Sage Emperor

Chapter 991: Imprisoning Heavenly Prisons

After all that he had done, the little leader had nothing to do with Yankee.

Yang Qi's body, which is a vajra, can't be broken, can't be broken, can't corrode, can't destroy, can't even destroy the sea of knowledge, even some terror-grade law-enforcers, didn't see such a powerful body, thinking that this "true demon robbery does not destroy the body” is really too powerful.

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In fact, the Myriad Robbery is not as powerful as the body, but they see this magic, but it is getting hotter and hotter, and they are not discouraged by the inability to do anything about Yankee, because the stronger Yankee is, the more representative they can cultivate this Qi Gong.

Anyway, Yankee fell into their hands. Whatever it takes, it can force Qi Gong out of the way, only for a short time.

A few months later, the little leader looked at Qigong as Yang Qigong was getting deeper and deeper. “It's been a few months since I tortured you, aren't you afraid? Wouldn't you really give me the parchment? ”

“In the past few months, you've done everything you can to make these robberies more successful, and I don't believe you can do more to destroy my body? ”

Yankee still had a faint smile, but in the last few months, when his strength had progressed dramatically, the energy index had reached 5,000, or even had to reach 6,000 degrees, but the further back, the energy index needed to be dramatically modified with every little increase.

Had it not been for the past few months, the little leader, in spite of everything to harm Yang Qi, had used many ancient road law-enforcers strangely powerful things, what poison, fiery fire, Shenlei... If these things, Yang Qi himself practiced, he would never have been able to cross the limit, to reach this realm now, good thing now the practice succeeded, although it is still difficult to get rid of these people's control, but there is absolutely no danger to life.

In his body, the Emperor had no great skill, and practiced to reach the fifth level. It was definitely not as simple as increasing the power by one and a half stars. Compared to when he fought with Little Leader in Ruyi Tianjing, he did not know how much more powerful, nothing needed to be done. Now he can kill Little Leader at that time in seconds.

Even though he suspected that the Lord of Mount Dawei would be struck by his palm, it was not difficult to defeat each other.

Completely enough to counteract the terror level and even to hurt the general terror level. If there was only one terrorist expert on the scene to watch him, he could make all kinds of changes and escape, but now there are enough seven terrorist experts to block his path, which is very scary, especially the four terrorist strong ones, extremely powerful, beyond the ordinary terrorist level, not the kind of spiritual scaling system upgraded by Yi Tianzong.

This makes it difficult for Yankee to escape.

Fortunately, he didn't want to escape either, but to continue to “suffer” and practice Qi Kung.

“You!” said the little leader anxiously: "Why don't you hand him over to the king of our people, who will surely have a way to deal with him. ”

“Never!” The ghost hastily said: “Little leader, this man is so strong and difficult to hurt, it is already our biggest secret. In fact, he will practise like this, sooner or later he will go into the demon. At that time, when the blossom comes, we can stop him by the mechanism. ”

“Nice, little leader. What good can this man bring us to King? He could only study himself, and sooner or later, when he had his own fire into the devil, and no third stone inhaled his hijacking, he would go into the devil.” Another powerful law-enforcer said: "Of course we should keep it! And keep it a secret. ”

“But look at this man with a light cloud, it's really disgusting.” The little leader actually said the same tone, of course he understands that studying Yankee, forcing the sheepskin roll out is the best thing, he thought about it for a while and seemed to be cleaning up his mind: “Boy, aren't you really afraid of fire? ”

“Afraid!” Yang Qi said: "Naturally! But you won't let me die, and then I'll go crazy, and naturally you'll save me with three lifestones. ”

“Nice game, if you will.” The little leader is a knot of air, but then he sneered: “The next time you practice like this, you'll be out of your mind sooner or later... you won't be able to do it, I'll take the opportunity to completely control you, now it's too late to say it, if you really wait for me to make up my mind, it's too late. ”

“Whatever.” Yankee waved her hand, still smiling on her face.

