyone was terrified, knowing that Yang Qi had been restrained, it was difficult to get away.

With the power of the evil god Black Flame, a little bit of contamination reaches your body, you will die directly, let alone the Black Flame Snake?

“Six seals, Heaven and Earth Demon! ”

The little leader reached directly behind Yankee and suddenly slapped him out. His palms changed at various ends, and countless seals were directly covered. Yankee seals were to be sealed.

crackle and crackle... these sealers wrap Yankee around them.

“Die!” The small leader shook his seal in the palm of his hand, passing his strength into it. Everyone was horrified to know that Yankee was going to die.

“Master!” Amnesty is like the main road to that little girl's memory.

“Not in a hurry, winning or losing is still unknown, this Yankee is not so easy to lose, he cultivated an extremely powerful refinery, his body almost reached the body of the immortal, the evil god big black flame is really powerful, I can't even harden, but this person inhaled the body, definitely taking this opportunity to cultivate.” The little girl sees it perfectly.

Yankee is indeed taking this opportunity to cultivate.

He sucked the great black flame of the evil god into his body. The great black flame of a long serpent-like evil god wandered through the meridians, destroying the meridians, but he could not destroy the true demon without destroying the body. The great black flame of the evil god was built by the ancient evil god, but the power was infinite, but it could not be overwhelmed by ten thousand robberies without destroying the body.

A hijacking wave shook out of his body.

Myriad robberies alone do not destroy the body, but cannot subdue the great black flame of the evil god, but there is also the power of the god township. The Qigong of the Seventy-Two Journalists, the three-legged Qigong, at this moment, was run to the extreme by Yang Qi, with his own strength, facing the invasion of the great black flame of the evil god, is enjoying a huge feast of joy.

The invading evil god Big Black Flame Snake Qi, a piece of broken Qi, was hanged together by the three true Qi Qi, and then merged into it, while Yang Qi's flight inspired the true demon not to destroy some other robbery Qi Gong in the body, and was cultivating a new font, the font, “positive”, to suppress the demon.

This orthodox word, also a robbery number, to restrain the devil in the right direction, the great robbery, slowly brewing in Yang Qi's body, countless fonts, began to spread, and agglomerate, those evil gods big black flames surrendered, to quench the flames of the body, so that the true demon robbery does not harm the body once again came out of the number of robberies, one robbery wave.

Body is strong and horizontal again.


In the seal, he punched out, the whole seal exploded directly, the whole person seemed to be a tiger rushing out of the seal, the giant black snake wrapped around his body, he grabbed it in his hand, whistled violently, then gradually shrunk, and swallowed into his body.

La la la la la la la la la...

Yankee sprayed black smoke all over his pores. These black smokes are impurities. They are the cultivation of the true demon, the immortality of the body. They get a lot of fine blood energy from the devil. There are a lot of impurities in these elegant blood, making his immortality wave a little erratic, but now it's all tightened up.

“Thank you little leader for your evil great black flame, which made my qi kung, reached a pinnacle, quenched my body, and raised me to the extreme. ”

Yang Qihaha laughed and shook back the little leader with one punch.

“Wait a minute!” The little leader said fiercely: “You are the king of Hell, the supreme Qi Kung Fu in Holy Hyung Hell, the true Demon Wan does not rob the body, how can you cultivate success? This Qi Gong cultivation needs a handbook scroll without a real demon, and a three-lifed stone is needed as an aid. Countless practitioners of this Qi Gong have been dead for many generations. How many words have you practiced because it's impossible to succeed? Hand over the scroll. ”

Boom Lung..............

At this point, it was like a fryer. Many people looked at Yang Qi. Unexpectedly, this person actually practiced this invincible qi kung fu, but it was also a dead end. Many people looked at him and showed a regrettable divine color, practiced this qi kung fu, no one practiced it successfully in ancient times.

The deeper many of the great sages cultivate, the deeper the exorcism.

On the ancient road of Tongshen, a demon cultivated to the extent of dozens of robberies, dozens of words, and ended up in fire, shattered and left no dust behind.

“What? If someone can't practice, I can't practice?” Yang Qi's faint words did not mean that the revelations were much better than the Gods' imprints relative to this Qi Gong. Because a successful qigong is unlikely to be practiced, human relativity snatches smaller.

“Hand it over!” Little leaders said, "This evil thing should not remain in the world, and our ancient road law-enforcers should destroy it. ”

“What, little leader, are you going to regret what you said?” The Patriarch suddenly said: "You said that as long as I fight with the disciples of Tianjing, if I lose, I will let you handle it. If I win, I will leave immediately, and it will never be difficult for us to do so again. ”

“Humph!” said the little leader fiercely: "Naturally, I won't break my word, but I'll kill this man and still be able to take his parchment. ”

Between the words, the little leader moved his body and came up without any tricks. Five fingers were hooked, and another method door was changed. There were shadows everywhere, and the killing tactics were sharp.

“Now you want to kill me? Are you out of your mind?” Yang Qi smiled coldly: “I'm here to defeat you, and let you take out a hundred gods as a offering of compensation! ”

At this moment, Yang Qi practiced word for word, fixing to double. Almost every move has a robbery wave of immortality, breathing and spitting, such as the Yangtze River, rolling over, swallowing the will of Tianling Cloud, the oil comes alive.

Once again, the bodies of the two men crossed each other, beating each other every move, the danger was circular, the small leader was the general qi kung fu again, reached a limit, the boxing shock of the two men, unrivalled, the sun and moon circle, the heavens staggered.

This big fight, you came and went to me, it was wonderful, you actually reached a thousand moves away, the rabbit is falling, Yang Qihaha laughed: “A thousand moves, little leader, 50 moves are no longer shadow, but you can't do anything about me, let me do you now! ”

“Motherfucker!” The little leader is also angry at this time, he never expected, Yang Qi is so powerful, according to the logic, even if he practiced the true demon, even if he can't rob the body, but this qi kung fu has huge defects, he will not be ashamed, but now the other party has no defects, every move comes out, the physical body is indestructible, and his true qi is consumed as soon as he enters it.

He did not know that the true demon robbery did have a defect. Without the smelting of the three lifestones, it was impossible to cultivate to reach the culmination point, but because the power of Goddess Town made up for this defect, Yang Qi could cultivate to the culmination point as long as he continued to practise two or two.


“Let me give you a try, my other door is unscrupulous, ancient road law-enforcers are out of school, the universal ruling honors the atmosphere!” He finally began to develop the Qigong of ancient road law-enforcers.

A huge scepter of judgment, like a sky pole, rose up behind him.

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