Sage Warrior

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

sage warrior

-1 Volume 1

Episode 0. Awakening

And today was such a bad day for Jung Daesik.

While the body of the slime was being loaded onto the cart, the body fluid splashed on a passing hunter.

The opponent was a female hunter who looked similar to Jung Daesik.

She was wearing new-looking armor all over her body.

She was furious with Jung Daesik that she had dirty her freshly prepared armor.

She was a joke for Jung Daesik.

Well, what a great piece of defense.

At first glance, the armor was considered cheap.

Of course, even if it was cheap, it would cost hundreds of millions of dollars, but anyway, if you were to wear expensive armor, you wouldn’t even be holding a slime.

In a nutshell, Jung Daesik was an insignificant writer.

However, when he complained that some slime fluid was splashed on that sloppy armor, he couldn’t help but feel bad.

But who is Jung Daesik?

He was a person who could give out both the liver and the gallbladder in front of money.

As usual, he was the one who believed that money was the best, so Jung Daesik did not hesitate to bow down.

And he groaned and said,

“Oops, I’m sorry. I made a mistake… I’ll wipe it right away!”

Jung Daesik tried to wipe the body fluids off the woman’s armor with the towel he was wearing around his neck.

But that was the issue.

“No, where are you touching now?”

Perhaps he misunderstood Jung Daesik’s behavior in a strange way, the woman shouted and pushed him away.

And she raised her hand high as if to strike Jung Daesik right away.

Jung Daesik closed his eyes, thinking of just getting a hit.

Then he waited for his lightning to fall, but there was no response.

When I opened my eyes, wondering what had happened, everything was white.

‘And I heard a voice.’

Jung Daesik reflected carefully what had happened in the divine space.

‘I thought it was a dream because I said nonsense to pay money, but it wasn’t?’

It was absolutely unbelievable.

‘Is that really the voice of God?’

He still shuddered in a dubious feeling.

“You mean I woke up?”

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