Sage Emperor

Chapter 986: No alternative

The deeper the tomb, the bigger the fairy realm on the tunnel, even further ahead, 300, 400, 500... A thousand levels of fairy kingdom will appear.

The mausoleum of the tomb, as if it were a universe, where people could not feel the tomb, unless it was cultivated to reach the realm of the Emperor, so that they could approximately know that the universe in which they lived was a mausoleum. Infinite, vast, with myriad powers, myriad artifacts, treasures.

Now, four ancient road law-enforcers and small leaders landed in this 120-class immortal realm, the Sect Linli, the country, at a glance at the past, countless sects are being built, fighting each other, it is obviously a complete world, these sects, almost first-class, second-class sects, among them the largest, are not under the Xuan Ji Dao sect.

Among them, the Patriarch is also a super expert, with an energy index of over 2,000 characters.

But with the small leader, the ancient road law-enforcers could not even compare. When this group landed in this position, it was a pause. However, it did not alarm the sect and reached directly to a scenic peak.

The 120-class fairy kingdom is huge, it's full of different landscapes, even space faults, and it's a very troublesome thing to explore.

Little leaders and ancient road law-enforcers don't care about this. They just came here to force Yang Qi, the struggle of the sects and their infinity, can't even see them. At this moment, they are like a group of humans passing beneath a tree, they see ants fighting on the ground, they visit when they are in a good mood, if they are in a bad mood, they directly step on them all.

This one hundred and twenty levels of fairy kingdom Zongmen did not feel at all that there came a big character, his life and death were all in the hands of the big man. This is the sadness of the little figures, who do not know when they will be slaughtered by the big ones they do not know, lose their lives and perish for no reason.

Yankee sees all of this, and she sighs in her heart. She sees those characters for herself. They're small characters, like ants, but why don't you try them yourself?

There must be a more powerful figure, secretly observing everything, a bad eye, pinching himself?

It's hard to say, the only way is to keep getting stronger and stronger, becoming the most powerful person, dominating the lives and deaths of others. Manipulation of all Heavenly Dao laws, invincible, is the right path.

On the mountain peak, the sky breezes, the wind and sunshine, beneath the mountain peak is an endless prairie, equals the immortal realm, directly to the end of the heavens and the earth, the level 120 immortal realm view is not too good.

Little leaders are not in the mood to appreciate the scenery.

His eyes suddenly grabbed Yankee's ancient road law-enforcer and sealed it. Yankee's body was all a seal, making his true qi completely immobile. Seeing this, the little leader relaxed his heart and walked to Yankee: “Boy, you can't believe you fell into my hands? ”

“How could the ancient road law-enforcers be so despicable?” Yang Qi bluntly said, his face was calm and nothing like that. He was not afraid of what the little leader would do to him. Instead, he was relaxed and said slowly: “You and I have tried to beat each other, and have used mean means to catch me. What do you want? ”

“Not so good. Hand over that real demon's undamaged skin roll.” Little leader said: "I just searched your body up and down. There's no sign of the roll at all. Where did you hide him? Don't make me do this. Fa, invade your sea of knowledge? In that way, you will suffer indelible damage to the Numen God of the Sea, and you will never be able to advance to the level of Terror. ”

“You can't cultivate success. What do you need him for? ”

Yang Qi's gaze flickered.

“Who says I can't practice?” The Little Leader floats: “How we ancient road law-enforcers exist, what treasures do not exist, just deep in our treasure trove, there is that untouchable treasure, the existence of a three-lifed stone, although a small piece, but enough to make me a true demon and rob my body. This robbery will not destroy the body and my evil god, the Great Black Flame, cooperate, fight with each other, invincible, the world is mine, those who want to finally compete with me for the King of the Law Enforcers, all will die! Die! ”

“Where is it so easy?” Yankee laughed: “In that case, I can't give you the sheepskin roll any more. ”

“Really? Fine, I'll let you try torture that you can't live and die for!” The little leader came up, pointing a finger over Yankee's head, and suddenly black gas burst into it, and the energy kept spiraling in, making a buzzing sound, "a kind of torture called eating your heart finger, penetrating into your body, eating your heart, anything you can do will make you feel painful. ”

Between the words, the little leader contiguously sickened, on Yang Qi Zhou Big Cave, constantly poured in qi gong, etched his heart finger, wanted to see Yang Qi's painful convulsion.