“Well, this is your own way of dying, but no wonder of me.” Little leaders said: "You, push him into heaven, into the deepest cells of the gods, with the wicked! ”

“What?” Several ancient road law-enforcers were shocked: “Little Leader, what's the idea? The evil god was the one who took it down because of the hard work of my king. Let him come into contact with this boy... What if the Evil Gods beckon him to kill him? ”

“Oh… ”

Then a man screamed, “Little leader smart, we can't let the evil god hereditary kill him, even if the evil god hereditary can't kill him, kill his body, can assist him in cultivation, so that he can quickly improve, breathe heavier and heavier, then fire into demons! ”

“Nice, that's what I'm fighting for. These people, we bombarded this man, wasted a lot of real qi, and then bombarded him again. I didn't see any results. Let the evil god's messenger deal with him. Anyway, one move and two gains, both weaken the evil god's messenger's true qi and avoid wasting our spirit. In the meantime, I'll go to the library to find the classics and see what I can do to deal with this man, while taking the third birthstone into my hands! You are helping me to become a spiritual deviant! ”

“What? Little Leader, you are going to practise spiritual transfer. This is the art of recklessness, taboo. You can only do it once in your life. Once you do it, you will no longer be able to do spiritual transfer.” A law enforcement officer is astonished: “How much effort has your body taken? ”

“My body is strong, but is it stronger than this boy's?” The little leader said, "When this kid goes mad! So I seized the house, broke the shackles, and plundered all his spirit. ”

“Good idea, once this body has been taken away, the little leader is invincible and will become a true emperor among my people.” The ghosts nodded.

Between them, Yankee's six-mindedness has been sealed off. Yankee can't hear what they're saying, but it doesn't matter, it's soldiers who will stop the water to cover the earth.

Shortly afterwards, Yang Qi felt that the seven top hands lifted themselves up, walked through the curved passage, and reached another place. Then the cold smell of steel in this place came, and the cold wind was blowing on all sides. The enormous law of oppression made it impossible for horror class masters to fly.

The surrounding space is almost as unbreakable as crystalline steel. It has a horrible smell, diffuse deep in the void, intense resentment, and shouting everywhere. The place does not know how many people have died.

“Where is this place? ”

All of a sudden, Yankee eyes lit up, the senses of the six senses were lifted, and suddenly she saw herself in a shady, horrible prison. This prison, the pitch-heisen, seemed to be made of steel. Some steel rooms rang out the sound of shackles. Occasionally, hysterical screams were transmitted, making people creepy, and Yankee heard them. Those screams were sent out by horror experts, that is, this is a huge prison, deep inside the prison, holding horror strong people.

The cell was endless, went to its deepest depths, screamed more and more, and seemed to be a powerful lunatic going mad.


A killing gas rushed out of the cell, the ghost had a fierce move, a huge shield evolved in front of his body, the killing gas bombarded the shield, the inch tortoise cracked, he spit out: “The lunatics in the deeper part of the day are getting crazier and crazier, they should kill a bunch, otherwise riot - moving, it's hard to suppress. ”

“Riot? They could not escape from the heavenly prison. What this day prison is, is where my ancient road law-enforcers specialize in imprisoning masters, what the gods gave them in ancient times, has never happened once in all these years.” Another Ancient Road Law Enforcement Officer arrives, "put the boy in jail and say," Forgive him, he can't escape, we're ahead! "”

Everyone immediately looked forward and found it to be a well.

Above the well, the dense numbness is all sealed, and there are many big stamps repressed on each one. On top, a large mirror is built, the star dots in the mirror seem to be transformed by the power of divinity, such as the blood ju sand on which the dragon snake dances, and at first glance it is known that it is repressing the extinct demons.

“Careful, we open this cell door a little bit. Although it was suppressed and heavily sealed, the breath leaked a little bit, not much. ”

“We understand that! ”

Now, the seven masters walked to the well, read the spell, and suddenly unveiled one of the symbols, Boom Lung Lung, Boom Lung Lung!!!! Immediately, the sound of a volcano erupted, and a black hole opened.

“Drop it! ”


Everyone threw Yankee away immediately, seemed to have caused something below, a black flame flushed up to turn into a firedragon, burning against everyone!

Everyone's face suddenly changed dramatically, suddenly pushed out a hand, huge power combined, suppressed the flame, but the flame black dragon still vibrated, the nourishing black flame, burned the real breath of the people as if it smelled like leather.


One of the ancient road law-enforcers moved all over his body and was slightly contaminated with black flames, causing pain to scream. Fortunately, he brought medicine and hurried out Manna before extinguishing the flame. Others forced the Black Flame Dragon into the bottom of the well and closed the seal again.

Everyone took a big breath: “Finally finished, I didn't expect the evil god's heir to be blockaded for so long, there is such a great power, will the boy die if he enters? ”

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