But he was disappointed, and no matter how he applied criminal law, Yankee's face was a faint smile: “Is that what ecstasy means? Too disappointing, pathetic, trying to force something out of my body, it's just delusional. ”

“What's going on? ”

The little leader looked surprised and looked at the past with his naked eyes and was able to see through everything. It was obvious that his eclectic fingers caused the worst damage in Yankee's body, even deep into the other person's heart, which melted his heart with every drop.

But the smile appeared on Yankee's face, as if it was not his body at all, and as if his body had no sense of pain.

“The more I have fixed the true demon, the better it will be, the more Qi Gong you put on my body, the more punishment I will encounter, which is the number of robberies, but will sharpen me and make my sincerity even more elevated.” Yang Qi said faintly.

“Humph! I am not ashamed to say it. In that case, this seat has personally carried out a great search for the soul and grabbed your sense of the Numen!” Boom! A very strong and transcendent mindset bombed down, the will of the little leader, went deep into Yang Qi's sea of knowledge, and suddenly found that the other party's sea of knowledge was empty, nothing?

That surprise is no small matter.

The little leader's face revealed a strange divine color.

“What's the matter? Little leader.” A strong ancient road enforcer asked hastily.

“Weird, deep in his knowledge of the sea, there is no sense of the Numen, empty, the whole person is a corpse.” Little leaders are resourceful and vicious, but it's almost foolish to see this.

“Let the men try it.” This ancient road law-enforcer stepped over, pressed one hand over Yankee's head, fiercely typed his own horrible will, and suddenly the mighty will came to Yankee's sea of awareness, and saw the entire sea of knowledge, really empty, nothing.

“Boy, if you don't show your sense of the Lord God, this seat will blow up your sea of knowledge!” This ancient road law-enforcer is fierce.

But no voice answered him, as if Yankee had left this body.

Boom Lung!

Finally, this ancient road law-enforcer couldn't stand it. The powerful terror-grade will hit this Yang Qi Hai, but Yang Qi Ming Hai did not move, and could not be broken at all. No matter how this ancient road law-enforcer carried out his own will, he couldn't blow up Yang Qi Hai, he was like an ant, facing a recalcitrant stone, unable to shake.

“What an evil door..." At this moment, this ancient road law-enforcer also did not know what state Yang Qi was in right now, and said to the little leader: “Little leader, why don't you just cut off this kid's arm and use the sword back. ”


The little leader grabbed it out with one hand, a fierce sword.


The revolutionary sword was slaughtered on Yang Qi's body, and the sound of the clash of metal was emitted. Mars shot all over it, but found that Yang Qi's body was not damaged at all.

“What's going on? ”

The little leader was astonished: "Can't even the Sword of God break his body in a round? ”

“Little leader, let me.” A powerful ancient road law-enforcer, the owner of the terror-grade will fiercely said, “I will mobilize the divine power to kill this boy! ”

Between the words, he grabbed Yang Qiling and threw him up, which was a punch. The punch was clear, and the Dao punch exploded. The bombardment like thunderous rage hit Yang Qi's body, making Yang Qi's body rotate like a rotten meat pocket. But every palm, every punch reached Yankee's body, and it seemed to make his body make an iron-like sound, the stronger the iron and steel, the stronger the fight.

Ding, ding, ding, ding...

Every punch of this ancient road law-enforcer has tremendous destructive power, but it just can't destroy Yang Qi's body. Yang Qi as a whole seems unconscious, let the law-enforcer punch, kick, anyway, body motionless, will not destroy.

“The Evil Gate, indeed, is the Evil Gate..." At this moment, several other ancient road law-enforcers also frowned: “Is this the immortality of the Magnificent Body? ”

“Attacking his gut, I just applied ecliptic fingers, destroying the meridians and heart in his body.” The little leader drank violently: “His true demon did not destroy his body, only superficially strong and weak inside, he practiced more than a dozen words, and did not practise Qigong to the inside through the pulse sea. ”


This ancient road law-enforcer fiercely developed an internal qigong, lucky as a needle, penetrated Yang Qi's internal meridian, five dirty six hearts, deep in the Dantian Qi Hai.

Between moments, Yang Qi's body, strange changes occurred again, the true qi of this ancient road law-enforcer stimulated deep into his internal organs, between the meridians, it seemed to encounter something, directly absorbed, melted, even the original small leader's eclipse finger destroyed his meridians, also an illusion, eclipse the power of the heart finger, all absorbed by the heart, instead became the energy of the heart.

By intuition, this ancient road law-enforcer felt that after a fierce punch and kick, his true qi destroyed his gut, and his soul attacked the sea of knowledge. Instead of destroying Yang Qi's body, he hammered his body for him.

The fluctuations are stronger and stronger in Yankee's body.

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